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1、dd h hi u ti:t,Phonetic Symbols,/i:/e ee ea ei ie i eobi:mi:i:hi:wi:si:mi:t di:d tri:fi:l ki:n gri:t bri:z ti:pi:li:d ri:d ti:t risi:v disi:v psi:v bili:v rili:vfi:ld pli:s pi:pl,be me she he we see meet deed tree,feel keen greet breeze tea pea lead read,teach receive deceive perceive believe reliev

2、e,field police people,/i/i e u ui o it sit bit big pig kik pik giv mis priti minit prif ivent dilei ritn bildi wimin bizi,it sit bit big pig kick pick give miss,pretty minute prefer event delay return,building women busy,/e/e ea ai ay a met get wet jet nek tek bed beg tel fel nekst tekst lekt spend

3、redi peznt ded:lredi me ple gein sed eni meni,met get wet yet neck check bed beg,tell fell next text lecture spend,ready peasant dead already measure pleasure,again said any many,/a kp mp ft ht bd mdbk lk gs ms bg hnd k kmps fktri fmili stdei,cap map fat hat bad mad,back lack gas mass bag hand,thank

4、 campus factory family Saturday,/a:/a ar au ear er al a:m a:t ba:ha:d pa:k da:k ma:t pa:ti la:d fa:st a:sk pa:s kla:s ta:sk sta:f fa:ra:ns a:t la:f ha:t kla:k s:dnt pa:m ka:m,clerk sergeant palm calm,arm art bar hard park dark march party large,fast ask pass class task staff,father rather answer aun

5、t laugh heart,/o a own f nt lt jb ht tp kst lstp gd lk rk w wt wt wt kwlti nlid,want watch quality knowledge,on off not lot job hot top cost lost,shop god lock rock wash what,/:/a al aw or ore oa our oar ough aughw:t h:t f:s:l t:l k:l t:k w:k s:l:d:n dr:n n:b:nk:n l:d bif:br:d f:s:b:d d:t k:t:t b:t:

6、t,daughter caught ought bought thought,water halt false all tall call talk walk,saw law dawn drawn nor born,corn lord before broad four soar board,/u/o oo oul u put fut kuk luk tuk buk gud wulf wumn kud ud wud ful pul dulai,full pull July,Put foot cook look took book good,wolf woman could should wou

7、ld,/u:/o oe oo udo to lose move prove shoe cool moon room too afternoon school blue rule June,/o none son come brother mother other anotheru sun bus study husband,/:/er her certain terminalear early learn ir girl first bird shirtur nurse turn turn fur furtheror work world worse worm world wordy,/a a

8、bout ago China breakfast o oppose second method proposeu support suppose suspect campusar collar forward er mother teacher betteror doctor monitor actor factorur surprise surrender survivalou famousour colour,/ei/atakemakenameplanechange strangelabeltableaiwaitrainpainafraidgraintrainraiseaymaywayda

9、yplaysayeieightneighborreigneytheygrey,/u/onohomepostholdnoticenotebookoaboatcoatroadowlowknowbowlsowshowoushoulder,/ai/iI wifenicetide likefindkind mindymy by whystylesupplyuybuy,/au/ouloudhouseroundshoutthousandowbownowdowncrowd,/Ci/oi oilboiltoilspoilvoiceoyboytoyjoyannoyenjoy,/I/eaideareallythea

10、treearhearnearyearclearappeareredeercheerengineererehere,/e/airairairportchairfairpairstairarecareparefarecompareearbearerethereeirtheir,/u/uaFebruaryoorpoormoorourtourtouristuresure,plosive consonants Symbol key wordp penbbagttooddokkeyggo,Some skills of the pronunciation of plosive consonants:1 舌侧

11、爆破/pl-/place plane platepleaseplosiveplain pleasureplant/kl-/clear cleancloseclue,2 鼻腔爆破/-tn/written buttoncertainfrighten/-dn/hidden gardenburdenpardon,美式发音American English英式读音根据的是English Pronouncing Dictionary 英语正音辞典。它们代表了被称为“Received Pronunciation”(RP)(标准读音)的读音,这在受过教育的英国人尤其是南部英格兰人中通用。美式读音代表了一种(有时

12、是两种)在美国人中较通用的读音,通常用KK音标标示,即由美国语言学家John S.Kenyon 和 Thomas A Knott 研究出来的音标。早在1888年国际语音协会(International Phonetic Association)的语言学家便制定出一套可国际通用的语音符号叫国际音标符号(IPAInternational Phonetic Alphabet),希望以一个符号代表一音,并避免各人使用一套自己的符号所产生的不便。国内的英文字典里最常见的音标为英式发音的国际音标(DJ)和美式发音的KK音标,前者乃根据Daniel Jones编的英语发音字典(English Pronoun

13、cing Dictionary,1963),后者则是根据John S.Kenyon&Thomas A.Knott二氏的美语发音字典(A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English,1956)。值得一提的是,KK音标所使用的符号均从前面提到的国际音标符号(IPA)而来,Kenyon&Knott二氏仅将其中适用于美式英语的符号截取出来。,一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音,A 在开音节中 ei name plane Jane baby cake 在闭音节中 bag dad hat map black back,E 在开音节中 i:he these me Chi

14、nese 在闭音节中 e bed let pen desk yes egg,I 在开音节中 ai bike fly drive time nice kite 在闭音节中 i fish big drink sit milk swim,O 在开音节中 those close go hoe home no 在闭音节中 clock not box shop sock,U 在开音节中 ju:u:student excuse duty Tuesday 在闭音节中 bus cup jump much lunch在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读u:音,例如:June blue ruler

15、 super,UuClub us fun but lunch run June sun bus fun drum,Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv在单词中的发音,Bbbbag bike bus blue Cckcake card sface decide cinemaDdddesk dad day,Gg d3orange age g girl bag go,Pppmap pen apple,Tttit what white ten,Vvvevening vest very,去尾法,Hh h hello hat hot hand,Jjd3jacket job June,Kk k key

16、like bike,Hh Jj Kk在单词中的发音,形似法,去尾法,Ff f fine five face off,Ll l hello like lake apple full bottle,Mmm morning name me,Nn n no nice in thank,Ss s spell thanks six z please is nose,Xx ks box six,Zz z zoo zero,Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz 在单词中的发音,斩头法,Qq Ww Yy Rr在单词中的发音,y jyou yellow yes,rrFrank red,wwwhat we we

17、ll,q kIraq qu kwquality quite,形似法,ba ca da ga pa ta va ha ka jaab ac ad ag ap at av akbe ce de ge pe te ve he ke jeeb ec ed eg ep et ev eh ek ejbi ci di gi pi ti vi hi ki jiid ic id ig ip it iv ih ik ijbo co do go po to vo ho ko joob oc od og op ot ov oh ok ojbu cu du gu pu tu vu hu ku juub uc ud ug up ut uv uh uk uj,拼读练习,


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