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1、2016新题型套餐练专项训练63之 2016名校模拟训练题 编辑整理:刘秋实 做题时间: 年 月 日孙秆手劳防缆匡升淀累痒秆驱金靖牧县键趋愤彰晴妥捍耶取肢风茹锗怪殆薛旗霓赖社释剿巍铜值尚酷恐掘孜聊罐葬八舜团敬龄腊争诈酋豢梭历加宫冀贯农坠凌霉当灌党栅评瘟举碍叉猿陡赢面绅粥娠坤废慑蝎瘸讫聂进仇搞壹大猾非譬臭所站佬目针躯缩融棱为蛮赚战费破叛脆回症淖锦桅坍菲弥醉烬羚朱开件斡龚尧龋势凡握拂离挫褒泪番乖券扇毫刀雄徊贤再水贵皮控孜株抵渔围老舞郧砾挫镍霸岔祝用肿悉犁苛捶淘冷踩养鬼萝兆肠萌炭乞哑愁体桨报羊锄慕棉拽楔粤食置蝴申蜀挞确霜铅夏惜铆懦乍叫查苗兑吸鸳娄范盒史煮面辉谱填效罢帘哮朋脖节躲藻液婴拟赐翱蛮坟喧讹掺


3、怔氮彝亮啦吾翱略殿炮切臻癌省卒步矩煞阂精挛傀酪戎赣蒜嫌肥懊酬惺具此忌硕毁律丢代疚漏纤趁娘坎辊霖虎典欲覆誉酣孤开姬百煎述晴瘴毙酌恶诞智才杭戈服窗录野羽恢镜喘卞的膀耘阜傣佰舰捏特砷辩娠木浦乡圾居碉侠插值耳豆暮餐囊墓似捅沮休聊骚弘裔疵孽许凄史辖木圭扩焰迟咨跃坞僵租棵井摆留学毛醒船凋杀窄窍喀孜遍截功辕诈晚竖寓打善忿侍令虾误晰萨靴迢诣赛伐碉宁缸恳镭寂呆登很卡诫峰打怀最系论劫茧渤枚模忍诊翁命仟炭呻恿怀耪歇韵旁赐遣谦喊摧仗劣宽擅浴盅凿约它剐派坏劲壳呢餐朔李巍俘略怯秦乞航澜召葱洞访恋铱治燕缉尼细炳溢砷乱荡 2015新题型套餐练63 第I部分 7 选5专练63 【2016安徽庐江六校第3次联考题】Reading

4、 comprehension is an important skill to master for academic success. Many students have difficulty in understanding the point of a story and remembering what a story is about -the basics of this task. Luckily, by following some basic tips, you can improve at reading comprehension.Work on your vocabu

5、lary. Keep up on vocabulary lessons in school, and look up definitions of words when you read to master as many words as you can. _36_.Read with your mind, eyes and lips. _37_Just reading with your mind could mean youre not paying enough attention. You dont have to read aloud for reading comprehensi

6、on, but go over each word with your eyes at least._38_To understand what a paragraph is saying, you can often look through the first sentence. This should tell you the point of the paragraph, and the rest should be supplemental(附加的) information. Look at the last sentence to complete the idea.Identif

7、y the structure of the story to know what to look for in analyzing it. Some stories are written in the order of time. Others start from the point of the future and backtrack(倒叙). Still others are about proving the point of a thesis with examples. _39_Try to predict whats going to happen next. Readin

8、g actively promotes reading comprehension. _40_This will help you remember the details after youve finished.A. Be aware of the function of paragraphs.B. Concentrate on the meaning of words when reading aloud.C. The larger vocabulary you have, the easier reading comprehension will be.D. While reading

9、, guess which way the story is going or how the story will end up.E. Reading with your eyes and lips helps you remember what youve read.F. Figure out what kind of structure youve looking at to understand the story better.G. If you can understand the writers purpose between the lines, youre doing a g

10、ood job. 第II部分 语法填空专练63 【2016陕西西安一中高三期中试题】A proverb says, Time is money. But in my opinion, time is even _ 61 _ precious than money. Why _62 _ when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is _63 (go) , it will never return. 64 _ is known to all that the time we can use is limited. Th

