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1、Unit 1 Cultural relics,2011安徽卷 某校英文报开辟了一个专栏:Experience。本期话题是如何解决学习中遇到的困难。请你以“My Approach to Difficulties in Learning”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈自己的一些做法。注意:1.词数100左右。2.短文中不能出现本人的相关信息。,必修,第一编 基 础 知 识,第一编 基 础 知 识,My Approach to Difficulties in Learning As high school students,we run into one difficulty after anothe

2、r in the process of learning.Everyone has their own way to deal with them.Here I would like to share mine.When I am faced with a difficulty,I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Web pages.In this way,I can not only work it out but also improve my ability to overcome problems al

3、l by myself.However,when it is something beyond my competence,I turn to my classmates or teachers for help.Sometimes I also ask my parents for advice.As a result,I have made steady progress in my studies.,第一编 基 础 知 识,第一讲 重 点 单 词,1._adj.稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的_adv.稀有地;珍贵地2._adj.贵重的;有价值的_(反义词)没有价值的_adj.极有用的_vt.&n

4、.重视;珍视;价值_n.贵重物品3._vi.幸免;幸存;生还_n.幸存_n.幸存者4._vt.使吃惊_n.吃惊,惊讶_adj.令人大为惊奇的_adj.大为惊奇的,rare,rarely,valuable,valueless,invaluable,value,valuables,survive,survival,survivor,amaze,amazement,amazing,amazed,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,5._n.&vt.设计;图案;构思6._adj.奇特的;异样的vt.想象;设想;爱好7._v.装饰;装修_n.装饰;装修8._n.珠宝;宝石_n.U珠宝;宝石9._n.接待;招待会


6、l,debate,第一编 基 础 知 识,考点1 survive vt.比活得长,幸免于,从中逃生vi.活下来,幸存,A survive BA比B活得长survive the accident(crash,earthquake)从事故(坠机、地震)中生还survive from.从留存下来survive on.靠维持生活,靠存活下来survival n.幸存;残存;残存物survivor n.生还者,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,She survived her husband by twenty years.她丈夫去世后她又活了二十年。Only two passengers survived

7、the air-crash.这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于难。,(1)She is out of work and is barely _her monthly Social Security payment.她失业了,仅靠每月的社会保险金勉强维持生活。,surviving on,【注意】survive多用作不及物动词,作及物动词用时,如果是“比活得长”的意思,后面可跟“人”作宾语,如果是“从中生还、幸存下来”,后面的宾语是“车祸、风暴、地震”等名词。,第一编 基 础 知 识,(2)Only a child_(在交通事故中活了下来).(3)The woman _by ten years.她比她

8、丈夫多活了10年。(4)Mr.Smith _the accident,but his wife died and he _her by twenty years.A.survive from;survivedB.survived of;livedC.survived;survivedD.survived;lived,survived the traffic accident,survived her husband,C,考点2 belong vi.属于(常和介词to连用);为的一员,belong to属于,不能用于被动语态,也不能用于进行时态belong in应归入(类别、派别、范畴等);应被

9、放在某处,第一编 基 础 知 识,As is known to all,Diaoyu Island belongs to China.众所周知,钓鱼岛属于中国。China is a country belonging to the Third World.中国是一个属于第三世界的国家。,(1)The chair_(应放在)the other room.(2)The house has_(属于)her family for three or four generations.(3)The book _me has been lost.A.belonged to B.belonging toC.b

10、elonged in D.belonging in,should belong in,belonged to,B,第一编 基 础 知 识,考点3 remove vt.移动;搬开,remove.from从移动;搬开remove ones coat脱下大衣remove all doubts消除所有疑虑be removed from school被开除,被勒令退学,move与remove(1)move强调位置和姿态的改变。(2)remove强调完全放弃原来的地方而到达新的位置,有时相当于take away/off。表示“迁居时”,两者均可用。,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,Reference book

11、s may not be removed from the library.参考书不能被带出图书馆。He removed his hat and gloves.他摘下帽子和手套。,(1)The governor_(被免职)from office.(2)She_(搬走)all the books from the desk before leaving school.(3)What do you advise for _ink from my clothes?A.removingB.movingC.gettingD.bringing,was removed,removed,A,第一编 基 础 知

12、 识,考点4 worth prep.值得的;相当于的价值n.价值;作用adj.值钱的,be worth doing 值得做be worthy of being done值得做be worthy to be done值得做It is worthwhile to do sth./doing sth.值得做某事【注意】worth 为表语形容词,不作前置定语,常用well修饰。,This book is worth$50.这本书值50美元。The question is not worth discussing again and again.,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,(1)The new boo

