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1、1,第六章 现代国际贸易理论,2,Main points of this chapter:,Economics of scale and international trade 规模经济和国际贸易 Imperfect competition and international trade 不完全竞争和国际贸易 Trade based on dynamic technological differences 基于动态技术差异的贸易,3,6.1 现代国际贸易理论的发展,4,一、现代国际贸易理论产生的背景,在国家贸易实践发生的重大变化面前,传统的国际贸易理论遇到了新的挑战:国际贸易中的许多现象,不仅




5、易理论的五个基本假设:,关于生产函数:两个国家同一种商品的生产函数相同;关于相对要素禀赋:两国的相对要素禀赋相同;关于消费偏好:两国的消费偏好相同;关于规模报酬不变:规模报酬不变;关于商品市场和要素市场的竞争情况:两国的商品市场和要素市场都是完全竞争的。,上述五个条件保证了两国在封闭条件下的相对价格完全相同,因此,在这些条件下国际贸易是不可能发生的。,14,下面,我们依次去掉前面的各项假设条件,分别探讨国际贸易的起因及其影响:,先去掉第一个假设,保持其他条件不变 生产技术差异便是国际贸易的一个重要起因,我们再来放松第二个假设,假设两个国家的要素禀赋不相同 相对要素禀赋差异成为国际贸易的另一起因


7、论发展阶段的划分,传统贸易理论,界碑,新贸易理论,比较成本学说要素禀赋学说,里昂惕夫之谜,规模经济理论 产品周期理论 战略贸易理论 一体化理论 跨国公司理论,18,6.2 规模经济和国际贸易Economics of scale and international trade,19,规模收益不变和市场完全竞争是传统国际贸易理论两个最基本的假定前提。国际经济学家保罗克鲁格曼是新国际贸易理论探索的代表人物。,一、国际贸易理论分析的新框架,规模报酬递增理论:规模报酬递增也是国际贸易的基础,当某一产品的生产发生规模报酬递增时,随着生产规模的扩大,单位产品成本递减而取得成本优势,导致专业化生产并出口这一产

8、品。,20,二、规模经济1、定义 increasing returns to scale(economics of scale):the production situation where output grows proportionately more than the increase in inputs or factors of production.规模报酬递增(规模经济):产出水平增长比例高于要素投入增长比例的生产状况。,21,2、规模经济的类型,指来源于单个企业内部生产规模的扩大带来报酬的递增,指某个产业或行业生产规模的扩大带来报酬的递增,内部规模经济效益(internal

9、scale of economies),外部规模经济效益(external scale of economies),22,规模经济生产可能性曲线凸向原点规模不经济生产可能性曲线凹向原点规模经济不变生产可能性曲线为直线,3、规模经济可能出现的情况,0 30 50 100 Q规模经济示意图,规模经济实际上就是机会成本递减的情形生产可能性曲线为一条凸向原点的曲线,23,4、规模经济和不完全竞争市场结构,一方面,规模经济的实现与一个产业和行业内的厂商数量呈反比,另一方面,大厂商与小厂商相比,在追求规模经济中具有更大的优势,规模经济和不完全竞争市场结构互为条件,24,Y,X,120,120,A,PPT曲

10、线,无差异曲线I,PX/PY,规模经济和PPT及生产模式,反映规模经济的PPT是一条凸向原点的曲线,表明增加一种产品的机会成本是递减的。右图还假设两国生产技术、资源禀赋和需求偏好相同,表现为两国的PPT和I是完全相同的。在没有贸易时,两国的生产和消费均衡点为A,两国各自生产自己所需的产品。,规模经济与PPT及没有国际贸易时的生产和消费模式,40,40,25,图6.1 基于规模经济的贸易,如国一国专门生产X,另一国家专门生产Y,在规模经济的作用下,X和Y的生产成本都会下降,然后两国再进行交换,则双方的福利都会增加,在图中表现为贸易后的均衡点E比没有分工和贸易前的均衡点A所达到的效用水平更高。,P

11、x/Py,基于规模经济的贸易,基于规模经济的贸易,26,6.3 不完全竞争与国际贸易Imperfect competition and international trade,6.3A 不完全竞争6.3B 产业内贸易的理论解释6.3C 产业内贸易的规范模型6.3D 产业内贸易的测度6.3E 产业内贸易理论的理论意义和政策价值,27,In this section we examine the very important relationship between imperfect competition and international trade,and measure the intr

