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1、句型与情景交际专项复习卷时间: 60分钟满分: 100分题号一二三四五六七八总分得分一、为下列图片选择正确的句子。(10分)()1. A. Im from the UK.B. Welcome to China.C. Im from the USA.()2. A. Welcome!B. Lets go home!C. Come here, children!()3. A. The books are on the desk.B. The pen is in the desk.C. The pencil box is under the desk. ()4. A. Have a good time

2、!B. Open it and see!C. Lets buy some fruit!()5. A. He is my brother.B. He is my grandfather.C. She is my sister.二、判断下列句子是否与图片内容相符, 相符画“”, 不相符画“ ”。(12分)1. He is from the UK. 2. She is my mother. 3. Its so tall. 4. These are not grapes. 5. Its in my bag. 6. It has long ears. 三、读一读, 圈出正确的单词补全句子。(10分)1.

3、 (HeShe) is my grandma. 2. Where (aream) you from?3. That (manwoman) is my grandpa. 4. (IsAre) he your father?5. It has big (eyeeyes). 6. This is (aan) orange. 7. I like (appleapples). 8. How many (crayoncrayons) do you have?9. Silly (meI)!10. (LetLets) buy some fruit.四、单项选择。(10分)()1. We have two ne

4、w _ today. A. boyB. friendC. children()2. Mr Wang, _ Amy. A. her is B. this is C. he is ()3. _ play a game!A. Lets B. Let C. I am()4. _ she your sister?A. Is B. Are C. Do()5. _ that man. A. Look B. Looking C. Look at ()6. It _ small eyes and a big nose. A. is B. has C. have()7. _ you like fruit?A. A

5、re B. Do C. Is()8. Have some _. A. good time B. grape C. juice()9. _ and five is seventeen.A. Eleven B. Thirteen C. Twelve()10.I see _. A. five kites B. a cars C. some bird五、根据汉语提供的语境选择正确的一项。(10分)()1. 当你想把你的朋友介绍给别人时, 你会这样说: A. Hi, Im Li Ming.B. Im from Canada.C. This is Li Ming.()2. 你想知道新认识的朋友来自什么地方

6、, 你会这样问: A. Where are you from? B. Where are you?C. What do you do?()3. 你会这样和新认识的朋友打招呼: A. Who are you? B. Nice to meet you!C. Welcome!()4. 向好朋友介绍完自己的家人, 想知道好朋友的家庭状况时, 你会说: A. This is your family. B. Where is your family?C. What about your family?()5. 在动物园里, 我们可能会看到这样的标志: A. So cute! B. Dont feed th

7、e animals!C. Its so tall!()6. 你和朋友玩与身体部位有关的游戏时, 你可能会发出这样的指示: A. Make your arms long! B. It has a long tail.C. It has a big body. ()7. 你想确定你的帽子是否在桌子上, 你会这样说: A. Is my cap on the desk? B. Where is my cap?C. The cap is on the desk. ()8. 你的朋友要出去玩, 你会用哪句话作为告别的祝福: A. Hello, nice to meet you. B. Have a goo

8、d time!C. Where are you from?()9. 朋友来你家里玩, 你会怎么招呼他: A. Sorry, I dont like milk. B. Nice to meet you.C. Have some fruit. ()10. 当你觉得朋友的建议非常棒时, 你会这样回应: A. Good idea! B. Silly me!C. Look at me!六、连词成句。(12分)1. thatWhomanis(? )2. sheyourIsgrandma(? )3. tailhasalongIt(.)4. intheitIsdesk(? )5. likeorangesyou

9、Do(? )6. pensHowhavedomanyyou(? )A. Yes, he is. B. Sorry, I dont. C. Yes, it is. D. Im from China. E. Me, too. F. Its in my bag. G. He is my grandpa. H. Me, neither. I. I see five. J. Thanks!七、为下列句子选择正确的答句。(10分)()1. Where are you from?()2. Whos that man?()3. Is he your grandpa?()4. Where is your pen

10、cil box?()5. Do you like apples?()6. How many birds do you see?()7. Is it on the desk?()8. Have a good time!()9. I dont like apples.()10. I like oranges. 八、将下列句子按正确的顺序排列成一段对话。(26分)(一)1. He is from the UK. 2. Good morning, Linda. 3. He is my new friend, Tom. 4. OK. 5. Where is Tom from?6. Lets say he

11、llo to Tom. 7. Good morning, Peter. Whos that boy? (二)1. Yes, I do. 2. Welcome to my house, Sam. 3. Lets have some fruit. Do you like apples?4. Thank you, Tom. 5. Do you like oranges?6. Sorry, I dont. 句型与情景交际专项复习卷一、1. C2. B3. A4. C5. A二、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 三、1.She 点拨: grandma为女性, 应使用she(她)。2. are 点拨:

12、此句问的主语是you, 要和are搭配使用。3. man 点拨: grandpa是爷爷或姥爷, 为男性, 应选择man(男人)。4. Is 点拨: 此句问的主语是he(他), 与is搭配使用。5. eyes 点拨: 如果是一只眼睛, eye前应加an。所以此处选择eyes。6. an 点拨: orange是以元音音素开头的单词, 表示“一个”时, 要用an。7. apples点拨: 表示喜欢某种水果时, 水果名称要使用复数形式。8. crayons 点拨: how many的意思为“多少”, 后面接可数名词的复数形式。9. me 点拨: 此处使用人称代词的宾格形式。10. Lets 点拨: l

13、ets是let us的缩写, 意思是“让我们”。四、1. C点拨: 横线前有数字two, 所以横线上的单词应填一个复数, 所以选择children.2. B点拨: “This is.”是用来介绍他人的句型。3. A4. A点拨: 句子主语是she, 应与Is搭配使用。5. C点拨: 当表示“看某人或某物”的时候, 要使用look at。6. B点拨: 根据句子的意思可以知道此处应填“有”, It应与has搭配使用。7. B点拨: 句子的动词是like, 主语是you, 一般疑问句应该借用助动词Do。8. C点拨: “have食物/饮料”表示“吃/喝”。some后可接可数名词的复数或不可数名词, C选项为不可数名词。9. C10. A五、1. C2. A3. B4. C5. B6. A7. A8. B9. C10. A六、1. Who is that man? 2. Is she your grandma? 3. It has a long tail.4. Is it in the desk? 5. Do you like oranges? 6. How many pens do you have? 七、1. D2. G3. A4. F5. B6. I7. C8. J9. H10. E八、(一)2735164 (二)243651


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