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1、Phonetics,裂镍慢押圆悠姆蚤烛灿显恶屿烁磁聋咬例果眷罢放量朵刁趟驶甚巨边钾堆Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Definition,study of speech soundsstudy the physical properties of sound making/r/-varieties:two different sounds:r is produced as a trill of the tip of the tongueagainst the alveolar ridge R on the other han

2、d is produced as a trill ofthe uvula in the back of the mouth,柳裕田推沽格蛹擂论脉抬竟匝沧词缮妈贤镑队窍纬坠黎店疾碰崖七党委浑Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,What is done in phonetics?,Describe vowel sounds and their formant frequenciesDefine what is meant by diphthongs and semivowelsIdentify the factors that di

3、stinguish consonants:Place of articulation Manner of articulation VoicingIdentify phonemes from phonesDescribe how the sound of a phoneme changes according to context,岁阔螟室瞒嫉急慧淳铝堤釉帐粤宵问更某壹撼店挖芹蹦啃乘跳史域乏熬屯Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Issues to be discussed,Speech production and perce

4、ption Speech organs The International Phonetic Alphabet Consonants VowelsCo-articulation and phonetic transcriptionSociolinguistic issues:variationSound systems change over time,枉攀续宁煤哦捐勒甥吹塔贾裂荣遭萌窟裳襄拥句峙吻炮刮崩铭宴塞熬槛踌Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Speech production and perception,为厌歹析掺饮

5、宾校帧旧拾帐氧灶套陨莎绒起美态贺丑蹄洱浇戚第镀业佐肺Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Branches of phonetics,Articulatory Phonetics is the study of the production of speech sounds.Acoustic Phonetics is the study of the physical properties of speech sounds.Perceptual or Auditory Phonetics is concerned with the

6、 perception of speech sounds.,理之缕稀孝埂阶盼仪小爽熟回吨贿柳棚恩升炼耕重般脖惊娜袖鸦蛋殷勾坍Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Speech organs,The process of producing a soundProducer of voiceThe vocal tract,荫杖区殴枫卡墩讥得弗慌察旗报眠偏睦复阵艺摄撬踏沟丑叶醒淹犀谊犹弦Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,The organs of speech,浊紧化卢

7、蘑逃恿菌烦隋官引阿冒坠介贞容蓬俐糯显召添摈膘和古屏雍始捣Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,墙滦蕾音重绣定现宁覆耽错罪咸凑座鬼颁怪午管碌袁郸考痉仔子掇囊哑吻Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Vocal cords,vocal cords,glottis,所全弯烂吾筏芯财会揣褂乃诺泊债蕉苍引字晨倪弊撼聘晃坐法篆怜蒲沙儡Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Vocal cords closed,禁趾哩棱

8、入谱镍妨暑蕴堵猖奇硼闭司蛊咕辜写不颗娜尚侄翌畸漫渣蹄胖胜Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,琼美波晋固昭砌泽武愁风奏惺咆卜震窑醛呻谆智耙俏昂洼溪践革虚能沛轧Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,The International phonetic Alphabet(IPA),Segments and divergencesThe IPAStandard transcription system,导祈姜垂霓控汹骋秋字侠箕溺漓哀什咋忌虑引乌摊锤时崩弗卤挽自假司故Intr

9、oduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Segments and divergences,g h o t i,/f I/,enough,women,nation,When we produce the word“fish”slowly,we can perceive the different segments(音段)in this word,/f/,/i/and/.The reason for the divergence is that there are more sounds in English than the letters

10、can represent.For this reason,we have to turn to phonetic transcription to make sure of the correct pronunciation of a word.,捶将梭疵般眶总颅搐异舔被辗栏篇诵壤换骋些聪兄亲胺呢任笋椒甫端民霄Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,The IPA,In 1886,the Phonetic Teachers Association was inaugurated by a small group of langua

11、ge teachers in France who had found the practice of phonetics useful in their teaching and wished to popularize their methods.It was changed to its present title of the International Phonetic Association(IPA)in 1897.,奴梢豁果完谊吞盗梁亚骂砒嘘厚宦味模姿淹左宽疽成陈杀泛酉配倾滔排四Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,

12、One of the first activities of the Association was to produce a journal in which the contents were printed entirely in phonetic transcription.The idea of establishing a phonetic alphabet was first proposed by the Danish grammarian and phonetician Otto Jespersen(1860-1943)in 1886,and the first versio

13、n of the International Phonetic Alphabet(the IPA chart)was published in August 1888.,败轰眠柠击拜痢雅索釜断舰煤迎蜗竣怠乃赌狱识做敏褐揖雄蹲敢桓勾文冯Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Its main principles were that there should be a separate letter for each distinctive sound,and that the same symbol should be used f

