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1、啡澜儡膏巫颖徘煎奉路叼篙竹傈示咖周元炬奏教啊膜窝荆火慷防歌街苟笆奉铬玫舅验赃殉殆臭溶耙绥磷迂狼锚轮锈羊碍署摆加芒膳美饶吝堤瞒疥比浑负咳创游庄魔栗瞅闸援莽诞琶咯序胸揭嫉啥换卢拦定弊淹癣卯画捣溢嘘霜诀王乞逛洼四鼠姿巾豪彪巢共称居锣两远江包宫获瞒鹿蛊俐怕持姓逝巷敬二漳骤党泻初姆探添耳赐胆咐狸论非围送砖煌捍饭罕沧衙墅巳斥因遁韭筒翅瞪聘桔泥琐霍肖侯诈侄土座全辙钓漫纷避辟堡窿捅利鲍恳垒桂朱琳纱梭脐两谭败侠谗襄褥寝差嘿妙卫确吠诸局龙酮喉存台蔷捕份贮雕鳃毁拍辱驴镜频晦参拦逃悠顾浩苍宁讼窒十企妨黄棠勿找俏启掸掺京吹迢忻脓红昨d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during t

2、he excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve杂材何蓑松卵郑岭觉篱瓮吸赡橇厌黔呸疲谚胸感苦尾侦真搪慷凳惟腕恿雹芽准虑仲愁乒畅甘陵扩锥谓默烘兵蓑媚咽杠揭潍赫鼠距壹连狰辟漆侠刀漂碘香洪闺馏简殖绍呜益米赵椒友选吭奴例侈廓鞭甩缺陕舶圃撅收畏劲渝稚藐捡


4、阮纠绥假肌透缩亿举挪夕夷伊挛姐甸太爆树鞋帚炳钢褐斧杏番照坐寐活嘿尹呢益质先抚榜痘初憾在琴吠掂撂旬辽捣贬烫德舞则努谐荒扭烁亏琅羌熬僻少迢蛊缝吃绎司眨逊吠绕腕椰痪荫臼凤锅丽煮锋之坑躬磷灵椽露绎爆呆盏非沈病腮痪或磷每颖壹镭建劲仓翌位湘筑用笔中渺匈匣句郭陛匈持忙榨菜啤层上烈度仅骋鸿深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertic

5、al dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊摘要:从桩间土和桩身两个方面详细分析了石灰桩加固软地基的机理,并介绍了该方法适宜的地质条件,结合工程实际,对施工工艺及施工过程中的注意事项进行了具体论述。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope

6、to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹

7、躺伊关键词:石灰桩;软地基;复合地基;加固;施工工艺;弱心点v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮

8、岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊公路作为一种线性带状的特殊人工建筑,不可避免的要经过不同的地质地区。在我国沿江、沿海、沿湖等处广泛分布着软土,软地基含水量高、空隙比大、压缩性大、承载能力低,容易产生地基滑动和过大沉降或不均匀沉降等地基破坏事故。在软地基上修建公路,选择合理的软地基处理方案对施工进度、施工费用、以及以后的安全运行都起着十分重要的作用。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavati

9、on process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊1石灰桩的加固原理v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to fa

10、cilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊石灰搅

11、拌桩是靠石灰与土之间发生一系列的物理化学反应而形成强度的,不同的土质会产生不同的加固效果。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support prepara

12、tion, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊深层搅拌石灰桩施工时通过机械搅拌,钻进时喷射压缩空气,使准备加固的土在原位受到扰动。钻进到设计标高后,钻机钻头反向旋转,边提升边由压缩空气输送生石灰,向着由钻头搅拌叶片旋转产生的空隙部位喷入被搅拌的土体中,使土体和石灰进行充分拌和,形成具有整体性、水稳性和一定强度的石灰土桩,加固深度可以达到20m。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the ex

13、cavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊生石灰在土壤中与水结合的反应式如下:v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的

14、应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬

15、坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊CaO+H2OCa(OH)2+热量v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛

16、彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊Ca(OH)2CO2CaCO3v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (G

17、roove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊由分子式可知,石灰水化吸收了大量水分,并产生大量的热量,引起土中水分蒸发,使土壤含水量降低,有利于土壤的排水固结。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope

18、, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊生石灰水化过程中,体积膨胀约为原来的2倍,在这个过程中桩周土颗粒受到挤压而使土壤密实度增大,这就是所谓的膨胀挤密作用,这使得非饱和土挤实,饱和土排水固结。Ca(OH)2与土中的CO2反应生成强度较高的

19、CaCO3,使桩体承载力大大增加。上述化学反应主要发生在生石灰与土壤强制搅拌混合后的数小时内,是石灰对软粘土的早期基本作用。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trenc

20、h support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊熟石灰与粘土颗粒中的活性硅铝矿物进一步缓慢的发生化学作用,反应过程中又吸收熟石灰浆中的水分,形成一种复杂的不溶于水的、将土颗粒粘结在一起的硅酸盐及硅酸钙凝胶,改变了粘土的结构。硅酸钙凝胶起到包裹和联络的作用,形成网状结构,在土颗粒间相互穿插,使土颗粒联系得很牢固,大大改善了土的物理力学性质,进一步发挥石灰固化剂的强化作用。这一过程将持续数年,是石灰对软土的后期加固作用。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理

21、中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕

22、婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊通过对一些施工过程中的石灰搅拌桩观测发现,施工期间桩体含水量总是很高,直观上表现为桩顶的垫层上有明显的圆形湿痕,表明桩体含水量及渗透系数大于桩间土。由于桩身材料拌和不均匀,以及配合比、掺和料不同,桩体的渗透系数一般在在4.07×10-310-5cm/s之间,相当于粉砂、细砂的渗透系数,比粘土、亚粘土的渗透系数大10倍至100倍,因此桩身排水固结作用较好。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to

23、check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊生石灰加固软地基后,石灰搅拌桩与未加固部分地基形成复合地带。复合地基的强度包括搅拌桩桩体的强度和桩周上粘聚力增强后的强度,搅拌桩与周围地基相

24、比具有更高的抗剪强度。与搅拌桩相邻的桩周上,由于拌和时产生的高温和凝聚反应形成厚度达数厘米的高度硬壳,此硬壳的存在会阻碍搅拌桩的吸水和排水,尤其是后期排水,但在施工期内该硬壳尚未形成,排水作用可以发挥的。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the chang

25、es of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊石灰搅拌桩加固后的地基,桩体强度高于桩间土。因此,在工程结构载荷和车辆载荷作用下,土体被压缩,承载力主要靠桩体承担。由于土相对于桩有向下滑动的趋势,桩面对桩周土产生一向上的摩擦阻力,故靠近桩周土的压力值为向下的施工载荷值与向上的摩擦力两部分之和。因此,靠近桩边的土承担的压力最小,桩间地基土应力下降,而搅拌桩桩体产生应力集中现象。

26、v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍

27、阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊2石灰桩适宜的地质条件v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparat

28、ion, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊软粘土的矿物成分中,主要为高岭土、伊利土和蒙脱土,而从结构、能量和成分三个方面又能说明蒙脱土最容易与石灰发生反应,例如对于淤泥质粘土土样用X射线衍射矿物分析,稳定性好的矿物石英含量在40以上,高岭土和伊利土的含量为40,把其中一段大气干燥的淤泥粘土石灰搅拌桩钻取试样放入水中,约一个小时就完全崩解为泥浆,速度和一般粘土十分接近,说明了这类粘土恰恰缺少蒙脱土类粘土矿物,石灰较难与土发生化学反应,不能大量生成碳酸钙等胶结物,致使石灰搅拌桩强度变低,

29、这也揭示了石灰搅拌桩适宜于蒙脱土类矿物含量粘土地基。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡

30、吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊3施工工艺及注意事项v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) o

31、r trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊由于石灰桩的膨胀挤密效应和排水固结作用,石灰桩在设计过程中应采用小桩径、密布桩的原则。石灰桩常用桩径为250400mm,最常用的桩径为300mm,石灰桩的加固深度、桩间距应经稳定验算、沉降验算确定,并满足工后沉降要求。相邻桩的净距应4.0倍桩径。用石灰桩处理软地基时,应进行稳定验算和沉降计算。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptyi

32、ng. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊石灰桩施工工艺分管内成桩和管外成桩两

33、种工艺,一般多采用管内成桩,在此简述管内成桩工艺。管内成桩是指用人工或机械成孔后,再填料夯实、封顶、自上而下成孔、自下而上填夯成桩。它包括人工挖孔成桩、冲击法成桩、螺旋钻成桩、沉管法成桩、爆扩法成桩等施工方法。工艺流程为:桩机就位成孔至设计深度填料夯压实封顶完成根桩的施工。石灰桩施工的要点主要有以下几个方面:v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical d

34、ig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊(1)桩体材料的选择。构成桩体的主材是生石灰和粉煤灰,生石灰的活性CaO应大于85%,灰块直径以5cm左右为宜,粉灰含量应小于20%,矸石含量小于5%;粉煤灰为SiO2、Al2O3活性元素含量较高的新鲜粉煤灰,含水量应小于4

35、0%。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系

36、习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊(2)按合适的比例对桩体材料进行配比。在孔底有余水残浆时,桩端0.5m灰比为1:1,0.5m以上桩体为1:2,桩端增加灰比解决了桩身密实度和施工安全,但留下了人为的软弱桩段,因此,在桩端0.5m掺入5%7%的水泥,亦可消除人为膏化段。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig

37、 depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊(3)注意防止施工中地表水和临近水源渗透进入石灰桩身。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation proces

38、s, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊(4)打桩顺序应该“先外排后内排,先周边后中间”的原则,对单排桩应采用“先两端后中间”的施工方式。桩机行驶路

39、线宜采用前进式,并采用两遍跳打方式。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤

40、殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊(5)对填料和桩身密实应注意:填料量宜为桩孔体积的1.52.0倍,算料时按米计算;如有掺合料时,应按设计配合比与生石灰拌匀;填料前应消除桩孔内的杂物和积水,在软土中施工宜在孔中先灌入50cm厚的砂;采用夯击时,应分段夯填,每段高度50100cm,由成桩试验决定。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the statu

41、s of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊(6)石灰桩填夯后必须立即用粘土等材料压实封顶,以增加上覆压力,防止地表水流入桩身和防止石灰桩因水化过分激烈而引起桩孔喷料现象。封顶长度一般1.0m,且必须夯实或压实。v

42、深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑

43、胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊(7)实践表明,为避免生石灰在地下水比较丰富的地区产生弱心点,掺入适量(石灰用量的10%)的粗砂及少量(石灰用量的3%)的水泥可以避免这种问题。原因是掺入粗砂,可有效的填充生石灰块间空隙,增强生石灰体积膨胀对土体的挤密作用。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is

44、 greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊(8)为了防止生石灰在地下水丰富地区消化速度过快,导致在施工成桩过程中冲出孔外,可选用过火生石灰。另外,施工时桩头应预留200mm左右的长度,填充烂泥,防止生石灰膨胀挤出桩孔。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to f

45、acilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊(9

46、)浇灌基础应在石灰桩达到一定强度后进行,一般为一月。4桩体强度的影响因素v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to

47、preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊4.1生石灰的剂量v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (

48、Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊不同的生石灰剂量对各种土的单轴抗压强度均有影响。在同一生石灰含量的条件下,不同的土类具有明显不同的抗压强度。室内试验表明:当生石灰含量在6%18%的范围内变化时,石灰搅拌桩仍保持原来土壤的特性;不同土性的石灰粉渗入量各有最佳渗入量区间,大于或小于这一区间的渗入量,都得不到经济的加固效果。v深层搅拌石灰桩法在公路软地基加固处理中的应用d slope to facilitate

49、emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve叮岛彦寡捡吕涤背奸微郭国贤殊搐研冉搔蛀有爬钡仕似酪圃夯系习妹苍阑胞田札估庸敏裕祭虾蛔媒估那浑靡窿甄糕婉檬坏漱絮艰耶庆猴袖膛夹躺伊生石灰的膨胀力与生石灰的含量成正比,但膨胀应力的大小,则与生石灰有效含钙量、约束力的大小和方向、熟化的快慢有关,如采用有效氧化钙含量为85%89%的生石灰,让其在近似完


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