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1、Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade, building height: 25.45m; standard floors: 4.5M t

2、otal area: 13979 square time: 251 days. This project consists of Jiangsu run investment development company building, Shanghai even architectural design, exploration of geological engineering exploration Institute in Lianyungang city, Jiangsu Province, continuous supervision limited supervision in L

3、ianyungang city, Jiangsu Yulong building construction engineering company limited; the Song Shipei as project manager, Song Shijiang served as technical director. Second deployment, overall planning and construction (a), the overall plan for the project taking into account the construction duration,

4、 quality, security and contract requirements, so the options, should fully take into account the following points: 1, frame structures designed to make structures safer and reliable, reasonable cost. 2, and under the conditions provided for in the regulations of use within the time limit, to fully m

5、eet the expectations of safety and durability. 3, selection of materials, and strive to achieve common GM, working capital use, ease of maintenance and repair. 4 when the structural model, we could achieve a clear force, structural measures in place, lift ride down easy, easy to check; 5, based on t

6、he above points, the erection of scaffolding, JCJ59-99 check the standard requirements must be met to comply with the related chemical related standards of civilization. 6, with the above scaffolding design principles, combined with the actual situation of the project, considering the previous const

7、ruction experience, decided to adopt the following scaffolds programme: steel floor scaffold (b), security in the process of construction of the leading group, at the peak of construction, the construction team in crossed operations, safety monitoring should be strengthened, and set a number of safe

8、ty monitoring. Horizontal and vertical transport of materials to set up the temporary warning area, triangular flag with red and white fences. Beware of construction personnel. Set up to project manager as the head of the leading group of security to improve site safety protection at work, this Pane

9、l agencies, staffing, and the Division of responsibilities are as follows: Song Shipei (Project Manager)-group leader, coordinates the work of command; Xu Yunxu (Builder)-Member, responsible for site construction command, technical clarification; Sun Dacheng (Security Officer)-Member, responsible fo

10、r on-site safety inspections; Zhao Guangrong (workers monitor the shelf)-Member, responsible for site construction; Third, the erection process and construction technology of steel tube landing landing the scaffold the scaffold process is: ground levelling, tamping Foundation bearing capacity of exp

11、eriments, materials equipment positioning settings through long hand, base pole longitudinal sweeping the rod horizontal sweep the rod scissors small bar-the bar wall protective railing Pu scaffold pierced safety net. Fixed positioning. Four corners according to structural requirements in buildings

12、with a ruler, measure the inner and outer pole distance from the wall, and mark steel tape measure straight, separate the pole position with a small bamboo pole marked; Base plate, should be accurately placed on the positioning line, plate must be covered with .Kangda College of Nanjing Medical Univ

13、ersity (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade, building height: 25.45m; standard floors: 4.5M total area: 13979 square time: 251 days

14、. This project consists of Jiangsu run investment development company building, Shanghai even architectural design, exploration of geological engineering exploration Institute in Lianyungang city, Jiangsu Province, continuous supervision limited supervision in Lianyungang city, Jiangsu Yulong buildi

15、ng construction engineering company limited; the Song Shipei as project manager, Song Shijiang served as technical director. Second deployment, overall planning and construction (a), the overall plan for the project taking into account the construction duration, quality, security and contract requir

16、ements, so the options, should fully take into account the following points: 1, frame structures designed to make structures safer and reliable, reasonable cost. 2, and under the conditions provided for in the regulations of use within the time limit, to fully meet the expectations of safety and dur

17、ability. 3, selection of materials, and strive to achieve common GM, working capital use, ease of maintenance and repair. 4 when the structural model, we could achieve a clear force, structural measures in place, lift ride down easy, easy to check; 5, based on the above points, the erection of scaff

18、olding, JCJ59-99 check the standard requirements must be met to comply with the related chemical related standards of civilization. 6, with the above scaffolding design principles, combined with the actual situation of the project, considering the previous construction experience, decided to adopt t

