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1、毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译毕业设计(论文)题目光纤型梳状滤波器的研究和设计翻译(1)题目基于一个高双折射光纤双Sagnac环的可调谐多波长光纤激光器翻译(2)题目可调谐全光纤双折射梳状滤波器学 院通信工程专 业通信工程姓 名班 级学 号指导教师译文一:基于一个高双折射光纤双Sagnac环的可调谐多波长光纤激光器王天枢,缪雪峰,周雪芳,钱胜杭州电子科技大学通信工程学院,中国杭州,310018作者通讯:tianshuw2011年12月12日接受;2012年2月21日校订;2012年2月21日完成;2012年2月22日通告(Doc. ID:159647);2012年3月28日出版我们提出并证明了一

2、个基于双光纤Sagnac环的可调谐多波长光纤激光器。使用琼斯矩阵分析了单个和两个Sagnac环梳状滤波器的特性。模拟结果显示两个Sagnac环的可调谐性和可控性比单个环的更好,这个结论也被实验结果所确认。通过调整偏振控制器和保偏光纤的长度,可实现波长范围、波长间隔和激光线宽的调谐。实验结果表明多波长光纤激光器输出激光的线宽为0.0187nm和光学边模抑制比为50dB。美国光学学会 2012OCIS 编码:060.3510, 140.3600, 060.2420, 120.57901引言工作在波长1550nm附近的多波长光纤激光器已经吸引了许多人的兴趣,它可以应用于密集波分复用(DWDM)系统,




6、进入耦合器并被耦合器平均分成两束。这两束反向传播的光束在环中重新耦合。由于PMF的高双折射影响,光束在两个轴(快轴和慢轴)上出现相位差。因此,当光通过PMF时会产生一个角度偏差,通过PC时会产生另一个角度偏差。当反向传播过一个光纤环后,两束光束在耦合器上干涉。Sagnac环的输出特性可以用Jones矩阵分析。PMF的Jones传播矩阵可以描述为: (1)这里的是光在快轴和慢轴传播相同距离所产生的相位差,L是PMF的有效长度,是波长,是两个轴的有效折射率差。还有,和是快轴和慢轴的有效折射率指数。因为当光传播通过一个PC时偏振角偏转为,通过PC的透射光束的Jones矩阵可以描述为:(2)端口1的入

7、射光电矢量为,端口2的入射光电矢量为(=0)。被耦合器分成和。设为通过PC和PMF的光学矢量,为通过PC和PMF的光学矢量。因此,和相干叠加后在端口1反射,在端口2透过: (3)端口1的入射功率为,反射功率为。端口2的反射功率为。透射率为: (4)这个说明单Sagnac环的透射率与偏振偏转角度和两个轴的相位差有关。正如图2的模拟结果所示,PMF长度越大,滤波周期越短和滤波带宽越窄。但是,周期和带宽不能单独调谐。另外,PMF双折射率越高,滤波周期越短和滤波带宽越窄。对双Sagnac环来说,在两个Sagnac环之间安装一个光纤隔离器可以消除反射光。因此,双环的透射率可以描述为: (5)很明显,双S

8、agnac环的透射率与长度或者基于Eq(5)两段PMF的折射率差有关。其次,滤波周期和带宽分别由一段较短的PMF和一段较长的PMF决定,输出激光可以通过单独调整PC状态和PMF长度进行调谐。在双Sagnac环结构中,两段PMF长度分别为2m和1m,模拟结果如图3(a)所示。图中我们能看到滤波周期在变而滤波带宽不变。保持一个Sagnac环中的PMF为2m长不变,图3(b)表明改变另一个Sagnac环中较长PMF(2m)的长度可以改变滤波带宽但使滤波周期不变。因此,使用双Sagnac环光纤激光器可以实现波长间隔和带宽独立调谐。图1 (a)基于双Sagnac高双折射光纤环干涉仪的可调谐多波长光纤激光

9、器(b)Sagnac干涉环图2 (彩色线)单Sagnac环的透射率谱图3 (彩色线)双Sagnac环的透射率谱 (a)线宽不变时的可调谐滤波器的周期(b)周期不变时的可调谐滤波器的线宽3实验及结果在实验中,隔离器1的作用是确保光单向传播和降低噪声。掺铒光纤的长度,截至波长,数值孔径和在1530nm附近的峰值吸收分别为12m,960nm,0.23,7dB/m。PMF的长度为5m和2m,双折射拍长小于5.0mm。泵浦光功率为300mW,我们使用一种光谱分析仪(AQ6370B)监视输出激光。根据模拟结果可以得出改变短PMF长度可以调谐滤波周期,滤波器中所有的传播光会产生多个激光。由于增益谱平坦度和偏