12、a-industry tradefrom the perspective of imperfect competition.,6.3 不完全竞争与国际贸易Imperfect competition and international trade,28,一、不完全竞争,1、完全竞争和不完全竞争的市场结构,A、B点表示两种不同的不完全竞争市场,A点与左端更接近,表示与B点相比,其市场竞争程度更低。,29,2、现代国际贸易理论中完全竞争假设失灵,A、完全竞争的逻辑表现,产品价格=产品成本,比较成本就可以决定贸易方向,生产技术,比较成本差异取决于要素供给,根据要素丰裕程度判断比较成本差异,一致,确定各


14、国际间商品价格的差异充分地反映一个国家比较成本的优势。,在不完全竞争条件下,价格不能反映生产成本,不能反映比较优势,因而,成本不可能称为贸易方向的决定因素。,建立在不完全竞争假设之上的国际贸易理论对国际贸易原因的揭示与传统理论是不同的。,32,二、产业内贸易的理论解释,(一)产业间贸易和产业内贸易,1、产业间贸易,产业间贸易的概念 不同产业之间完全不同产品的交换,产业间贸易的基础 国家间要素禀赋的差异,从而比较成本的差异是产业间贸易发生的基础和原因。,33,二、产业内贸易的理论解释,(一)产业间贸易和产业内贸易,2、产业内贸易,产业内贸易的概念 intra-industry trade:int

15、ernational trade in the differentiated products of the same industry or broad product group,产业内贸易现象不能用传统贸易理论来解释,A、假定生产各种产品需要不同密集度的要素,而各国所拥有的生产要素禀赋不同的,因此,贸易结构、流向和比较优势是各国不同的要素禀赋来决定的;,B、假定市场竞争是完全的,在一个特定产业内的企业,生产同样的产品,拥有相似的生产条件。,34,二、产业内贸易的理论解释,(一)产业间贸易和产业内贸易,3、产业间贸易和产业内贸易的主要区别,(1)产业间贸易反映了比较优势,而产业内贸易没有。

16、,(2)产业内贸易模式本身是不可预见的,而产业间贸易的模式是由国家间内在的差异性决定的。,(3)产业内贸易和产业间贸易的相对重要性是由国家间的相似程度决定的。,35,Main differences between interindustry and intraindustry trade:Interindustry trade reflects comparative advantage,whereas intraindustry trade does not.The pattern of intraindustry trade itself is unpredictable,whereas

17、 that of interindustry trade is determined by underlying differences between countries.The relative importance of intraindustry and interindustry trade depends on how similar countries are.,36,二、产业内贸易的理论解释,(一)产业间贸易和产业内贸易,4、产业的重要性,(1)大约四分之一的世界贸易是由产业内的双向贸易构成。,(2)在发达国家间的制成品贸易中产业内贸易扮演着十分重要的角色。,37,The Si

18、gnificance of Intraindustry TradeToday about one-fourth of world trade consists of intra-industry trade in differentiated products,that is,two-way exchanges of differentiated products of the same industry or broad product group.Intra-industry trade plays a particularly large role in the trade in man

19、ufactured goods among advanced industrial nations,which accounts for most of world trade.,38,1993年美国工业的产业内贸易指数,39,二、产业内贸易的理论解释,(一)产业间贸易和产业内贸易,5、产业内贸易为何重要,(1)产业内贸易使国家可以从更大的市场规模中获利。1964年北美汽车贸易协定的案例研究表明,通过创建两国整合市场所获得收益是可以持续的。,(2)规模经济和产品差异非常重要以至从规模经济和增加商品选择中得到的收益非常大。.例如,工艺复杂的制成品。,40,Why Intraindustry Tr

20、ade MattersIntraindustry trade allows countries to benefit from larger markets.The case study of the North American Auto Pact of 1964 indicates that the gains from creating an integrated industry in two countries can be substantial.Gains from intraindustry trade will be large when economies of scale

21、 are strong and products are highly differentiated.For example,sophisticated manufactured goods.,41,(二)Trade based on product differentiation 基于产品差别的贸易,二、产业内贸易的理论解释,1、产品的同质性与异质性,(1)产品同质性,概念 产品同质性指产品间可以完全相互替代,即商品需求的交叉弹性极高,消费者对这类产品的消费偏好完全相同。,同质产品的产业间贸易 国际贸易中行业间贸易大多是初级产品之间的贸易,42,(二)Trade based on produ

