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1、假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Tom来信询问你们的学习情况。请你根据下图提供的信息,写一封回信,谈谈自从你校学生开始尝试一种新的学习方法以来,你们学习情况的变化。,Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries,注意:词数120左右。Dear Tom,It was great to hear from you again._ All the best.Yours,Li Hua,【满分作文】Dear Tom,It was great to hear from you againThere are many things going on in our scho

2、ol.In fact things have got much better since we started a different way of learning.In the past our teachers stood in front of the class talking all the time while we students listened,busy taking notes.After a tiring day at school,we always had a lot of homework to do.Sometimes we even worked late

3、into the night.,Now we are active in class.We often have discussions in pairs or in groups.After class we enjoy all kinds of activities,such as going out for sports,doing experiments or holding speech contests.We are extremely happy about the changes in our studies.All the best Yours,Li Hua,【高级词汇】ex

4、tremely adv.极其,非常【佳句变换】Our teachers used to stand before the class speaking on and on with students occupied in taking notes and listening.And endless homework added to our tiredness.After class such activities as going out for sports,doing experiments or holding speech contests afford us students m

5、uch joy.,1_ n收入2_ vt.测定;测量;评估3_n目标4_ n位置5_n数字6_ n交换7_ n饥饿_ adj.饥饿的8_ n贫穷_ adj.贫穷的,A 考纲词汇思忆,income,measure,goal,position,figure,exchange,hunger,hungry,poverty,poor,9_ n发展_ v发展_ adj.发展中的_ adj.发达的10_ vt.教育;培养;训练_n教育11_ adj.拥挤的_ n人群 vt.围拢12_n类似;相似_adj.相似的_ adv.相似地13_ adj.不幸的;遗憾的_ adj.幸运的_ n运气;财富14_ adj.

6、受到污染的_ vt.污染_ n污染15_ n娱乐_ vt.使娱乐;款待,development,develop,developing,developed,educate,crowded,crowd,similarity,similar,similarly,unfortunate,fortunate,fortune,polluted,pollute,pollution,entertainment,entertain,education,字词入章,相得益彰 With little or no income,more than 10%of the people in this area now li

7、ve below the poverty line.They are strongly hungry for a better life.But the real poverty is ignorance,not want of money,so we need to first of all take measures to develop education.Soon it will promote the development of this area.,1up _达到;直到;到为止2_ progress 取得进步3_ the top of 在顶端4_ the bottom of 在底

8、部5make _努力6be connected _与有联系;与有关7make comparisons _对进行比较8be close _接近;靠近9increase._(以幅度)增加,B 重要短语识记,to,make,at,at,effort,with,in,to,by,1完全倒装_(出自于这一协议)the Human Development Report.2while表示对比转折,意思是:然而Norway is at the top of the list,_而美国则排在第七位)3because引导表语从句_(这是因为)living with a foreign family for one

9、 or two weeks means that you have to speak their language,and as a result you improve fast.,C 经典句式再现,From this agreement came,while the US is at number 7,This is because,make clothes _ ones measure为某人量体裁衣take measures(to do sth)_,measure v测定;测量;评估;考虑n.尺寸;大小;度量单位;措施,A 核心单词巧布点,基石奠,Each of his ears mea

10、sured approximately 11.5 inches long.(2012浙江卷,阅读B)经测量,他的耳朵每个都大约有11.5英寸长。,to,采取措施(做某事),I would rather have my clothes made_than buy those which are readymade.我宁愿让人根据我自己的尺寸定制衣服也不愿意买现成的。The bridge _as long as 200 metres needs repairing.长达200米的那座桥需要修理了。,to my measure,measuring,(1)measure表示“措施”时,常用其复数形式。

11、(2)measure表示“测定;测量;评估”时,是及物动词,后直接加名词作宾语。(3)measure表示“量;有长(宽、高)等”时,是不及物动词,后跟量的结果,不用被动语态及进行时态。作定语和状语时,要用现在分词形式。,小贴士,aThere are five measures that need to be taken before you can get the most out of a team.(2011浙江卷)bIts necessary to take some measures to solve the problem between you and your mother.(陕

