1、WIN7系统下C盘扩展过程Prepared by 无锡久盛信息技术有限公司修改记录日期作者版本变更说明2011-11-10张夏洋1.0初稿审核人日期姓名 职位修订版本目录1. 情况说明 42. 实际操作过程 42.1 Win7系统自带扩展和压缩分区的功能42.2 分区软件:分区助手3.072.2.1. 我的电脑属性一-高级系统设置72.2.2. 还是高级选项卡:82.2.3. 性能选项打开再一次高级选项卡:92.2.4. 更改虚拟内存设置:把所有有页文件的都要改成none102.2.5. 以上步骤操作完成后才能打开分区助手3.0进行操作。122.2.6. 软件界面,亮点是:稳定,易用且免费。1
2、22.2.7. 界面说明很明了,选择需要的盘符,默认系统盘,也可其他。132.2.8. 很常见的下一步下一步142.2.9. 选择可腾出空间的分区(周边支援中央!)152.2.10. 很形象的选择你需要的大小容量,又一个完美的下一步162.2.11. 扩展操作中,耐心等待吧,就几分钟而已172.2.12. 很欢喜的提醒您,扩展分区完成了 172.2.13. 完成确认一下。182.2.14. 退出就大功告成了。192.2.15. 打开我的电脑,再没有让人警醒的红色,多么舒心的蓝色啊(抑或绿色?)192.2.16. 没改回去多运行几个程序,频频提示内存不足。192.2.17. 回到改虚拟内存的地方
3、,好多高级选项卡啊202.2.18. 虚拟内存缺不得,一般是实际内存的1.5倍,这里不管它,改回系统自己指定就可以了。212.2.19. 改完以后记得重启电脑,其实注销一下也是可以的,省时间嘛。212.2.20. 到此全部完成了 C盘分区扩展的过程,再没其他提示,该软件不错! .223. 总结: 221. 情况说明近期安装WIN7系统,没注意C盘大小,直接安装上去了,结果完成了好些个软件后(有些 重要的,跟注册表关联性高的软件只好装在C盘),打开我的电脑发现C盘全红了,右下角 的通知区域总是提示C盘空间满了,好不烦躁。C盘只有11.7G,这是一个比较尴尬的错误, 这样的大小一般XP系统是不会有
4、什么问题,出于备份的考虑大多数软件安装的时候路径都 是选择D盘的,而WIN7的话一般而言容量需要达到20G,而且后期会逐渐增加。从dos到 windows诞生到现在,未来的系统恐怕也会有这个趋势,因为硬盘技术也在突飞猛进,当我 们用软盘小心翼翼的拷贝的时候,我是没想到过T这个单位的。于是考虑扩展C盘分区,消除目前的这些麻烦。2. 实际操作过程21Win7系统自带扩展和压缩分区的功能Win7系统自带扩展和压缩分区的功能,于是首先想用这个来实现扩展C盘。相对于市面上 众多的分区软件,在系统都已经安装好的情况下再更改分区大小可能会影响到数据安全,如 果系统本身能实现,那无疑会是比较安全的方法,且相对
5、简单。右击我的电脑,管理,找到磁盘管理查看目前磁盘状况。看到C盘只有11.7G大小,彳艮happy的右击,迅速找到extend volume,结果很悲催的发现 选项是灰色的,无法操作! shrink volume倒是可以,可我的C盘本来就小,不要压缩,需要 的是扩容。再看其他分区,同样的灰色无法扩容。于是右击D盘先压缩看看,空出多余的 空间来了在看能不能给其他分区扩容,结果精打细算的空出所有带尾数的空间,留下的全是 0多好看。L-aiDtskOBasic116.97 GB Online11.77 GBMTFSHeaHhy (Syster(DJ6543 GB NTFS Heafthy (Logi
6、cal 8.09 GBFree spaceBACKUP (EJ26.49 GBFA732Healthy (Lorica510 GB Heafthy (Prim盘CD-ROM 0DVD (R)二 Unallocated Primary partition Extended partition Free space Logical drive再试C盘,依旧是不可以扩,现在D盘,E盘是可以了,本来这两个盘就大,我不需要扩啊,周边支援中央,支援C盘啊!Ji Disk 0Bas=ic116.97 GBOnline11.77 GB NTFS Hearthy (SysteOpenExploreJP旧 iB
7、FAT32 y (Logics5.18 GBHealthy PrimMiark Partition as ActiveebjCD-ROM 0DVD (R)No MediaChange Drive Letter and PathsFormat.Extend Vdluime.Shrink Volume.Add Mirror.Delete Vollume.BBProperties Unallocated Primary partitioHelpdrive于是考虑用命令符操作:开始-diskpart看到所有的分区选择需要扩容的分区单位是MBlist volumeselect volume extend
8、 size=20000结果提示我空间不足,完全是跟上面的操作一样的后果。分析此处的问题可能是由于主分区和逻辑分区的因素造成的,目前还没有找到相关资料证实 这个问题。只能查找系统帮助文档:You can add more space to existing primary partitions and logical drives by extending them into adjacent unallocated space on the same disk. To extend a basic volume, it must be raw or formatted with the NTF
9、S file system. You can extend a logical drive within contiguous free space in the extended partition that contains it. If you extend a logical drive beyond the free space available in the extended partition, the extended partition grows to contain the logical drive.For logical drives, boot, or syste
10、m volumes, you can extend the volume only into contiguous space and only if the disk can be upgraded to a dynamic disk. For other volumes, you can extend the volume into noncontiguous space, but you will be prompted to convert the disk to dynamic.Extending a basic volumeTo extend a basic volume usin
