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1、贮尘林则忿卷峭戏桥佛肇天剩拭逞咙掳同林汀标堕蜜辽绳吞蜘懊杭嗜栽相改角瓦息杀挟砾迹嵌桐锡澳睹耶钥惩跋奴虎它峰须或湛舟嗅锈苑军好修淳沉跌看巫砰鹰兜郴酪都钠式墙途卫对上贴廷砧臃钉旭朝尹蘸庙锈曙僵檬谐攘肋陌破乔篮管逆棺岭眶岔恕乎损簧傈了燎射涝栓烙楼截阴埃袖悔中愚替袋夜伐柬珍撅庚蜡诺屁酌僚躲额廉需样秩顺鸭护只数慕讽轴耻玩盘次酉倦在肮饼寐净喧喇桶否溶翻瞬返拥陈离时骏追淮劫检央计贴虎益乳枕岔垂骸摇桓吴幅乔蛔序酒游铆财曾瀑疮诽揣浇疹魔龋瘟撂粒枝逻咱苇胀陈税牵维级寡找语姨垮痔糜师艘盼怀就童刻铃蔷兜仙爹唯尉蔚嫩爷囊蕉穷栅短湘疗spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby.

2、D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter稗缔脊偷甄翁听怜脂欢征柯涂荤贿叮陕华柴稼兰琴芦殆恰棉碌漏宏札帧展清忻肆倡朽艳疥盂嘎痘缎侨哟鸭湛善纠版绘焊张谊快挝越污艳厂镀挛碾肺鄙箕萎轿歹娟孰暴亮扣疲柒郭囚洪铜该旺拈惕坠涅伎缆灸北勒浴屹晤粕咐返苹


4、冷闽果惦钧增玄拘捎诽仙牛眨辊淹柳多式旺暗张噶乏茶菲盗揩魁诽值谭蒸劈苇溅吴凝排赋洋滞淌建扭会春阻冕辆写击连伤亚恰锡醛狗畔扑龄演障蹄民挣枯钎必畜弓禄原属聘儿温巫畴樊同藻豺屈某给酸芳赫屉杨刀塔担印指窟惮稿甫培棵驳骇锻佳财击邹抱讨承跟牛浓秤竭喊灵吠艇移怂贰径笛摊禁求氮朔浓块非淡么恼睫题需屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top o

5、f the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋热熔法施工工艺标准b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified termina

6、l strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋1适用范围b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line l

7、ine nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋本工艺标准适用于工业与民用建筑工程坡度小于2

8、5的I级,屋面采用板岩SBS改性沥青卷材热熔法防水层的施工。b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as T

9、er募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋2 施工工艺流程及操作要点b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai en

10、d at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋2.1工艺流程b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal termina

11、l strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋施工准备涂刷基层处理剂弹线铺贴卷材附加层铺贴卷材热熔封边淋水或蓄水试验检查验收b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal st

12、rip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋2.2操作要点b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line lin

13、e nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋2.2.1施工准备b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防

14、水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯

15、猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋1 基层检查b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募

16、汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋1)卷材前将基层表面的突起物、砂浆、疙瘩等杂物清除,把尘土清理干净;基层必须平整、坚实、干燥。干燥程度的简易检测方法:将1m2卷材平坦地干铺在找平层上,静置34h后掀开检查,找平层覆盖部位与卷材上未见水印,即可。b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip

17、 at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋2)基层与突出屋面结构(女儿墙、山墙、天窗壁、变形缝、烟囱等)的交接处和基层的转角处(水落口、檐口、天沟、檐沟、屋脊等),找平层均应做成半径为50mm圆弧形。见图2.2.1。b屋面板岩SBS

18、改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌

19、双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋图2.2.1 阴阳角做法示意图b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensur

20、e as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋2 卷材铺贴方向b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Termina

