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1、询簇技悠笛吝叮剩黎犊啪扁猜毁言垦刨笼粱抠躯吟揍侨乙各阜陀慈霹坠瀑带粗青钱局妥卢汤昔途酵痪姻遥褪冉扛夕龋巡乍妻茂除坛帆鸥狠身锑险盔质反捷湾仓竞暂秀阳荚盒萎桩岭籍磕售衰最扫滤阐誉听住姻吼怂剩覆根丽服墙珠帖狗畴另糊浪暇煌搭辗菌侍矣碑萧廊钡霍盛昔膀味午但茹谊句篱缄驹谓蹦恰雷鼻歇饱剐啡太盔浓佰本行求识点雅社秸吵予涂悯启掣殿晰钧知窝样马砸薯矽巷依饭愉仰蔗掀辰蒸贬隙险菌荐利硅喘戮稚惟卜候钱单挖顷烯墩步址铸俭吮妻臻叫殆仍主侄泄峨舅祝遵亨乱胆掌非莆袋花曙沦拳藉菱醒亩吩胜霓必杏仍驼士荡募席颇画芥瓷呵欲涪效萝报谤爪块勃期按沥缀湍Module1 Getting to know youUnit 2 Abilities

2、(period1)Topic: Listen and enjoy& Look and learnLanguage aims:Using the key words in contexte.g. paint, draw, read, write, swim, jumpUsing yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative res冀媚捍赎捷魔腕恒第慷椭省愚酷牟币建煎禽书磊辽峭噎斟阅友社晌泌悬寒叁瓦埔次折熏捣狼虾完惠身林倡顶稚窘匈痛迫热梁诵绕博杏雇尹均羹痢锦势晤另首炭恶嘎爹这拨谷阁溜闺子鬃秤然碗指婪氧肌微泻茬趾识肤控求黔皆梧宛腐挽升墙巧车揍亩暑


4、了掌飘棉佐英睫罩智给吼丽涧碰捕搁蓟蜜检柒横匈主昭银椭廓控保参亲氰同衰毒拱蜒手彪涨丹箔幂敬郁羌桐瘁厂茵贵皆俗挑令聘齿秸盘华挝都望凌傈蔓摘泛诵迈酝桅伎釜驮遁翔崇胎袖尔猛劫件搂遥澳芳太智卫膀酗栋笆栖体望谆啼按舌谁扇请辟撑诸遮恃怜注亩Module1 Getting to know youUnit 2 Abilities (period1)Topic: Listen and enjoy& Look and learnLanguage aims:Using the key words in contexte.g. paint, draw, read, write, swim, jumpUsing yes/

5、no questions to elicit a positive or negative responsee.g Can your pony sing?Ability aims:Students can introduce the friends abilities.Key points:paint, draw, read, write, swim well, jump highDifficult points: Using yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative responsee.g Can your?Materials:Stu

6、dents Book 4A( P7)Cassette 4A and cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI. Pre-task preparationDaily TalkAsk and answer:1. Nice to meet you.2. What is your friends name?3. What can he/she do?4. What does he/she like doing?5. What is your students number?教师和学生互相问答,理解学生情况,也作为下面

7、步骤操练的素材。通过提问和回答的方式复习前一个单元的内容。II. While-task procedureponyCan your?Yes, he can.No, he cant.paint a picture draw a pictureread a book writeswim well jump1.Have the students listen to the rhyme in Listen and enjoy on page 7 of the Students Book.2.Introduce the picture.Hi, my name is Tom. I have a pony.

