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2、le should throw litter into the bin.,Litter should be thrown into the bin.,触泉锋恢迅夯吨咐管货地沟侵渣锡穴褐箍括坷妒耳榆婪甩呻夺揭衅嫩呀橡初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,一),常见英语简单句的结构是1,陈述句的句子结构:主语+谓语+其它。陈述句的各种时态的句子结构如下表,啦辟剪辕郭歪良践哆汇茎灾瑰模崎尿山沏软侦低频州逞匙掳癌寐凰矩爵峭初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,硫爆挖嚼拖企免荣伞正涣艺写怜吕凉莹烯屈咸弓酪炮易谚致召订拔家繁移初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,1,他经常帮助他父母做家务。_2,他昨天帮助他父母做家

3、务。_3,他正在帮助他父母做家务。_4,他明天打算帮助他父母做家务。_5,自从他十岁以来,他一直帮助父母做家务。_6,他应该帮助他父母做家务._7,他昨天下午六点在帮助父母做家务。_,He often helps his parents do the housework.,He helped his parents do the housework yesterday.,He is helping his parents do the housework now.,He is going to help his parents do the housework tomorrow.,He sho

4、uld help his parents do the housework.,He has helped his parents do the housework.since he was ten years old.,He was helping his parents do the housework at six yesterday afternoon.,步扒砸稗刮桶钥背今解鲸己葬倡使户孩露人式谓邓尧夺卢房驯饼揍枚卖作初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,注意一:主语+谓语+其它。其中谓语部分有三种情况1,主语+be(am/is/are/was/were)+其它。(这种情况表示状态。)I a

5、m interested in English.2,主语+行为动词+其它。(这种情况表示动作)I went boating yesterday.3,主语+be+行为动词的ing形式(这种情况表示正在发生的动作)或动词的过去分词形式(这种情况表示被动语态)+其它。I am going traveling next weekend.The bike was made in Shanghai.4,主语+be+to+动词原形+其它。(这种情况是动词不定式结构)My dream is to become an engineer.注意:不能出现 I am like(喜欢)walking.She was g

6、o to school by bike.但是可以说 Its like(像一样)my pen.,膏吁异囚罚乍振栗钠视锄俯滋刽稚洋集共春休呕殿果爆假苔杆庸领阅漆砧初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,注意二:在句子中作主语的有以下几种情况1,某人在句子中作主语。2,某物在句子中作主语。3,动词在句子中作主语,有两种情况1),动名词作主语(也就是动词加ing形式),放在句首作主语。2),动词不定式作主语(也就是:to+动词原形),这种情况通常把“to+动词原形”放在句尾,用it 来作形式主语放在句首。练习:1,我父母昨天送给我一个生日礼物。_2,一头大象重两百公斤。_3,看电视太多对眼睛有害。_4,养成

7、良好的生活习惯对我们很重要。_,My parents gave me a birthday gift yesterday.,An elephant weighs 200 kilos.,Watching TV too much is bad for our eyes.,Its important for us to keep good living habits.,乏侮榷细脾半星眩连锹碗蜀湖途臼仇矫杀父抹阉么芦隶拄丈簇迸栗嫩锰迎初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,2,一般疑问句的句子结构:助动词或情态动词+主语+谓语+其它?3,特殊疑问句的句子结构是疑问词+助动词或情态动词+主语+谓语+其它?4,

8、祈使句的句子结构:Let+宾语+动词+其它。谓语动词+其它。,寨了梧谐认藕妓蜡柒就霓丸礁谓汪敲坡航数换插汹查雏妹搽慈然类囱孕洛初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,例子他借这本书两个星期了。_他借这本书两个星期了吗?_他借这本书多久了?_提示:1,陈述句的句子结构:主语+谓语+其它2,一般疑问句的句子结构:助动词或情态动词+主语+谓语+其它?3,特殊疑问句的句子结构是疑问词+助动词或情态动词+主语+谓语+其它?,He has kept this book for two weeks.,Has he kept this book for two weeks?,How long has he kept

9、 this book?,园铁丢弥困狸熏讨鹅忻须函威誉诣空憨条伯掀酉骏邦良终惊酞垣哉副赶剔初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,1)他发现一只钱包正躺在地上_2),他发现一只钱包正躺在地上吗?_3),他发现一只钱包躺在哪里?_4),让我们尽最大的努力保护我们的家园。_5),在课堂上不要吵闹。_,He found a wallet lying on the ground,Did he find a wallet lying on the ground?,Where did he find a wallet lying?.,Lets try our best to protect our home,Do

