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1、2015 onwards, County County-6 townships field hospital personnel expenses according to 3800 per person per year into the budget allocated annually, effectively alleviate the hospital funding shortages. Third, accelerating the information construction of township. In 2015, put on by the fiscal part,

2、self-financing part of medical institutions, build his system of Township to County 6. Four were speeding up standardization construction of rural health institutions. According to autonomous regions Government on issued XX Uighur Autonomous Regions township hospitals and village health room standar

3、dization construction implementation programme of notification (new deal do (2014) 68th,) spirit, the township hospitals according to standardization construction programme in the personnel configuration, and based facilities, and medical equipment, and service capacity four aspects specific require

4、ments, is adjustment layout, and reasonable partition, and existing personnel optimization configuration, points three years strive to all reached standardization construction requirements. Currently, 2 hospitals (Riverside Township Center Hospital in town, Torrey Town Center Hospital), 29 village c

5、linics meet the standards. Five is active in building Township health centers in satisfaction of the masses. Job requirements formulated the Township of XX County building to satisfy the crowd implementation programme, held startup, crowd-pleasing Township and in accordance with the construction of

6、evaluation index system for mapping and advance work. VI effectively enhance disease prevention and control and full implementation of a free health emergency vaccination measures vaccination rates of more than 95%.完 . And citellus undulatus 3 strains of Yersinia pestis bacteria was detected in orga

7、n and the adoption of autonomous region confirmed; completion of Hydatid disease serum check b-1000, 100 people, 200 sheep in the County slaughterhouse inspection 1-2; test salt 300 residents, iodized salt, 297, was 99%. Do a mortality surveillance work, 369 medical institutions to report the death

8、card at all levels, a mortality rate of 2.3 per thousand. To further improve the County, Township and village levels and health emergency management system, constantly enrich the health emergency response teams, enhancing standardized management, and conscientiously implement the measles epidemic pr

9、eparedness and response measures, continue to plague prevention and control work. VII the further strengthening of maternal and child health work further to strengthen maternal and child health service system and improve the management level and service quality of maternal and child health care inst

10、itutions. 2015, County pregnancy maternal number 1400 people, system management 1235 people, management rate 88%; hospital delivery live produced number 1391 people, hospital delivery rate for 99%; no pregnancy maternal death; 3 age following children number 4648 people, system management 3956 peopl

11、e, management rate 85.12%; 7 age following children number 9989 people, accept 1 times above health service 8460 people, coverage 84.69%; annual live produced number 1400 people, newborn death number 9 people, mortality 7.56 ; 5 number of deaths of children under age 15, mortality in 12.61. Steadily

12、 implementation maternal and child health project, carried out rural pregnancy maternal hospital delivery grants 584 people, grants amount 292,000 yuan, completed 73%; carried out agricultural and pastoral areas women free cervical cancer check3.4 平流沉砂池3.4.1 沉砂池沉砂池的功能是去除比重较大的无机颗粒(如泥沙,煤渣等,它们相对密度约为2.6

13、5)。沉砂池一般设在泵站前以便减小无机颗粒对水泵,管道的磨损。也可设在沉淀池前以减轻沉淀池负荷及改善污泥处理构筑物的处理条件。3.4.2 沉砂池的类型及特点1.平流沉砂池 它具有截流无机颗粒效果好,工作稳定,构造简单,排沙方便等优点;但沙中夹有有机物,是沉砂的后续处理增加了难度;占地大,配水不均匀;容易出现短流和偏流2.曝气沉砂池 曝气沉砂池克服了平流沉砂池的缺点;但增加了曝气装置运行费用较高;工作稳定,通过调节气量可控制污水的旋流速度;应设有泡装置。 3.竖流沉砂池 占地小,排泥方便;运行管理易行;但池深大,施工困难,造价高,耐冲击负荷和温度的适应性差,池径受到限制,过大的池径会使布水不均匀

14、。由于本设计采用A/O工艺,曝气沉砂池对生物池有影响,故不可取;竖流沉砂池,一般不会用于市政污水处理厂。基于3种沉砂池的比较,本工程选用平流沉砂池。3.4.3 平流沉砂池的设计1.设计参数1)按最大设计流量设计2)设计流量时的水平流速:最大流速为0.3m/s,最小流速0.15m/s3)最大设计流量时,污水在池内停留时间不少于30s一般为3060s4)设计有效水深不应大于1.2m一般采用0.251.0m每格池宽不应小于0.6m 5)沉砂量的确定,城市污水按每10万立方米污水砂量为3立方米,沉砂含水率60%,容重1.5t/立方米,贮砂斗容积按2天的沉砂量计,斗壁倾角5560度6)沉砂池超高不宜小于

