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1、天津市十二所重点学校2011年高三毕业班联考(一)英 语 试 题本试卷共分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题),满分130分,考试时间100分钟。考试结束后,将第卷和答题卡一并交回。第卷选择题(共95分)注意事项:1答第卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。2选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应的题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再填涂其它答案,不能答在试卷上。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1My family usually holds a big party for my birthday, bu

2、t I want to try a different way this year. .AIts your business BCome along! CLike what? DSo what?2Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?If you make _ most of the modern equipment, there will be _ rise in productionA不填; 不填 Bthe; a C不填; a Dthe; 不填3People all belie

3、ve that _ to free trade destroy wealth, benefiting no one in the long runAadministrations Battempts Cprocesses Dbarriers4We should spend more time doing outdoor exercise in our daily life _ sitting before the computer, surfing some web sites or playing gamesAas Bthan Cwhen Dif5Shi Changxu was awarde

4、d a special state prize for his scientific researchHe certainly _ that honor, for he has devoted so much to the countryAexpects Bdeserves Cobserves Drespects6A strong earthquake _ widespread destruction in the city center hit New Zealand South Island city of ChristchurchAcaused Bto cause Ccausing Dt

5、o have caused7_ and the housing problems for low-income families in this area could be settledAIf we double our efforts BUnless we make every effortCMake more efforts DMaking greater efforts8She is a strong-willed woman and not once _ in to any difficulty in her lifeAshe has givenBdid she give Cshe

6、gave Dhas she given9The six old experts were _ about Professor Lees academic findings and reported him to the authorityAskeptical Bcurious Ccapable Daware10If you want to book tickets for the 2012 Olympic Games, just call 00952012It _ be simplerAmustnt Bwont Cneednt Dcouldnt11More and more rich peop

7、le have promised to _ their wealth after death to help the poor and the disabled.Agive away Bgive up Cgive out Dgive off12What do you think of the music teacher? _ she is an elegant lady, she can be extremely difficult to work withAEven if BAs CBecause DWhile13_economic, political and cultural diffe

8、rences, it is difficult for China and America to fully understand each otherAIn spite of BRegardless of COn account of DIn terms of14_ was expected, only five people turned up at the party, _ disappointed the hostess very muchAAs; what BAs; which CIt; that DWhat; which15Last week I took part in the

9、Civil Service Admission Examination, for which I _ for nearly three monthsAhad prepared Bwould prepareCwas preparing Dhave been preparing第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卡上将其涂黑。Last Christmas while staying with my parents, I 16 across some old love lette

10、rs that my parents wrote to each otherThese letters were all piled up in a basket, dirty and 17 with dust 18 to read and sort them, I asked them if I could take the letters back to my Illinois homeThey agreedAs I carefully opened each letter, all of them 19 with age, I discovered a new page 20 unkno

11、wn to me in this private chapter of my parents livesMy father used to 21 in the armySo his letters were full of frontline 22 of the things about the warEach of my mothers letters was marked with her 1944 dark red lipstick kissI was 23 to these letters like a magnet (磁铁)Just six weeks after our Chris

12、tmas visit, Daddy became very 24 and was hospitalizedThis time, he was fighting a 25 kind of warAs I sat by his bedside, we discussed the 26 He told me how much receiving those lipstick-kissed letters had 27 to him when he had been so far from homeIt so happened that the next day would be February 1

13、4From the 28 letters I chose the card my father had sent Mother in 1944 and brought it to my fathers bedsideAt his bedside, I joked with him, saying 29 Today is Valentines Day, dont you want to send Mother a present? He became more 30 when I handed him the old 31 . He carefully opened it and took ou

14、t the card, and when he 32 it, his eyes were filled with tearsMy father, in a voice tight with 33 read the loving 34 hed sent to my mother fifty-six years earlierAnd this time, he could read it to her 35 16Acame Bhit Cdrew Dfell17Ahidden Bcovered Cburied Dfilled18APretending BSuggesting CPreferring