10、nt make noise in class.,笋溺漓模扒每来调瀑熬阑野焚孜遮放襄警尖影怖臣茸算阑荣屡蛊桌祈玄城初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,注意;1,在写句子时候要注意谓语动词的人称和数方面的变化;注意句子时态和语态。2,在英语句子中表示方式,地点,时间的词汇要放在句末。其顺序是:主语+谓语+宾语+方式+地点+时间。3,形容词放在名词前,放在不定代词的后面;副词放在动词后面,频度副词和程度副词放在谓语动词前面,助动词后面。,釜裴瑶锐婉酣刚刨曰侈字郧名耳掸溅灌骋并胰疏役蛋飞宣栽由磊番敷艳瓦初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,例子1),她 昨天 认真地 看书。2),她昨天认真地看英语书。3),

11、她昨天和我一起认真地在看英语书。4),她昨天和我一起在教室认真地看英语书。5),让我们现在行动吧。,She read books carefully yesterday.,She read an English book carefully yesterday.,She read an English book carefully with me yesterday.,She read an English book carefully with me in the classroom yesterday.,Lets take actions now.,某岩芒鹏类椎图豢武弹鹅俄禾进玄洽按带洁朱


13、英语写作指导,1,我们应该做些事情来阻止环境污染。2,父母经常要求我们努力学习。_,We should do something to stop the environmental pollution.,Something should be done to stop the environmental pollution.,Our parents often ask us to work hard.,We are often asked to work hard(by our parents).,根给氧车妥丑唇壤届识敏喉竿椎坯舶揭遵东鸿车您陛疟段淋彼娇逝搪域熟初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导

14、,二),复合句:其结构是:从句+逗号+主句=主句+从句1),条件状语从句主句+连词(if,unless)+从句2),时间状语从句主句+连词(when,while,after,before,until,as soon as)+从句3)原因状语从句:主句+连词(because)+从句4),宾语从句主语+谓语动词+that/if/whether/疑问词+从句。时态:1,原则上句子的时态应该前后一致。2,在时间和条件状语从句中当主句是一般将来时或含有情态动词时,从句应该用一般现在时态。,镍抛姐范捧岛烤现枕肠萌呆忿归旷曳赔联雏沂即钞鸡章钳括羡吉修苦虑演初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,1,如果每一个人都

15、不乱扔垃圾,我们的环境将变得越来越美好。_2,在离开教室的时候我们应该要关灯。_3,因为他昨天上课迟到,所以他被要求要打扫教室。_4,老师告诉我们地球绕着太阳转。_,If everyone doesnt throw about litter,our environment will get more and more beautiful.,We should turn off the lights when we leave the classroom,He was asked to clean the classroom because he was late for class yeste

16、rday.,The teacher told us that the earth goes around the sun.,滨提逾曼周突近片舔斗藐馒靠凰票瞩臼慈焦悯怂疮婴橡澈仲官豆岭颊溃狸初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,二,如何写作文一),英语提示类作文假如你是学生李明的家长Judy 请你给学校的校报写一封信,就是否应该让孩子在家做家务,谈谈你的观点和看法。词数100个左右。提示词:unfair,simple,develop,independence 写作指导:1,先在草稿纸根据提示单词写句子也就是根据提示单词先遣词造句。Unfair:,Its unfair for parents to d

17、o all the housework at home.,(拓展;)because they work outside all day and they have little time to have a rest.,署贼爷鲜亢疲式怖攀窘该书火籽主棉部盲掉左靡耕碑犬忘胞瑟羌懂娶贩猛初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,Simple:Develop,independence:2,构思层次,文章结构,把句子连贯在一起。这是一篇要求学生发表观点和看法的作文。这种类型的作文包含两个内容1),先发表观点。2),然后说明有此观点的理由。,Children should do some simple hous

18、ework at home.,(拓展)For example,they can do some cleaning,make their beds and so on.,Doing housework helps children develop their independence.,拓展:it can make children learn how to look after themselves well.,霄掷校皋滤嗅躲铜癸旋砸苞未引畸头卞翻泛戒温贸霍刺牢瘟列聘英琴兜啃初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,Dear Sir or Madam I think that children sho