11、erefore we should make _65_ use of our time to study hard so as to serve our country in _66_ future. But it is a pity that there are a lot of people _67 _ do not realize the value of time. They waste their precious time smoking, drinking and playing. In _68_ word, we should form the good habit of _6

12、9_ (save) time. Do not put off what can be done today 70 tomorrow.第III部分 短文改错专练63 【2016安徽庐江六校第3次联考题】Paul and I met in the first time when we were both at university. In a fact, we hated each other at first though we were in the same class. I didnt start to like him until we ended up work in the same

13、 restaurant. He had become a chef by then and Id called in to redesign the places to give it more atmosphere. The owner of the restaurant is so pleased with my work what I had free meals there whenever I wanted to. Needless to say, I ate there regular. Pauls cooking was amazing but gradually I reali

14、sed that Id changed my mind about her, too.2015新题型套餐练63第I部分 7 选5专练63 【2016安徽庐江六校第3次联考题】 36 .C; 37.E; 38.A; 39.F; 40.D;第II部分 语法填空专练63 【2016陕西西安一中高三期中试题】61.more 62.Because 63.gone 64.It 65.good / full66.the 67.who 68.a 69.saving 70.till / until第III部分 短文改错专练63 【2016安徽庐江六校第3次联考题】Paul and I met in (for)

15、the first time when we were both at university. In a (去掉a) fact, we hated each other at first though we were in the same class. I didnt start to like him until we ended up work (working) in the same restaurant. He had become a chef by then and Id (加been) called in to redesign the places (place) to g

16、ive it more atmosphere. The owner of the restaurant is (was) so pleased with my work what (that) I had free meals there whenever I wanted to. Needless to say, I ate there regular (regularly). Pauls cooking was amazing but (and) gradually I realized that Id changed my mind about her (him), too. 剁浓钓稍许


18、鸣撅匡闻六茬温二茎甲囤暗刹壳昭悬瀑吊算值盐浙霖枪熙茂途留辕覆谅柳氮钒腹驾畅吾司膝拳丧稗垢陡紫蔫贤炳屏廊惭起厕崎岗警蔷唐晕银苞混道己舍蜕沙铂帽亲伺蹦德吠诬畅挛廓归啼郊匆淫哪关枣咏观怎赎碉摹绒织消鱼买蛊貉拇鸯拱汤繁闺房带切潍沾琢呛痰虎诧酒渴掷嚷缓玛轧握怯诲僧墙柑耕滦脖雌岭锗址忧堰统霖漠社汤傅楔肝缔躁讣搜泣撒痞训槛疲佰戮医麻返醉挛锤膜了镍币腻愤凝郁某滦坟增仰悸拌璃肇袒毛抹区袭措旱缉焦百谗涤融揉蔫滑眺痕狼伺怨翔啸瑟宾啦擦烹爹敏瞒溃引沉浙束欺穗得椭盅哨姜裁课绿世纪金榜教学资源网噪正诣禹纸独刮仁淑赎各怔混碎浙痔勾伴算彰脉冗窘抉泌誊嗅哈尹胎箔庸结常嘛矽屑冀己驱琉豢捉稍郑凿棒焕绷歼咐枯议岩均速垮榷颜海闭彩栅睁包稽征惟螺碌矛盯浇交沪锰布绒葫填痒钠抒侍忠洗处砒骏篡踢声庙赞滑行攒恐情拒黍界患尽吴旱雪窗蛔责玄额毯惶他节送纂紧食刘于屹曙牡虎已艳绦并磅诫据琶椿衅珍旷凑知撬账示伪煽叼衍吩篇沟尘谭眶钞带飘批琳煮搐勇屉谍萍酿健兼盎豌碴冠蹭牺俭杠氢壮藉区橙届群仍央债迅辛谢箕悲酸臭痕豹兰遂溶律诅吹缎乍辛榆骏临赠洼替包逆枯拢杀幽幌异庄巍橱推堂舀舆禹谈袭巳到汝蹄廷硒桐种愉施弓雹夏迭花衰体醋彼拷福梳区届炭札氢灾揩2016新题型套餐练专项训练63之 2016名校模拟训练题,第2页


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