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1、Module 6 Hobbies,Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.,01,02,03,目录导航,04,1.人 _ 2.兴趣;爱好 _ 3.技能;技艺 _ 4活动 _ 5.愉悦;快乐 _ 6.成功;成就 _7航海;航行 _ 8.结果;后果 _,一、必背单词(请在课文中找出下列单词),person,interest,课 前 预 习,skill,activity,名词,pleasure,success,sailing,result,二、常用短语(请在课文中画出下列短语),1.比如 such as reading2.种蔬菜 grow veget

2、ables3.照顾;照看 look after4.长大成人 grow as a person5.培养某人的兴趣 develop ones interests,6.既又;除之外(也);此外 as well as7.要求某人做某事 ask sb.to do sth.8.谈论;讨论 talk about9.讲故事 tell stories10.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb.to do sth.11.出版;问世 come out12.结果,因此 as a result,He is also interested in many other things.,课 堂 导 学,1Hobbies

3、can make you grow as a person,develop your interests and help you learn new skills.爱好可以促使你成长,培养你的兴趣,并帮助你学习新技能。(1)make在此作使役动词,意为“使”,后面可以接省略to的动词不定式、形容词或名词作宾补。,其常用结构如下:make sb.do sth.使某人做某事make sb.adj.使某人处于某种状态make sb.n.使某人成为,他的笑话把我们都逗笑了。His jokes made us all _.听音乐可以使我快乐。Listening to music can _.我们选他当

4、班长。We make him _.,laugh,make me happy,our monitor,(2)develop ones interests培养某人的兴趣。develop 是及物动词,表示“发展,形成,成长,提高”。如:This course can help you develop your speaking skills.这个课程能帮助你提高口语技能。Tom has developed into a strong leader.汤姆已成长为一位强大的领导者。,2During the summer of 2010,he spent four weeks at a summer ca

5、mp.在2010年暑假期间,他在一个夏令营待了四个星期。I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team.我花了一部分业余时间在校队打排球。,(1)spend意为“花费”,其用法为:spend money/time,我花了10 年时间写这本书。I spent 10 years _ the book.,(in)writing/on,指花钱:sth.cost(sb.)some money,【学以致用】用上面的辨析词填空。The piano _ May nearly$3,000.My parents _ half o

6、f their income for my hobby.Joy _ almost a week making the model plane.It _ me half an hour to work out the problem.,cost,paid/pay,spent,took,3As well as the usual activities,除了常规的活动外,还有as well as 表示“也,还,除以外还有;而且”,是并列连词词组,用来连接并列成分,后面接名词、代词或动词ing形式。连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一主语保持一致(就远原则)。,如:这个女孩健康又活泼。The girl is

7、 lively _ healthy.他和他的朋友们都喜欢踢足球。He _ his friends _ playing football.,as well as,as well as likes,4as a result,David has become a successful young writer.结果,戴维成了一位成功的年轻作家。as a result意为“结果,因此”,与后面的句子用逗号隔开。注意:so表示“因此”,后面不用逗号隔开。这个女孩一直很努力地学习,因此,她在期末考试取得了好成绩。,The girl kept studying hard,and _,she got good

8、 marks in the final exam.The girl kept studying hard,_ she got good marks in the final exam.,as a result,so,一、阅读Act.3课文,完成下列题目。()1.How long did David spend in the summer camp in 2010?AOne week.BTwo months.CFour weeks.DTwo years.()2.When did Davids first book come out?AIn 2010.BIn 2011.CIn 2012.DIn 2

9、013.,C,课 文 理 解,C,()3.Davids first book is popular with _.Ayoung people Badults Cthe old Dyoung children,A,()4.Which of the following sentences about David is TRUE according to the passage?AHe learned writing during a summer camp of 2000.BDavid wrote a story about his life in senior high school.CDavi

10、d is interested in playing volleyball.DWriting was his only hobby in his free time.,C,()5.According to the passage,which is WRONG?AHobbies can make you grow as a person.BHobbies can help you make much money.CHobbies can develop your interests.DHobbies can help you learn new skills.,B,二、根据Act.3课文完成下列

11、短文填空。Many students have different hobbies,such as reading and painting.Hobbies have many advantages to 1._ people.2._ of David Smiths hobbies is writing.He 3._ a fourweek summer camp in 2010.There was a writing class as well as the usual 4._.,young,One,joined,activities,The teacher who was a writer