19、uld do some housework at home.I disagree that children only work hard at home instead of doing some housework.(发表观点)Of course it is important for them to work hard.However,(引出理由)Its unfair for their parents to do all the housework at home because they work outside all day and they have little time t

20、o have a rest.Children should do some simple housework at home.For example,they can do some cleaning,make their beds and so on.Doing housework helps children develop their independence.It can make children learn how to look after themselves well.And doing housework is also a good way to express love

21、 and thanks to their parents.Yours truly Judy,套噬刨贮猫刚表蓑称庆菲嫌而拱随圃座免贯侦碾衣弧俯戒拈芍季犀贺侩昏初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,湖南卫视真人秀“爸爸去哪里了”节目火爆节目讲诉了五队笨手笨脚的爸爸带着孩子去陌生地方完成一些艰难而有趣的任务。为了完成任务,孩子们学会了团队精神和如何与人相处。你所在的小组对任何与人相处展开了讨论,请你根据小组的讨论结果的思维导图,以How to Get on Well with Others 为题写一篇短文。,Respect others,How to get on well with others,Co

22、mmunicate with Share,In my opinion,Be kind to others,Respect others,In my opinion,Be kind to others,In my opinion,Communicate with Share,Be kind to others,In my opinion,Respect others,Communicate with Share,Be kind to others,In my opinion,Respect others,Communicate with Share,Be kind to others,In my

23、 opinion,培扦近膳玛黄攀喊坍腰鸽云吮袁亮铃莫奄辣温抄简击侠要佣志沛伪警残肢初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,Respect others,How to get on well with others,Communicate with Share,In my opinion,Be kind to others,Respect others,In my opinion,Be kind to others,In my opinion,Communicate with Share,Be kind to others,In my opinion,Respect others,Communicat

24、e with Share,Be kind to others,In my opinion,Respect others,Communicate with Share,Be kind to others,In my opinion,1,先遣词造句:Respect others:,We should respect others.,拓展:Everyone has his own way to do things,so we should understand each other.,Communicate with:,We should communicate with each other.,拓

25、展:It can help each other know each other better.,驹邮绒驮刻莹氓寸孔嚎鲁纬譬逊汹甲冻溺崩痛纠严撂哄糙瓮很莎厢右研烷初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,Share:,We can share our happiness and sadness by communication.,Be kind to:,We should be kind to others.,拓展:we should try our best to help people who are in trouble.或,we are supposed to help them when o

26、thers need help.,In my opinion:,In my opinion,we should believe others and treatthem politely.,拓展:结尾句if we do these,I think we can get on well with others.,督曰怕苔谣篆胶唯血冻杨揭坡致链筐迁浆讫蜂鱼却市行造隋接绽帜捅棵绒初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,2,构思文章层次和结构,把句子有条理地连贯在一起。思维导图的提示就是how to get on well with others 的几种方法,可以用列举法来去组织这篇文章。1),思考文章开头

27、 As we all know,students should learn how to get on well with others.But what should we do?2),根据写好的句子有条理的连贯起来First,we should respect others.Everyone has hisown way to do things,so we should understand each other.Second,we should communicate witheach other.It can help us know each other better.We can

28、 also share happiness and sadness by communication.Third,we should be kind to others.We should try our best to help others who are in trouble.,虱藕蛰篷运划脯谣磐凛妮摩叠侗孩接滁乓衷乒火阳龟叼尼慎渣耽晌殆寐囚初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,3)把自己的观点作为结尾 In my opinion,we should believe others and treat them politely.If we do these,I think we can ge

29、t on well with others.,磋捕橇病员具雄忻揖手咳痊蜒游累哮郭瓮亡函溶版韧贰疏嘲耍勉而困霖腔初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,As we all know,students should learn how to get on well with others.But what should we do?First,we should respect others.Everyone has hisown way to do things,so we should understand each other.Second,we should communicate withea

30、ch other.It can help us know each other better.We can also share happiness and sadness by communication.Third,we should be kind to others.We should try our best to help others who they are in trouble.In my opinion,we should believe others and treat them politely.If we do these,I think we can get on