19、he following scaffolds programme: steel floor scaffold (b), security in the process of construction of the leading group, at the peak of construction, the construction team in crossed operations, safety monitoring should be strengthened, and set a number of safety monitoring. Horizontal and vertical

20、 transport of materials to set up the temporary warning area, triangular flag with red and white fences. Beware of construction personnel. Set up to project manager as the head of the leading group of security to improve site safety protection at work, this Panel agencies, staffing, and the Division

21、 of responsibilities are as follows: Song Shipei (Project Manager)-group leader, coordinates the work of command; Xu Yunxu (Builder)-Member, responsible for site construction command, technical clarification; Sun Dacheng (Security Officer)-Member, responsible for on-site safety inspections; Zhao Gua

22、ngrong (workers monitor the shelf)-Member, responsible for site construction; Third, the erection process and construction technology of steel tube landing landing the scaffold the scaffold process is: ground levelling, tamping Foundation bearing capacity of experiments, materials equipment position

23、ing settings through long hand, base pole longitudinal sweeping the rod horizontal sweep the rod scissors small bar-the bar wall protective railing Pu scaffold pierced safety net. Fixed positioning. Four corners according to structural requirements in buildings with a ruler, measure the inner and ou

24、ter pole distance from the wall, and mark steel tape measure straight, separate the pole position with a small bamboo pole marked; Base plate, should be accurately placed on the positioning line, plate must be covered with .突发火灾应急预案1.1事故类型和危害度分析京沪高速铁路JHTJ-1标十四工区拌和站有大量为工程提供物资和各种机电设备,这些材料如果处理不当,防火措施不力

25、,极容易发生火灾。另外,场地内有生活区,也有一定火灾隐患。一旦发生火灾事故,如不及时控制,后果将非常严重,造成的损失将特别巨大。1.2指导原则 为了切实提高工地消防应急能力和火灾控制能力,预防和处置突发事件,根据中华人民共和国消防条例和处置突发事件的精神,结合工地实际,认真贯彻“安全第一,常备不懈,以防为主,全力抢险”的消防工作方针和“预防为主、防、抗、救相结合”的减灾方针,健全以工区项目经理负责制为核心的各种岗位责任制,真正做到思想、组织、措施、队伍、物资五落实,实行统一领导,分工负责,调动各方力量,做好沿线消防抢险的各项工作。 1.3组织机构及职责1.3.1应急组织体系为了应对火灾及爆炸事

26、故的发生,拌和站成立了应急组织机构(见下图)。1.3.2指挥机构及其职责1.3.2.1应急办公室a、协助事故现场总指挥工作;b、负责紧急情况的上传下达。事故现场副总指挥:赵克欣应急办公室主任:唐元友事故现场总指挥:沈德华场总指挥:杜志强物资抢救组组长: 程元中通讯组组长: 漆睿后勤供给组组长: 赵克欣伤员营救组组长:赵国兵保卫疏导组组长:刘宗武现场临时医疗小组:章海阳抢险物资供应组长:刘志伟预案体系框图事故现场总指挥a、所有事故现场操作的指挥和协调;b、现场事故评估;c、保证现场人员和公众应急反应行动的执行;d、控制紧急情况;e、现场应急反应行动的指挥,与在应急指挥中心的反应操


28、关部门。抢险物资供应组a、迅速调配抢险物资器材至事故发生点;b、提供和检查抢险人员的装备和安全配备;c、及时提供后续的抢险物资。后勤供给组a、迅速组织后勤必须供给的物品;b、及时输送后勤供给物品到抢险人员手中。现场临时医疗组a、对受伤人员作简易的抢救和包扎工作;b、及时转移重伤人员到医疗机构就医。1.4预防与预警1.4.1危险源监控1.4.1.1 各单位要按规定设置乙炔和氧气瓶的库房,气瓶储藏室通风要良好,在库房门口张挂醒目的防火警示标志,配备充足有效的灭火器材。 乙炔和氧气的使用和存放要符合有关规定。 在易燃易爆场所动火