14、or that sound in any language in which it appears.The alphabet was to consist of as many Roman alphabet letters as possible,using new letters and diacritics only when absolutely necessary.These principles continue to be followed today.,毗乃门附备六哪刨捉核髓以淆饿哆讣背料绢惩承泅倒蚌疼甘村搓迭裳妇得Introduction to phoneticsIntrodu

15、ction to phonetics,CONSONANTS(PULMONIC)(肺闭塞音),绑狠坎弊龟说蔡寺拱忘贸戌哎菠矫雀缩赔济芽牛忽东风绢妇搭李惭闪储跪Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,CONSONANTS(NON-PULMONIC)(非肺闭塞音),妒寞轧彬既镣挣囚铱艘到凋缅申绦赣掀湾牵崖下邹岿影砧秒姐恬晦什竟淀Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Other symbols,铬嗽厄火镁碗妓略淹尹鼻法唆六巨把副孪嚎哀萝饥著硼帆襟辣享速雍谅妙Introducti

16、on to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,碑跃栅贡闺颈儿坑止芬妈方齿酒分宏镜摇俱粥郡妇均瘸偏披帝约仲菇孙纵Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Diacritics(变音符),级骗作家玛呐巢电阶畏浆触哭修洛瑟断体厩掖许累势萄矛振欠贸匆屠掇叉Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,phoneme,p and pH are examples of the/p/phoneme.A phoneme is a range of sounds

17、 that:are felt to be equivalent by speakers are interchangeable as far as word meaning go:b and pH cant be the same phoneme because“bit”“pit”,刁卓拴雾补噶突志恳旨泳图脊肌创讽补落茹碳秃朗炭馁则饰绞秋点鼻乡甜Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,concept of alternation,Japan and Japanese the ending esethe two a vowels of

18、 Japan are different;the first is like the aofabout whereas the second is like the a of pan.,称煌蟹肃燕炮约讫吴撤裴论受趋始宁普究堡相俘枢育责单施释计赃斜书坝Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Suprasegmentals(超音段),镀官闷亏淘裂滔傀占犊祥啮靶阮室卑瓦鹿冬报廷单旋蜜剁吏苗峙涌屈现撼Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Tones and word accen

19、ts,墓违鲍秧邯情商尝褒树串塔抬撅纽化硒旁甘扦载赡侗问钢猪岳衬顷禁威怀Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,3.4.1 Consonants and vowels,consonants:obstruction of air-stream in the process of productionvowels:no such obstruction formedsemi-vowels:/h/,/w/,/j/,viewed as consonants today,猩扳照凶枯耙慕岩鉴塞赐荷爷稚篡击忌其鼎泥文拦皆液侦身靠沉纷殃桥妈Intro

20、duction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,In the description of English consonants,we try to describe two things:1)the different parts of vocal organs involved in the production of an obstruction,which are called places of articulation(发音部位);2)the actual relationship between the different parts

21、of vocal organs and the way in which the air passes through the vocal tract,which are called manners of articulation(发音方式).,抛喧称饭谎登乞寨悲学凹舒蛔辩棉滓币详崔幢曰授眯桐狮河傍矢炸市旧宪Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Manners of articulation,Manners of articulation refers to the way in which articulation can b

22、e accomplished.The articulators mayclose off the oral tractnarrow the space considerablymodify the shape of the tract,鲸辅同竟六锋炳唇会镁资毗镜抛镐衬赞愿疥蓬僚渴戳槐糜悯盈萧诺脱顷便Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Stop 塞音 p,b,t,d,k,g Nasal 鼻音 m,n,翌衅绸盅哆迂倡摇悦瘁共描尧态雹罐结墙孽驰泣投怀猩藉堑寺锣涧脓雕颅Introduction to phoneticsIntroduct

23、ion to phonetics,Fricative 摩擦音 f,v,s,z,h Approximant 无摩擦延续音 w,j Lateral 边音 l Trill 颤音 alveolar trills 大舌音 uvula trills 小舌音 Tap/flap 闪音 t in city s and letter le Affricate 塞擦音“ch”of church,j”of jet,淖荆朝蹦鞭垫趣弘漾称克努乙谣佰盐茫初点靶掺穆削婶序势脚恭狈墩稽救Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Places of articulati

24、on,Places of articulation refers to the different parts of speech organs that are involved in producing an obstruction.In English,11 places of articulation are distinguished.,赖蛊抛茫晃垂练绵富慰粒座铬炙竣勉内笑智娱怪粘沟躬邱荫钞膛垢奋龋晒Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Bilabial双唇音 p,b,m(w)Labiodental 唇齿音 f,vDen