15、0.3m.2.设计计算沉砂池设计计算草图见图3.3。 图3.4沉砂池设计计算草图1)沉砂池水流部分的长度沉砂池两闸板之间的长度为流水部分长度:式中,L水流部分长度,mV最大流速,m/sT最大流速时的停留时间,s2)水流断面积式中,最大设计流量,A水流断面积 , 3)池总宽度 设n=2,每格宽b=3.5m B=nb=23.5=7.0m1.65 m7)沉砂室高度采用重力排砂,设池底坡度为0.06,坡向排砂口式中:斗高,mL2 由计算得出 8)沉砂池总高度 超高,0.3m9)验算最小流量在最小流量时,用一格工作,按平均日流量的一半核算 符合流速要求3.出水堰的计算1)出水堰宽B=7.0m2)堰上水头

16、 M流量系数,取0.323)跌水高度 H2=10cm4)堰槽宽度尺寸:7.0m0.6m5)出水管采用 DN=1300mm,则v=1.2 m/s4.进水口及贮砂池1)进水口尺寸12001200,采用两个进水口,流速校核: 进水口水头损失 2)进水口采用方行闸板;SFZ型明杆或镶钢铸铁方闸门SFZ-12003)沉砂斗采用:H46Z-2.5旋启式底阀,直径200 mm排渣管DN=200mm贮砂池尺寸: 初次沉淀池初次沉淀池采用辐流式沉淀池3.5.1 设计数据1)池子的直径与有效水深的比值,一般采用6122)池径不小于16m3)池底坡度一般采用0.054)一般采用机械排泥,也

17、可附有气力提升或静水头排泥设施5)当池径20m时,也可采用多斗排泥6)进出水管的布置采用中间进水周边出水7)池径20m时,一般采用周边传动刮泥机,其传动装置设在桁架外缘8)刮泥机的旋转速度一般为13转/h,外周刮泥板的线速度不超过3m/min,一般采用1.5m/min9)在进水口的周围应设置整流板,整流板的开口面积为池断面积的102010)浮渣用浮渣刮板收集,刮板装在刮泥机桁架的一侧,在出水堰前应设置浮渣挡板。3.5.2 设计计算i=0.05r2r1600h1h2h3h5h4图3.5 初沉池计算草图1)沉淀部分水面面积: F= 式中,最大设计流量,m3/hn 池数,取2个表面负荷,m3/m2.

18、h,取2m3/m2.h F=1489.6m2 2)池直径: D=44.0,取D=45m3) 沉淀部分有效水深: 设沉淀时间t=2小时,有效水深 h2=22=4m4)沉淀部分有效容积 V=827.5m3 5)污泥部分所需的容积 设S=0.7,由于机械刮泥,所以贮泥时间T=4h,污泥部分所需的容积: V=48.13 m3 式中,S每人每天污泥量,一般采用0.360.83N设计人口数(cap)T贮泥时间,h6)污泥斗容积: 设污泥斗上部半径r=2m,污泥斗下部半径r=1m,倾角=60,污泥斗的高度:h=( r- r)tg60=1.732m污泥斗容积: V1=(r12+r1r2+ r22) 式中,h5

19、污泥斗的高度r1污泥斗上部直径,取2mr2污泥斗下部直径,取1m则V1=(22+21+12)=12.7m37)污泥斗以上圆锥部分污泥容积:(设池底径向坡度为0.05) 则圆锥体的高度:h4=(R-r1)0.05=(22.5-2)0.05=1.025mV2=(R2+Rr1+r12)=(22.52+22.52+22)=595.7m3 共可贮有污泥体积为:V1+ V2=12.7+595.7=608.4m348.13 m38)沉淀池总高度: H=h1+ h2+ h3+ h4+ h5 式中, h1超高,一般取0.5mh3缓冲层高度,取0.5mH =0.5+4.0+0.5+1.025+1.732 =7.8

20、m9)径深比校核:D/h2=45/4=11.25 (612之间符合要求)10)集水槽堰负荷校核 设集水槽堰双面出水,则集水槽出水堰的堰负荷为: =2.7L/(m*s)2.9 L/(m*s) (符合要求)3.5.3 刮泥设备的选择采用系列周边传动吸泥机,技术参数如下表3-6。表3-6 系列周边传动吸泥机主要参数池径(m)电动机功率(KW)车轮行驶速度(m/min)推荐池深H(mm)质量(吨)451.5*22.225005000303.5.4 拦浮渣设施及出水堰计算1)拦浮渣设施:浮渣用刮泥板收集,刮泥板装在刮泥机桁架的一侧,在出水堰前设置浮渣挡板,以降低后续构筑物的负荷。2)出水堰的计算本设计中

