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1、1.convey vt.运送;传达;表达;转让(财产等)(1)Please _(转达我美好的祝愿)to your mother.(2)Your luggage _(将由机场运送到旅馆)by helicopter.(3)The baby is now able to _(表达自己的意思)(4)All the information can _(传达)in a simple diagram.,convey my good wishes,will be conveyed from the airport to the hotel,convey his meaning,be conveyed,2.br

2、anch n.C 树枝;支流;支线;分支机构,部门,分科,分支 He crossed a small branch two or three times.()The firm has decided to close down its London branch.()The climber throws a stout rope over a large lower branch.()Mark,I want you to work at our branch office in Shenzhen.()One branch of western philosophy,Existentialism

3、(存在主义者),is very similar to Buddhist ideas.(),支流,分公司,树枝,办事处,分支,3.transform vi.&vt.转化;转换;改造;变换transformation n(外观质的)改变、变革(1)A steam engine _(蒸汽机把热量转化成力)(2)Lets _(改革旧的教育制度)(3)We had to _ to catch a plane to Xian.(我们不得不从济南转到青岛以便赶上飞往西安的班机),transforms heat into power,transform the old educational system,t

4、ransfer from Jinan to Qingdao,4.appropriate adj.=proper适当的;正当的 appropriately adv.适当地(1)Sports clothes _ a formal wedding(不适合)(2)It is _(我们早点出发是恰当的)(3)_ ask such personal questions in an interview.(在面试中问这样的个人问题是不适当的),are not appropriate for,appropriate that we set out early,It is not appropriate to,5

5、.exchange n交换;交流;互换 vt.&vi.调换;交换(1)They have offered to release the reporters,but what do they want _(作为交换?)(2)He_(用一个苹果换了一个桔子)(3)Shall I _(换一下座位)you?(4)Many countries have suffered from the fall in _.(许多国家都遭受到这次汇率下跌带来的损失。),in exchange,exchanged an apple for an orange,exchange seats with,the exchang

6、e rate,6.load n负担,负荷物(尤指沉重的)v.装载,加重,把弹药装入(枪炮)(1)His family _(的确是他肩上的一个重担)(2)The boat _(仍在装货)(3)How long will it take to _(把煤装在车上)?If this is really true,it will _(果真如此的话,我就放心了。),is really a heavy load on his shoulder,is still loading,load the coal onto the truck,take a heavy load off my mind,.phrase

7、s 1.take it/things easy轻松;不紧张;从容(指心理上别紧张)(1)_(别紧张)and tell us what happened.(2)Theres no hurry;_(慢慢来吧)(3)We should _(认真对待每次测验)(4)I think you _(一定误解了他的意思)He didnt mean to hurt you.,Take it easy,take your time,take every test seriously,must have taken him wrong,2.run out of(1)His beer soon _(喝完了)(2)He

8、 is always _(把钱花完)before pay day.(3)After the long journey,_(人困马乏)(4)He has _(用完所有的零用钱),ran/gave out,running out of money,both the man and horse gave out,used up all his pocket money,3.make up(1)组成,构成(2)编造(3)弥补(4)化妆(5)创作(6)铺床 标出下列句子中make up的意思 a.Two doctors and six nurses made up the medical team.()

9、=The medical team is made up of two doctors and six nurses.b.We were asked to make up a poem.()c.She made up herself before going to the ball.()d.Jack made up a wonderful story to explain his absence.()e.His mother makes up the bed for him every day.()f.Nothing can make up for the loss of time.(),组成

10、,创作,化妆,编造,铺床,弥补,4.in particular=particularly 尤其,特别 be particular about/over/as to sth 对讲究,挑剔 她对饮食非常挑剔。Sth is specificto some place某物为某地所特有A belief that is specific to this part of Africa_,Shes very particular about what she eats.,5.try out 测试,试验 The idea sounds fine,but we need to _.(我们要在实践中试验一下。)Ja

11、mie could _.(杰米迫不及待地试一下他那辆新自行车。),not wait to try out his new bike,try it out in practice,6.let out 泄露(秘密等);发出(叫喊等);放宽,放大(衣服等);让跑掉(1)Dont _(泄露出去)about my losing job.(2)Hes getting so fat that _(他不得不把他所有的裤子都改大)(3)The baby cant even crawl yet,_(更不用说走了)(4)Open the window and _(让新鲜的空气进来)。(5)Im afraid _(恐

12、怕他会让我们失望)。,let it out,he has to let out all his trousers,let alone walk,let in some fresh air,hell let us down badly,7.Some rhyme(like B)while others do not(like C)有些诗押韵(像B),但也有些不是这样(像C)。(1)She is very diligent,_(而他很懒)(2)Please be quiet _(在我跟你说话的时侯)(3)_(虽然你说的我懂),I cant agree with you.(4)尽管我愿意帮忙,但是没有

13、多少时间。_,while he is lazy,while Im talking to you,While I understand what you say,While Im willing to help,I have little/no time.,课外拓展根据所给词完成句子。(1)This ship _to Europe.(convey)这艘船从中东运输石油到欧洲.(2)You have done quite enough work for today;_.(take)今天你做的工作足够了,现在休息一小时(3)_you set out early.(appropriate)你及早出发是

14、恰当的。,conveys oil from the Middle East,now take it easy for an hour,It is appropriate,(4)Where can I_.(exchange)我在哪里可以用美元兑换英镑?(5)Her money_ and her patience_.她的钱已经用完了,她的耐心也要耗尽了。(run)(6)It was _.(transform)那是能够改变我一生的一件事。,exchange dollars for pounds,has(been)run out(of),is also running/giving out,an event would transform my life,


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