13、k is worth_(读).(2)His suggestion is worth considering.(句型转换)His suggestion is worthy of_.His suggestion is worthy_.(3)There is nothing _praise in what he had done.A.worth ofB.worthwhile C.worth D.worthy,reading,=The question is not worthy to be discussed again and again.=It is not worthwhile to disc

14、uss the question again and again.这个问题不值得反复讨论。,being considered,to be considered,C,第一编 基 础 知 识,第二讲 必 备 短 语,1.in search_寻找2._than少于3.think highly_看重;器重4.care_关心;在乎5._than而不是6.belong_属于7._war处于交战状态8.take_拆开9.be_for为设计10._the light of the moon借助月光,less,of,of,about,rather,to,designed,at,apart,by,高 考 一 轮

15、总 复 习,考点1 in search of寻找,in the/ones search for寻找search after(for)寻找;探求search sb./sth.搜某人身/搜索某处search+地点+for+sth.搜查某地去寻找某物search sb.for sth.在某人身上搜某物,Birds are in search of winter sun.鸟儿们在寻找冬日的阳光。,第一编 基 础 知 识,(1)Hes sailed the seven seas_(寻找)adventure.(2)I_(搜索)everywhere for the book.(3)我们搜遍了整个森林找那个小

16、女孩。(汉译英)_,He searched his pockets for his keys.他翻遍了自己的口袋找钥匙。,in search of,searched,We searched the whole forest for the little girl.,考点2 in return作为报答;回报,in return for.作为对的回报in turn依次,轮流;相应地,反过来take turns to do sth.轮流做某事,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,I asked her opinion,but she just asked me a question in return.我征

17、求她的意见,但她只是反问了我一句。We protect the environment and in turn it benefits us a lot.我们保护环境,环境反过来又带给我们很多好处。,(1)He was always ready to help others._(作为回报),he was liked by everyone.(2)She asked everyone the same question _(in return,in turn).,In return,in turn,第一编 基 础 知 识,(3)我送给他一份礼物以回报他的帮助。(汉译英;present)_(4)我

18、们轮流驾车。(汉译英)_,I sent him a present in return for his help.,We took turns to drive the car.,考点3 at war处于交战状态,at peace处于和平状态in peace安详地by war通过战争,Two months later,Europe was at war.两个月之后,欧洲陷入战乱。,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,(1)How long have they been_(交战)?(2)Our children grew up in a world at war.(英译汉)_(3)There are a

19、bout 30 to 60 tigers after being left_(平静地)with no hunting.(4)German and Britain used to be _.Fortunately,the two countries have been _for many years and people are living_.It is believed that nothing can be solved_.(选词填空;by war,at war,in peace,at peace),at war,at war,at peace,in peace,by war,in pea

20、ce,我们的孩子是在战争年代成长起来的。,第一编 基 础 知 识,考点4 think highly of看重;器重,think well/much of认为好;对评价高think ill/little/poorly of看不起;轻视sing high praise for高度评价speak highly of高度评价,They thought highly of your work.他们对你的工作给予高度评价。Please dont think poorly of me.I had no choice.请不要看不起我,我当时没有选择。,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,(1)We_(评价很高)our

21、 teacher.(2)All the visitors_(对印象都不好)the service here.(3)How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night?_.But the conductor was perfect.A.I dont think much of itB.I couldnt agree moreC.I was crazy about itD.I really like it,think highly of,think little of,A,第一编 基 础 知 识,第三讲 典型句式,

22、1.Frederick William,the King of Prussia,_that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。2.The gift was the Amber Room,which was given this name because several tons of amber were used_(制造)it.3.It was also a treasure_(decorate)w

23、ith gold and jewels,_ took the countrys best artists about ten years to make.,could never have imagined,to make,decorated,which,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,4.Later,Catherine _the Amber Room _to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。5._(毫无疑问)the boxes were then

24、put on a train for Konigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.6.After that,_the Amber Room remains a mystery.从那以后,琥珀屋的去处便成了一个谜。,had,moved,There is no doubt that,what happened to,第一编 基 础 知 识,考点1 Frederick William,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest g

25、ift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.(Page 1)普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。,(1)could+have+done 是虚拟语气,表示对过去事情的假设,意思是本来能够做某事而没有做。He could have passed the exam,but he was too careless.本来他能够通过考试,但是他太粗心了。,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,(2)must+have+done 表示对过去事情的肯定推测,译成“一定做过某事”,该结构只用于肯定句。

26、It must have rained last night,for the ground is wet.昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面还是湿的。(3)should+have+done表示本来应该做某事,而实际没做。shouldnt+have+done 表示本来不应该做某事,而实际做了。含有指责对方或自责的含义。(4)neednt+have+done表示本来没有必要做某事,而实际做了。,(1)Tom,you are too lazy.The work_(finish)yesterday.汤姆,你太懒惰了,这项工作本来应该昨天就做完的。,should have been,finished,高 考 一