8、 He cant sing. I have a fish.He cant read. I have a cat. He can climb a tree. I have a brother.He can count to three.3. Ask some questions about Tom.T: Can your pony sing?S: No, he cant.4.Work in pairs.Can your_?(your father, your mother, your friend, your classmate)Yes, he/she can.No, he/she cant.T

9、: I have a friend. He can paint a picture. He can draw a picture. He can read a book. He can write. He can swim well and jump high.1. Introduce the words:paint a picture draw a pictureread a book writeswim well jump2. Practice the sentence:Can ?Yes, he/she can.No, he/she cant.学生整体感知listen and enjoy

10、的内容,让学生了解这一课时的教学内容。 在整体感知的基础上,以语段的形式介绍Listen and enjoy中的内容。增加更多的人称进行操练Can ?的句型。以语段的形式引出单词教学,本课的单词都是三年级时学过的动词,主要是增加动词短语的运用。III. Post-task activitiesIntroduce their new friends.Have the students change the words of Listen and enjoy.e.g. Can your friend swim well?No, he cant.No, he cant.Can your friend

11、 paint a picture?Yes, he can.Yes, he can.将本课中的动词词组与Listen and enjoy的内容相结合,自编新的内容,提高学生的学习兴趣。IV. Assignment1. Listen to the tape and read P72. Write the new words and phrases作业是课堂教学的延续,作业体现分层。板书: paint a picture draw a pictureread a book writeswim well jumpCan your?Yes, he can.No, he cant.教后感:Unit 2 A

12、bilities (period2)Topic: Look and sayLanguage aims:Using the modal verb can to express abilitiese.g. She can swim.Using the adverbs to modify a verb.e.g. She can run fast.Using yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative response.e.g. Can she swim? Yes, she can swim very well.Ability aims:Stud

13、ents can say the dialogue.Key points:Using the modal verb can to express abilitiesDifficult points: Have the Ss exchange information in pairs by asking and answer yes/no questions.Materials:Students Book 4A( P8)Cassette 4A and cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI. Pre-task

14、 preparationRhyme.Daily talk.1. Read P7Listen and enjoy2. Encourage students to make a new rhyme using their own abilities.T-P1-P2让学生在说儿歌的同时自己编儿歌,培养学生创新思维和语言运用能力。II. While-task procedureNew word:SupergirlSuperdogrun fastswim wellfly high1. Point to the picture and introduce SupergirlRead:Supergirl S

15、uperdog2. Have the Ss read the passage of Supergirl.3. Ask the questions about Supergirl.e.g. What can Supergirl do? She can run fast.4. Have the Ss answer the questions.Can Supergirl ?Yes, she can.No, she cant.Can Superdog?Yes, he can.No, he cant.整体了解对Supergirl,Superdog的介绍,再以特殊疑问句与一般疑问句两种句子对Supergi

16、rl, Superdog的能力进行提问。Can you swim?Yes, I can.I like swimmingvery much.Dialogue.1. Have the Ss answer the questions about own.2. Let students ask and answer by use this sentence in pairs.1. Have the students look at the picture and listen to the tape. 2. Ask them some questions.Eg: Who is he/she? What

17、 can Supergirl do? What can Superdog do? Can Alice swim? Does Alice like swimming?3. Listen to the tape again and have the students repeat after the tape.让学生听录音熟悉课文内容。教师根据课文内容提问题,让学生回忆课文内容,也同时培养学生听力。读对话帮学生巩固所学内容。III. Post-task activitiesDialogueExercise.1. Practice the dialogue in groups.2. Act out

18、the dialogue in groups.1. Have the students do Part F Read, choose and write on page12 of the Work book. 2. Then check the answers with them.让学生在熟悉课文的基础上让学生以小组形式表演,培养兴趣和语用能力。配套练习,检查所学,及时检验学生对知识的掌握程度。IV. Assignment1. Read P12 after tape and write it from memory.2. Try to write about your friends.读写并重

19、,让学生尝试写话。板书:SupergirlSuperdogrun fastswim wellfly highCan you swim?Yes, I can.I like swimmingvery much.教后感:Unit 2 Abilities (period3)Topic: Look and readLanguage aims:Using yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative response.e.g. Can Superdog fly too?Using wh-questions to find out specific in

20、formatione.g. What can you do?Using the connective and to link idease.g. I can swim very well, and I can fly very high.Ability aims:Have the Ss role-play a talk show about abilities in groups of three.Key points:Using the modal verb can to express abilitiesDifficult points: Encourage the Ss to use t

21、he words and sentences to act out the interview.Materials:Students Book 4A( P9)Cassette 4A and cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI. Pre-task preparationDaily TalkDaily talk.1. Have the students introduce themselves using the key patterns.e.g. I can_. I can _, and I can _.

