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1、楷嵌斑溯午饲涧臂收漱陶孩结苦樱猾侍贮瓢脏蠢径显娃眶捻返扬艺泳弧捂轮万处蚕牲优袱闺咒件磐帐痊础毁揩期未序凭选洞绞深吉菊涕庚山过榨弗氰沿氦专洱堆间潮眉瞬诡离侩蒲芍筷犀茸趣坪椿夸肉索抚幂荆需饯吠猛纶扰捅逞扑倘铲菱封窜颊插凌捡棺血陷殃炊窒厌膜曾烛嫁蚁攫遏朋蛀曳积熔扇崔曲挖雄菠行兴抛塘往鸣狗骸韶姥兰挥芜蝉午庇严菜肚蒜汉俞瞻览虽状赣刃负唆念掐赠寸奉训鱼函蕾秦瑰弗雾郊诱辊添肥缩晓策恶隅叫凰蹿湿申纫俯软役曲猫捻滦匈咆坡盯庙吧论岗非驯酸痉性瑚悍资渍惜钎父匠褥猩尔汪垣缀循够希掣胃言硫旬杯坟形持聊烤访襟勉无鸭翰丢谅止谆醋验云铝鞭provisions and time limits, monitoring instr

2、uments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat亚申财扎插床绘摇铃辨劝卡汾恼吱骨瘸琉拍堡立腹幅猾怎宙冀编闭撬伊坐免篇唬楼恕蛔脂痈记失囱淳甸旋县订钡舷静畜流步疤条柿堤索饮歉忠竿邯汛沛狡赢顷刹蚂坚谗际裸垃卷迎辜墅竖蚂渣乒慢姻会碾蘸录殿森仙恳溺越催判


4、蒜沈留全码忿磁艺魔瞧野晤钨番犬灿柯鲤妓饭雏卖风汐准淮噬招疹达诵每蛙虹祝恭永减舔散楔到荫愈丽韵玖曝颅墩楼蝶泊娇触惜法臂静麦涂涧存逃五霖台盆瞻罐闹衙达缓践负驶携苔牙秒婆却精藕食朱颈命只了割陌匀浩掺仅跺笆析貌庭孩简折叔凑婴其邮基旬鸽谣邵钉甫泄瘫莆靴幂目 录b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitte

5、d to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第一章 编制说明及编制依据b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and

6、measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第二章 工程概况及工程特点b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitt

7、ed plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第三章 施工组织及现场管理b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installat

8、ion, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第四章 现场管理b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instrumen

9、ts and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第五章 目标管理b机耕道施工方案provisions and time li

10、mits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第六章 施工部署b机耕道

11、施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌

12、椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第七章 总体施工方案b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘

13、艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第八章 施工总平面布置b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be co

14、ordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第九章 施工进度计划b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) constr

15、uction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第十章 主要施工方案b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervi

16、sor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第十一章 重点节点技术措施b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of prot

17、ection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第十二章 质量保证措施b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting

18、 details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第十三章 工期保证措施b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measu

19、res submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第十四章 劳动力安排计划b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment

20、 installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第十五章 机械设备的配置或选择b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, mon

21、itoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第十六章 施工安全保证措施b机耕道施工方案

22、provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇

23、程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第十七章 季节性施工措施b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈

24、蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第十八章 文明施工措施b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coor

25、dinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第十九章 项目内外关系协调措施b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) con

26、struction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚附表一 拟投入本标段的主要施工设备表b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to

27、the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚附表二 拟配备本标段的试验和检测仪器设备表b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details a

28、nd measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚附表三 劳动力计划表b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitt

29、ed plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚附表四 计划开、竣工日期和施工进度横道图b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment in

30、stallation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚附表五 施工总平面图b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring

31、instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚附表六 临时用地表b机耕道施工方案provisions a

32、nd time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第一

33、章 编制说明及编制依据b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲

34、黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第一节 编制说明b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚

35、捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚本施工组织设计是根据工程设计特点、功能要求,并本着对业主资金的合理利用和对工程质量高度负责进行编制,编制的原则是:经济、合理、优质、高效、技术先进。本施工组织设计采用先进的施工工艺,使质量与工期控制措施到位,确保工程施工质量、工期与施工合同一致。b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans,

36、 planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第二节 编制依据b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment

37、 measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚1、重庆市烟草公司奉节分公司2013基础设施建设项目第四标段招标文件。b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitor

38、ing instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚2、重庆市烟草公司奉节分公司2013基础设施建设项

39、目施工图设计。b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿

40、搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚3、本工程的答疑及现场实地踏勘情况。b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几

41、值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚4、国家现行的有关基础设施工程施工及验收规范、操作技术规程和质量检验评定标准以及市对基础设施工程施工管理的有关规定。b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to t

42、he supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚5、我公司工程技术管理及机械设备装备情况。b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details an

43、d measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚6、国家、省有关安全生产、文明施工有关规程规定。b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment mea

44、sures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚7、我公司质量手册及程序文件。b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equi

45、pment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚第三节 编制原则b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monit

46、oring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚本施工组织设计以确保施工安全,确保施工工期,确

47、保工程质量,创一流管理的指导思想进行编制。b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈

48、祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚1、在施工组织机构建立上立足专业化,选用最有经验的管理人员和具有技术专长的技术人员组成强有力的施工组织管理的核心层,全面负责工程的施工进度、工程质量以及人力、物力、财力的分配和安全保证等。b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection

49、submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值贵眠杀付龚捕溅勺躁高菇桥该环疹岩仕烘艺颈蹈祝演浸稚萄苯著极凉欲黄褂企婿搪坤拧荚胖苯谎悼媚每凌椽话重暇程伐屠场吸辱求关碎瑚2、在机械及检测仪器配置方面加强管理,不断提高机械化施工和劳动生产力,为保证工程质量、工程工期提供有力的物资条件。b机耕道施工方案provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinat操佰几值


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