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1、时态的呼应,1.当主句是过去时态时,从句一般都必须用过去时态,不能用现在时态。例:Yesterday he said that he had used it.而不能说:Yesterday he said that he has used it.但是,表示真理时,例:The professor said the earth is round.或时间包括现在的时候可以用现在时,例:She said she will go to Pairs.主句是过去时态时候,从句要变成相应的后一种时态,例,如果原来是现在完成时变成过去完成时。但,当主句是现在时或者是将来时的时候,从句不受任何限制。例:I know

2、 he was a doctor before.,否定1:从句的否定,习惯上,在主句接有宾语从句时,否定式放在主句谓语处,不放在宾语从句中。例:I dont think he is a liar.We dont believe they like hot weather.但是,限在sorry,afraid,l worried,sure 等主句表语后的从句(相当于宾语从句)习惯上可以用否定式。例:I am sorry that I didnt come on time.I am not sure that it is worth 300 dollars.我拿不准这是否值300美元I am sur

3、e that it isnt worth 300 dollars.我确信,这不值300美元。,否定2:非谓语动词的否定。,非谓语动词有:不定式(to+动词原形+宾语),-ing形式,过去分词(动词原形+ed)非谓语动词的否定很简单,只要在他们各自的前面加上not 就行了。例:she asks him not to stick to the mistake.We welcome his not smoking.That is the only part not changed.,动词不定式:to do与-ing 形式作宾语时候的区别,不定式作宾语时,宾语的动作时间与谓语动作时间多数不是同一时间,

4、谓语时间一般在宾语时间之前,不定式作宾语突出动作性和动作的一次性,-ing作宾语时,宾语动作的时间和谓语动作的时间同步,同时发生或者同时结束,突出动作的经常性。Eg.I want to go now.(want 发生在go 之前)She has finished reading.(Finish 和reading 是同时结束的。),以下动词作谓语时,充当宾语的不定式必须省去符号to,使役动词:have,let,make感觉动词:feel,hear,listen to,look to,watch,see,noticeEg:Ill have somebody repair it.We will ma

5、ke her take your advice.Please let the bird go.但是转换成被动句时,符号to必须加上。Eg.He was made to agree.She was heard them to mention your name.,主谓一致,注意:学科名词前如果有定冠词或物主代词修饰,意义会发生变化,后面接复数谓语动词。游戏名词前如果有数词或kinds等名词修饰,着眼游戏的个数或者种类,谓语用复数形式,试比较:Statistics is a course at the business school.统计学是这所职业中学的一门课程。The statistics p

6、rove nothing in this instance.这些统计数据在此例中不能证明什么。Darts is his favorite game.投镖游戏是他最喜爱的游戏。Three darts are thrown at each turn.每一轮头三镖。,主谓一致1,下列情况下谓语动词用单数:主语为不可数名词。如:water,ice,gas,air,news,furniture,poetry,advice,information,food,equipment,money,damage.主语是以-ics 结尾的学科名词,以-s结尾的游戏名词和疾病名词。如:linguistics(语言学),

7、economics(经济学),mathematics(数学),politics(政治学),physics(物理学),statistics(统计学);bowls(保龄球),billiards(台球),draughts(跳棋),arthritis(关节炎),tuberculosis(肺结核),主谓一致2,以-s结尾的地名,国名,报刊杂志,影视剧名,书刊名等作主语,谓语用单数。如“The New York Times is published daily.纽约实报是日报。The United Nations was formed in San Francisco in 1945.主语是数词加表示时间

8、,度,量,衡,金钱等复数名词时。如:Five years is a long time.1000 miles is a very long distance.Two million dollars is a lot of money.,主谓一致3,Each,either,every,no,many a,more than one,each of,neither of,one of 后接主语时。例:One of the doors was damaged.Each of the jobs planned by Billy.Many a man has sacrificed his life fo