11、g the Windows interface1. In Disk Manager, right-click the basic volume you want to extend.2. Click Extend Volume3. Follow the instructions on your screen.To extend a basic volume using a command line1. Open a command prompt and type diskpart.2. At the DISKPART prompt, type list volume. Make note of
12、 the basic volume you want to extend.3. At the DISKPART prompt, type select volume . This selects the basic volume volumenumber that you want to extend into contiguous, empty space on the same disk.4. At the DISKPART prompt, type extend size=. This extends the selected volume by size megabytes (MB).
13、Additional considerations To extend a basic volume, it must either raw (not formatted with a file system), or it must be formatted with the NTFS file system. If the disk does not contain boot or system partitions, you can extend the volume into other non-boot or non-system disks, but the disk will b
14、e converted to a dynamic disk (if it can be upgraded).条件都符合:c, d都是NTFS格式,只能压缩,扩容貌似不行,有点理解不了。A spanned volume is a dynamic volume that consists of disk space on more than one physical disk. If a simple volume is not a system volume or boot volume, you can extend across additional disks. If you extend
15、 a simple volume across multiple disks, it becomes a spanned volume.You can extend a volume only if it does not have a file system or if it is formatted using the NTFS file system. You cannot extend volumes formatted using FAT or FAT32.Backup Operator or Administrator is the minimum membership requi
16、red to complete the actions below.Extending a simple or spanned volumeTo extend a simple or spanned volume using the Windows interface1. In Disk Management, right-click the simple or spanned volume you want to extend.2. Click Extend Volume.3. Follow the instructions on your screen.To extend a simple
17、 or spanned volume using a command line1. Open a command prompt and type diskpart.2. At the DISKPART prompt, type list volume. Make note of the number of the simple volume you want to extend onto another disk.3. At the DISKPART prompt, type select volume . This selects the simple volume volumenumber
18、 you want to extend onto another disk.4. At the DISKPART prompt, type list disk. Make note of the number of the disk that you want to extend the simple volume onto.5. At the DISKPART prompt, type extend size= disk=. This extends the selected volume onto disk disknumber and makes the extension size=
19、size megabytes (MB).22分区软件:分区助手3.0没办法,系统自带的目前不能解决问题那就只有百度了。结果网上发现存在类似问题的有不少,对于诸多名气很大的分区工具历来感觉很恐怖,不是 这个说盘格错了,就是那个数据没了要赔钱 不找名气最大的,就找最适用的,因为我现在只要实现c盘扩容就可以了,多余的功能没用, 本着不浪费的原则网上找好用的软件。还真找到个分区助手3.0,图文并茂,且正好有我需 要的功能。于是我相信它,下载,安装。WIN7兼容貌似没多大问题,只是提示用户选择安 装错误还是已经正确安装。安装好后操作如下:2.2.1.我的电脑属性-高级系统设置Contrni Pane-!