12、西卷)cWhat we should do is that we must take action to solve the problems.(安徽卷)dThis is one of many steps we are taking to make our country an even cleaner place.(安徽卷),满分作文之佳句,in a.position处于的地位/处境in/out of position_position _关于的态度_(ones)position就位,position n位置,地点,所在地;姿势,姿态;地位;位次;立场,处境;职位,You should i

13、nclude your company name and your position.(2012安徽卷,任务型读写)你应该把你的公司名称以及你的职位包含在内。,在/不在适当的位置,on,take up,Im not sure what Id do if I were _我不能肯定如果我身在你的处境会怎么办。After the shelves were _we realised wed forgotten to paint them.把那些架子放好之后,我们才意识到忘记给它们上漆了。巧学助记,in your position,in position,品语境,写汉意Whats your posit

14、ion on that problem?(_)看看高考怎么考Sales director is a position _ communication ability is just as important as sales.(2012重庆卷,29)Awhich Bthat Cwhen Dwhere答案D,立场,figure n数字;图形;人物;身材v.计算;认为;以为,National agricultural census figures show that the fastestgrowing group of farmers is the part over 65.(2012江苏卷,阅

15、读B)全国农业普查数字显示农村人口增长速度最快的是65岁以上的农民。,巧学助记,out,in,Yao Ming is _in Rockets and has _姚明是火箭队的重要人物,他长得很高。I cant _why she said so.我无法理解她为什么这样说。,a key figure,a tall figure,figure out,similarity between之间的相似similar adj.相似的;类似的similarly adv.同样地;类似地be similar to sb/sth与相似be similar in在方面相似,similarity n类似;相似,Wha

16、t made it particularly terrifying was its similarity to the mandrake,a plant that was thought to have come from Hell.(2012重庆卷,阅读D)令它尤其吓人的是它与一种植物曼德拉草相似,这种植物被认为来自地狱。,He is similar to me in age.他和我年龄相仿。看看高考怎么考It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that

17、 may not have any_(2012湖北卷,29)Asymptom BsimilarityCsample Dshadow答案A,集训中心,.语境填词1Chinese silk found its way along the Silk Road to the Middle East and Rome in e_ for spices and jewellery.(change)2Our foreign teacher is interested in studying the s_ and differences between the two countries.(similar)3

18、U_for him,he was knocked down by a car.(fortune)4Not many people have an _(教育)up to 11 years old in the poor areas.(educate)5He satisfied his _(饥饿)with everything in the refrigerator.(hungry),6The local_(居民)are all familiar with the famous writer.(inhabit)7In my opinion,the film last night is not ju

19、st an _(娱乐)Its a film with a message.(entertain)8The _(受污染的)river did great harm to the farmers nearby.(pollute)答案1.exchange2.similarities3.Unfortunately4education5.hunger6.inhabitants7.entertainment 8.polluted,1That river_250 kilometres long and 60 metres wide.Ameasures Bis measured Ccalculates Dis

20、 calculated2Could you help me to_what expenses are when taking a trip in Europe?Amake for Blet in Cpick up Dfigure out3The soldiers have to stand for hours without changing_ Aposition Bstage Csituation DLocation,4From their _on the top of the TV Tower,visitors can have a better view of the city.(陕西卷

21、)Astage Bposition Ccondition Dsituation5My dictionary is similar _Toms _the cover.Ato;to Bin;to Cto;in Dwith;in答案1.A2.D3.A4.B5.C,up to达到;直到;到为止;高达(程度);由决定;忙于,B 核心短语点入线,基础建,To then follow those highenergy rehearsals with a busy show schedule of up to five performances a day,I discovered a new meaning

22、 of the words“hard work”(2012北京卷,完形)为了配合每天达5场的紧凑的时间表以及高耗能的彩排,我发现了词语“努力工作”的新含义。,be up to.打算做/正在做(不好的事);胜任It is up to sb to do sth _Its up to you._。,_ _ _ decide where to go this time.这次由你决定去哪里。What are you _?你在忙什么?,是某人的责任;应由某人做,由你做主,Its up,to you,to,up to,(1)make an effort to do sth尽一切努力做某事_不遗余力put a

