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1、Growing Up,Unit 3,Unit 3,Warm-up,Jane is talking to Mr.White about her problem.Now listen to their conversation and fill in the table with the information you get.,15,8th,she is scared of growing up,Jane is afraid of losing her parents protection and the comfort of her home,bright side of growing up

2、,take active part in social activities,make the most of it,Warm-up,A song,Listen to the song One Day when we were young,and complete the following lyrics.,One day when we were youngOne day when we were young,one wonderful morning _,you told me you loved me,when we were young one day.Sweet songs of s

3、pring were sung,and music was never_,you told me you loved me,when we were young one day.You told me you loved me,and held me close_,we laughed then,_,then came the time to part.When songs of spring are sung,remember that morning_.Remember you loved me,when we were young one day.(repeat),in May,so g

4、ay,to your heart,we cried then,in May,Pre-reading Tasks,A single careful,attentive reading may not be enough for full comprehension,but is often more effective than constant regressions in the middle of a reading.It is best to pay close attention to your first reading.Before you read the article,dis

5、cuss the following questions with your partner.,?,1.People at different ages may have different attitudes towardsthe same thing.What do you thinkcauses the difference in the attitude?,2.Can you imagine the day when you get old?What kind of life do you want to have when you are 60 years old?,Main ide

6、a of the passage,The passage tells us _of an old lady.It shows that the young are _ and the old are _.However,time is fair to everyone and passes by no matter what you think of.,Main idea of the passage,The passage tells us the life retrospection of an old lady.It shows that the young are afraid of

7、growing up and the old are dreaming of staying young.However,time is fair to everyone and passes by no matter what you think of.,Keys to P39 2A,1.Because she didnt want to be eight.She didnt want to grow up.2.She held her in her arms and explained that being eight was going to be even better than be

8、ing seven.She told her daughter she loved her very much and she would have a wonderful birthday.,3.Jack Benny claimed to be forever“39 and holding”.It implies you can stay forever young.Its your attitude not your age that matters.4.She felt a little scared.5.Aging is a natural thing.You may go throu

9、gh some physical changes and nothing can stop it.But its not bad,and you can enjoy it.,6.According to the author,getting old is fearful but it is also accompanied with joy too.,Reading Comprehension,1.The night before her eighth birthday,I found my daughter Lizzy weeping in her bed.I love being seve

10、n,”she sobbed.I dont want to be eight!”2.I held her in my arms and explained that being 8 was going to be even better than being seven.I told her how much I loved her and what a wonderful birthday she was going to have.Eventually she was comforted,or maybe I just talked her to sleep.3.I understood h

11、er feelings.Its was always strange to imagine getting older,even when you arent very old.I know that my own intense“when I grow up yearnings throughout childhood were locked in combat with an equally intense wish that nothing would ever change.I never wanted to be a“grown-up or even an adolescent.,T

12、ranslation,As time goes by Reeve Lindbergh,Reading Comprehension,4.I dont remember whether I loved being seven,but I loved being 12.Towards the end of being 12,I was afraid that Id become a different and detestable person on my 13th birthday.On that day,without my permission,I would wake up and not

13、be a kid any more.,Translation,Para.45,5.I would be a“teenager”.Instead of climbing trees and spending my days outdoors,I would wear my hair in a ponytail,put on lipstick,and talk on the phone constantly.I would grow breasts,which looked to me like a real nuisance at that time,and have to wear a bra

14、.Hateful seventh-grade boys would see the bra strap through my shirt and would reach out and snap it in the hallway in junior high.I had seen this happen to other girls.Worst of all,I could tell from their responses to this cruel and annoying behavior that I would lose my senses andbecome brainlessl

15、y boy-crazy.I definitely did not want to be 13.,Reading Comprehension,6.When you are a child,adults,of any age,are ancient.When I was 24 years old and teaching second grade in Readsboro,Vermont,one of my kindest students was a boy named Shawn who asked me one day whether I had any children.After I c