9、r the cause of the revolution.注意:one of+可数名词复数+定语从句时,从句中谓语动词应该是复数形式,但the one of或the only one of+定语从句时,从句中谓语动词用单数。例:This is one of the most interesting questions that have been asked.这是所提出的最有趣的问题之一。Dick was the only one of the villagers who was killed in the earthquake which occurred last week.在上周发生的

10、地震中,Dick是村民中唯一一个死亡的。,主谓一致4,单数名词后面接with,like,along with,together with,as well as,in addition to,rather than,besides,except,including,instead of 等介词短语作主语时。如:A teacher,together with his students,is seeing an English film.I as well as they am ready to help you.从句,短语,句子作主语时。如:It is uncertain whether I wi

11、ll go to see a film.To work is to struggle.,主谓一致5,强调句型it is(was)+被强调部分+that中,无论被强调部分是什么,前面的be动词,始终用is或was.如:It is you that are to blame.It was this morning that we called on him at his office.在以下情况下谓语动词用复数:集合名词:cattle(牲口),people,police,poultry(家禽),folk(人们),militia(民兵)foliage(叶子)vermin(害虫)和一些表示成双成对的东

12、西如:trousers,compasses(罗盘,指南针),glasses,scissors(剪刀)。如:,主谓一致6,The police have caught the murderer(杀人犯)。Your trousers are torn.群岛,海峡,群山,瀑布群等作主语。如:the Philipines,the Alps(阿尔斯山脉),the Niagara Falls(尼加拉瀑布)Both,(a)few,many,several等限定词修饰。如:Both the books are interesting.A number of,a variety of,a group of 修饰

13、的名词作主语。如:A number of students are in the classroom.,主谓一致7,由eitheror,neithernor,not onlybut also等词连接的两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词和后一个名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。如:He or I am wrong.由here或there引导的句子中,如果并列两个以上的主语,谓语动词通常与靠得最近的那个主语的数保持一致。如:There was an apple,two oranges and ten peaches.Here are ten books,one pen and one pencil.,

14、主谓一致8,这些不定代词都看作单数:Each,everyone,everybody,everything,anyone,anybody,anything,someone,somebody,something,no one,nobody,nothing.如:Each was given an apple.Someone has stolen it.,反意疑问句1,总句型:陈述句(肯定式),+疑问部分(否定式)?陈述句(否定式)+疑问部分(肯定式)如:He has been to the Great Wall,hasnt he?She hasnt finished her work,has she

15、?注意:回答第二中的时候,只需这样回答,肯定回答用yes,+肯定结构,否定回答用:no,+否定结构。如:He isnt an honest man,is he?Yes,he is.(不,他是老实人)。No,he isnt.(不,他不是老实人)。祈使句的反意疑问:Come downstairs,will you?Lets sing karaoke,shall we?Let me have a look,will you?,反意疑问句2,陈述部分有never,no one,nothing,nobody,hardly,seldom,few,little等含有否定意思的单词时,疑问部分要用肯定式。如:

16、Jane never sings pop songs,does she?陈述部分是there引导的存在句时,疑问部分用“助动词(系动词)”+there.如:There is a golden fish in the pot,isnt there?There hasnt been much water in the bottle,has there?,虚拟语气1,1 在下面几个表示命令,要求,建议的动词后的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气为(should+动词原型,should可以省略)。如:order,suggest,desire想要,command命令,propose提议,insist坚持,deman

17、d要求,request要求例:He ordered that all the troops(should)charge forward.他命令所有部队冲锋!2 在suggestion,proposal,order,motion(提议),idea,plan,recommendation(推荐)等名词后边的表语从句和同位语从句一般用虚拟句。例:My suggestion is that the price(should)be cut down in half.,虚拟语气 2,3 在it is suggested(ordered,proposed,requested,important,desire