27、轮 总 复 习,(2)Look,Tom is crying.You_(be)so harsh on him.看,汤姆哭了。你本来不应该对他如此严厉的。(3)You_(be)mad to speak to the servant.你和仆人说话,一定是发疯了。(4)He could not_(go)there,I just saw him.他不可能去那里的,我刚刚还看见过他。(5)We _have bought so much food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner.A.may notB.needntC.cantD.mustnt,shouldn

28、t have been,must have been,have gone,B,第一编 基 础 知 识,考点2 The gift was the Amber Room,which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it.(Page 1)这件礼物就是琥珀屋,它之所以有这个名字,是因为造这间房子用了好几吨琥珀。,be used to do sth.被用来做某事be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事used to do sth.过去常常做某事,be used to do,used to

29、与be used to doing(1)be used to(doing)sth.习惯(做)某事。其中to是介词。,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,(2)used to do 和be used to do中的to都是不定式符号。Computers can be used to do a lot of work now.如今电脑可用来做许多事。Mr.White used to come and have a snack with my father.从前怀特先生经常来这里和我父亲一道吃快餐。,(1)In the past,the stone was_(build)houses.过去,石头被用来建造房

30、子。(2)Our head teacher has been used to_(stay up)late.(3)Tom used to_(lie)to the teacher.,used to build,staying up,lie,第一编 基 础 知 识,.单词拼写1.He left us many_(有价值的)things.2.We had an_(非正式的)meeting.3.If there is important business,the_(争论)can last for several days.4.The ship is _(下沉),and I have to send a

31、SOS.5.The_(爆炸的)world population may lead to an energy crisis.词组填空,valuable,informal,debates,sinking,exploding,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,1.What can I give you _for your support?2.The child wants to _a watch to see what makes it work.3.Those scientists were_.4.A working party has been set up to _the problem speci

32、ally.5.The country has been _with his neighbors for more than two years.完成句子1._(毫无疑问)he is not telling the truth.2.I_(从未想过)that my bad life ended here.,in return,take apart,highly thought of,look into,at war,There is no doubt that,could never have imagined,第一编 基 础 知 识,3.This room_(为设计)children.4.The

33、 general had_(充当)a soldier in the earlier war.5.He is stronger_(比班里其他男孩).6._(令我惊讶的是),he knew all about Africa.,was designed for,served as,than any other boy in his class,To my surprise/amazement,返回目录,继续,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,Unit 2 Olympic Games,2012湖南卷 生活中,你自己或他人曾有过物品不慎丢失而又找回的经历,其间有烦恼、有惊喜、有感慨,请就此写一篇英语短文。主要

34、内容包括:1)丢失的物品;2)物品失而复得的经过;3)你的感受。注意:词数不少于120个。,第一编 基 础 知 识,In our daily life,almost anybody may lose something,which is quite common.What we lost sometimes can be returned in different ways and if so,the feeling is rather impressive.Among the things that I lost and regained,I will never forget the ev

35、ent about my good friend,a dog called Xiaohei.It was five years ago when I was in a junior middle school that Xiaohei and I went out by bus.When I got to the destination,Xiaohei was not in my sight.Perhaps he got down the bus at a stop by mistake.Immediately looking for him was the whole thing I did

36、 but it was a pity.That afternoon I cried a lot and I thought I would never see him again.,第一编 基 础 知 识,Then a week passing,when I got up to go to school,I heard a familiar sound.Outside the door stood my dog,mud all over his body.I could not help sobbing at that moment.Only from that moment on,have

37、I understood the deep feeling of empathy.,第一编 基 础 知 识,第一讲 重 点 单 词,1._adj.古代的;古老的2._vi.比赛;竞争_n.竞争_n.竞争者_adj.竞技的3._adj.巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的_adv.4._n.志愿者;志愿兵adj.志愿的;义务的vt.&vi.自愿5._adj.规则的;定期的;常规的_(反义词)_n.规律性,ancient,compete,competition,competitor,competitive,magical,magically,volunteer,regular,irregular,regula

38、rity,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,6._n.基础;根据_vt.根据7._n.运动员;运动选手_adj.运动的8._vt.&vi.容许;承认;接纳_n.9._adv.现今;现在10._n.体操;体能训练_adj._n.体育馆;健身房11._n.职责;责任_adj.负责的12._adj.物理的;身体的_n.物理_n.物理学家13._vt.&vi.做广告;登广告_n.广告14._n.光荣;荣誉_adj.光荣的15._vi.&vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得,basis,base,athlete,athletic,admit,admission,nowadays,gymnastics,gymnast

