Lesson 5,Its next to the office building,枣园镇中心小学:LiuRong,Linda,Mary,Li Dong,Zhao Yu,a library,a gym,a building,buildings,in the middle of,Linda,Lesson5 Its next to the office building.,HOMEWORK:,Draw a map of our school.Try to ask and answer.,趣味拓展:,咋样问路?话说唐僧只身一人在美国,可怎么也找不到去white House的路了。情急之下,只得求助大徒弟孙悟空。悟空可真有办法,想出这么多说法,来看看吧!How can I get/go to the White House?去白金汉宫怎么走?Wheres the White House?白金汉宫在哪里?Which is the White House?去白金汉宫的路怎么走?Can you tell me how to get to the White House?你能告诉我怎样去白金汉宫吗?这样,要是师傅还要去别的地方,把White house换掉就可以了。你学会问路了么?,Thank you!,