18、d,necessary,decided,strange,funny,surprising)后面的主语从句一般要用虚拟语气。例:It is strange that he should have failed in the exam.真奇怪他竟会考试不及格。总结:在“坚持”“命令”“建议”“要求”等动词及其派生的形容词,名词后面的从句都用虚拟语气。这类词可以归纳为:一个坚持(insist)两个命令(order,demand)三个建议(advise,suggest,propose)四个要求(demand,require,request,ask),4 表示愿望的虚拟句:1)表示祝愿(含咒骂),全用动

19、词原形:例:Long live Mother!母亲万岁!God bless you all,children!上帝保佑你们所有的人,孩子们!Heaven help us!上天保佑我们。So be it then!那么就这样吧!Damn it!该死的!2)由may引导的祝愿:May you be lucky all the life!if only 与I wish一样,也用于表示与事实相反的愿望,其后所用虚拟语气的时态与wish后所用的时态一样。In only I were better looking.,虚拟语气3,3)would rather,wish 后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。例:I wi

20、sh my mother were with me.I wish the problem could be solved in one day.We would rather that you were on the campus.注意:wish后的宾语从句表示不能实现的愿望,所以用虚拟语气,而hope后的宾语从句表示可以实现的愿望,所以不用虚拟语气。4)It is about/high time+that+主语+虚拟(一般用过去时态)Its time you went to bed.注意:与其他的虚拟结构不同,该结构不能在该用was用were.Its time I was in bed.,形

21、容词:,这些形容词只能放在名词后面,或者是只能做宾语,有:alive,asleep,alike,apart,alone,awake,ablaze燃烧着的,afloat在水上的,abuilding 在建设中的.,名词性从句:主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句 1,1 whether(or not)能引导所有名词性从句,if 仅可引导宾语从句,且不能跟or not连用。例:whether(or not)they will come is unknown.They asked if/whether we could help them.2.主句是reason的表语从句要用that引导,而不用b

22、ecause.例:The reason(why)he didnt come to school was that he was ill.3.That 引导的宾语从句和介词in,except,but,besides 连用,构成固定用法:in that:在于;因为.Except(besides)that除之外,but that若不是,例:He is a good students except that he is occasionally careless.,名词性从句:主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句 2,几组动词(短语)+it+that从句的结构:depend on it that请

23、放心,没问题,see to it that 保证,负责做到,take it that.认为,猜想,have it that硬说,主张常与will连用。例:See to it that you are not late again.注意在不能迟到了。They will have it that they are right.他们硬说他们正确。,名词性从句:主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句 3,同位语从句通常用that引导,that不在从句中担当成分,但不可省略。也可由whether,where,when,what,how,why引出。例:You have no idea how worr

24、ied I was!We have no news when he will come back.注意:同位语大多数是用that 引导的,少数是用其他词引导的。被同位语从句说明的词通常是表达“语言,思想,事实”等一类词。有:idea,fact,reply,order,suggestion,thought,belief信念,rumor谣言,hope,doubt,question,answer,news,promise诺言,saying格言,定语从句1,1 介词后只能用which引导,而不能用that引导,但是如果把介词放在句后,则可以用that.例:Let me have a look at t

25、he article that you talked yesterday./Let me have a look at the article about which you talked yesterday.2 只能用关系代词that引导定语从句的几种情况:1)先行词包括人和物:The teachers and schools that we have visited there left a deep impression on us.,定语从句 2,2)当先行词为all,something,anything,nothing,everything,any,much,little等不定代词,

26、而且不表示人时。如:Im interested in all that you have told me.3)先行词被形容词最高级修饰时。如:This is the most beautiful place that I have ever visited.4)先行词被first,last,only,very,no修饰时。如That was the only way that I could find out at that moment.,定语从句 3,惯用型:1)such as.象一样的 the sameas与一样的例:we seldom meet such a beggar as we

27、met today.He is not the same kind of person as you are.2)such as此时,such是代词,指这种人,这种事,as是关系代词。例:She is not such as you can imagine.她不是你想象的那种人。,定语从句 4,3)as.;,as例:As you can see,we are all student.=we are all students,as you can see.As you know,we need to hurry upShes not very honest,as you have proved.,


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