16、onfessed that I did not,he responded with sympathy,“What happened?Did they all grow up and leave home?”In his eyes,I was trembling on the edge of collapse,with most of my life already over.7.I didnt see myself quite in that way,but I did already think I was pretty old.At 26,I felt dangerously close

17、to 30.At 39,I was not comforted or inspired by Jack Bennys claim to be forever“39 and holding”.At 45,I wondered how Id ever arrived at such an age.(All Id asked to be was 12!)At 50,I blew out the candles with good humor because I had tobut I gulped inside.8.Now Im in my early 60s,and though I dont a

18、lways recognize the face in the mirror,something has changed in the way I think.The process of aging increasingly interests and amazes me,annoys and irritates me,and sometimes still frightens me,too,but much,much less than it used to.I find that there is also amusementhow often and in how many place

19、s can I lose my glasses in a day?,Translation,Para.68,Reading Comprehension,9.I dont know what further changes I will enjoy or endure as I age,but I do know the answer to the question I asked myself at 30,at 40,and at 50:How did I get to be this old?10.I was lucky.Getting old is what I want to do.Ge

20、tting old,whatever the years bring,is far better than not getting old.Or,in the words of Maya Angelou,“Mostly,what I have learned so far about aging,despite the creakiness of ones bones and cragginess of ones once-silken skin,is this:Do it.By all means,do it.”11.Everything happens in life.Some of wh

21、at happens is terrible.We know this is true because its always been true.But there is another truth available,an inexplicable and sometimes crazy truth that is no less compelling.The living of a life,day by day and moment by moment,is also wild with joy.,Translation,Para.911,Reading Comprehension Tr

22、anslation,1.在她八岁生日的头一天晚上,我发现女儿丽兹在床上哭泣。“我喜欢七岁。”她呜咽着说。“我不想变成八岁!”2.我揽她入怀,告诉她八岁会比七岁更好,告诉她妈妈很爱她,而且她将拥有一个精彩的生日庆祝会。最终,她欣慰地睡着了,也许是我把她说得睡着了。3.我明白她的感受。想象自己年龄的增长是一件很别扭的事,即使你并不是很大。我记得自己小的时候强烈渴望长大,但又同样强烈地希望一切都维持现状,不要改变,那真是激烈的矛盾心理。儿时的我一直不想成为一个“成年人”,甚至连成为青少年都不想。,当岁月流逝,Para.13,Reading Comprehension Translation,5.我将


24、在自己毫不知情的情况下,一醒来就不再是个孩子了。,Reading Comprehension Translation,6.在孩子的眼里,一个成年人,无论年纪多大,都是很老的。我24岁的时候在佛蒙特州的雷特斯博罗中学教二年级。班上有个非常听话的孩子叫肖恩。一天,肖恩问我有没有孩子。我承认说没有。他非常同情地问:“怎么了?是不是他们都已经长大成人离开您了?”在他看来,我应该处在崩溃边缘,因为我人生的大部分都已成为过去时。7.虽然我不这么看自己,但也确实觉得自己有些老了。26岁的时候,我觉得自己临近30,岌岌可危。39岁的时候,杰克班尼“永远39岁”的宣言已不能安慰或激励我。45岁的时候,我就琢磨自

25、己怎么就45了呢?(我只想待在12 岁而已啊!)50岁的时候,我开心地吹灭了生日蜡烛,因为我知道自己别无选择,但是心里涌起一阵酸楚。,Para.68,8.现在,我已经60出头了。尽管我有时会认不出镜子里的自己,但我的想法已经悄然改变。渐渐变老的过程越来越让我觉得有趣、惊讶、烦恼、或是生气。尽管有时也会让我感到害怕,但是较之于从前,害怕的程度已大大减弱。我甚至还发现了其中的一些小乐趣:我一天之内丢了多少次眼镜?丢在了哪些地方?,Reading Comprehension Translation,9.不知道随着自己慢慢老去,我还会享受或者承受什么样的变化,但我确实找到了一个问题的答案,那个我30岁