15、DDeciding19Adelicate Btasty Cuseful Dtender20Arecently Busually Cpreviously Doccasionally21Awork Bstudy Cserve Dreport22Aaccounts Bdocuments Cintroductions Doccupations23Adevoted Babandoned Cthrown Ddrawn24Adepressed Bdead Cdangerous Dill25Atypical Btraditional Cdifferent Dfamiliar26Awars Billnesses

16、 Cletters Dprescriptions27Ameant Bintended Cplanned Dsaid28Adivided Bsorted Cseparated Dupdated29Asadly Bangrily Csoftly Dloudly30Acurious Benthusiastic Cfantastic Dpositive31AChristmas card Benvelope Cbasket Dlipstick32Afound Bwrote Crecognized Dmissed33Aastonishment Bsorrow Csickness Demotion34Ast

17、ory Bmessage Cspeech Dmotto35Ain person Bin private Cin danger Din peace第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AHerta Mller, the Romanian-born German writer, has won the 2009 Nobel Prize for LiteratureThe award was announced in Stockholm on ThursdayMsMller, 56, immigrated to

18、Germany from Romania in 1987She is the first German writer to win the Nobel in literature since Gnter Grass in 1999 and the 13th winner writing in German since the prize was first given in 1901She is the 12th woman to win the literature prizeBut unlike previous winners like Doris Lessing and VSNaipa

19、ul, MsMller is relatively unknown outside of literary circles in Germany“I am very surprised and still cannot believe it,” MsMuller said in a statement delivered by her publisher in Germany“I cant say anything more at the moment”She has written some 20 books, but just 5 have been translated into Eng

20、lish, including the novels “The Land of Green Plums” and “The Appointment”At the news conference on Thursday at the German Publishers & Booksellers Association in Berlin, where she lives, MsMller, wearing all black and sitting on a leopard-print chair, appeared nervous with all the cameras flashing

21、on herWhen asked what it meant that her name would now be mentioned in the same breath as German greats like Thomas Mann and Heinrich Bll, MsMller remained philosophical“I am now nothing better and Im nothing worse,” she said, adding: “My inner thing is writingThats what I can hold on to”Earlier in

22、the day, at a news conference in Stockholm, Peter Englund, secretary of the Swedish Academy, said MsMller was honored for her “very, very distinct special language” and because “she has really a story to tell about cruelty and repression in a village much like the one Mller grew up in”The awards cer

23、emony is planned for Dec10 in StockholmAs the winner, MsMller will receive about $14 million36According to the passage, all of the following statements are wrong EXCEPT that_Ashe moved to Germany from Romania when she was 40Bmost of her works are very popular outside GermanyCshe is the first German

24、writer that has won the Nobel Prize in literatureDso far there are 13 winners whose works are written in German37MsMller was surprised at the news about her winning the award because _Ashe was born a Romanian and became a famous German writerBshe had missed a lot of chances to win the prizeCshe had

25、expected to win the prize eagerly for longDshe thought she was just an unknown writer in this field38By saying “I am now nothing better and Im nothing worse”, MsMller meant that _Ashe thought highly of herself Bshe thought nothing of herselfCshe was very modest Dshe was no worse than the other Germa

26、n writers39We can infer from the passage that _AMllers honored works are based on her own experienceBmost of MsMllers novels are unsuccessful worksCMsMller is feeling much better after she becomes the award winnerDMsMller wins the prize because shes described the Germans life vividly40Whats the best

27、 title of the passage?AThe Biography of Herta MllerBHerta Mller Wins Literature Nobel PrizeCHerta Mller, a Great Successful Romanian WriterDThe Great Awards Ceremony for Herta MllerBUSOpen ChampionshipsThe US Open has been in existence for more than 120 yearsThe first tournament was held in 1881 at

28、the Newport CasinoIt was called the US National Singles ChampionshipEntry was limited to only those clubs which were members of the United States National Lawn Tennis Association, and the competitors were all male, competing in both singles and doublesRichard Sears won the mens championship and he w

