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1、亚马逊网评2013十大畅销书013 was a year of mystery and thrills, at least according to Amazons list of best-selling books for the year.2013年是神秘小说和科幻小说大行其道的一年一一至少根据亚马逊网列出的年度 畅销书单来看是这样的。Amazon calculated its list of best-selling books by taking into account sales of print and Kindle edition books that were publis

2、hed in 2013. Check out the best-selling books below:亚马逊网根据印刷版和电子版图书的销售量列出了 2013年出版的图书畅销书单。一起来看看下面列出的畅销书单吧!1. Inferno by Dan Brown地狱(作者:丹布朗)Browns infamous hero Robert Langdon (from The Da Vinci Code) heads once more into Italy. Langdons latest mystery takes its cue from Dantes epic poem in the Divin

3、e Comedy.布朗笔下臭名昭著的罗伯特兰顿博士(丹布朗多部作品中的主角)再次来到意大 利。作家对丹顿博士此次新的冒险之旅的描述受到但丁的史诗神曲的启发。2. And the Mountains Echoed群山回唱(作者:卡勒德胡赛尼)by Khaled Hosseini: Hosseini follows up The Kite Runner with another story set in Kabul, Afghanistan. His latest novel begins with a father telling his two young children a folktal

4、e. The story spans several decades and continents following the familys trials and tribulations from there.胡赛尼继追风筝的人之后又创作了一个发生在阿富汗首都喀布尔的故事。这部 新作品在开篇描述了这样一个场景:一位父亲给自己的两个孩子讲传说故事。这是 一个关于一家人数十年间在数个大陆迁徙、历经磨难和忧患的故事。3. The Cuckoos Callingby Robert Galbraith布谷鸟的呼唤(作者:罗伯特加尔布雷斯)Detective Cormoran Strike inves

5、tigates a super models suicide in this classically-styled mystery written by J.K. Rowling under a pseudonym.私家侦探克尔莫兰斯特里科着手调查一位超级模特的自杀事件。这是一部经典风格 的神秘小说,由J.K,罗琳化名创作。相关阅读:J.K.罗琳化名男性写侦探小说4. The Husbands Secret by Liane Moriarty丈夫的秘密(作者:莉安莫里亚蒂)Cecilia Fitzpatrick discovers a letter in which her husband c

6、onfesses a dark secret that could ruin the life she built. She was supposed to receive the letter after he died, but stumbles across it while he is still very much alive.塞西莉亚菲茨帕特里克发现了一封丈夫写的信,他在信中坦白了一个秘密,这个秘 密的影响力足以毁掉妻子的生活。丈夫本计划在自己死后才将信转交给妻子,没料 到自己还活得好好的,妻子已经无意间发现了这封信。5. Lean In: Women, Work, and the

7、 Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg依靠:女人、工作和领导意志(作者:雪莉桑德伯格)Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook, shares her leadership secrets in a book that combines personal anecdotes, hard data and research. She aims to understand the bias against women in leadership positions and offer advice for wome

8、n in the workplace and daily life.在这本书中,脸谱网首席营运官桑德伯格通过她的个人轶事,具体的数据资料和研 究调查向读者分享了如何掌握领导权的小秘密。作者希望探讨职场中领导力岗位上 存在的女性歧视,为女性提供在职场和日常生活中的应对建议。职场女性必读励志书:Lean In原版优惠团购6. The Hit by David Baldacci暗杀行动(作者:戴维鲍尔达奇)Will Robie, a highly trained assassin, eliminates enemies of state for the U.S. government. When J

9、essica Reel, another assassin in the agency, goes rogue, Robie must stop her.威尔罗比是一名受过训练的职业杀手,他的任务是在美国政府官员中排除异己。当 同一组织的另一位职业杀手杰西卡里尔叛离组织的时候,罗比必须阻止她。7. Sycamore Row by John Grisham梧桐行(作者:约翰格里森姆)Jake Brigance, from Grishams breakout hit A Time to Kill returns to Ford County to try a case that brings up

10、 old racial tensions. Before hanging himself from a Sycamore tree, Seth Hubbard leaves a handwritten will for his property that drags his adult children and his black maid into a conflict that spans generations.格里森姆处女作杀戮时刻中的主角,年轻律师杰克布里根斯回到福特郡处理一 桩让种族歧视死灰复燃的案件。赛斯哈伯德在梧桐树上自缢前留下了一份手书的遗 嘱,这份遗嘱在他的成年子女和黑人女

11、仆之间引发了一场旷日时久牵扯几代人的冲 突。8. Entwined with You by Sylvia Day与你交缠(作者:希维亚戴)Book three of the Crossfire series finds Gideon and Eva with even more alone time than theyve had in previous installments of this torrid romance.本书是作者风格热烈的交火系列中的第3部作品,吉迪恩和伊娃有了更多的独处 时间。9. Never Go Back by Lee Child永不回头(作者:李查德)Child

12、s latest novel in his Jack Reacher series follows the former military cop on a mission to find his missing commanding officer, Major Susan Turner, and clear his own name in the process.本书是查德的杰克雷切尔系列最新一部作品,前警官杰克雷切尔着手调查一起 失踪案件,他不仅要找到失踪的前指挥官,还要为自己洗清嫌疑。10. The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult说故事的人(作者:茱迪皮考特)S

13、age Singer is a baker trying to get over the death of her mother. Josef Weber, an elderly man in Sages grief support group with his own demons, begins stopping by the Sages bakery. They strike up an unlikely friendship. micro- sunny- 塞奇辛格是一位面包师,她母亲的过世让她痛苦不已。在那些设法安慰她的亲友中, 有一位名叫约瑟夫韦伯的老人。虽然他同样有着自己的心灵疮疤,还是常常来塞奇 的面包店做客。两人成了忘年之交。


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