12、1nm。另外,如图7(b)所示,我们可以观察到用2m长的短PMF时波长间隔为1.79nm。根据模拟和实验的结果,波长间隔随着短PMF长度增大而变小但带宽保持不变。根据模拟结果,激光器线宽可以通过改变长PMF的长度进行调谐。如图8(a)所示,当两段PMF长度为1m时能观察到0.036nm的3dB线宽;如图8(b)所示,当长PMF为5m时能观察到0.0187nm的3dB线宽。实验结果表明了激光线宽随着长PMF长度增大而变小但波长间隔保持不变。因此,模拟结果图3(b)已经用实验结果证实。峰值线宽越小,光纤激光器的抗环境干扰能力越弱,但抖动起伏小于0.02nm。图4 (彩色线)多波长光纤激光器的输出光

13、谱 (a)三波长激光光谱 (b)10分钟内重复检测输出光谱图5 多波长激光输出光谱 (a)短波长带 (b)长波长带(c)整个C波段图6 可调谐波长间隔在输出激光光谱 (a)波长间隔为2.82nm (b)波长间隔为1.76n m图7 改变短PMF长度的输出多波长激光器光谱 (a)1m长的短PMF(b)2m长的短PMF图8 改变长PMF长度的输出多波长激光器光谱 (a)1m长的长PMF (b)2m长的长PMF4结论我们提出并证明了基于双Sagnac环的可调谐多波长环型EDF激光器。通过Jones矩阵分析了单个和两个Sagnac环梳状滤波器的特性。模拟结果表明双Sagnac环比单Sagnac环具有更

14、好的可调谐性和可控性。3dB的输出激光的线宽测量为0.0187nm,SMSR为50dB。通过调整两个PC可以观察到大范围可调谐多波长光纤激光器的输出,能够实现稳定输出峰值的波长最大数目是6个。改变短PMF长度可以调谐波长间隔而不改变线宽;改变长PMF长度可以独立调谐激光线宽。我们由衷地感谢中国自然科学基金的支持(项目号6907020)。5、参考文献1. A. E. H. Oehler, S. C. Zeller, K. J. Weingarten, and U. Keller,“ Broad multiwavelength source with 50 GHz channel spacing

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25、itchable and tuneable multisavelength Er-doped fibre ring laser using Sagnac filters,” Laser Phys. 20, 720725 (2010).外文原文一:Tunable multiwavelength fiber laser basedon a double Sagnac HiBi fiber loopTianshu Wang,* Xuefeng Miao, Xuefang Zhou, and Sheng QianCollege of Communication Engineering, Hangzho

26、u Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China*Corresponding author: tianshuwReceived 12 December 2011; revised 21 February 2012; accepted 21 February 2012;posted 22 February 2012 (Doc. ID 159647); published 28 March 2012A tunable multiwavelength fiber laser based on double Sagnac loops is pro-posed an

27、d demonstrated. Comb filter characteristics of single and double Sag-nac loops are analyzed by Jones matrix. Simulated results show that thereare better tunability and controllability with double loops than with a singleloop, and this also has been confirmed by experimental results. By adjusting the

28、 polarization controller and the length of the polarization maintaining fiber the wavelength range, wavelength spacing, and laser linewidth can be tuned. Experimental results indicate that the linewidth of the multiwavelength fiber laser was 0.0187 nm and the optical sidemode suppression ratio was 5

29、0 dB. 2012 Optical Society of AmericaOCIS codes: 060.3510, 140.3600, 060.2420, 120.5790.1. IntroductionMultiwavelength fiber lasers operating on the wavelength around 1550 nm have attracted much interest, such as sources for dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) systems, precise spectroscopy

30、, optical fiber sensing and RF photonics 14. Amultiwavelength fiber laser can be realized by a fiber Bragg grating array 5, the mode-locked technique 6,7, an optical parametric oscillator 8, the fourwave mixing effect 9, or the stimulated Brillouin scattering effect 1012. Ring erbium-doped fiber (ED