39、ic,gymnasium,responsibility,responsible,physics,physical,physicist,advertise,advertisement,glory,glorious,deserve,第一编 基 础 知 识,考点1 compete vi.比赛;竞争,compete for为而竞争compete in参加的比赛compete with/against和竞争competition n.比赛;竞赛competitor n.竞争者,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,About 800 athletes competed in fifteen events.大约有8

40、00名运动员参加了15个项目的竞赛。He cant compete in math with his sister.他在数学上比不过他妹妹。,(1)The young tennis player often_(对抗赛)famous players,but so far he has always been beaten.(2)几位学生竞争奖学金。(汉译英;scholarship)_,competed against,Several students competed for the scholarship.,第一编 基 础 知 识,(3)Giving up my job to go back

41、to full-time education was a big_,but now I know it was the best decision I ever made.A.project B.commitment C.competition D.ambition,C,考点2 admit vt.&vi.容许;承认;接纳,admit doing sth.承认做某事be admitted to/into被接纳;被录取be admitted as作为而被接纳admit sth./that承认admit of.容许【注意】admit后不能跟不定式作宾语,只能跟动名词作宾语。,第一编 基 础 知 识,

42、His only son was admitted to a key university last year.他唯一的儿子去年被一所重点大学录取了。He admitted breaking his fathers vase when he tried to move the table.他承认在搬桌子的时候打碎了父亲的花瓶。The matter admits of no delay.此事不容耽误。,(1)He admitted_(break)the window.(2)She was_(接纳)a member of the club.(3)My son will_(被录用)the compa

43、ny this year.,breaking,admitted as,be admitted to,第一编 基 础 知 识,考点3 charge vt.&vi.要价;控告;充电n.看管;费用;控告;主管,charge sb.money for sth.charge money for sth.向某人索取的费用charge sb.with sth.因某事控告某人in charge of sth.负责某事in the charge of sb.由某人负责take charge of主管;负责free of charge免费,相当于for free,(4)Now that he _that he h

44、ad stolen the money,you should have forgiven him.A.excusedB.sufferedC.admittedD.offered,C,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away.经理不在时,他负责这个商店。What did they charge for the repairs?他们收了多少修理费?He was charged with murder.他被指控犯有谋杀罪。,(1)How much did the old man_(收费)you

45、_ repairing the bike?(2)The park is open to the public_(免费).,charge,for,free of charge/for free,第一编 基 础 知 识,考点4 deserve vt.(常与动词不定式to连用)值得;应受;应该得到,(3)These patients are_(由负责)Dr.Wilson.(4)The young man was_(控告)stealing.(5)My brother was against my suggestion while my sister was _it.A.in honor ofB.in

46、search ofC.in favor ofD.in charge of,in the charge of,charged with,C,deserve to do sth.应该做某事deserve to be done=deserve doing值得做,应该(表示被动意义),高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,(1)Good work_(需要)good pay.(2)The team deserves to win.(英译汉)_(3)They deserve to be punished.(改写句子)_,deserve consideration/attention值得考虑/注意【注意】deserv

47、e doing中doing是主动式表被动意义,所以doing必须是及物动词。,He deserved to be punished.他应当受到惩罚。,deserves,这个队该赢。,They deserve punishing.,第一编 基 础 知 识,第二讲 必 备 短 语,1.as_也;又;还2.one_another陆续地;一个接一个地3pete_为了而竞争compete_与竞争compete_在方面竞争4.run the_参加比赛5.play an important role_扮演重要角色;起重要作用6.stand_代表;象征;表示7._charge主管;看管,after,well,

48、for,with,in,race,in,in,for,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,8._four years每四年9.be admitted_.作为被接受be admitted_.被录取10._up捡起11.take part _参加;参与12.the _Olympic Games古代奥林匹克运动会13.make a _with sb.同某人讨价还价14._ones mind改变主意15.work_ 计算出;解决;锻炼,every,as,to/into,pick,in,ancient,bargain,change,out,考点1 take part in参加,高 考 一 轮 总 复 习,tak

49、e part in,join in,join与attend(1)take part in指参加群众性的活动或会议,并在其中起作用。(2)join in表示“参加某种活动”,in为介词。(3)join sb.in(doing)sth.表示“参加某人所从事的活动”。(4)join“参加”,指加入党派、社会团体、军队等并成为其中一员。(5)attend是正式用语,指参加会议、婚礼、典礼,听报告、讲座等。一般指成为观众或听众。,May I take part in the game?我可以参加比赛吗?,第一编 基 础 知 识,(1)How many countries will_(参加)the 30t

50、h Olympic Games?(2)He_(加入)the army in 2010.(3)Will you_(和我们一起打)basketball?(4)There are over 3,000 people_(参加)the conference.(5)Well go out for a walk after supper.Will you _us?.join B.join in C.take part D.take part in,The school was attended almost entirely by local children.上这个学校读书的几乎全是当地的孩子。,考点2


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