Unit 4 Its warm todayA Lets learn P46,h,o,t,cold,c,o,l,d,Its cold.Its easy to get a cold.,warm,w,a,r,m,cool,c,o,o,l,weather,wether report,香港,Good morning.(evening)This is the weather report.Its hot in Hong Kong.,Hainan,30-35c,Harbin,-10-0c,Lhasa,Beijing,20-22c,hot,cold,warm,cool,hotweathercoldwarmcoldcoolweather,Good evening.This is the w_ r_.In Beijing,its w_ now.The weather is fine.Hong Kong is very h_.The sun is shinning.People can wear T-_.But Harbin is c_.People wear sweaters.In Lhasa,the weather is c_.You can see people wear shirts.,eather,arm,old,eport,ool,ot,shirts,