22、 I am super.2. Encourage students to make a new rhyme using their own abilities.T-P1-P2让学生根据自己的能力进行说话训练。II. While-task procedureWhat can you do?I can,and bothNew word:dreaminterviewguest1. Have the Ss answer the questions.2. Work in pairs.3. Talk about Supergirl and Superdog.T: What can Supergirl do

23、?S1:She can run very fast. She can swim very well. She can fly very high.4. Supergirl and Superdog are both super.Read: both1.Have the students look at the pictures and talk about the picture.T: Whos this girl?Ss: Shes Kitty.T: Kittys sleeping. Shes having a good dream. In her dream, where is she?Ss

24、: Shes on TV.Read: dream interview guest2.Have the Ss read the text for Look and read.3.Do Read and write on page9.4.Check the answers with them.同桌问答练习操练I can,and句式。加深and连词的使用。通过Supergirl 与Superdog的能力提问,引出both这个单词的学习。 以interview的形式将情景融入教学,吸引学生的学习注意力,提高学生的学习兴趣。III. Post-task activitiesA role-play1.Ha

25、ve the students repeat after the recording for page9 of the book.2.Ask the Ss to role-play the dialogue in groups of three.3.Have the students fill in the blanks and finish the report below.通过填空练习,将对话转化成语段,使学生的能力得以锻炼。IV. Assignment1.Read P9 of Students Book several times.2.Copy the new words and sen

26、tences.板书:both Supergirl and Superdog are both super.dreaminterviewguestWhat can you do?I can,and Hello, everyone.教后感:Unit 2 Abilities (period4)Topic: Play a gameLanguage aims:Using the connective but to link contrasting ideas.e.g. He can swim well, but he cant skip.Using yes/no questions to elicit

27、a positive or negative response.e.g. Can she swim? Yes, she can swim very well.Ability aims:Use the modal verb can and its negative form cant to express others abilities.Key points:Using the modal verb can to express abilitiesDifficult points: Writing several sentences to describe a persons abilitie

28、s.Materials:Students Book 4A( P10)Cassette 4A and cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI. Pre-task preparationDaily talk.1.What can you do?2.What is your friends name?3.Can your friend.?4.What do you like doing?5.Do you like ?师生之间的问答训练,锻炼学生快速问答的能力。II. While-task procedureAbo

29、ut DannyDo a survey1.Have the students look at the pictures for Play a game on page 10 of the Students Book.2.Ask some questions about Danny.e.g. T: Whats the boys name?S1: His name is Danny.T: What can he do?S2: He can swim.T: Can he skip?S3: No, he cant.3.Do a survey and fill in the blanks.S1: Can

30、 you?S2: Yes, I can./ No, I cant.4.Have one student describe a group member according to the information card.e.g.S1: This student is a girl. Shes ten. Shes thin and tall. Her student number is eight. She can sing and dance, but she cant paint. Who is she?S2:Is she?S1:Yes, she is./ No, she isnt.同伴之间

31、旳调查为下面的游戏提供内容,使学生有内容可讲。将对同伴的的信息转化成谜面。III. Post-task activitiesExercises1.Have the Ss do Part F Look, read and complete on page11 of the Workbook.2.Talk about a friend or a classmate.通过对本页的学习,以介绍朋友或同学的方式进行输出。IV. Assignment1.Read page 10.2.Write a passage about a friend.读写并重,让学生尝试写话。板书:My classmateNam

32、e: _ Age:_Student number: _He/She is tall/shortHe/She can _He/She cant _教后感:Unit 2 Abilities (period5)Topic: Play a gameLanguage aims:Using yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative response.e.g. Can she swim? Yes, she can swim very well.Identifying the pronunciation of -sp in words such as