22、ct differentiation 基于产品差别的贸易,二、产业内贸易的理论解释,1、产品的同质性与异质性,(1)产品同质性产品异质性,概念 产品异质性指产品相似但不完全相同,存在一定的差异,产品彼此之间不能完全替代但尚可进行一定程度的替代,交叉弹性小于同质产品,在生产中要素投入具有相似性。,异质产品的产业内贸易 大量差异产品的存在是行业内贸易出现的重要原因,43,Products are differentiated by brand name and by the country of origin.The soft drinks that Coca-cola produces and

23、markets in China are different in taste than the soft drinks produced in the U.S.The shoes that are manufactured in China by Reebok are distinct from those manufactured by the same company in the U.S.This type of product differentiation arises not only due to the consumers perception,but due to actu

24、al differences in the quality of raw materials used in the production,the skills of laborers,and the quality control standards in different locations.,44,(二)Trade based on product differentiation 基于产品差别的贸易,二、产业内贸易的理论解释,2、产品差异的分类,(1)垂直差异,(2)水平差异,指同一类产品在档次上的差别,主要体现在产品的质量等级上。消费者对垂直差异产品的需求受收入水平的制约。,指具有完

25、全相同的根本特性并属于同一档次的产品,只是在细节特征上存在的差异。消费者对水平差异产品的需求取决于个人的需求偏好。,45,(二)Trade based on product differentiation 基于产品差别的贸易,二、产业内贸易的理论解释,3、建立在差异产品基础上的国际贸易,产业内贸易的产生完全为了利用生产的规模经济,46,Intra-industry trade arises in order to take advantage of important economies of scale in production.That is,international competit

26、ion forces each firm in industrial nations to produce limited varieties and styles of the same products rather than many different varieties and styles.With few varieties and styles,more specialized and faster machinery can be developed for a continuous operation and a longer production run.Then the

27、 nation will import other varieties and styles from other nations.As such,intra-industry trade benefits consumers because they have access to wider range of choices(enlarge consumers choices).,47,(1)Intra-industry trade takes the form of two-way exchanges within industrydriven in large part by econo

28、mies of scale or product differentiation,as opposed to inter-industry specialization driven by comparative advantage in factor endowments.,Several interesting considerations to be highlighted as follows:,48,(2)With differentiated products produced under economies of scale,pre-trade relative commodit

29、y prices may fail to predict accurately the pattern of trade.To be specific,a large nation may produce a commodity at lower cost than a smaller one in the absence of trade because of larger national economies of scale.With trade,however,all countries have access to economies of scale to the same ext

30、ent,and it is quite possible for the small country to undersell its large counterparts in the same commodity.We have dealt with economies of scale at three levelsat industrial,national and international scale.,Several interesting considerations to be highlighted as follows:,49,(3)The H-O model predi

31、cts that trade will lower the return of the nations scarce factor.In contrast with the prediction,from intra-industry trade,all factors are possible to gain.This may explain why the formation of EU and the postwar trade liberalization in manufactured goods intra-industry trade,met little resistance

32、by interest groups.,Several interesting considerations to be highlighted as follows:,50,(3)The H-O model predicts that trade will lower the return of the nations scarce factor.In contrast with the prediction,from intra-industry trade,all factors are possible to gain.This may explain why the formatio

33、n of EU and the postwar trade liberalization in manufactured goods intra-industry trade,met little resistance by interest groups.On the contrary,some of the inter-industry trade between the developed industrial nations and the most advanced of the developing nations is subject to strong opposition o

34、n the part of labor.The reason is this type of trade could lead to the decline or even collapse of the entire industry(textile industry),and could also involve lower real wages and massive reallocation of labor to other industries within an industrial nation.,Several interesting considerations to be

35、 highlighted as follows:,51,(4)Finally,intra-industry trade is related to the sharp increase in international trade in parts and components.By virtue of local-sourcing,transnational corporations produce or import various parts of a product in different nations for the purpose of minimizing their cos

36、ts of production.Local-sourcing means the utilization of each nations comparative advantage and it can be regarded as an extension of the H-O model.,Several interesting considerations to be highlighted as follows:,52,A Tentative Conclusion At this point we can reach a tentative conclusioncomparative

37、 advantage seems to determine the pattern of inter-industry trade,while economies of scale in differentiated products give rise to intra-industry trade.Both types of trade occur in todays world.The former reflects natural comparative advantage while the latter is a reflection of acquired comparative