23、 lot of effort into投入很多精力(2)_容易地,不费力地with effort 努力地,艰难地_通过某人的努力,make an effort努力,With her mother all to herself,Mckenzie didnt have to make an effort to gain attention.(宁夏卷),Ill _to help the others.我要不遗余力地帮助他人。,spare no effort,without effort,through efforts,spare no effort,集训中心,.选词填空1I think I lock

24、ed the front door,but Id better _2_six people can sleep in the bus.3He finished the task_4The government is going to _to help the poor.,up to;without effort;make sure;increase.by;take measures;make progress;be connected with;at the top of,5We are all surprised that he _such great _in such a short ti

25、me.6The Smiths _the Johnsons by marriage.答案1.make sure2.Up to3.without effort4.take measures5.has made;progress6.are connected with,.单项填空1The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to _its reality.(2011湖北卷,27)Amake up Bfigure out Clook through Dput off2I havent seen S

26、ara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond_(2010安徽卷,25)Ahearing Bstrength Crecognition Dmeasure3The number of the students in the school has increased _10 percent and has got _5,000.Aby;by Bto;by Cby;to Dto;to,4The _you make,the _you will make.Amore efforts;more progressBgreater prog

27、ress;greater effortsCmore efforts;more progressesDmany more efforts;much progress5Where and when the meeting is to be held _our headmaster.Adepend on Bis up toCrelies on Ddecides by答案1.B2.C3.C4.A5.B,while在此句中作并列连词,意为“然而”,表示一种对比关系。,C 核心句型线入面,灵犀现,The index has some surprises,Norway is at the top of th

28、e list,while the US is at number 7.这项指标显示了一些令人感到意外的情况,挪威高居榜首,而美国却排在第七。,(1)while可引导时间状语从句,意为“当时候”。(2)while可引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然,尽管”,一般放在句首,相当于although。,在作“然而”解时,while不能放在句子前面。while和but有所不同,while用于对比,but表示转折;当主语是同一个时应用but,不用while表示转折。,小贴士,Some people are for his plan _ others against it.一些人赞成他的计划,而其他人反对。_ w

29、e dont agree,we continue to be friends.虽然我们意见不一致,我们仍然是朋友。,while,While,看看高考怎么考_I always felt I would pass the exam,I never thought I would get an A(2012湖南卷,28)AWhile BOnce CIf DUntil答案A,.翻译句子1墙上挂着一张很大的中国地图。_2我喜欢喝茶,而她喜欢喝咖啡。_3它们的大小、颜色相似但价格不同。_答案1.On the wall hangs a large map of China.2I like tea while

30、 she likes coffee.3They are of similar size and color while prices differ.,集训中心,.单项填空1_volleyball is her main focus,shes also great at basketball.(2011北京卷,29)ASince BOnce CUnless DWhile2Unsatisfied_with the payment,he took the job just to get some work experience.(2011重庆卷,33)Athough was he Bthough h

31、e was Che was though Dwas he though3Mary made coffee_her guests were finishing their meal.(2011全国卷I,25)Aso that Balthough Cwhile Das if,4Just in front of our house _with a history of 1,000 years.Adoes a tall tree stand Bstands a tall tree Ca tall tree is standing Da tall tree stands5_he was the last

32、 man I wanted to see,I did all in my power to help him.AAs BNow that CAlthough DHowever答案1.D2.B3.C4.B5.C,连词but/however/although/while的用法1_I enjoy the book with some nice picture,I dont have enough money to buy it.(2013青岛模拟)ASince BAs CWhile DIf2_,the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him

33、.(2013河北冀州中学检测)AWanting the job very muchBAlthough wanting the job badlyCThough he wanted the job very muchDHe wanted the job badly,单元语法要点附加练,3_well prepared a gymnast is,he still needs a lot of luck in performing.(2013烟台模拟)AWhatever BAlthoughCNo matter DHowever4_the activities might seem childish,in reality they require a lot of strength and determination.(2013东北三校模拟)AWhen BAs CWhile DOnce,5_the professor did experiments in the lab over and over again,his theory turned out a failure.(2013长沙模拟)AAlthough BBecauseCAs DHowever答案1.C2.C3.D4.C5.A,


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