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1、solid grasp of implement. Below, implement the good spirit of the meeting, the four points.To quickly start the deployment. The county units to to the meeting to it, and act quickly and seriously communicate conference spirit, especially sensitive Secretary of the important speech content, to unify

2、their thinking and action to the central, provincial county decision-making arrangements, and enhance the development of education of ideological consciousness and conscious action learning. Each unit to combine actual careful planning, pay close attention to study and formulate implementation plans

3、, timely on the two studies and a learning and teaching arrangements to ensure that learning starting point start, high standard to carry out, the high quality advance.To carefully organized and implemented. Adhere to the learning is the foundation, do is the key, strengthen problem oriented, strict

4、ly from a solid grasp of learning and teaching organization and implementation, promote tasks implemented. To regular, normal learning education as the main starting point, focusing on the distinction between the characteristics of different types of Party organization, the actual needs of the diffe

5、rent groups of Party members, to promote learning education system implementation, strengthen guidance, focus on precise measures and policies, encourage grass-roots exploration and innovation, and constantly improve the learning effect.To clear specific responsibilities. Party committees (party) to

6、 grasp the learning education as a leading task of the party builds the job to catch, earnestly fulfill the responsibility subject of Party building, careful planning and arrangements, carefully organized and implemented, solid propulsion. Party committees (party) is mainly responsible for the comra

7、des to effectively assume the responsibility as the first responsible person, personally, responsibility, improper ball dispensers, the specific work of testing the effectiveness of learning education effect, the catch in place to ensure that, see the effectiveness.Four to co-ordinate arrangements t

8、o implement. To carry out the learning purpose of education is promote work center to develop, it must be carefully studied and think deeply about learning relationship of education and the work of the center, co-ordinate arrangements for the county of the focus of the work smoothly, to inspire the

9、education of Party members and cadres do entrepreneurial enthusiasm and transformation for the strong power to promote economic and social development across and boost the county economy and social sound and rapid development!In accordance with the requirements of the municipal, prefectural straight

10、 each unit, town (Park), village (community) the branch (Branch) two studies do study and education work conference to on April 28 held recently completed, and to implement the conference spirit and the times County special education coordination group硬质土质大口径长输管道沉管下沟施工方法研究张继民 刘 杰 杨 帆摘要:本文研究论证了硬质土质大口

11、径长输管道沉管下沟施工方法的可行性,对该施工方法进行了阐述和总结,同时针对沙漠地带、水网地带沉管下沟施工方法做了比较。通过在迪那2天然气外输管道工程的现场应用,给整个工程带来了积极的影响,相比传统的下沟施工,有可缩短工期、节约造价等优点。在硬质土质大口径长输管道沉管下沟施工中是一种极有推广价值的工艺。关键词:硬质土质 长输管道 沉管下沟 新疆油建南疆公司二00八年十二月大口径长输管道沉管下沟施工方法研究南疆公司 张继民 刘杰 杨帆一、0 前言(太长,请简单陈述一下主要内容)最早的“沉管法”是在水底建筑隧道的一种施工方法。它利用管道自重结合水的浮力,将管道浮运、缓慢下沉的施工方法。早在1910年




15、塌方,最终形成 形管沟,沉管下沟过程中管道母线始终与管沟壁接触,不存在明显悬空段, 形管沟坡度大,容易控制管道缓慢匀速下沉。早在2002年西气东输一线25标段施工时,即采用过沉管法通过了江苏省镇江和常州两市大面积水网地区;在2005年西气东输陕京二线靖榆段延长线施工时,也采用了沉管法通过毛乌素沙漠段。本工程中,首次在“土层稍湿、硬塑状的岩土工程分级为级”地段使用沉管法施工。该地带土质形成管沟特点为管沟壁不完全塌方,机械开挖形成梯形微小坡度开口管沟,管沟壁对管道产生阻力较小,并且管道存在悬空段,管道沉管过程中不易控制管道缓慢匀速下沉,管道容易突然下滑出现扁口、焊口断裂破坏或焊口内伤,造成事故或形




19、-壁厚813*9.5W=0.02466*t*(D-t)下沟管重量G1=188.24L1=1637KG;悬空管重量G2=188.24L2=11670KG。3.3钢管的力学性能和化学成分国家标准 SpecificationGB/T9711.2-1999钢级 Steel Grade力学性能MechanicalProperties化学成分ChemicalAnalysis%屈服强度 Yield Strength 抗拉强度 Tensile Strength 伸长率 Elonga-tion%C CMnPS碳当量 CEminmaxminminmaxmaxmaxmaxmaxMpaMpaMpaL485MB4856

20、05570180.161.70.0250.0203.4附示意图如下:可视作直线,管道与水平面角度约为1.5A、C点分别为管道悬空段最前和最后端点,CD段代表每次下沟段,B点为悬空段中点位置。E h A B D C L2 L1 3.5论证方法及过程,由于管道与地面夹角很小,管道可视为平放;静力分析时将管道视为直线;B端面是管道变形最大挠曲处,所受力及力矩均最大,作为危险截面考虑。管道未沉管时,悬空段保持静止;管道缓缓沉入沟底,无动量变化,受力状态同静止状态,以上两种状态受力分析如下:1)确定管道悬空段B端面内力(弹性力)及所受弯矩:FN = mLBC*g*h/LAC =4.335KNM=mLBC

21、*g*LBC=1772.67KN.m2)危险截面最大应力最大拉力= M + FN *0.8133*1-(0.794/0.813)4 *(0.8132-0.7942) 32 4=372+0.18=372.18Mpa 许用拉伸力最大挤压力=-372+0.18=317Mpa372.18Mpa,因此也保证了焊口的安全。4、工艺原理4.1 简述利用挖掘机在管道一侧并贴近管道直接开挖,使管道缓缓沉入沟底,达到设计埋深的施工方法,为提高工程综合进度将会具有决定性的作用。4.2开挖工艺要求:4.2.1前道工序已通过监理确认,开挖人员及设备材料已确定;4.2.2对施工人员进行技术交底,确认管沟中心线;4.2.3