38、 advantage.,53,产业内贸易理论-差异化产品理论,54,(三)规模经济或规模报酬递增与不完全竞争,二、产业内贸易的理论解释,规模报酬递增与不完全竞争是最普遍被采用来解释产业内贸易的理论。规模经济或规模报酬递增是指厂商进行大规模生产,使成本降低,报酬递增。国家间的要素禀赋越相似,越可能生产更多的相同类型产品,因而它们之间的产业内贸易量将越大。,55,(四)偏好相似说或重叠需求理论,二、产业内贸易的理论解释,重叠需求理论(overlapping demand theory),又称偏好相似学说(preference similarity theory),该理论的核心思想是:两国之间贸易关


40、市场部分将越大,两国的贸易量将越大。因此,林德偏好相似说似乎较赫克歇尔-俄林的要素禀赋论更适合于解释贸易发生在发达国家之间的现象。,59,重叠需求理论与要素禀赋理论:适用范围不同,要素禀赋理论主要解释发生在发达国家与发展中国家之间的产业间贸易(Intra-industry trade),即工业品与初级产品或资本密集型产品与劳动密集型产品之间的贸易。重叠需求理论则适合于解释发生在发达国家之间的产业内贸易(Inter-industry trade),即制造业内部的一种水平式贸易。,60,(一)补充知识,三、产业内贸易的规范模型,第二,市场中有大量的厂商,每个厂商都占有不大的市场份额,它们都能对市场




44、的规范模型,A国是劳动丰裕的国家,商品X是劳动密集型产品,B国是资本丰裕的国家,商品Y是资本密集型产品,如果商品X是有差异,商品Y 也是有差异的,基于比较优势的产业间贸易,A国仍是商品X的净出口者,基于规模经济的产业内贸易,它还需要进口某些其他种类的X,并出口某些种类的商品Y,71,三、产业内贸易的规范模型,如果产品是有差别的,则产业间贸易和产业内贸易都会发生,总结:,当产品是同质时,就只有产业间贸易,两国的要素禀赋和技术越接近,与产业间贸易相比,产业内贸易就越重要,(三)产业间贸易和产业内贸易的关系,当两国的要素禀赋和技术差距越大时,产业间贸易越重要,72,The relationship

45、between inter-industry and intra-industry trade,(1)to observe from comparative advantage,(2)to observe from differences of commodities,Conclusion:,when products are homogeneous,we have only inter-industry trade;,when products are differentiated,we have both inter-and intra-industry trade;,the more s

46、imilar nations are in factor endowments and technology,the smaller is the importance of inter-relative to intra-industry trade.,73,四、行业内贸易指数(T),行业内贸易指数(index of intra-industrial trade)是用来测量国家间在同一个产业(即同类产品)间进行贸易程度的指标:T=1-X-M/(X+M)其中:X和M分别为某行业(或同类产品)的出口值和进口值。T的取值范围为01。T0时,表明一个国家只有进口或只有出口,此时无行业内贸易;T0,则

47、表明一国有行业内贸易,即一国会同时进口和出口同一类产品,T越大,行业内贸易程度越高,当T=1时,表明某一商品的进口等于出口,此时产业内贸易达到最大。,(一)产业内贸易指数的定义,74,产业内贸易的测定,产业内贸易指数,T=1-IX MI/(X+M),X-某一产业产品的出口,M-同一产业产品的进口,如果 X=M T=1,产业内贸易最大,如果 X=0,或 M=o,T=0,无产业内贸易,美国 1995,出口计算机 USD39.6 billion,进口计算机 USD56.4 billion,故:T=1 I39.6 56.4I/(39.6+56.4),T=0.825,例:,75,Indexes of I

48、ntra-Industry Trade for U.S.Industries,1993,76,四、行业内贸易指数(T),(二)产业内贸易指数的影响因素,经济发达程度是影响产业内贸易指数的一个重要因素。,产业内贸易指数的大小还取决于定义产业或产品种类范围的大小。,经济的外向程度也是影响产业内贸易指数的一个重要因素。,77,There is a serious shortcoming in using the index T to measure the degree of intra-industry trade.This results from the fact that we get ve

49、ry different values for T,depending on how broadly we define the industry or product group.Specifically,the more broadly we define an industry,the greater will be the value of T.The reason for this is that the more broadly an industry is defined,the more likely it is that a country will export some

50、varieties of the differentiated product and import others.Thus,the T index must be used with caution.It can,nevertheless,be very useful in measuring differences in intra-industry trade in different industries and changes in intra-industry trade for the same industry over time.,78,五、产业内贸易理论的理论意义和政策价值


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