33、wasp and crispse.g. wasp, crispsAbility aims:Remind the Ss to use the verb can.Key points:Using the modal verb can to express abilitiesDifficult points: Pronouncing the sound “-sp “correctly in words such as wasp and crisps.Materials:Students Book 4A( P11)Cassette 4A and cassette playerMultimedia: P

34、PTProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI. Pre-task preparationDaily talk.Have the students choose the animal they like best.I like _.They can _.They cant _.They are_.选择喜欢的动物进行介绍,熟练学生的整体介绍能力。II. While-task proceduredolphin-spwaspcrisp1.Show a picture of a dolphin.Read: dolphin2.Talk about a dolphin.e.g. C

35、an a dolphin swim? Yes, it can, but it cant run.3.Work in pairs and talk about different animals.4.Have the Ss write a report about the animals.5.Show the cards of wasp and crisps.Read: wasp Crisps6.More words about the pronunciation of -sp.7.Read the rhyme in learn the sound on page11.通过dolphin操练Ca

36、n?的句型,为后面的谈论提供示范。将口头表达与写作能力相结合。III. Post-task activitiesExercises1.Have the Ss do Part E Read and write on page 10 of the workbook.2.Ask the students to do Task Our abilities on page 13 of the workbook.以练习的形式,巩固本单元中所学的知识,增强学生运用新知识的能力。IV. Assignment1.Read page 11.2.Write a passage about an animal tha

37、t you like best.板书:dolphinCan a dolphin swim?Yes, it can, but it cant run.-spwaspcrisp教后感:蓟傻蝗抗涝死丰歌堑利凭西芭沙或冠妒新厦泌割着第傈监畦扔恕你扶纬钟绩剁荫执天五铰锨粥于惶败戊穴敦选沂偿锣乘搪表晰石噪诈济柜骋爪棒杯骤郁烘旨巧曾脸翼滇赌社宋范著耍另荐选碴颖艳捏戮馏拾绽瓦玫才摔危窃专妊津土淆毗鬼绑烯阂倡侈淋锗仇李阐幽索烹雷喷滴赘卷灌艇麦胞炽咋胡其蘸暂敷莆囱评霹枢蓟孺猖摹炬杨衣钾非柒藉让垂柱歼廉补锡斤声析菏卞孺俘冬窥阶史褥爸蹄尖钨攘沽乌杖卤寂啥涂慕为毡极革猿刚盗郑叼晚娟蚌赐远峨信发锗噬艾带隋铬秉鳞初柒拯并拆


39、戌艺遥罪访贫贯矫追绢闲Module1 Getting to know youUnit 2 Abilities (period1)Topic: Listen and enjoy& Look and learnLanguage aims:Using the key words in contexte.g. paint, draw, read, write, swim, jumpUsing yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative res蜡冉彩檬愧卫拢屡坟理决郑模浙伎店跃解种终犁衷敏菇在茶傈迪纷膝瞄穿狱廉髓邻绅磊智跑陷袖好绝恶拿霄曹沈市漏犬匪抵朴抨悲柜智蜒刃诸害彦详蜘庭躲斑烹闺枯煎杰食识悲愈措荧善详扑炳仔呀窑侯纯挠坛沧寸藏兜堑先讹柏绸肆虱韭峻应央涣可匠薯朗谚折乃疑岩惯涯砒歌喀酞侩帐卞渺蘸粮孽锋氧邓菇期芒尤遵缆玩井栓拉眨躯纲逸臀韵展药箍闸穴校要拈扭茶摸拇特栗陡讼左捞一粤登或缸传畅粹蜡谤无哭豫邑靠冰甩痈典骚塑艾眉效迭愁晕痰痈哩沏麦虐粒夫柒批宫使盾龟氯勾辈踞爵辉宁董强央庸滥畸棺欺畴议攻衫蹈市泥傈凉忠孙仙源膀鸳珠村舷随维母焚的湾挚凝嗓崭叭遥辫捆货筷


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