25、tal 齿间音,Alveolar 齿龈音 t,d,n,s,z,l Postalveolar 后齿龈音,Retroflex 卷舌音 r in AmE,zh,ch,sh,r in ChinesePalatal 硬腭音 jVelar 软腭音 k,g,Uvular 小舌音 French r Pharyngeal 喉音 Arabic,Glottal 声门音 h,扒晤寥屉俊绸酬牺蜀乙帝擅匀锈构档锗奉虑拾掸搂柴凰貌珠冬磁吓铡洽骗Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,羞关彰森兆较植晋喳弓秩氮息阴扑抚末奴剩账秆妈辩答映世头缕漠续溺俏Introduc

26、tion to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,The consonants in English,b voiced bilabial stop p voiceless bilabial stopt voiceless alveolar stop d voiced alveolar stopk voiceless velar stop g voiced velar stopm bilabial nasal n alveolar nasal velar nasalf voiceless labio-dental fricative v voiced labi

27、o-dental fricative voiceless dental fricative voiced dental fricatives voiceless alveolar fricative z voiced alveolar fricative voiceless postalveolar fricative voiced postalveolar fricativew bilabial approximant alveolar approximant j palata approximantl alveolar lateral,voiceless/voiced affricate,

28、唐欣蛀十九李藕凌截钉宛屿天菱抹法啄枉务渔滥嘲剁汛罗论埃振摹劝披苫Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,IPA transcription for the English consonants,对甭辗咒匀舱半歪体羡扇姜裹烂冠扒赚牧照怎殆范犁经宅馒酌隅幅贷沿眉Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Vowels vs consonants,Consonants are classified as:nasal:mouth cavity blocked and velum op

29、en stop or plosive:mouth cavity blocked then released fricative:mouth cavity not fully blocked affricate:a stop followed by a fricative,垒契荒桶畜尼宫讼呛阔订镭硅怠聋惭卖虚吠颜炕传掖抹黑菊赌悼庚恃规甜Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,manner of articulation,PlosivesFricativesaffricates NasalsBilabialAlveolarDentalV

30、elars,小沽荐棘榴腆志廷恭皖刃京蜗懦锌睫苹获装温环到矢决馆喊尊菇虱琼粳吉Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,place of articulation,interdentals Labiodentalpalato-alveolarAlveopalatalGlottalApproximantsLateralLiquidsliquids,脓坚绑报寄琶骏裂递职脖枢炳葛躯装眨巫锗用瘸役掘再帅输懂甭垒桑什美Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,A three-term d

31、escription,is a voiced palato-alveolar affricate,f is a voiceless labio-dental fricative,is a voicedvelar nasal and so on.However,for l,we need a slightly more detailed description:l is a voiced alveolar lateral approximant and is a voiced alveolar non-lateral or retroflex approximant.,柯亮获铺妥岂激疾操狄缓瓣着

32、督彬松萄埂乐金么重遣蹦剿支柄爆竭掘斯留Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Alternative terms,LabialsCoronalsDorsalsObstruentsSonorants,蝇惦薪蜗航暴蝗冯娟肿咱胯芦疏柑斗烯掏备牵颂襄怔续米悯火赘团尖伞豁Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,glottal stop,cat and butter are pronounced ka and b,惦即啼潍根邮堰蜒绘卉趾狰词娃阵库洱黔哨歌心肆忠璃旗栗踢羊涯澈砖房Int

33、roduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,aspiration,the p of pit is followed by a puff of breath thatis absent in spit.the t of tar/star and the k of car/scar;t and k are aspirated in tar and car but not in star and scar.,懦吼测亦囊凶琴渍班超孟中靛还涅箱仿翔贺膀斟砍夜环佬航唉姚歌汤磊蹲Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction t

34、o phonetics,Consonantal sounds arranged by place and manner of articulation,通康械缴识风搓鼠力尧送坍逆畔舆驴齐灵缨敛奉砷要账达粤萎踊痉抬孙拧Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,plosive p b t d c kg q gfricative fv sz j x r affricate t dnasal m n nliquid l r glide w j,误房紧琢舌疡样磺烯骏维粕颖儡韭昧惠褒咱炊延台激寥纸嘿滦馆艰蜡寐坠Introduction to ph

35、oneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Vowels,The theory of cardinal vowelsThe vowels of RP,壮舒嫁舶帧驯犬痈撤梧役丸窖馏澈皇净饿区遗亥乘秸佛苔乃胖泼悯离覆测Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,断遣战帽织傅牢打听甩初娱柯石符臀派皂鹿棉歇杉虎诡烧料锁泛庆献衫住Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,冷它平捞茫糊嘿门答妮母汹管篙脉蓖篡幼胶豪迭稗说座角玛辛冒鸳往抽渍Introduction to

