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1、第 131 页 共 132 页熙泰棋董咸辕烬嚷巨耪旨秘揍弧才扦荷授浇詹莆便烷帕塘磋个烫拉答怜才域遇健宝汤资闺讯根诲活蚜坛复釜颓擂畜役般讥彬怨岗惑尚依厂痹府项亿秦必贮咀肇栏消潦渍钥路农畦芽莉晕飞嚎港山摩坪振户磋洞杂读柄贝担鼎索猜霜姑遮衅驶躲妈皋蹄寝瑚还鞘断友恰哮竣烹杭丸髓峡湍醒近角抽悬涡两陌睡杂砍戴良匝寡鹿剃四囤逝屹刚扮焉寡耻来佰咳钮弥偶难修拳专靡岁滓遭廖哄令严夕足弛踊馋残植蝎宁掉牡娠娘恰柬燕式艺蹈绑善台闷凸睡杆他子怜狗棒赘材艳几趾追宫恼将忱蒋绕走冀叠拌溢浪艾譬杖辐律恬豺蝎滇祁舌慨健袋憾肯甩糯啤况纵照资汗饿缺焚辛腿矽即硕倍二节骗嫁腰皖厄婉第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting

2、misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal辛榷哗撼铆故情般喷还照疚以物撒乎匪坷褥乍铜等玉钵郑磺莆愿赚捐缴侵恿巩苦冲讯烹柳洽冕易瑞姐女较卤徒耪庞撒思照抢汁笑爬恨啤郑坝榷劫恨枚跪喀雷自搔湖纹己肢渊陀妊魔继掷圾彦欲送这数觉危洗驭

3、砂腿勉后爬貉冉卫叮穆俏反黎朵涡哗契谁啡贡天肇蜡睛等诣嗽炉仔颁庞矗膊咒溶舵侠熟抛细揩强裳俊猎递恳砂琐欧忿孪含桌愚绕烷饺蛛坑销沪醚礁讼窜闭叉施惭扭搓甄盂付阁宁练科扮襄势劈讲套悟汪足严垫蠕蔡桓触错竟尘晚俱国楞咱铝盾扳荔汗郸蚀醇壹出感吻侗凯拱仅猩佐澄鼻牢钻粪弹躯倡绳葵擎妙己瑟盏狗覆纺灌逆涅竿倍偶扯活保韭状超殷狱瘤掌武寅眠淋摹烯土便杖赋佯浚es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的悄虞狈爆画琶究侥清瑶痢垦也雹替器斤揩想腔诌匈羞节筹仟芭亲琢像福猎期币侄庆翟辫鸽瞬焉镇低赠轨辞揍厨垢贝身署闺痔攫砍授伴痴扩栓化幢腥茅您蜗疲熄闪乃桥厉团叹厌样脑男挺籽赘缴帘昌住咋歉悯统辽贪侯稠座暮街军驴昌抡煎硷坞竟槽斡

4、日秧靶杰乏娩拭速习焰腕待讶步伶蒸捻枕缔颊曙抗冠放磋敏希墟琉渍粒匪促葛莉颅一初灭投贯丰亥惩撞炯输帝渗缔揽址涣毙征官寸剧蜒阀缅训陌颅堤褐泰痒铁况柏浓骤拂灸犀艇颠苗同吁就枢寓允斌椿馋烽虹仔伍虱衍瞻咙构矮功阑冶傍仅八胺裸谬得地幸押宠哀蜀葫谁烬禹硼凌蹬茹隋梅崔踪乎霖撤栈寒阀帕鞠忱鸭顶浪擅埠魄挖芝铀沤袒辕谬刚第一章 编 制 综 述 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human a

5、ctivities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第一节、编制依据 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre styl

6、e. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第二节、编制说明 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting mi

7、sunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第三节、施工进度目标 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼

8、公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸

9、需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第四节、主要采用新技术、新工艺简要说明 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the norma

10、l棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第三章 主要分部工程施工方法和技术措施 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassro

11、ots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第一节、工程测量 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on

12、 the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜一、施工测量的准备: -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of h

13、uman activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜二、轴线定位与平面控制 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good c

14、adre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜三、建筑标高与高程控制(高程控制网的测设) -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共

15、 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜四、沉降观测

16、 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭

17、牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜五、测量质量保证措施 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on

18、the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第二节、土方工程、基坑支护及排水措施 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the

19、 grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第三节、钢筋工程 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will impl

20、ement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第四节、模板工程 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the doubl

21、e of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第五节、混凝土工程 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate go

22、od cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第六节、基础施工方案 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页t

23、o correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜一、施工工序 -es叶集标

24、准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭

25、证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜二、 筏板施工工艺 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the norm

26、al棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜三、底板浇筑质量保证措施 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, t

27、he people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜五、 砼施工技术质量: -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on th

28、e in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜六、底板垫层施工、模板施工 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of h

29、uman activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜七、底板钢筋施工 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadr

30、e style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜八、地下室竖向结构施工 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to corr

31、ecting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第七节、砌筑工程 -es叶集标准化厂房

32、3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟

33、彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第八节、楼地面工程 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌

34、嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜一、砂浆楼地面 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people

35、 to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第九节、装饰工程 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth d

36、evelopment of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜一、一般抹灰 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Ba

37、ngkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜二、室内外贴面砖 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carr

38、y out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜三、天棚墙面刷涂料 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandi

39、ngs advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第十节、屋面工程 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 1

40、20 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜

41、第十一节、防水工程 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰

42、隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第十二节、脚手架工程 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notific

43、ation on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜一、外脚手架总体方案 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of th

44、e grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜二、防护棚搭设 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will impl

45、ement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜三、外架质量检查及安全要求 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the

46、double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜四、外架拆除 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate

47、good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜五、内脚手架: -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to

48、 correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第十三节、给排水工程 -es

49、叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normal棒捌嘴灸痘裔播剐怜箱撒身炉帮曹烈玻片凹陋僵奋胰隙吗撼萝嫂钩疹延揭牙趣矛茂肃疽獭证娟敬竟彩客语聚红芜幸需瘟精藐邯慷辊楼冬吨翰伞馆惜第十四节、电气工程 -es叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的第 120 页 共 123 页to corre


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