26、、40岁、50岁的时候都问过自己的问题:我怎么老成这样了?10.我是幸运的。变老正合我意,无论岁月带来了什么,变老都比不变老要好。或者,用玛雅安吉拉的话说,“除了日渐疏松的骨头和不再光滑的皮肤,岁月教会我的就是:要生活要变老,不论怎样,我们要这么做。”11.世事无常,生活中有些事情糟糕透顶。我们知道这是事实,因为事实就是事实。但还有一个事实,无法解释、略显疯狂,但同样不容忽视,那就是:一刻一刻,一天一天,一年一年,生活中也总有巨大的快乐相伴。,Para.911,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,1.weep v.,to cry,especially

27、 because you feel very sad 哭泣e.g.1.She sat beside her dying father and wept.2.I remember weeping with pride when my first son was born.,昨天他因为失败而哭泣。He wept over his failure yesterday.她听到那个不幸的消息后哭了起来。She wept at the sad news.,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,2.sob v.,to cry noisily while breath

28、ing in short sudden bursts 呜咽,啜泣e.g.1.The child covered her face with her hands and started to sob uncontrollably.2.The sound of her sobbing kept them awake all night.,sob ones heart out 哭得死去活来,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,fort v.,to make someone feel less worried,unhappy,or upset 安慰e.g.1

29、.Within hours of the news,Helen arrived to comfort her heartbroken friend.2.He longed to take her in his arms and comfort her.,comfort n.cold comfort n.:thing that offers little or no consolation eg,After losing his job,it was cold comfort to be told hed won the office raffle.他失去工作以后,听说他抽中了公司的奖劵,有同画

30、饼。comfortable adj.,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,4.intense adj.,strong or great,especially in quality or feeling 强烈的,剧烈的e.g.1.The pain was so intense that I couldnt sleep.2.He took an intense interest in all religious matters.,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,5.yearning n.,a strong

31、desire for something思念,渴望e.g.1.He had a deep yearning to return to his hometown.2.After the bitter winter,everyone has a yearning for a change of the weather.,6.in combat with combat(with/against)sb/sth eg,We should combat inflation.,Explain the meaning of the sentence,I know that my own intense“whe

32、n I grow up yearnings throughout childhood were locked in combat with an equally intense wish that nothing would ever change.When I was young,I was caught in the dilemma that,on the one hand,I was eager to grow up,but on the other hand,I was afraid of growing up and wish I could stay young forever.,

33、Translate the sentence into Chinese,7.I know that my own intense“when I grow up yearnings throughout childhood were locked in combat with an equally intense wish that nothing would ever change.我记得自己小的时候强烈渴望长大,但又同样强烈地希望一切都维持现状,不要改变,那真是激烈的矛盾心理。,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,8.adolescent n.,a

34、 young person,usually between the ages of 12 and 18,who is developing into an adult 青少年(12至18岁)e.g.1.An estimated 62 million Americans smoke,including 4.1 million adolescents aged between 12 and 18.,towards the end of 在要结束的时候,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,9.detestable adj.,very bad,and des

35、erving to be criticised or hated 讨厌的,可恶的 e.g.1.I found the films final scene of violence detestable.2.Selfishness is a detestable quality.,On that day,without my permission,I would wake up and not be a kid any more.我害怕在自己毫不知情的情况下,一醒来就不再是个孩子了。,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,10.nuisance n.,a

36、person,thing,or situation that annoys you or causes problems 讨厌的人,麻烦事 e.g.1.The dog next door is a real nuisance.2.I hate to be a nuisance,but could you move your car to the other side of the street?,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,11.snap v.,to move so as to cause a sharp sound like somethi

37、ng suddenly breaking 使噼啪作响e.g.1.The wind snapped branches and power lines.2.The dry wood snapped and crackled as it burned.,Explain the meaning of the sentence,Worst of all,I could tell from their responses to this cruel and annoying behavior that I would lose my senses and become brainlessly boy-cr