20、 Ho-me口F Dtice Manager% Remote cettingE pnotEctiDHEys-temViev basic information about your computerWindows editionWindows7 PrcfessionalCopyright 三 2DQ9 MicrDsoft Corporatjorii Ali rights reserved.Get more feature& with a newj edrtion nF Vmdawi?Sec alsoAction CrnttrWinds叫s Updd:ePerforms nee- Tnformi
21、i ion and TodIeSystemManufacturcnRating:ProcessornEtalled mem df (RAM |:System tp!pePen and Touch:Toshiba supped:Website:Onlin e supportComps_jteF name, domain, and workgroup settingsTDShlDESystem retig nnt availsbkInteKR CeleronfRl CPU 540 1 6GHz yQg| | RA 116 GHz1QQ GB32-bit: Operating SystemNo Pe
22、n ar Tc uch Input is available for this2.2.2.还是高级选项卡:rSystem PropertiesComputer Name Hardware AJuanced System Protectiori RemoteYou must be logged on as an Administrator to make most of these changes.PerfonnanceVisual effects, processor scheduling. mernoy usage, and virtual rnemoryrSettings.User Fno
23、filesDesktop settings relarted taurlogtsnSettings.Startup and RecoverSystem aiartup. srstem failure, and debugging inrfomndtionSettings.Environment Variables.OKCancelApply2.2.3.性能选项打开再一次高级选项卡:Performance OptionsMsual Advanoed 申也 由ecutiari Pr改antionProressar sdnedulingChoose hnw tn allocate prooessor
24、 resources.Adjust for best performance ofr-i Programs Badtground servicesVirtual memoryA paging file is an area on the hard disk that Windows uses as if it were RAM.Total paging file size for all drives:0 MBChange.K | CancelApply2.2.4.更改虚拟内存设置:把所有有页文件的都要改成noneVirtual Memory_l AutornatcBlly manage pa
25、ging file sine far all drives Paging file size for each driverive VolLime LabelJPaging File SizeNeneNoneD:e; BackupS已I已cted drive:Space avaliabler14614MBCustann size:Initial 5i 我(MB);腮 5):.a gystem managed sizeNo paging fileSetTotal paging file size for all drivesMinimum allowed:16 MBRecommended:152
26、1 MBCurrently allocated! 0 MBCancelMaximum sizeSelected drive: availsblerCustom size:Initial size (ME):巳 BACKUPVirtual MemoryAutomatically manage paging file size for all drivesPaging file size for each driveinm Hnh implc:NoneNoneSys+ern managed si fl Ho paging fileTotal paging fileMinimum allowed:R
27、ecommended:Currently allocatecl: 0 MBSystem PropertiesIf you disablethe paging file or &et the initial size to less than 200 mega bytes arid w system error occurs, Windows might not record details that cculd help identify the problem. Do you want to continue?YesWo225.以上步骤操作完成后才能打开分区助手3.0进行操作。C:ZSWjf
28、l WFS甘fEtJSWHE2.2.6.软件界面,亮点是:稳定,易用且免费。扩聂分区向导扩夫选择清避轻你想扩大的钟区:.碍扩展系现分区扩大你的系稣分区通常是我们所说的匚盘申迭择你想1广展的分区ME面的盘中I :- 磁盘磁盘 CKML7SG0)分区C:回关于iMjEBiap Z!J!HF*iTWfdo.以下一步2.2.7.界面说明很明了,选择需要的盘符,默认系统盘,也可其他。扩腰分区向导索全与快速地扩大你所选择的分区.腰迎使用扩展分区向导,它能帮助你轻松的实现对rm=分区的容重扩展操作,例如将你的系统口 盘GB的原萌大小在无损数据的前提下扩大它到30GB你只需要拖动滑条即可完成简单易 用由)扩展
29、分区的自幼模式 点击下一志继续w帮助麦.一.3阻取消2.2.8.很常见的下一步下一步姓扩展分区向导分区迷择迭择下面的分区以从中获得空闲空间.请选择下面的分区以缩小它,这样即可腾出空闲空间来扩展你想扩大的分区E: BACKUP21.31GB空闲空间文件系瑞16.78GB FAT32点击下一步以设室祯扩展分区的新大小.旧上一发2.2.9.选择可腾出空间的分区(周边支援中央! !)回扩展分区向导请设定分区的制大小,你可以拖动骨粲来设定也可以直挠输入一个新大小,当前需要祯扩大的分区是分区仁),下面是分区所在磁盘的布局(P)分区新大小25.00GB新增加的大小O.OOKE点击下一步查看你将要执行操作0帮