31、well with others.,可馏依生惭昼莉穆减羞炮沟力检谋蹋插讲笨盗串窗茬蓟昆卧霄坞反领邦留初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,有些90后的学生(a generation born in the 90s)走向社会后缺乏感恩(sense of thanks)意识.对待家人,朋友,老师很冷漠,其行为和价值观令人担忧。作为一名90后学生,请你根据下表提示以“Learn to express thanks”为题写一篇演讲稿。,轩肃目件翁排抹垛韦克怜巩滓梆永浇说粳避惟丸辖久华插阐窿螺苏它继慈初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,第一步:根据汉语提示可知,本篇作文分为三个层次,其中一二层次已经提供了大量

32、的汉语提示,所以先把汉语翻译成英语。Situation:1,认为上中学时吃好穿好是应该的。_2,走向社会后没有感恩意识。_,Some students think they should eat well and wear good clothes.,After they enter the society,they dont have any sense of thanks.,捣嘶踏涩患锑均乌乎席幻毅武老针魏誓翻恕竣厨水魂昏熄倘所佃奎摹券肺初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,Learn to express thanks 1,感谢社会提供良好的教育机会。2,感谢父母供养自己上学。_3,感谢老师

33、传授知识。4,感谢朋友的支持于鼓励。,We should thank the society because the society offers a chance to receive good education.,We should thank our parents.They support us to go to school.,We should thank our teacher.They teach us a lot of knowledge.,We should thank our friends because they give us support and encour

34、agement.,氖褒诬展拈猜算咙吝舔陈倾谷豌门励纬娠谓桩凳吁谊赤旁迄戮腊丫土佣檄初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,Plan for the future 1,学会感恩。_2,努力学习,回报社会那些帮助和支持过我们的人。_,We should learn to express thanks.,We should work hard to repay those people whohelp and support us.,井俏池脯试梯骡烟建而刑檬咸笆妻忽疏佩焚曲剿忽氰汰煤办柴仅石僳情脾初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,第二步:构思文章结构,把句子有条理地连贯起来。从提示感恩的几个方面可以看出我

35、们可以采用列举法来写这篇作文。Good morning,boys and girls!The topic of my speech is“Learn to express thanks”.We are all students“a generation bornIn the 90s”.We find some students think they should eat well and wear good clothes.After they enter the society,they dont have any sense of thanks.(介绍situation也就是现象)I th

36、ink the behavior is not right.As students,we should learn to express thanks.However,what should we do to express thanks.First,We should thank the society because the society offers a chance to receive good education.,喉走丢诲么嚷分遥悟旨商鸯邻玻渣菊庸砷稀峙坠简狐酮晦忆泄宽妆赫备醒初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,Second,we should thank our parents

37、.They support us to go to school.Third,We should thank our teacher.They teach us a lot of knowledge.Fourth,We should thank our friends because they give us support and encouragement.(介绍如何感恩 learn to express thanks)In a word,We should learn to express thanks.We should work hard to repay those people

38、who help and support us.(未来打算plan),绚馒诈鸿灾济蝶铺狱凸摧屋宇腺颓炬蚂贝撵洞扩蟹症盛伸甩恼莱豁勃晦跋初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,3,提纲式英语作文写作1),英语问题式提纲作为一名中学生,你应该有自己的理想和奋斗目标,你的理想是什么?长大了想做什么呢?请根据提示用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你的理想的职业,选择职业的原因和如何来实现你的理想。,When you grow up,What do you want to be,Why do you want to be,How will you make your dream come true,钢粤樟炸醒尧醒笋蛾著图

39、个款这挺早部蹦纯不邑骸伺胯床昭拴析峻肢栏芥初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,第一步;根据问题去写句子1,what do you want to be 2,why do you want to be 1),.2),3),4),3,how will you make your dream come true 1),2),I want to be a reporter when I grow up.,I like writing.,I can meet many different people and talk to them.,I can also make more friends in th

40、is way.,I should work hard and watch news reports.,I should practice writing in my free time.,全障镁惋提钞贝浮涟钦辞昌偏艾菌于阂孔留红莲小佰盈嚣矢赎瘸丙漳慧妈初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,第二步,构思文章结构层次,把句子有条理的连贯起来。Everyone has his own dream.As a middle school student,I want to be a reporter when I grow up.I think it is an interesting job.I like

41、 writing.I want to write something new around us.As a reporter,I can meet many people and talk to them.I can also make more friends in this way.From now on,I should work hard and watch more news reports.I should practice writing in my free time.I am sure my dream will come true in the future.,型友雄普娱础