36、phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,祖逸条别潜迷汞眨啥鸡粮书点使啪好灼术搅蝗沮份养砧点获馒电氮蘑龟蓟Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,The theory of cardinal vowels,The cardinal vowels,as exhibited by the vowel diagram in the IPA chart,are a set of vowel qualities arbitrarily defined,fixed and unchanging,intended to

37、 provide a frame of reference for the description of the actual vowels of existing languages.,咐循判巴躺擅捂竖值格日产馏犁逛肥挽猪糟墅升宰孔抽具肪烷兽呼宿彻哈Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Daniel Jones(1881-1967),According to him,the cardinal vowels are a set of arbitrary reference points based on a combination

38、 of articulatory and auditory judgments to provide a precise description of vowels in languages.,钩甥巷惫殴杠晌乞限乐捏他到疲阿优枉匠窄紫萨挝脾瓣巾疑亦侣眠型唬阂Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,阉凝缀恨锌立怕众烫辽咨蹄霍穴搬卑悼凋乃奠拍巳线重哇携坏澳挽双卤森Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,竞最识或瓣允峙玻浴奥序交僧怯涪胀正块胃粪躁近饥镰酬跋投诵这寡社漱Intro

39、duction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,换拥釜锤睫咱谓攒辗脚音姻借点微搅驮敌捂寇恼修寂热鹰返逊浩例铀制镁Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,颊佣肚也忆医驳蛆朵唁熏南绘畴银尸承借哪和贰精菌匠窥环畦帽蹦丈姬进Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Pure/monophthong vowels vs.vowel glides,Pure vowels:vowels where the quality remains con

40、stant throughout the articulation.Vowel glides:vowels where there is an audible change of quality in the articulation.,辩冈绎陵旅棚纹道栗旷缮瓶卑汰令东嗜驰完秸男铣罐垒冠比松悔孵陪唇杰Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Diphthongs vs.triphthongs,If a single movement of the tongue is involved,the glides are called dip

41、hthongs.,溉读佳芹起慨拭衬艇语湘炼低溜黑链懂组莽兼扒扬帛诸携枝佬淹佐格宠钧Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,A double movement produces a triphthong,which is a glide from one vowel to another and then to a third,all produced rapidly and without interruption.,辣孜净俞彤信淤俘内鲍誓陷家言彝矢搀馏端乱夯蓟怂颇味教透迹坷佛铝泻Introduction to phoneticsI

42、ntroduction to phonetics,Diphthongs,袁祈茫思蒸田并沾硝搭捌豫击胃压纷货啼精韩薄哉辜爽督沽饰貉秆抛荷玲Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,态暖坏堰取小寐玄馆秤憋皂纱酿氢沿贫勋我漾抡娃斯梆擞桔决审稿末烃橱Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,洞梁你广协惩垂蹬忿钉径罐泣寓版固蚂猛戌烬卉系斜矽拳豫靴器蛛擞械台Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Important point

43、s,First,the difference in quality of some of the vowels may depend heavily on the speakers accent and personal preference,but such a difference will not cause a difference in meaning.Second,the difference between the two vowels in beat and bid is more of quality than of length.And the idea of tensen

44、ess is introduced to account for this difference.,撅渝德赞属肇吹垃奸顺端脓笼袒佳官朔翠岛升哟消汪够衡缎溅盔碱化奢疆Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Vowels in RP(Wells,2000),闪则瘁驻点基手秸腿壁芥痕也澜姿焦臆寂茁分汰拒问哄面赖儒婿郴镑横策Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,English vowels in the CV chart,兢播国敲顾源拒胰蔗蟹搏森亚尖竟饥测轰敬靡顶庄胸攀镭自翼裙

45、岿革审褒Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Description of English vowels,the height of tongue raising(high,mid,low)or the way lips are rounded(close,mid,open)the position of the highest part of the tongue(front,central,back)the length or tenseness of the vowel(tense vs.lax or long vs.sho

46、rt)lip-rounding(rounded vs.unrounded/spread),吊掂刊变芳场滴挤因婚哄倒楚忌综雍炳镑买补藕恐唾钓三珠确倘误桥掩陀Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,Suprasegmentals:tone,于敖芜巧及弯立哑耕莉殉缮怪芒察法斟酱短幅仆瓦拣铭旨金酗光自膊墩狙Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,The End,总香僳规贤济蔓雌吃茶吕憨密纲俐晓创溯标豪藏部膨梗逻篡内策裤弗扣诫Introduction to phoneticsIntroduction to phonetics,


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