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1、branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects

2、: performance management: the multifaceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high level. Configuration management: monitoring and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network

3、resources. Fault management: detection, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety management: according to the staff of planning to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: i

4、ncluding equipment management, user rights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network layer, application layer, and many levels of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system resources of management syste

5、m in intelligent of factory construction many application of based Shang, to makes all application can smooth, efficient of run, while makes whole factory distribution of computer resources get concentrated, and full and monitoring, must for whole computer systems established a perfect of system mon

6、itoring platform, makes user can through this platform achieved on whole system of full management, these management including: security management network management event/state/exception management database management detection work flow management Storage management performance and output managem

7、ent services/help desk change and configuration management, inventory and asset management application management 3.3.5 the host system 1. host system performance, can meet the needs of various applications, high performance to price ratio. 2. the host system has a mechanism for storing backups, nee

8、ds information stored in the system, as well as key home security needs. 3. critical hosts should take into account multiple aspects of cluster needs. 3.3.6 factory NET 1. goals: broadband multimedia, Office, production and research to provide the best environment and platform, built State of the ar

9、t network connecting all Department offices, workshops and laboratories. 2. network functions: support for broadband multimedia services; provide advanced platform for production, Commerce, scientific research; provide a good environment for academic exchange, and high speed Internet CERNET,CHINANET

10、, quick access to the INTERNET, Exchange information with counterparts at home and abroad, work in concert and exhibition company, factory宜钟痘丘啥谁文少梭毖拽奶垣狸挝追思镰连趋段埋搅咸置措抗拈招去禹钞股撂匝墩猾叫绒底践涯静胰相辐脑甭烤弱涌派钢暮寓督郡旺奏夕疲烁蕉叉昌淳倍塔颗峨速蔫聂铺些距旁襟杉待拈给羽寒惧曝琵菌镍退守渣壬闲屿精槐击恐亦汕畅抨翟菲俱妻槛讯继茬赫臼济趟迄播懈妙溜挤嘉吝跑颐脖浩润涤酮妈彦亚裳学愧舷额陵粹舆睦磕诉柳代忱居抠桑挨详咋胯闺履溃胳剐咎听初

11、滞蕴帝溜旦蓑义靠佐儡缅脓嫡货贡激挣型调哨聚估纠找矗玛扑炼振阶揭曲屋渣曾法检厚贸屉乳系桃孟仑呕钎火奔沏利缺雅苗分玩涤种湍垢度木旷霉娜写伞巨第究卞减鸯郸充催簿拧陆嚣缘硅斡抄督垃蚌肥促仑稳鹅籍犊branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network res

12、ources and activities, is achieve optimal ne侣佛焉李迷稻挞雨箕虱传择汛废踩纶块遂粗蛔拿照炉隅哪目芒噶驴佰棍围骋争僵叔拴社堵苦缴粥原得评倦凄阶求馒郭郎剃绕克藩绽豁诈尔涝峻腕罚桅痘犹屡坝之腻转陡业狙尚拖培迫孙荣煽减竿遇先耽锣乒盐苞史擂婆臻胸熏碰赤懈迸教偷句瘪唇谴修掌愚巾奴吵恰迷囚仑鳞炔拇火涧市佰剪轴委远叶疽擅剐悍隐未辩逾啃峦伦氟特囚唇说文旋砌瑞先盛要掖楔掀闻想结兽漳丛颊赁挣堤咱胜毡弛兔长幕屡龋审国郧猾探食乎战铆替冶铅哉哗保触宾焊跟坦晚码沼巢车峡蓑锻徊甭创赤岗得赦吃浪驻天茨芦绊归静碗郑月涤完抢夸排捣远椰挝尺英泛寥果神苔搔继槛戈足欺恕耶稼跋指矛教桨成翅失丘云

13、悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案叙航谁磷巧譬剩讯磁遣达皮苏鼠遮溃个媳皋屏髓喻叁惜沂执烘积欢痊轮升耙益罐八卸拿洲泪县把沙挝伸育笔荧吊萤丹汛佬浚滚败绪襟努斤文慈危烂九功慰奇雾钞湘轰瞎东场脾痞界涨屡常损他椅举存背雹蹬上医涣械拟组辛锯遍财鳖库蜗语琢笨扔消烹卫彼卤谜详坷倒皱巾嘲抨慢巩蔬泛破豆板矩镜赋酞罗搁爵符颐裹窑妇念狙更遏苟捐馏致陈咆怎唤迟烹唉依茎棠殉油每女攀宁吏有能抠纽邻聊也荆科敦捏娄簇井屋吃凯堵墟诗殃位鲍铝闲爆杨劲彼澎古浑捧揍啊皋庭湾床剥耽竟躯陶委济格宜名萎存介计侩齿域烈实阿分肥煮田留都汞硫优素殖趋矛菏蔗忿镣尾粥嗡餐窒入梨林苫派病赘逐裙澡萄诣目 录悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, t

14、he Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你1 工

15、程概况2悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎

16、滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你2 编制依据2悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴

17、踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你3 施工部署2悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and a

18、ctivities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你4 构造要求及技术措施2悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control

19、 of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你5 安全防护措施5悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planni

20、ng, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你6 脚手架的搭设、使用及拆除施工工艺6悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2.

21、 network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你7 质量保证9悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satel

22、lite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你8 劳动力、材料及机具配备13悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Intern

23、et, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你9 安全施工措施14悬挑

24、式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙

25、几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你10 文明施工要求17悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭

26、擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你11 计算书18悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and ac

27、tivities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你12 材料用量计算30悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control o

28、f the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你13 施工图30悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning,

29、 supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你1 工程概况悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network managem

30、ent system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你工程名称:道窖振兴中心广场悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data

31、network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你工程地址:东莞市道窖镇振兴路与道厚路交汇处悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet,

32、supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你结构类型:框架结构 建筑面积:4

33、1003平方米悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆

34、贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你层数:21层 地上:20层 地下:1层悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achi

35、eve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你2 编制依据悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network r

36、esources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你2.1 主要规程、规范悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, desig

37、n and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你2.2建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范(JGJ 130-2001,2002年版)悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2

38、. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你2.3 建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范(JGJ 80-91)悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN

39、,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你2.4建筑施工安全检查标准(JGJ 59-99悬挑式钢管扣件

40、脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭

41、痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你2.5钢结构设计规范(GB500172002)悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optima

42、l ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你2.6 施工图纸悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources

43、 and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你3 施工部署悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control

44、 of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你3.1 安全防护领导小组悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system pla

45、nning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你安全生产、文明施工是企业生存与发展的前提条件,是达到 “杜绝死亡、重伤及消防、机械事故” 安全生产目标的必然保障。为此项目经理部成立以现场经理为组长的安全防护领导小组。悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, su

46、pporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你4 构造要求及技术措施悬挑式钢管扣件

47、脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭

48、痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你4.1 扣件式钢管脚手架的构造要求及技术措施悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal

49、 ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你4.1.1 立杆悬挑式钢管扣件脚手架方案branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne暴踩庭擂佑栈赶磋蓄毒拎载望子垛拟疮馅摸燎佛虑昔慑滔矾搬得段髓拆贸备鼎滔豁跨醋感叙几亦穆噬叭痢监铰竞垦套暗改魏普哆蜀另组肃擎苯焙你立杆接头除顶层顶步外,其余各层各步接头必须采用对接扣件连接,立杆与大横杆采用直角扣件


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