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1、动词时态和语态1. John, a friend of mine, who got married only last week, spent $ 3,000 more than _(计划) for a wedding. (plan)2. When I went there last year, a new bridge _(正在修建)across the river. (build)3. E-mail, as well as phone calls, _(正在起重要作用) in daily communication. (play)4. My friend, _(在职) on the Int

2、ernational Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month. (serve)5. The moment the 29th Olympic Games _(宣布) open, the whole world cheered. (declare)6. By the time the firemen arrived at the building, the fire _(已经扑灭了) by the nearby citizens. (put)7. I have to go to work by taxi because my c

3、ar _(修理) at the garage. (repair)8. The new type of cellphone _(会卖的更好) if it is advertized on TV. (sell)9. The young man, when questioned why he _(违法), just looked at the policeman and said nothing. (break)10. You must do your homework now; you _(一直在玩) computer games all the evening. (play)11. - Do y

4、ou smoke?- No, I dont. But I used to. It is two years since _(我吸烟).(smoke)12. The test that can actually give measurement of the languages skills of the students _(受到质问) by many teachers. (question)13. If the government _(没有实施) education compulsory, the economy wouldnt have developed so rapidly. (ma

5、ke)14. When I first visited the West Lake, I _(被吸引) by her beauty. (attract)15. He _(完成) his students at school in American by the end of 2006.(finish)16. I _(本来打算拜访你) yesterday, but someone came to see me just when I was about to leave. (intend)17. The building around the corner caught fire last ni

6、ght. The police _(在调查)the matter now. (look)18. - Ill come to see your performance at 9:00 tomorrow evening.- Im sorry, by then my performance _(结束)and Ill be meeting reporters in the meeting room. (end)19. By the time you get back, great changes _(发生)in this area. (take)20. The villagers were happy

7、 to see that the murder _(绞死) and the dead was revenged. (hang)21. These countries are now trying to get every child into school, and _(经历着类似的困难) to those that China faces. (experience)22. The number of the employees has grown from 1,000 to 1.200.That means it _(增加了20%).23. The old man _(一直争斗) the i

8、llness ever since he was diagnosed with cancer. (struggle)24. The polluted air in the city _(严重危害) the health of the people. (endanger)25. _(保护我们的地球),or it will be no longer fit for us to live on. (protect)26. It is time that _(我们开始认真对待) and they are aware of that. (take)27. How I hoped that my pare

9、nts _(别总把当孩子看).Anyhow, I am already fifteen 15 years old. (treat)28. Id rather you _(没有告诉她那消息). How sad she is!(tell)29. So far this year we _(经历了房价下跌) by between 5 and 10 percent. (see)30. By nine oclock, all the Olympic torch bearers _(到了顶部)Mount Qomolangma, above which appeared a rare rainbow soo

10、n. (reach)31. He broke his leg when he _(在踢足球) in the school playground with his classmates. (play)32. The Road Traffic Safety Law went into effect in May and traffic safety in our city _(改善) ever since. (improve)33. It is said that the pen _(好写), so I bought one yesterday. (write)34. He is very gla

11、d that his work _(完成了) on time. (finish)35. The baby _(一直哭着不停) when her mother was absent. (cry, time)36. I said that I _(安排好) for everything and be with in half an hour. (make)37. Prices of food in that area _(上涨) sharply since word came that the war would break out soon. (go)38. Flight 538 _(在通知了)

12、. Id better be on my way. Goodbye. (announce)39. A large crowd _(欢呼) wildly as the pilot landed her plane safely in California. (cheer)40. They _(一直在工作)the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we are still working on it as no good results have some out so far. (work)41. He was a

13、bout to tell me the secret _(突然有人拍他) on the shoulder. (pat)42. Several weeks _(过去了) before I realized the painting was missing. (go)43. It _(过不了多久) we know the telephone rang. (be)44. He _(一进房间)when the telephone rang. (get)45. Now that she is out of work, Lisa _(在考虑) going back to school, but she h