21、出水堰采用环形双出水堰,溢流堰形式采用90等腰直角三角形双出水堰,且内外堰之间距离为0.30.5m,取0.5m,沉淀池直径45m,取外堰直径44m,内堰直径43m。 3)出水槽的计算出水槽宽设计为1m,槽内水深1.2m则流速V=0.53m/s 介于0.40.6m/s之间,符合要求4)配水设施:在污水厂中,处理构筑物因建成两座或两座以上并联运行,如配水不均一部分构筑物超负荷,处理效果就会很低,另一部分构筑物达不到设计负荷,就不能充分发挥其功能,为实现均匀配水应在构筑物前设置有效的配水设施a、设计参数:V1=0.81.0m/s V2=0.6V1 V3=V1V4=0.2 m/s V3 V5=V1 V

22、6=0.6 m/sb、进水管路计算 取进水管径D1=1100mm,知Q=0.827m3/sV1=0.87m/s 上升竖管流速V2=0.87 m/sD2=1.4m,取1400mm 竖管喇叭口流速V3=V1=0.21m/sD=2.23m, 取2300mm 竖管喇叭口长度,取角度=30 h=0.26m 喇叭口上部水深已知V=0.2m/s,由DhV=Qmax h=0.57m 配水井尺寸D5V5=V1=0.11m/sQ=(D52- D32)V5D5=3.40m 配水管直径作为沉淀池进水管直径采用D=1000mmV=1.05m/s 沉淀池出水渠断面沉淀池出水渠,水深1m,渠宽1.4mV=0.59m/s 集

23、水井尺寸集水井内部隔墙厚取300mmn V6=0.6 m/s h=1m3.5.6 排泥井一沉池为排泥井,井非连续排泥,在沉淀池外设的几何尺寸:800800图3.6 初沉池集配水井草图791 people, completed 79%; for 708 name pregnant women provides has free folic acid tablets of issued service, completed 88%; carried out prevention AIDS, and syphilis, and hepatitis b maternal and child sprea

24、d project check 1023 people, completed 68%; newborn disease screen check 487 people, more last year earlier has improve. Implement free medical examination before marriage policy, number of registered first marriages of 614, premarital number 442 on (identified 5 cases of syphilis, hepatitis b posit

25、ive resistance table 43), premarital 72%. VIII further strengthen safety supervision continues to consolidate centralized medical security consolidation activities, medical services plan of action as an opportunity to continue to build quality of medical care around the world activity results, take

26、the opportunity of medical security concentration efforts, health care management and meticulous. Further strengthening construction of medical quality control system, evaluation indicators and assessment methods. Actively promote the standardization of diagnosis and treatment of disease, and active

27、ly promoting clinical pathway in County peoples Hospital. Continue to carry out three satisfied and quality care demonstration project activities to strengthen the supervision and inspection of key departments hospital infection prevention and control in hospital. To particular drugs, antimicrobial

28、drugs, focusing on essential medicines and large checks, strengthen the supervision of clinical medicine and Diagnostics and correct irrational medical treatment, efforts to control health-care costs. IX strengthening health law enforcement and supervision in January-September, deal with public heal

29、th licenses, 47. The 197 public places were 530 households in supervision and inspection, 100% coverage of supervision, release submissions of health inspection .A is concentrated carried out has spring sanitation concentrated governance, and 26th a patriotic health months, and ring game Lake bike g

30、ame, 4 times sanitation concentrated regulation activities, full improve has urban and rural environment health quality; II is in-depth carried out health disease publicity and health initiative activities, issued publicity information more than 6,000 copies; three is further advance has control smo

31、ke work, 28th a world smoke-free day control smoke shoe Connaught publicity activities issued publicity material more than 4,000 copies; four is seriously carried out four pests activities, on the hotel, and Restaurant four pests to kill; five were further advanced the work toilets in rural areas. 2

32、47 rural latrines this year all tasks have been completed. (11), strengthening the construction of health human resources is to strengthen training and set-up personnel training. Carried out village health 105 people professional technicians on-the-job training (which including 82 name on-the-job vi

33、llage doctor), selected 4 name professional technicians to Hubei for training, selected 1 name professional technicians to autonomous regions three methyl hospital for for half of backbone physician training, selected 2 name College agreement health participate in for 2 years of full section physici

34、an standardized training, selected 4 name physician participate in 1 years full section physician transfer training. Second is counterpart support, expert consultation and arrangements under the county-level professional and technical personnel to field hospitals in villages and towns to the countryside hospital. Third,


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