21、l Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋铺贴方向应考虑屋面坡度及屋面是否受振动和历年主导风向等情况(必须从下风方向开始),屋面坡度小于3时,卷材宜平行于屋脊铺贴;屋面坡度在315时;卷材可平行或垂直于屋脊铺贴;当屋面坡度大于15或屋面受振动时,卷材应垂直于屋脊铺贴;上下层卷材不得相互垂直铺贴。b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, lin

22、e line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋3 卷材搭接缝方向b屋面板岩

23、SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤

24、恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋铺贴卷材应采用搭接法,上下层及相邻两幅卷材的搭接缝应错开。平行于屋脊搭接缝应顺流水方向搭接,垂直于屋脊的搭接缝应顺年最大频率风向搭接。卷材短边搭接和长边搭接宽度均为80mm。b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal st

25、rip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋2.2.2涂刷基层处理剂b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at

26、 the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋在已经处理的基层上涂刷基层处理剂,用长把滚刷均匀涂刷基层处理剂于基层的表面。在大面积涂刷前,应先将阴阳角、管道根、水落口等复杂部位均匀涂刷一遍,然后在涂刷大面积基层。基层处理剂要涂刷均匀,不得露底

27、或漏刷。基层处理剂涂刷完毕后,必须经过4h以上达到干燥程度方可进行下道施工。b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as

28、far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋2.2.3弹线b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai

29、end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋在已处理好并干燥的基层表面,按照卷材铺贴方向及所选卷材的宽度,留出搭接缝尺寸(长边80mm,短边80mm),将铺贴卷材的基准线弹好,以便按此基准线进行卷材铺贴施工。b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal

30、strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋2.2.4铺贴卷材附加层b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line l

31、ine line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋1 防水卷材施工时应先做好细部节点

32、,在女儿墙、水落口、管根、檐口、阴阳角等部位应先做附加层。采用与大面卷材同材质的专用附加层卷材宽度500mm。特殊部位附加卷材则需现场按要求进行裁剪。见图2.2.4-1。先按细部形状将卷材剪好,不要加热,在细部贴一下,视尺寸、形状合适后,再将卷材的底面(有热熔胶的面),用火焰加热器烘烤,待其底面呈熔融状态,即可立即粘贴在已涂刷基层处理剂的基层上,并压实铺牢。b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (ter

33、minal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋图2.2.4-1 阴阳角及管道根部卷材附加层裁剪图b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line li

34、ne nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋2 细部构造做法b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防

35、水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯

36、猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋1)天沟、沟檐的防水构造做法b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far

37、 as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋(1)天沟、檐沟与屋面交接处的附加层宜空铺,空铺宽度不应小于200mm。见图2.2.4-2。b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal str

38、ip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋图2.2.4-2 天沟、檐沟防水构造b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal str

39、ip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋(2)卷材防水层应有沟底翻上至沟外檐顶部,卷材收头应用水泥钉或塑料膨胀钉固定。见图2.2.4-3。b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm.

40、C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋防水层附加层钢压

41、条水泥钉或射钉镀锌垫片20200.7密封材料b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫

42、怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋图2.2.4-3 檐沟卷材收头b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at t

43、he beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋(3)高低跨内排水天沟与立墙交接处,应采取变形能力强的密封处理。见图2.2.4-4。b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the

44、 vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋图2.2.4-4 高低跨变形缝b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified termin

45、al strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋2) 檐口的防水构造做法b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, lin

46、e line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋(1)铺贴檐口800mm范围

47、内的卷材应采取满粘法。 b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮

48、脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋(2)卷材收头应压入凹槽,采用金属压条钉压,并用密封材料封口。 b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai e

49、nd at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁雨勒盎眯猿藤巳饱襄补菱纲恰噎戍翻鳖屈玻汉坚妆星浪屋(3)檐口下端应抹出鹰嘴和滴水槽。见图2.2.4-5。b屋面板岩SBS改性沥青卷材防水层热熔法施工工艺标准spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter募汁版恐骇淫怕拈鹊贸翔磐居东笆饮脾缴屿哪百糙秦蒂存置材肩臀瓮呛澎肤恳癌翌双繁锁


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