31、F) lasers can provide large output power, high slope efficiency, and a wide tunable wavelength range. As a kind of tunable EDF lasers, multiwavelength fiber lasers with single high birefringence (HiBi) fiber Sagnac loop have been highlighted 1315. The output wavelength can be tuned by adjusting the

32、polarization controller (PC), and the wavelength spacing can be tuned by changingthe length of polarization maintaining fiber (PMF). However, neither the wavelength spacing nor the linewidth can be tuned independently for single Sagnac loop fiber lasers 16. DWDM systems require that tuning of the la

33、ser wavelength be more flexible, or the applications of these lasers will be limited. However, a multiwavelength fiber laser with double Sagnac loops can provides better tenability and controllability. For this structure, wavelength spacing can be tuned while keeping the linewidth unchanged, and lin

34、ewidth can be tuned while keeping wavelength spacing unchanged. In this paper, a tunable multiwavelength ring EDF laser with double Sagnac loops is proposed and demonstrated. The multiwavelength selection is performed by two Sagnac loops, and each loop is composed of a 3 dB coupler, a PC, and a segm

35、ent of HiBi PMF. The comb filter characteristics of single and double Sagnac loops are simulated and analyzed. In experiment, theFWHM of the output laser is measured as 0.0187 nm, and the sidemode suppression ratio (SMSR) is 50 dB. By adjusting two PCs, the multiwavelength laser can be widely tuned.

36、 By changing the length of the PMF, the wavelength spacing and the linewidth can be tuned independently, compared with a single loop structure. The double-Sagnac-loop fiber laser proposed in this work is an extension of previous works on multiwavelength fiber lasers with multiple sections of PMFs in

37、 the single Sagnac loop, and it has potential applications in DWDM systems, sensing, and instrument testing.2. Experimental Setup and Operation PrincipleThe experimental setup of the proposed multiwavelength fiber laser is shown in Fig. 1(a). A 980 nm pump laser diode (LD) is coupled into a segment

38、of EDF through a 9801550 nm wavelength division multiplexer (WDM). The laser output is coupled out with a 90/10 fiber coupler, which provides 10% power for feedback. The multiwavelength fiber laser is tuned by the double Sagnac loops. As shown in Fig. 1(b), the HiBi Sagnac loop is composed of a 3 dB

39、 coupler, a segment of PMF, and a PC. Port 3 and port 4 are connected together through a PC and a segment of PMF. The beam enters into the coupler from port 1, and is divided into two beams by the coupler averager. These two counterpropagating beams recombine in the loop. Due toHiBi effect of the PM

40、F, there is a phase difference of the lights on two axes (fast axis and slow axis). Hence, when the light passes through the PMF, there is an angle deflection, and there is another angle deflection when the light passes through the PC. After traveling through a fiber loop oppositely, the two beams i

41、nterfere in the coupler. The output characteristics of the Sagnac loop can be analyzed by a Jones matrix. The Jones transmission matrix of the PMF can be described as (1)where is the phase difference between the light on the fast axis and that on the slow axis in the same transmission distance, is t

42、he effective length of the PMF, is the wavelength, and is the effective refractive difference between two axes. Then, and are the effective refractive indices of the fast axis and the slow axis. Since the polarization angle deflection of the light is when the light transmits through a PC, the Jones

43、matrix of the positive transmitting light beam through the PC can be described as (2)The electric vector of the incident beam is at port 1, and the electric vector of the incident beam is at port 2 (=0). is split into and by the coupler. Let be the optical vector of the through the PC and the PMF, a

44、nd be the optical vector of the through the PC and the PMF. Thus, and are reflected at port 1 and transmitted at port 2 after coherent superimposition: (3)The incident power at port 1 is , and the reflective power is . The reflective power at port 2 is . The transmissivity is(4) This shows that sing

45、le-Sagnac-loop transmissivity is related to the polarization deflection angle and the phase difference between two axes. As shown in the simulated results in Fig. 2, the filter period is shorter and the filter bandwidth is narrower when the length of the PMF is increased. However, the period and ban

46、dwidth cannot be tuned independently. In addition, with the PMF birefringences higher, the filter period is shorter and the filter bandwidth is narrower. For the double Sagnac loops, a fiber isolator is mounted between two Sagnac loops for eliminating the reflective light. So, the transmissivity of double loops can be described as


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