29、ent on to win the next six mens singles championshipsThe WimbledonIn 1875, the All England Croquet Club was troubled financially due to declining membershipA new sport called lawn tennis was gaining fast in popularity and taking away the membersTwo years later, a new roller was needed for maintainin

30、g (维护) its lawns so the club proposed to hold a tournament to raise moneyTwenty-two players entered that first Wimbledon tournament which was won by Spencer Gore in straight sets over WCMarshallTwo hundred spectators each paid a shilling to watch the final game, enabling the club to buy the needed r

31、oller plus some extra cashThe French OpenThe very first French Championship was held way back in 1891, and the tournament has since grown into one of the four tennis Grand Slam tournaments we know todayThe first competition was a one-day national championship which was won by a BritishThe competitio

32、n was poorly attended by world class playersIt took 24 years before it became fully international and an accepted tennis grand slam eventAfter the First World War, French tennis was achieving statureSuzanne Lenglen was the predominant French player, winning the championships six times between 1920 a

33、nd 1926The Australian OpenThe very first tennis tournament ever played in Australia was held in January 1880, on the courts of the Melbourne Cricket ClubIn 1905, the Australian Open was established as the Australasian Tennis Championship and was played at the Warehousemans Cricket Ground in Melbourn

34、eIt became the Australian Championship in 1927 and the Australian Open in 1969Womens events were added in 192241What is special about the first USOpen?AIt has a history of more than 120 yearsBOnly men were allowed to play in the gameCRichard Sears won six championshipsDIt has remained about the same

35、 through all these years42The purpose of the first Wimbledon tournament was to _Araise some fund for a lawn rollerBattract more people to play tennisCattract more audience to watch the gameDcelebrate the renaming of the club43According to what is said about the first French Open, _Athe tournament ha

36、s been played in the same place all these yearsBtwenty-two players played in the first tournamentCfew good tennis players took part in the first French ChampionshipDthe players played in singles and doubles in the tournament44What is common about the four international tournaments is that _Athey wer

37、e all born in the same yearBthey all had only male players in the first tournamentCthey have all experienced financial difficultiesDthey all have had a history of 120 years or more45The passage mainly tells us _Ahow the four international tennis tournaments came into beingBhow long it took for women

38、 to have the right to play in the gameChow the four international tennis tournaments get their present namesDwhy the tennis tournaments are held in these four countriesCI cant remember a winter being as cold as this in Pennsylvania, but Im sure there were colder daysEven though the daylight hours ar

39、e growing longer minute by minute, its easy to find an excuse not to go out unless you absolutely must, but then again I often have to push myself to accomplish thingsPeople I speak to have been in all kinds of nasty moodsThey say theyre “under the weather,” not feeling good about this time of yearA

40、s I stood outside with my two dogs yesterday, it was so cold that my nose and face felt frozen and my ears were sittingOf course, that doesnt matter to Ricky and LucyThey have a routine they must go through to find just the fighting spot no matter how cold or hot it isSo I waitBut this time it was d

41、ifferentAs cold as it was, I suddenly was excited thinking about how wonderful this extreme cold really wasThen the sun broke through the clouds and memories of summers extremely hot days flashed through my mindI could remember standing in the heat of the afternoon, with sweat pouring down my brow a

42、nd the hot, burning sun against my faceI reminded myself then and there that in the cold of the winter I would wish I had this heatI was grateful for the extremesWithout the extremes in my life, I would never appreciate the days when things were just rightWithout the extremes, life would be boringIt

43、s being pushed to one of the extremes that makes us appreciate the middle moreHealth challenges remind us that we need to pay more attention to how we liveFinancial extremes remind us that when things go smoothly its also time to save for raining daysIve come to the conclusion that all too often I f

44、ind a reason not to be happy with where I am at that momentWhether its hot or cold, good health or bad, in the money or out of it, I always want it to be differentIm tired of being “Under the Weather!”46What is the authors attitude towards the extremes in life?AGratefulBCritical CNegativeDUnconcerned47Th


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