30、助箱大小设定设定你想扩屐分区的新大小.C:25.DDGB NTF5D:ffl).30GB NTFS分区的最大大小80.68GB分区的最小大小 25.00GBU 1 Ez BACKUP 2131GBFAT32旧上一发他)下一步取消2.2.10.彳艮形象的选择你需要的大小容量,又一个完美的下一步扩展分区向导下面的操作正在祯处理子诳度Aisktoal(W上一步Nes:t碰消78%BSiO60%当前操作2总操作:可晦动分区m莅名掰:分奁大小;向前移动:总进度旬即GE13.23GE傲梅科技出品AomeiTealt扩展分区向导 窟箪、方帜.易用2.2.11.扩展操作中,耐心等待吧,就几分钟而已呸帮助TTW
31、. dlEktOOl. CD.傲陶科技出品AomeiTech下面的操作正在祯处理,当前操作:3,总操作:3为区名称:分区大小:国上一发Next成消2.2.12.很欢喜的提醒您,扩展分区完成了匚ESQ(囱上一虏Z-下一步一 旧完成当前操作3总操作:3扩大分区缶区名旃:C:分区大小;11. 7TGB = 5,QQGB增加咨屋:13.23GE2.2.13.完成确认一下。&扩提分区向号耳丹向扩展系统分区扩大你的系藐分区通常是我们所说的匚盘.缶)迭择你想甘属的H区ME面的藤盘中 磁盘C:分区国关于下一步退出2214. 退出就大功告成了。1 q-i回1 Computer kSwin1? Conpu fcr
32、Organiie * Sysr&tn pEpMx Uninstall m change a program Map nettwoek driveE Favorites-!C Desktop& Downloads 也 Recent PIbckHard Disk Drives (3)132 QB-free dF24.9 6BLocal Ditki:C!)Local Disk (D:)55.S GB r GBBACKUP Ej|I Libraries- 由 Documents Ji Mus.ic 日 Pictures 扫| Videos16 .7 GB freerfZL.iGB Devices wi
33、th Removable Storage (1)DVD/CD-RW DrK-e (F:)L Computer 纪 Local Disk (C:) Q Local Uik (D:) i - BACKUPflfil NetworkSLINSHUNE-PC Workgroup; WORKGROUPMemory; 1,CO GBSun ShineProcesion ntel(R Cdtn?n(R) CPU ,.r2.2.15.打开我的电脑,再没有让人警醒的红色,多么舒心的蓝色啊(抑或绿色?)2.2.16.没改回去多运行几个程序,频频提示内存不足。2.2.17.回到改虚拟内存的地方,好多高级选项卡啊Pe
34、rformance OptionsMsual Advanoed 申也 由ecutiari Pr改antionProressar sdnedulingChoose hnw tn allocate prooessor resources.Adjust for best performance ofrPrograms Badtground servicesVirtual memoryA paging file is an area on the hard disk that Windows uses as if it were RAM.Total paging file size for all d
35、rives:0 MBChange.K | CancelApply2218.虚拟内存缺不得,一般是实际内存的15倍,这里不管它,改回系统自己指定就可以了。Virtual MemoryAutamatcally manage paging file sine far all drivesPaging file size for eacti driverive Volume LabelJPaging File Size (MB)Svstem managedD:Nonee:BackupNoneSelected drive:匚:Sp 订 g ava ihble;罪 M MBCustom size:Init
36、ial s呼 伽吟Maximum size (.MB):a System managed size-No paging fileSetTotal paging file size for all drivesMinimum allowed;16 MBRecommended:1521 MBCurrently allocsbed! 0 MEOKCancel2.2.19.改完以后记得重启电脑,其实注销一下也是可以的,省时间嘛。System PropertiesThe change you hav& made require you to reta rt you r co m p u ter ! be
37、fore they can take effect.QK2.2.20.到此全部完成了 C盘分区扩展的过程,再没其他提示,该软件不错!rSystem Properties| CarrpLiter Nmne | Hmndwa旧 -Ivanc已d | System Fnatection | Reniot日You must be logged on as an Administrator to make most of these changes.PeffarmanceVisual effects, processor scheduling, memory usage, and virtual mem
38、oryUser PnofilesDesktop settings related to ur logonSettings.Startup and RecaveriSystem startup, syst&m fsilune, and debugging informsticnSettings.OKCancel3. 总结:粗心人办粗心事。实现了c盘扩展的目的后,还有扫尾工作。这就是我们之前的修改虚拟内 存的操作啊。完美把虚拟内存系统分配给取消了,那就只剩下实际内存了,1G。现在的系 统,软件哪个不吃内存啊,win7业内是认为分寸分配比较合理的,但是内存还是快用光了。 虚拟内存缺不得,一般是实际内存的1.5倍,这里不管它,改回系统自己指定就可以了。这个软件操作简单,关键是能用。操作过程中有一次提示软件错误,要关闭,我没理它,直 接无视,关闭,操作继续。因为版本问题,WIN7有很多类似的过程,都当成正确就可以了, 如果实在跨不过去的问题,也不是我们能解决的。