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1、独立主格结构,区别于分词作状语,分词做状语特点:现在分词作状语,表主动的动作,或表动作正在进行过去分词作状语,表被动的动作,或表动作已经完成。,1 When they hear the news,they all jumped with joy Hearing the news,they all jumped with joy.2 When it is seen from the hill,the park looks very beautiful.Seen from the hill,the park looks very beautiful.3 The children ran out o

2、f the room.They laughed and talked merrily.The children ran out of the room,laughing and talking merrily.特点:主语一致,分词作状语,独立主格结构Weather permitting,well go sightseeing in Gaopo.All things considered,her paper is of greater value than yours.结构特点:两个不同的主语,独立主格结构的形式:名词或代词+分词(doingdone)名词或代词+不定式名词或代词+形容词副词名词

3、或代词+介词短语名词或代词+名词There being+名词(代词)It being+名词(代词),分词独立结构由“名词+being”构成时,being常省略。,名词或代词+分词(doingdone),1)天气允许的话,我们去高坡观光吧。,Weather permitting(If weather permits),well go sightseeing in Gaopo.,2)综合来看,他的论文比你的更有价值。,All things considered(If all things are considered),her paper is of greater value than your

4、s.,He lay on his back,his teeth set,his right hand clenched on his breast and his glaring eyes looking straight upward.,3)他仰面躺着,牙关紧闭,双手紧握在胸前,两眼朝上直直地怒视着。,名词或代词+不定式,1)明天要考试,我今晚就不去看电影了吧。,The exam to be held tomorrow,I couldnt go to the cinema tonight.,They said good-bye to each other,one to go home,the

5、 other to go to the bookstore.,2)她俩道了别,一个要回家,另一个要去书店。,Many trees,flowers,and grass to be planted,our school will look even more beautiful.,3)种下大量的花草树木后,学校看起来会更漂亮。,不定式在独立主格结构中多表示将来的行为,表示“企图”“约定”等,指的是按计划安排要做的事。,名词/主格代词+形容词,1)这么多人缺席,会议不得不取消。,So many people(being)absent,the meeting had tobe called off.,

6、2)那架飞机遭遇了空难,无一人生还。,An air accident happened to the plane,nobody(being)alive.,3)会议一结束,他们就都回家了。,The meeting(being)over,they all went home.,名词/主格代词+介词短语,1)孩子们手里拿着花向我们跑过来,The children came running towards us,flowers in hands.,2)玛丽靠近火炉坐着,背对着门。,Mary was sitting near the fire,her back towards the door.,表示存

7、在时用“There being+名词(代词)”的结构1).There being no buses,they walked to the theatre2).There being no cause for fear,he returned to his hometown.,It being+名词(代词)由于圣诞节的缘故,政府机关都休息。It being Christmas,the government offices were closed.由于今天是假日,所有商店都关门了。It being holiday,all the shops were shut.,Such being+名词(代词)

8、,Such being the case,she has nothing to say.Such being the fact,she had to admit his mistake.,区别于介词with/without复合结构,doing(表示动作的主动和进行)done(表示动作的被动和完成)With/without+名词/宾格代词+to do(表示将来)adj/adv(表示状态或特征)介词短语(表示状态或特征),该结构作状语可以表示时间、原因、方式、伴随状况等含义;有时候也可以作定语。With the boy leading the way,we are sure well be the

9、re on time.有男孩带路,我们有把握会准时到那儿。(表示原因)The classroom is very bight with all the lights turned on.所有的灯都打开,教室里非常明亮。(表示时间)I cant go out,with a lot of work to do.我不能出去,因为有很多工作要做。(表示原因)Dont talk with your mouth full.不要嘴里含着东西谈话。(表示方式)With the light off,we cant see anything.灯灭了,我们什么也看不见。(表示原因)He fought the tig

10、er without a stick as his only weapon.他与老虎搏斗,没有一根棍子作为武器。(表示方式)The teacher entered the classroom,with a book in his hand.老师进入了教室,手里拿着一本书。(表示伴随状况)He reached the beautiful river with red flowers and green trees on both sides.他来到了两岸长满红花绿树的这条河上。(作后置定语,修饰river),独立主格结构与with复合结构的区别,独立主格结构和with/without 的复合结构

11、在大多数情况下可以相互转换。He stood for an instant with his hand still raised.他仍然举着手站了一会儿。He stood for an instant,his hand still raised.He could be seen with his legs wrapped around the trunk and his blond head sticking out above the branches.只见他双腿盘着树干,长满金黄头发的头伸出树枝以上。He could be seen,his legs wrapped around the

12、trunk and his blond head sticking out above the branches.Without any money left,he had no choice but to borrow some from his friend.由于手头拮据,他只得向他的朋友借一些钱。No money left,he had no choice but to borrow some from his friend.,意思基本相同。不同:with复合结构常用于日常生活中,更口语化。而独立主格结构则多用于描绘文字,即多用于文学中,使之所描绘的内容更加生动有色,He sat in

13、the front row,his mouth half open,his eyes looking straight up,his head thrust forward so as not to miss a single word.他坐在前排,口半张,眼直视,头前倾,生怕漏掉一个字。A bamboo hat on his head,straw sandals on his feet,carrying pole on his shoulder,folk song in mouth,the young peasant climbed up to the mountain step by st

14、ep.那个年轻的农夫头戴斗笠,脚穿草鞋,肩扛扁担,口哼山歌,一步一步登上山来。,练手吧!,1.Darkness _ in,the young people strolled on the streets.A.set B.setting C.has set D.was set2.The production _ steadily,the factory needs an ever-increasing supply of raw material(原料).A.has gone up B.is going up C.having gone up D.being gone up 3.Father c

15、ame home,_.A.a dog following him B.a dog followed him C.being followed by a dog D.all the above4.She stood there,_ from her cheeks.A.tears rolling down B.tears rolled down C.with tears rolled down D.tears rolling down,5.They two smoked in silence,_.A.both sitting and standing B.her sitting,his stand

16、ing C.she sat but he stood D.she sitting,he standing 6.The boy _ the way,we had no difficulty in finding the house.A.leading B.led C.having been led D.being led,7._ time going on,Einsteins theory proved _.A.As;correct B.With;corrected C.With;correct D.As;being correct 8.The murderer was brought in,w

17、ith his hands _ behind his back.A.being tied B.having tied C.to be tied D.tied 9.With a lot of difficult problems _,the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A.settled B.settling C.to settle D.being settled 10._,he would most probably be late.A.Without anybody to call him B.Anybody to call himC.Nobody called him D.With him to call,


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