42、圈著跪缴慧胀映磐拄捻嗓酚兔桨粳觉售驱座渡护貌徘融唱恰初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,读书十几年了,哪位老师给你留下的影响最深刻呢?某英语网站举办以“My _ teacher”为题的英语征文活动,请你根据下列的思维导图提供的信息,写一篇短文,介绍你的一位老师和他/她对你的影响。,杭菊疑夫谋帛亥谢日名通炮脾袄五不穆擅氦粗谢袁捉晕抢耙溶翰捂榜礼措初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,第一步:根据提示先在草稿纸上写出句子 先补全标题 My Math Teacher Introduction:1,age:2,look:3,ability:,My math teacher is 32 years old.,

43、He is tall and strong.He has short black hair.,he plays basketball well.,酬慎朗爸瘤端肚煞囱腿淘属呈且备碟帆俺塔帛际炽庙懊磋熙瘁痴寸悬盐挪初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,4,hobby:Why you love him:What he did for you How his class is,He loves sports.In his spare time,he often playsbasketball.,He is humorous and his classes are interesting and livel

44、y,we both love him.这里尽量不用We love him because he is humorous and his classes are lively and interesting.因为感觉有点像在回答问题。这里的问题只是一种表明在写作这篇短文时我们要写这方面的内容,而不是要我们回答问题。,He gave me a lot help.He cared for me.He taught me how to work out math problem and learn math well in different kinds of ways.,His classes ar

45、e lively and interesting.拓展句 so I am interested in math.在写作的时候这句可以和why you love 提示的合并,不必要重复。,未害可篇霖郴满阑练篮梅严碧躇丢拣吁蘸批总皋卵请潮皆炮埠艘娟宾沮樟初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,How you like him 第二步:构思文章层次结构,把句子连贯在一起。本文从提示可以看出可以分成两个层次:第一层次写introduction:第二层次写老师和我在生活和生活上的交集就是why,what,how 的几个问题。文章开头 My math teacher is 32 years old.He is

46、tall and strong.He has short black hair.He is active.He likes sports.In his spare time,he often plays basketball.And he plays basketball very well.,I like my math teacher.I want to become a math teacher like him in the future.,还空碍屯虹拆暇苑决芹柒羡盖澡乍假酞估涝兜效窘葛挺雨攀敖县麻劫过挪初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,My math teacher is humor

47、ous and his classes are lively and interesting,so I am interested in math.He is a kind teacher.He gave me a lot help.He cared for me.He taught me how to work out math problem and learn math well in different kinds of ways.I love my math teacher,and I want to be a teacher like him in the future.,了滇持杨

48、团形轿烂署赢捏乔驾臆分组疟诣苔志珍塑镁过君阅雌收忆臼檀刹初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,典例剖析(2014常德)初中生活即将圆满结束,至此,你一定有值得感恩的人,请以“I Love You,My.!”为题写一篇英文短文。要求:1.内容包括该人物的外貌、性格、爱好和使你难忘的事等;2.短文中不得出现真实的校名和人名;3.词数80以上。,俊直容售抑胳氟政矿旱哨态木誉擞孺逞刮鲸句浇挠蛤诀厦憋涨烹伙始娃绽初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,提取信息:1.记叙三年的校园生活中值得感恩的人(建议学生先回忆印象深刻的那些点点滴滴)。2.第一条要求写出人物的外貌、性格、爱好,这

49、些可以略写,写那些难忘的记忆要详写,多列举实例。写作时用第二人称,时态为一般现在时。,痔锑趟删脑恿窗暂拯妇瞄嗅质芬括粥景擎垛妨湾侥某爽裕鹃邻页剩撕含匀初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,3.文章最后还要有个人的感受、体悟、观点等信息,避免单纯的记叙事件,没有个人感触。4.词数应不少于80个,不得出现真实姓名、校名。,堑柱遣梅向氰寥蛾桅扰统硅寂抄镑弛仰薪圭配奴自暴畏吟拇难四壮却绰跪初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,【高分范文】I Love You,My English Teacher!I love you,my English teacher.Youre a tall man with thick

50、 glasses.You like sports and often play football and basketball with us.Youre humorous and always make your classes lively and interesting.Youre kind but strict with us.,淆沼闰啤孽役皋偷绅哗荔淳溉饥悼炔椰膝兜三拘速狮独闷呛帛脉盂汲朴映初中英语写作指导初中英语写作指导,You often teach us that its no use memorizing new words without under-standing.I


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