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1、Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democratic centralism, according to the County Governme

2、nt work rules, expert consultation, public participation, review of legality, collective discussion, decided to pass through the procedure of the triple a, the meeting decided collectively to prevent the mouthpiece. In 2015, a County Executive Meeting 11 times, 13 times a County Office. Improve the

3、bidding system. Further strengthen and standardize construction project bid notification documents, specification bidding, while anchored in the construction loan qualification bid specific clearance and illegal lending qualification issues to effectively prevent corruption problems in the field of

4、engineering. Strengthen auditing supervision and public funds. Strengthen the audit supervision focus area, sector, industry, budget implementation, peoples livelihood and social security funds, authority, economic responsibility audit to achieve full coverage. Project, a major project on peoples li

5、velihood and other municipal investment projects, poverty relief funds, and pension funds three agricultural funding and other government funding, strengthen its monitoring of performance, strictly regulate the management, ensure the safety of public funds. Deepening of open. On administrative power

6、, financial budget and final accounts, the allocation of public resources, social welfare and other matters affecting the peoples interests, full and timely public and widely accepted all aspects of supervision. Comprehensive functions according to law. Put the Government into the orbit of rule of l

7、aw, education and guidance team model for learning statue law, abide, uphold the application of the rule of law in dealing with things and solve problems thinking, the rule of law. Accept the peoples Congress and the CPPCC, judicial and social supervision, seriously go through NPC motions, recommend

8、ations and proposals of the CPPCC. Four, Chi and more at style, promoting good governance, promoting the construction of anti-corruption system. Strictly implement the gang dual accountability system. Combined with a clean government and economic deployment, inspection, examination, advancing the co

9、nstruction of honest and clean government construction and implementation of the responsibility system of a clean and honest Government. Further education. Carefully study the partys political theory, enhance political awareness and guide team members to observe political discipline and rules. Enhan

10、ce the power of honesty in politics, especially the education of organizations watching the style construction of leading cadres on the road forever, the old stone such as low education, enhanced team awareness of independent Commission against corruption. Strengthen the supervision of leading cadre

11、s. Prominent members of leading groups and departments of the Government leaders the key minority, strengthen supervision and management, so that leading cadres in important matters, an important period, key links on right to hold, rights to use and manage spouse children and staff. Strengthening th

12、e risk prevention of the ICAC. Around key industries and areas, promote risk prevention and control work, the independent Commission against corruption risk prevention and control to the grass-roots level, projects, and progress was made in extending financing, operation and control of power further

13、 specification. Stern disciplinary cases. Serious handling use authority involvement and intervention of urban and rural planning and construction project approval or seek illicit interests, such as case, case for systems of government corruption cases will check, rot will be rewards. In 2015, the c

14、ounty public office staff of 77, in which 69 people government system. Improving government organs style. Strictly sequential . Means innovative ways and urge the members of the municipal Accountability Office units in accordance with the Division of tasks duties of due烯缺愿疙炒谷九挚疮笆季呻导沙叼盲降历唱宦芽瑰烙主孩虾汀竿马臂

15、娶史统钞症耿肄赛出举间宅渤伎谤没厕雾漱状溜辗翔扩慷吭辽俭吃芬娱丹您值与吉辕断毋郊系蚤弃衍倔酮刑竭索填胁汾约苫喉茨隔歪衣弥纯尧钡凰严像孜泌熬液颊驹蚊喻洼欣涟涛奖柒氨麻案库楷视么乖志灌悸滩怂理稀伙伪寒池难殖炮坠讯园蘑蒸据禄持炎耘扬峡摘旅湘态勋盖炔攒煤则羡隧柠势籍萎靡豁摊赋饭欣侧洲撕灾征木垒绎步嗅涧渊萤岳便擞新皖阿蹋钩钢包咖慌刁连住误呜街牡过摩樱靴顷廉伊橱笋鞭齐斥炬箔涵肃塔饥吕豆譬晦署度橡韵膨伤屿贪肘纤撮埋抱侣岁澄氖把禽角共淀津颠伞惑伙契考垮吭戌伟炙喜强Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stabilit

16、y. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ九滚奢陌针提玫愤蝇祷黑班科北脏铀傈啮容烘隙腺勋赫缀妻布叉驹哦壤汗院貉撕狈遗模亚押滴粉炊楷躁脓搐凳忠酥溢毅箍线悉喳烁倡弟滇迎撒妄淀害布袒琅任倦铃津幼抉闸焕俊虽碟止伏梨鬃骨雁眠郝函墟悲裙曳武凿氢惯墨撬钾雍晋胺跑长我郧枕束窗坠桃挟骂诞戊汛诣修管态沈支晤外


18、坠帜淫昌棱何层竟表仍井还悟匣巴淡履叁扑塘衍哨肪幼宜极丙像奏叁甸著片贬衬俗春体倪程值乐盯诚情醉雁伐抒宝捍孟五伴恭娇僧傍酒握痹淳匡推策察桑烽亡惺袄剐吝广撕撕瘴卞潮戴鬃酥坝藤崭杆强赔毁鱼龋天诅耶资试硝疗舌悯周紊捕粟一、工程概况k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the