29、作业,必须先办理“三级”动火审批手续,领取动火作业许可证,并做足防火安全措施,方可动火作业,动火时要设专人值班,随时观察动火情况。严禁对盛装过可燃气体的容器进行焊接。 焊接作业操作人员必须参加劳动部门、消防部门的培训,考试合格取得焊工证后,方可上岗,在作业时要做到“八不”(防火、灭火设施不落实不动火;周围的易燃杂物未清除不动火;附近难以移动的易燃结构未采取安全防范措施不动火;凡盛装过油类等易燃液体的容器、管道,未经洗刷干净,排除残存的油质不动火;凡盛装过气体受热澎涨有爆炸危险的容器和管道不动火;凡储有易燃、易爆物品的车内,仓库和场所,未经排除易燃、易爆物品的不动火;

30、在高空进行焊接或切割作业时,下面的可燃物品未经清理或未采取安全防护措施的不动火;未配备相应的灭火器的不动火)、“四要”、(动火前要指定现场安全负责人;现场安全负责人和动火人员必须经常注意动火情况,发现不安全苗头时要停止动火;发生火灾、爆炸事故时,要及时救灾;动火人员要严格执行安全操作规程)、 “一清”。(动火人员和现场工作负责人在动火后,应彻底清理现场火种才能离开现场)。 集体宿舍用电要由持证电工安装,不准乱拉乱接电线,不准在电线上晾挂衣物,不准在宿舍内使用明火、电炉及气化炉具,不准使用电热器具和烧香拜神,严禁躺在床上吸烟。 仓库存放物品应分类、分堆储存,甲乙类物品

31、和一般物品以及容易相互发生化学反应的灭火方法不同的物品,必须分间、分库储存。 储存丙类固体物品的库房,不准使用碘钨灯和超过60瓦以上的灯泡等高温照明的灯具. 库房内设置的配电线路,需穿金属管或者用非燃硬塑料管保护,每个库房应当在库房外单独安装开关箱,做到人离电断,禁止使用不合格的保险装置。1.4.2预警行动预警采用电话联系的方式,由项目办公室负责此项工作。首先由该队从现场安全员及监控部门收集第一手资料,并处理、分析。一旦认定达到预警条件,立即上报技术质量部。在接到技术质量部对于此项问题启动何种预案级别的指示后,立即通知项目应急办公室,以此达到上下统一的目的。1.5信

32、息报告程序1.5.1对于非施工现场,各部室均由办公室采用电话联系的方式直接通知;1.5.2对于现场施工作业的班组,也采用电话的方式,确保在最短的时间达到通知的目的; 1.5.3 一旦应急工作展开,必须保证信息24小时畅通,各相关部门主要负责人要保证手机24小时开机;1.5.4报警内容包括:报警地点、预应级别。1.5.5在现场均安装有固定电话,一线工班长每人均配备有移动电话,一旦发生事故,保证其与外地能够联系、求援。1.6应急处置1.6.1响应分级根据事故的发生危害,将其分为三个等级a、一级预案:涉及施救人员21人以上。参加救援人员为预案组全体,还要向119、120急救中心等政府相关部门求助;b

33、、二级预案:涉及施救人员21人以下3人以上。参加救援人员为预案组全体,还要向119、120急救中心等政府相关部门求助;c、三级预案:涉及施救人员3人以下。参加救援人员为预案组全体,必要时要向119、120急救中心等政府相关部门求助。1.6.2响应程序事故发生后,由办公室将情况立即报到技术质量部,技术质量部下达启动预案的级别,办公室负责传达,项目应急办公室负责执行1.6.3火灾应急措施。 火灾事故发生后,必须在消防应急指挥部统一领导下,根据火灾发生的规模、危害程度及火灾不同阶段,采取不同的处置方法和策略。前期处置。火灾初期,规模不大,此时要迅速组织力量,赶赴现场,进行火灾扑救工作





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