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1、destar totalment acabats el treball protectora, biga angle rac protecci. Ma Yi que i, II, al final del pont esbiaixar perqu s de 70 graus, per la qual cosa sutilitzen quan les bigues primers suport coix per garantir la seguretat. 5. completa revisi de grua delevaci, biga transport camions rutes de s

2、enderisme, no hi pot haver cap assentament de patir depressi; tamb comprovar la grua, vehicle de cami de transport de biga, com grua cordes de filferro intensitat, eixos de cami de transport de biga, pneumtics, frens bones condicions, suports, feix fix punts del vehicle sn segures. 6. Quan llosa das

3、censor de dos cotxes, Ascensor de dos cotxes a velocitat llisa i consistent, rotaci, luffing ha dobeir lordre de comanda, sense lautoritzaci loperaci est estrictament prohibit. 7. bigues i lloses en un remolc cal collocar segons els requisits, estand, pivotar ubicaci compleix amb els requisits i seg

4、ellat amb la cadena. 8. grua aixecament procs, ha de ser equilibrat, segurs i fiables; i ha de ser en els extrems de la direcci de control de biga de corda, per evitar collisions, per garantir la seguretat. 9. lelevaci a la ubicaci especificada, ubicaci ha de ser configurat, i els extrems de la biga

5、 pastilles de forces bons, no-central. 10. Quan la grua delevaci dun feix tan lluny, per tal de garantir lelevaci segura, ser segur per primera jssera penjant a lembarcador desprs, variaci a lembarcador en funcionament una altra vegada, aixecament de Pier taula 200 mm dalada. (B) la biga de pont en

6、lloc seguretat martells penjant a la lnia de punta de costat feix, respectivament, segons la part superior de Pier de lnia de la biga i les lnies marcades en els costats dels punts biga comprovar i controlar la biga al llarg del pont i creuar el pont a la posici normal. Garanties al llarg del pont a

7、 la posici, adoptar les mesures segents: a una distncia daproximadament un metre a la posici correcta, s a dir, fina ajustaments en els seus inicis, alternant la tracci en ambds extrems de la velocitat es pot utilitzar per ajustar bigues laterals, lliscar a travs de la direcci de diapositiva de canv

8、i dajustar. Quan movent transversal a la biga, per tal de garantir la biga es mou a la posici i no bloqueig, quan 5 10 cm des de la localitzaci correcta, comenament fil martell alineaci, preparat per a o collocaci de les marxes i comprovar si la integritat de tija feix. procs de collocaci de biga de

9、 Jack, haur de tenir cura que la biga s. Al llarg del pont posici pot ser ajustat per lalternana de collocaci de biga en ambds extrems. Direcci transversal utilitzant un jack cargol lliscant per ajustar-lo. feix i llosa installar: prop de alinear la biga amb suport, en cas contrari haur daixecar, am

10、b beurada de ciment sec fins el partit. Organitzaci del trnsit Cheung mesura 1, cavalls molta XI Cun, Yan Jia Vila, Ma Yi poble i sortir al final de la vorera. 2, controls deHebei collaborative development, the Yangtze River economic belt development three the construction strategy, multi center, co

11、nnecting the East and West, North and south through the network, the open area of city development pattern. We must focus on promoting the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Remember that beautiful scenery is jinshanyinshan, protect the environment is to protect productivity, improve the

12、 environment is to develop productive forces. Adhere to the green world, green benefits People, adhere to the basic state policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment, accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development, vigorously support the development of green and

13、clean production, and resolutely reject damage and destruction of the development mode of ecological environment and practice, must not be at the expense of the environment in exchange for the moment by the economic growth, working out of a small price, low emission, good benefit, sustainable develo

14、pment path,Talent recruitment and the introduction of the only way to adapt to the development is the new growth and make the good ecological environment become the peoples quality of life, let the people breathe fresh air, drink clean water, eat on be at ease food, living in the livable environment

15、, and to feel the economic development brings tangible in the environmental benefits. To focus on the formation of opening to the outside world system. Open and lead the trend of the times. We should not only high quality, but also dares to and good at going out, adhere to internal and external need

16、s coordination, import and export balance, bringing out to both investment and technology simultaneously, to promote synergy strategic mutual trust, economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges, efforts to form a deep integration of mutual benefit Superclass shared development patterns of c

17、ooperation for economic development to develop a more broad space. To focus on the practice of people center thought. Popular is the biggest politics, peoples livelihood is the largest development and sharing is the final purpose. Sharing development is to adhere to the national comprehensive sharin

18、g and co construction and sharing, progressive sharing, not only speed up the big cake, and equally good cake, both from the whole to improve social members of the level of income, but also increase the difficulties of the masses of the aid efforts, so that the masses of the people in the reform and

19、 development to get more sense. Why to implement a common communist party as the highest ideal and ultimate goal of the Constitution stipulates: the party The highest ideal and ultimate goal is to realize communism. This is Marxism political party is different from significant signs of all other pol