38、azy.I saw boys do annoying things to girls.Girls were very upset and got mad.I hated that and thought I might have gone crazy if these things happened to me.I hated boys and didnt want to be 13.,Translate the sentence into Chinese,Worst of all,I could tell from their responses to this cruel and anno

39、ying behavior that I would lose my senses and become brainlessly boy-crazy.最糟糕的是,我从那些女孩对这种让人痛苦又讨厌的行为的反应中知道,自己如果有一天遭遇类似事件,也会失去理智,恨透了那些男孩。,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,12.confess v.,to admit something that you feel embarrassed about 坦白,承认e.g.1.She confessed that she had killed her husband.2

40、.Marsha confessed that she didnt really know how to use the computer.,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,13.respond v.,to say or write something as a reply 回应,响应e.g.1.They still havent responded to my letter.2.Did he respond to their invitation?,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,14.edge n

41、.,the part of an object that is furthest from its centre 边缘e.g.1.Jennifer walked to the edge of the wood.2.A leaf was on the ground,curling up at the edges.,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,15.collapse,1)n.a sudden failure in the way something works,so that it cannot continue 崩溃,瓦解 e.g.1.Buil

42、dings must be strengthened to prevent collapse in an earthquake.2.His business was in danger of collapse.2)v.to break down,to fall down 倒塌e.g.1.The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.2.He collapsed in the street and died on the way to hospital.,16.In his eyes,I was trembling on the edge of coll

43、apse,with most of my life already over.在他看来,我应该处在崩溃边缘,因为我人生的大部分都已成为过去时。,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,17.gulp v.,to swallow air suddenly because you are surprised or nervous 喘不过气来,哽住e.g.1.I gulped when I saw the bill.2.We rushed outside and gulped in the sweet fresh air.,At 50,I blew out t

44、he candles with good humor because I had tobut I gulped inside.50岁的时候,我开心地吹灭了生日蜡烛,因为我知道自己别无选择,但是心里涌起一阵酸楚。,At 50,I blew out the candles with good humor because I had tobut I gulped inside.At my 50th birthday,I tried to cover my fear of being old with good humor because I didnt want others to see it.,

45、Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,18.irritate v.,to rouse to impatience or anger;annoy 使恼怒,烦躁e.g.1.It really irritates me when he doesnt help around the house.2.After a while,the loud ticking of the clock began to irritate me.,used to be/get used to,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,19.e

46、ndure v.,to remain alive or in existence in spite of difficulty 忍受e.g.1.It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain.2.He cant endure being far away from home.,by all means:1)yes,of course;certainly(用于回答)当然可以;别客气 eg:Can I borrow your car?By all means.2)No matter how 无论如何;务必 eg:Finish it b

47、y all means.,by means of:by using sth;with the help of sth 用某方法;借助于某事物 eg:Thoughts can also be expressed by means of music.by no means;not by any means:not at all绝不;一点都不 eg:I am by no means satisfied with my present income.,“Mostly,what I have learned so far about aging,despite the creakiness of one

48、s bones and cragginess of ones once-silken skin,is this:Do it.By all means,do it.”“除了日渐疏松的骨头和不再光滑的皮肤,岁月教会我的就是:要生活要变老,不论怎样,我们要这么做。”,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,20.inexplicable adj.,too unusual or strange to be explained or understood难以理解的e.g.1.For some inexplicable reason,he felt depresse

49、d.2.The inexplicable disappearance of the woman worried everyone.,Reading Comprehension Words&Expressions,pelling adj.,making people feel certain that something is true 令人信服的e.g.1.There is compelling evidence that the medicine is good for your heart.2.I have no compelling reason to refuse.,be/go wil

50、d with:be full of certain strong feeling eg:She was wild with anxiety.(她焦虑得要发狂似的)The crowd went wild with delight.(群众欣喜若狂),be wild about:extremely enthusiastic about(sth/sb)(对某物/某人)极热心或热爱The children are wild about the new computer.(孩子们都极喜欢这台新计算机),But there is another truth available,an inexplicable


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