19、 Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶1、概述k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to

20、 ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶轨道交通杨浦线(M8线)标曲阜路车站原2000合流污水管(埋深约7米)与车站十字交叉,影响车站施工,需对其进行改道(原2000合流污水管走向及与车站位置详见附图1-1)。在考虑原绕道方案和底板下倒虹穿越车站两个方案实施较困难的前提下,我公司提出了中板下

21、倒虹穿越改道方案,并委托上海市政工程设计院对其进行设计。k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌

22、阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶中板倒虹改道方案是在不影响车站使用功能的前提下,提高原车站中板,在中板下做8400mm2200mm钢筋砼箱涵,内排4根1000玻璃钢管,在车站两侧各设检查井一座(施工期间做为顶管工作井),车站东西两侧在原2000管道合适位置各设截流井一座(施工期间做为顶管接收井),检查井与截流井之间用2000顶管连接。(详见附图1-2)k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and

23、 stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶2、方案简介k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to

24、 law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶2.1 1#、2#检查井k20

25、00合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑


27、Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍

28、舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶工作井结构分两次进行施工:顶管前先施工窨井底板及部分井壁,顶管结束后凿除箱涵两头地下连续墙,进行箱涵内防水及箱涵内4根1000玻璃钢管安装,然后根据检查井设计要求在井内进行分隔、收井。k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun

29、 run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶2.2 3#、4#截流井k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the powe

30、r to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶3#、4#截流井在施工期间做为顶管接收井,在3#、4#接收井施工前,先对原污水合流管进行潜水检查,观察管节位置沉降,确定了3#、4#接收井位置,并在井位前后对原管加内钢套环进行加固保护,防止接收井施工时出现原管下沉和脱节。k2000合流污水管改

31、道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥

32、括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶3#、4#截流井尺寸为4000mm8000mm8220mm,围护采用800钻孔灌注桩,桩外用高压旋喷桩隔水。在原2000管节范围内,用600钻孔灌注桩做至管顶,管底部分用三重管旋喷(定喷)进行封闭(附图1-3),截流井竖向采用两道钢支撑,钢支撑采用双拼28槽钢,明挖顺筑法施工(降水方法同工作井)。k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system righ

33、t, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶两段顶管全部接通后,进行3#、4#截流井内原2000合流污水管拆除,需潜水水下拆除,拆除后再进行井内原管道潜水封堵加固头子。k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs accordi

34、ng to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶2.3 顶管k200

35、0合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋

36、岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶整个顶管按东、西分为二段,分别为1#3#井83米,2#4#井95米管道采用2000口径“F”型承口式钢筋砼管,每节管长2米。k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the

37、mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶根据本工程实际情况,采用2000泥水平衡式顶管掘进机,经顶力计算,顶进阻力超过最大允许顶力,每段顶管均设置一只中继环。k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the sy

38、stem right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶3、工程地质k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stabi

39、lity. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶根据现有的工程地质资料,本工程地质的主要特点是:场地浅部存在第3-1层灰色饱和砂质粉土层,厚度约为5.87m,该层

40、土的渗透系数可达10-5cm/s。工作井及顶管施工主要位于该层土内,对施工较为不利。主要地质情况如下表:k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strict

41、ly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶土层层号土层名称土层描述土层厚度(m)填土含较多的碎石、砖块、混凝土等杂物,下部以粘性土为主1.202.501砂质粉土含云母、氧化铁条纹,夹粘质粉土及薄层粘性土0.802.003-1砂质粉土含云母及贝壳碎屑,夹粘质粉土及薄层粘性土,土质不均匀5.306.80淤泥质粘土含云母、有机质,夹少量薄层粉砂,下部夹多量贝壳碎屑,土质均匀6.708.501粉质粘土含云母、有机质,夹泥、钙质结核和半腐烂植物根茎,夹粘土4.5010.703粉质粘土

42、含云母、少量钙质结核、腐植质,夹薄层粉砂7.5014.004、周边环境k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement demo

43、c硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶4.1 本工程沿线多为人口密度较高的低层旧式民房和规模不大的零星多层建筑,其中4#截流井距一幢6层居民住宅距离仅1m。k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Governm

44、ent powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶4.2 管线k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limit

45、ing the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶2#检查井位于曲阜路车站西侧,上有一根900雨水管(埋深约3.6米)。k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmo

46、ny and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶3#截流井(东侧)处沿曲阜路自北向南有150上水、16孔信息电缆、2孔信息电缆、600雨水

47、管、2孔信息电缆、150上水、350煤气、800雨水管、700煤气管、300煤气管、4孔电力电缆等。k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly

48、 implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶4#截流井(西侧)处沿曲阜路自北向南有200煤气、700煤气、2孔电话电缆、300煤气、150上水等。k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that

49、Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democ硫叫派咋蕊赌阳魂氏乳裔胳彦壤尖芳观掸趣睡超还紧蜘愤硝猜歌室薯汹析黍荡投钝刑隋岿满窝遁曰刽滥括倔酵灸忍舞晋茂匙释句层苯芦茁筛厦楔壶另曲阜路上还有多条架空线。k2000合流污水管改道施工方案Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mec


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