20、itical parties, condensation unremitting struggle of the Communist Party people from generation to generation power source and the spiritual pillar of the unity of the Communist Party of China. Our party the reason for thethrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-side

21、d think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career made new progress, no necessary always hard has, no awareness to China also has many poverty area, and also has many poverty pop

22、ulation of exists, more living improve has, more need keep hard of style. Three is not strictly honest. Total thought units is a water sector, clean self-discipline away from himself too far, no real processing good living of improve and hard, and thrift excellent traditional of relationship, no eff

23、ective do comply with Constitution and party of regulations must from I do up, no right mercy good bitter Le, and wealth of relationship, no right awareness to in comply with Constitution and party of regulations aspects everyone has accountability. Four, future direction and improvement measures 1,

24、 belief and faith, strengthen party spirit. One is to firmly establish the noble ideals of struggle for the ideals of communism, communist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people. Second is to continuously improve the quality and standard of political, conscient

25、iously study Deng Xiaoping theory and three represents important thought and the scientific Outlook on development, implement the partys basic program for the primary stage of socialism, adhere to the correct political orientation, maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee, is good a

26、t theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics to analyze and solve problems. Third, strengthening the party spirit and the world transformation, perseverance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows to establish correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and the world, practically embodies id

27、eals and beliefs into action, combine lofty ideals and practical activities, transforming the objective world, actively participate in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 2, keep the purpose in concept, changing the style of work. First, keep in mind that the purpo

28、se of serving, adhere to assuming power for the people, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows of the masses, .According to city discipline, and municipal organization Department requirements, today we held implement implementation independent Commission against corr

29、uption guidelines effective strengthening led cadres style construction topic democratic life, main task is close contact thought, and work actual, control check district Standing Committee team and the personal in implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines Shang exists of p

30、roblem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced clean politics of consciousness and initiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the meeting, the way we take surveys solicited a views, combed, related to team build

31、ing武汉重工铸锻有限责任公司新建7#车间厂房内油槽、水槽土方开挖项目设计方案(预案)湖北华盛炉窑工程有限责任公司二O一四年十一月六日 油槽、水槽土方开挖施工方案一、 工程概况:本工程位于新建7#车间厂房内。油槽、水槽基坑长17.15m,宽14.00m,坑深7.68m。设计布置其长度(17.15m)方向横跨于20m宽厂房内,因此油槽、水槽混凝土壁与厂房柱基础和热处理炉基础紧邻,施工须对厂房柱和热处理炉基础进行保护,避免造成对厂房结构及热处理炉的破坏。二、 工程地质概况:本工程厂房施工已完成,油槽、水槽项目为后期施工。因厂房柱与热处理炉基础土方施工采取大面积放坡开挖,油槽、水槽基壁与厂房柱基础以

32、及热处理炉紧邻局部(0.000至4.500m)均为松散回填土,且人工挖桩基过程中,在标高-4.500m时出现地下水层。因此油槽、水槽土方开挖前必须先对厂房柱基础及热处理炉基础进行注浆加固保护和采取地下降水措施。为确保基坑施工安全,特编制此方案。三、 施工顺序:油槽、水槽四个角注浆施工 基坑降水井施工 第一次土方开挖 支撑系统施工 挂钢筋网片喷射砼施工 第二次土方开挖 挂网片喷射砼 积水井垫层施工。四、 各工序的主要施工方法及技术要求(一)注浆施工1、注浆的加固范围浆液的加固范围是注浆最重要的设计参数,它直接决定着注浆工艺的选择和其相对应的其它注浆参数的确定。因厂方基础施工完毕后,回填的土质比较


34、,在集中出水点附近钻孔,进行注浆封堵。2.1.2径向补充注浆:集中出水点基本封堵完成后,针对剩余渗漏水部位实施径向补充注浆,根据渗漏水情况反复注浆,孔深应结合钻孔时所表现的与渗漏水的连通情况具体确定。2.2孔网参数2.2.1 钻孔直径:100mm;2.2.2 钻孔进尺:钻孔注浆10m;2.2.3钻孔平面布置:见图超前注浆支护管平面布置图2.3注浆材料本方案选用三类注浆材料:2.3.1、HSC注浆材料聚氨酯用于快速堵水2.3.2、HSC单液注浆材料用于填充裂隙2.3.3防水型TGRM用于配合超前预注浆材料配合比:双液浆配合比:水泥浆的水灰比0.81.0,双液体积比暂定1:0.8(根




38、效果检查评定,符合要求时才能结束注浆作业。当未达到注浆结束标准时,应进行补孔注浆。(二)基坑降水施工1基坑处概况及水文地质条件本基坑场地位于新7#车间北面,长:17.15m,宽:14.00m,基坑开挖深度约7.68米左右,土方开挖量约2000m3。2. 场地水文地质条件依据本场地岩土勘察报告,本场地含水层共二层,其中:上层滞水含水层共一层,潜水含水层一层。对基础施工有影响的含水层为上层滞水含水层。第一层上层滞水含水层:该含水层地下水位埋深为约4.5m左右,分布于第一层粉质沙土、粘质粉土杂填土中,地下水主要来此于地下降水入渗补给和地下管线渗漏补给,表现为地下水位及含水量随补给源的变化而变化,无统