24、具套6补伤片片2007全站仪TC1700台18水平仪AT-G6台29经纬仪TDJ6E台210五十铃客货1.5t辆1值班加油11水平尺5m把112塔尺5m把17、质量控制沉管时进行管沟开挖及回填所遵循的主要标准、规范、图纸如下:石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件GB/T9711.2-1999油气输送管道穿越工程设计规范 (GB50423-2007)油气长输管道工程施工及验收规范 (GB50369-2006)工程测量规范 (GB50026-93)迪那2气田地面建设工程外输管道工程线路工程施工技术要求迪那2气田地面建设工程外输管道工程线路工程平面图(储-8663)迪那2气田地面建设工程外输管道工程线

25、路工程纵面图(储-8663)8、主要安全措施8.1沉管过程中严禁人员沟下作业;8.2严禁人员在悬空管道上站立或行走;8.3沉管长度必须得到有效控制,必须缓缓沉管,每段距离必须一致,保证焊口不被拉断或出现内裂纹。8.4增加安全监控力度,保障安全操作。9、环保措施效果减少了设备,减少能源消耗及排放;减小了作业面,减小植被破坏。10、效益分析本工程节约70t吊管机3台下沟工作量,根据定额每天下沟按1.1km计算,则下沟需36天。1、 节省直接费用合计59.12万元,通过预算软件计算综合取费68.66万元。详细直接费用如下:、70t吊管机内部租赁费用2800元/天台(外部租赁费用为7000元)* 3

26、台* 36 天=30.24万元;、吊管机燃油费用1400元/天台* 3 台* 36 天= 15.12万元;、修理维护保养费用估值为6 万元;、吊管机往返拉运费用0.4元/t.km*3台*70t/台*540km= 4.536 万元;、吊管机指挥、操作及司索人员费用8人* 36天* 56.8元/人天=1.636万元;、客货两用值班车220元/台天*2台*36天=1.584万元。2、增加费用3.4万元,详细如下:、挖掘机组超挖深0.25m费用增加3.4万元;、防腐补口补伤比预算定额增加46处,在定额内,费用不增加。因此累计节省资金 68.66-3.4=65.26万元。11、应用实例工程项目名称地点开


28、质大口径长输管道沉管下沟施工中是一种极有推广价值的工艺。参考文献1、范钦珊 材料力学基本力学系列教材北京:清华大学出版社,2004.9出版,第76页至131页。2、屈本宁 理论力学基本力学系列教材重庆:重庆大学出版社,2004.3出版,第40页至60页。第一作者简介:张继民,1980年2月出生,毕业于大庆石油学院机械设计制造及其自动化专业,2003年7月出生,03年至今工作于新疆石油工程建设工程有限责任公司,曾任下辖单位十中队副队长,现任南疆分公司技术员。15、附图:现场照片 1、 未挖沟时管道在地面:2、管道下沉过程中,每挖沟L米,管道自动下沉:3、管道下沟后:Provide trainin

29、g and the introduction of a XX in XX city XX special childrens Rehabilitation Center City Federation of the disabled and all sectors of the community concern and support in 2013 December was established, with the purpose of rehabilitation, happy, warm a piece of rehabilitation purposes, for the city

30、s hearing impairment, autism, mental retardation, limb and other special children to provide high-quality, convenient and efficient rehabilitation services is a set of educational rehabilitation, rehabilitation exercise in one comprehensive rehabilitation services. The center since its establishment

31、, adhering to the rehabilitation effect as the main starting point, the full implementation of professional rehabilitation service personnel, and constantly enhance the rehabilitation service ability, 2 years for a total of 36 children with special needs children Kang Complex services, including six

32、 special children after rehabilitation training were involved in ordinary kindergartens and elementary schools enrolled. At present, in the center of the accept rehabilitation training for children with special 22, one of 4 children with mental retardation, children with hearing disability, 9, child

33、ren with physical disabilities 9.In the Municipal Federation and the social from all walks of life care and support, we, Jiangsu Province, the rehabilitation of the disabled body specification of construction standards in accordance with, and gradually make the center to the distinctive, comprehensi

34、ve, function more perfect professional rehabilitation organizations to develop in the direction of, in the development process we also encountered a difficult, but through the unremitting efforts of all employees in the center in the rehabilitation effect, rehabilitation service ability and the reha

35、bilitation service level promotion by the good social effect, which is mainly reflected in the following four aspects:, rehabilitation institutions to regulate construction. Rehabilitation center must be in accordance with the hardware, personnel, services, rehabilitation, rehabilitation assessment

36、construction standardization construction, as the center is a private non-profit organization in the hardware construction investment has great difficulty. Therefore we promptly and city FIMITIC communication and municipal CDPF leadership in the understanding of the actual situation of center of reh

37、abilitation training venues, equipment and gave strong support. At the same time, we have also sent professional rehabilitation teachers participated in the provincial special childrens rehabilitation professional training class, let them continuously broaden the concept of rehabilitation, the learn

38、ed knowledge to practical work, gradually perfecting the rehabilitation education Learning quality, enhance the ability of rehabilitation services., children to fully enjoy the nearby, a handy rehabilitation services. Found in the presence of hearing disorders in children must be timely to wear hearing aids and rehabilitation training, in our city last year, through the rehabilitation assessment of hearing-impaired children Sun Wangyan in 2012 began to accept- 9 -


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