14、asnt decided yet. (consider)46. The woman _(拿出所有的钱) buying toys for the orphans before husband left her. (devote)47. The last time we had great fun was _(我们在公园玩的时候).(visit)48. The wet weather will continue tomorrow when a cold front _(预计会来临). (expect)49. It their marking planes succeed, _(销售额将会增加20%

15、).50. The snails _(逃出) the paper bag and took complete possession of the all. (escape)51. All the people, whether they are old and young, rich and poor, _(一直在尽全力) help those in need since the disaster. (best)52. _(不会作出决定) about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed. (

16、decision)53. _(他一点也没有注意到)that we were watching his every move, so she seemed to be going his own way in this business. (littlt; realize)54. They became friends again that day. Until then ,they _(相互不说话) for nearly two years. (speak)55. I have already handed in my schoolwork. I guess it _(正在批改中)now. (

17、grade)56. Alan enjoyed seeing his old friends yesterday. He _(没有见到老朋友) for a long time. (see)57. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where _(还没有决定) yet. (decide)58. No sooner had he finished his talk _(他就被围着)by the worker. (surround)59. The open-air celebratin

18、g _(已经被取消)because of the bad weather. (put)60. He _(学英语)for eight years by the tie he graduates from the university. (learn)61. It is high time _(学习得更努力)at your lessons as the exam is at the corner. (work)62. New theme parks _(正在修建)all over the world. (build)63. How long do you thing it will be _(中国

19、人才能登上)the moon. (land)64. Lucy _(已达到所有目标)she set for her in high school and is ready for new challenges at university. (achieve)65. We _(本想完成我们的任务)by noon, but it didnt quite work out. (want, task)66. -I dont suppose the police know who did it.-Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and

20、 _(在审问)now. (question)67. -Whats that terrible noise?-The neighbours _(在准备)a party. (prepare)68. _(要是他的腿没伤), John would have won the race. (hurt)69. Since the first rocket was sent up into the space 1959, China _(取得伟大的成就). (achievement)70. Cathy _(正在做笔记)the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine Sch

21、ool, where she has been studying English for a year. (take)71. By 1840 about 2,000 Europeans, mainly British, _(来定居)in New Zealand. (come)72. -I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening. -Impossible. She _(和我一起看电视)in my home then. (watch)73. I like the story because it was t

22、he first time that _(我以真的热情去写作)and because it made me realize that everyones life is different. (passion)74. I dont know this town at all. This is the first time that _(我参观)it. (visit)75. I dont know Aunt Lucy, _(总是出现)without warning and bringing us presents. (turn)76. -Could you meet me at the stat

23、ion?-Id like to, but I _(离开)Shanghai when you return. (leave)77. Jenny was very sad over the lost of the photos _(她拍摄的)at Canada, as this was a memory she especially treasured. (shot)78. Although the wind _(已经变弱), the rain remains steady. So you still need a raincoat. (die)79. The committee is discu

24、ssing the problem right now. It will _(被解决)by the end of next week. (solve)80. Although the causes of cancer _(正在被揭开), we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it. (uncover)81. Progress so far has been very good. Therefore, we are sure that the project _(完成)on time. (complete)82. The other da

25、y he _(被指控偷窃)the jewels and arrested by the police. (accuse)83. It is hard t imagine what would I be doing today if I _(没迷上), at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown. (fall)84. I would be sitting in a comfortable office now if I _(投入更多的精力)to my study instead of being crazy a

26、bout going online at college. (devote)85. Its high time that we _(结束)this silly mater. (put)86. My train arrived in Shanghai at ten this morning, when the plane I would like to take from there _(已经起飞). (take)87. Nowadays students _(正面对着更大的压力)from different aspects. (pressure)88. I would rather you _

27、(制定出一个计划)when you are free. (work)89. If I _(不忙)with my experiment, I would have helped you with your English. (busy)90. When a bride wears red beans on her wrist or neck, it means that she _(过上幸福的生活). (lead)91. Travelling abroad during holidays _(受年轻人欢迎)in the past few years. (popular)92. I am not