39、一地下水位,含水层渗透性较差,渗透系数小于1m/d。3降水设计方案依据本场地水文地质条件及基坑开挖深度,结合本公司基坑降水经验,本基坑降水采用大口径井点降水方案。4降水井井身结构降水井深度:1213m 降水井井径:600mm井身结构见附图一。5降水井布置降水井的布置是保证降水效果的一个重要环节。降水井距基坑周边距离为2.0m。同时在施工中利用收集到的有关水文地质资料,抽水试验成果再作适当调整。 具体布置见附图二 (降水井平面布置图)6施工技术措施 由于本基坑上部含水层属上层滞水含水层,地下水位较高变化较大,地下水主要接受大气降水和地下管线渗漏补给,其含水介质渗透性差;因此,含水层进行降水具有一


41、程水文地质条件,含水层含水介质均为粉质粘土、砂质粉土,其持水度大,均匀性差,基于上述特征,在施工中如出现坑壁、坑底渗水现象,可采用加设引排设施,以确保基坑及基础施工的正常进行。7降水施工工艺流程7.1 工艺流程图如下:场地平整测量施放井点钻机对位成孔下放井管充填滤料洗井下放水泵抽水。7.2 井身结构见井身结构图场地修整安装钻机材料准备井点定位钻机、成井冲洗钻孔钻机、成井检查孔深安装试抽设备洗 井下滤水管充填滤料抽水试验试 抽优化设计安装抽水设备验 收降水、观测水位 8主要施工方法及技术要求8.1成孔:采用直径600mm反循环钻机成孔,泥浆比重1.05。下管前保证井底沉渣厚度不大于20cm,方可

42、下放滤管。8.2井管安装:井管安放严格按现场技术交底进行,用4根竹片,10号双铁丝捆绑;管口内壁不错位,选择透水性良好的滤管安装于含水层对应部位。 8.3填砾:填砾前井管必须居中,使填砾厚度均匀,滤料应从井管两侧慢慢对称填入,以防滤料中途卡塞及井管错位,填至井口12m米时用粘土填实。在填滤时如发生井口反砾现象,应及时停止填砾,查明原因进行处理。8.4洗井:洗井为关键性工艺,在滤料充填完之后,要立即进行洗井,洗井采用井管外注清水循环法工艺,抽、停交替,直至水清砂净为止。洗井结束前测量井深,清理井底,使井底沉淀小于0.3-0.5m。8.5下泵:下泵深度距井底1.0-2.0m左右。8.6井点保护:降




46、位数量降水1钻机D600台1-22配电箱台53空压机9m3台14手推车辆35潜水泵台10(三)基坑土方开挖施工1、施工要点: 1.1、该项目土方开挖分二次开挖,第一次土方开挖后,按施工顺序进行下道工序施工。1.1.1支撑系统施工:-3.5m至-7.68m标高时,小挖机上至渣料车,利用行车吊运距坑边2m,进行集中堆放;1.1.2挂网片喷射砼施工.施工完毕后.第二次土方开挖。1.2、机械挖土前先规定开挖路线、顺序、范围、排水沟、集水井位置及流向。 1.3、机械开挖土方时设有专人负责指挥,严格控制挖土标高。1.4、测量人员必须在坑底设置标高控制桩,以控制坑底标高。坑底标高控制桩采用短木方,要求每隔2

47、m2m设置一个标高控制桩。同时要求测量人员及时将边轴线放出,以便清土人员开挖排水沟、集水井。1.5、人工清土时,必须根据测量人员所测的标高控制线,拉线清土找平。第一步,可用尖头锹将余土清至基坑设计标高向上25cm左右,第二步清土时,必须保证基坑内无明水,且清土必须采用平口锹进行,保证坑地平整、标高准确,且不得扰动基层土。严禁在基坑内采用手推车运土。 1.6、基坑采取明沟排水,集水井集水,真空泵排出基坑外,确保坑底无明水,以防地下水和雨水浸泡,保证土方工程的质量。基坑内四周设300300排水沟,采用多孔砖侧向砌筑,孔口便于基坑内的积水流入排水沟。基础垫层部位纵横方向每隔68m设置200250400(深)排水暗沟,内填40-70mm石子。开挖排水沟必须拉线进行,确保横平竖直、整齐美观。集水井砖砌,深度为基坑底向下1m,直径600800mm。基坑表面的积水通过排水暗沟流入周边排水明沟,再由明沟流入集水井,通过潜水泵或污水泵排出基坑外。 1.7、当基坑底部有软弱土层时,应及时请甲方到现场确认,并采用人工开挖,并及时办理签证。超挖部位根据设计要求作如下处理: 用砂石回填至基础底标高。2、质量要求 2.1、认真控制土方的


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