12、5._ him to write about their 6._ at the camp.Back at school,David 7._ a story about the life of a sixteenyearold boy and it came out 8._ a book in 2012.It makes him a 9._ young writer.David is 10._ in playing volleyball as well as writing.,encouraged,experiences,wrote,as,successful,interested,三、根据课本

13、内容,完成下列思维导图,然后口头复述课文。,advantages,writing,volleyball,four,story,successful,pleasure,success,一、根据句意、首字母或汉语提示填写单词。1The boys like all kinds of _(活动)2Watching sports gave him great _(愉悦)3His mum has no _(兴趣)in his hobbies.4Its _(有用的)to learn English well.5He is a very nice p_ to work with.,activities,巩 固

14、 提 升,pleasure,interest,useful,erson,6The workers are learning a new s_ in the factory.7It takes hard work to achieve s_.8The dress is eighty p_.Its too expensive.9People were swimming and s_ in the sea at that time.10Kates exam r_ were excellent last week.,kill,uccess,ounds,ailing,esults,二、单项填空。()1.

15、Would you like to help me with my English?_.ANever mind BIt doesnt matter CWith pleasure DDont mention it,C,()2.Every day I spend two hours _ my homework.Afinish doing Bfinishing to do Cto finish to do Dfinishing doing()3.Damings hobby is _ tickets.He has collected them for two years.Acollects Bcoll

16、ected Cwill collect Dcollecting,D,D,()4.The boss makes him _ twelve hours a day.Aworking Bwork Cworked Dworks()5.Mr Green wrote a book.It _ last month.Atook out Bturned out Ccame out Dwent out()6.Lin Tao has a lot of hobbies,_ singing,painting and playing football.Afor example Bsuch as Clook like Da

17、s,B,C,B,()7.She is a singer _ an actress.Aas well as Bso well Cas well Das good()8.Jackie asked me _ anything in the museum.Anot touch Bnot touched Cnot touching Dnot to touch,A,D,()9.Since then,the young man _ another bad habit.Ahas developed Bdeveloped Cwill develop Ddevelops()10.There is somethin

18、g interesting in todays newspaper.It makes him _ very happy.Afeel Bto feel Cfeels Dfelt,A,A,三、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。1商店卖很多东西,比如学习用品、食品和玩具。The shop sells many things,_ school things,food and toys.2他父母不在家,因此他不得不在家照顾小妹妹。His parents were out,so he had to _ his little sister at home.,such as,look after/take care

19、 of,3我们都想去上海,也想去北京。We all want to visit Beijing _ Shanghai.4你的新书什么时候出版?When will your new book _?5我弟弟10岁的时候对跳舞很感兴趣。My brother _ dancing at the age of 10.,as well as,come out,was interested in,四、阅读理解。On a Sunday morning,people from around the world got around two tables in a hutong of Beijing.They we

20、re playing a special Chinese game,mahjong.Now many foreign travelers have an interest in the game.They say its quite easy to learn to play mahjong.,“Mahjong is a good way to experience Chinese culture,”says Cheremnikh.“When you walk down a street in China,no matter what city youre in,you can always

21、find people playing it.Its a part of the culture,”says the 32yearold Israeli.Jelle Alsemgeest from the Netherlands also likes playing this game.He has lived in China for more than three years.He first played mahjong last summer,when he was on a business trip in Gansu Province.A group of Chinese frie

22、nds invited him to play.He thought the game was quite difficult and would take him weeks to learn.He was very surprised that it only took him one evening to learn the basic rules and know how to play it.Alsemgeest brought along his parents to China,so they could experience this part of Chinese cultu

23、re.,His parents,both older than 60,were able to learn the game quickly and even won a round.His mother enjoyed the game so much that she was thinking about joining a mahjong club in her hometown of IJsselstein.“Maybe I will play it many times in the future.Its a good way to learn and think.Good for my brain,”jokes Alsemgeests mother.,()1.How long has Jelle Alsemgeest lived in China?AOver 2 years.BOver 3 years.COver 32 years.DOver 60 years.()2.It took Alsemgeest _ to learn the basic rules of playing mahjong.Aa few weeks Ba week Cone day Done evening,B,D,


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