28、sure if I _(我是否朝着正确的方向)。 (direction)93. The royal Society gave him the opportunity _(他一直等待的). (wait)94. The building _(被烧毁)and only ashes were left. (burn)95. Youd better go now, or you _(面试迟到). (late)96. The police found out that a house in Brecon Palace _(被人破门而入)last night. (break)97. The result o

29、f the test show that all the students _(取得很大进步). (progress)98. If you plan to visit someone at home, _(应该打电话)first. (suppose)99. While they _(穿越海峡), their boat hit a whale and sank. (cross)100. Mary told her parents that she _(都遭拒绝)for six jobs. (turn)101. That the price of food _(快速上涨)recently make

30、s consumers worried. (go)102. -Is this the first time you _(游览)Chengdu?-No. But the first time I came here, the city wasnt so beautiful. (visit)103. -Have you found the problem with the car? -Sorry, it _(被检查). (check)104. -Good morning, Mr. White! -Late again? -Sorry, I could have arrived earlier if

31、 I _(没有回去取)my pencil-box. (return)105. -Whats the matter with you, Jesse? You seem unhappy. -Not really. I _(正在想)whether I could pass the examination. (wonder)106. As far as I know, the film of Harry Porter 6 _(已经完成)and will be shown on November 21, 2008. (complete)107. When she realized I _(给她拍照),

32、she quickly made a pose, smiling. (photograph)108. -I didnt do well in the exam yesterday. Of course I _(没有学习)for it. -Oh, you poor thing! But I think you should learn a lesson. (study)109. -Have you thought about your day off next week? -Oh, yes, I _(享受)the sunshine in Hawaii next Friday afternoon

33、while youre all working. (enjoy)110. Tom (被困在雨中)last night and unluckily, he didnt have an umbrella.(catch) 111. (不管一篇是个翻译的那么好), something of the spirit of the original work is lost.(matter)112. Im glad to hear that (今天的工作很多已经完成) and that I can head home soon.(finish)113. The news that she (订婚) Mr.

34、Smith came as a surprise to me.(message)114. The worker (似乎很有经验)as he taught us how to operate the machine.(appear)115. They (爱上)the beautiful vase as soon as they see ti on exhibition.(fall)116. His recent success in the competition (引起极大的关注).(attention)117. I still remember my first trip to Miami

35、five years ago. It was the first time that (应邀参加)a summer camp exercise. (attend)118. Doctors (担心)children who spend too much time in front of TV dont get enough exercise.( concern)119. When I got back from the cinema, I found (公交车都走了).(go)120. It is high time that we (回家).(go)121. (我一到)Beijing that

36、 I called you.(sooner, get)122. Since he went to senior high school, he (刻苦学习).(work)123. A light electric shock (对.有害)the human body bit a strong one can kill.(harm)124. The wheel, one of the earliest inventions, (仍然在人类活动中发挥着重要作用).(play)125. The doctor (与.结婚)my English teacher for two years.(marry)

37、126. I dont play tennis now, but I (过去常常打).(used)127. Jesus (被深深地信仰着)by people in that area.(believe)128. Unless you exercise regularly, you will (发胖).(gain)129. The only heat we had (是燃着的废报纸发出的).(create)130. She (常拒绝跟我说话) or allow me to enter her room when she was angry.(use)131. Im not free tomorr

38、ow afternoon. I (参加会议)at that time.(attend)132. My sister (最多赚) 1,000yuan a month, but she enjoys her work .(earn)133. The material of this coat (很容易撕破), so be careful when you wash it.(tear)134. We had thought that his advice was unnecessary, but finally (被证明是有用的).(prove)135. In Franklins famous ki

39、te experiment, he showed (闪电和电是相同的).(same)136. With their teachers help, the children (成功地表演了他们最喜欢的戏剧).(act)137. After I finish my homework, I (继续帮忙)my mother do housework tomorrow afternoon.(continue)138. Neither the teacher nor the students (已经意识到危险即将来临).(corner)139. When he looked back, he (发现后面跟着)a group of teenagers.(find)140. Jim, dont get close to that wire, or you (触电)if you touch it.(shock)141. The book (将会很有价值)to you in your studie


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