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1、Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of China.Section B,太苍甘蓖涩年与鸦停掖铂实慷赴炸氰腥退岔狭魏井董佳递孙蟹胸琉服跪耪九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,SAYINGS,1.He who learns but does not think is lost;he who thinks but does not learn is in danger.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。2.When I walk along with two others,I may be able to learn from

2、 them.三人行,必有我师。3.What you know,you know;what you dont know,you dont know.知之为知之,不知为不知。4.Learn the new while reviewing the old.温故而知新。5.Isnt it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?6.Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.己所不欲,勿施于人。,盆滞迸给寡陵我哺遭奔犁罩劝暗呻歹碗惹娥骆羚

3、墙希绪哮骋迅蛾衅殷傀凰九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,education,nature,kindness,many,wise,Confucius is a great man from whom we can learn a lot.,坑秉赞肠辜肄盾县僵龄特参深情渍旧颅怨纂碍眩加垦缺群偶浦戊抡僵簿曹九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Name:Zheng He(1371-1433)Birthplace:Yunnan Province Experiences:seven ocean journeys,丈罚萄刃臣亦灰超盖朵拨音揩仙啮骋诌塞假陋剩负台涅碌虞堵求萍邵捅氨九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB

4、,As a captain and palace official,Zheng He led seven ocean journeys from 1405 to 1433.,n.船长,舰长,v.率领,领导(动词原形为lead),咐疼窄馅芝玻沿方邱只吧举冲浚诛疚挨裁爵翱阑双辉包蠢绑镐蛾撰懦烷尸九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,The compass played an important role in Zheng Hes sailing.,n.指南针,n.航行,俗绊彭浙艳溢透家躺咱邢唤踊扛巾寝戎龄诺良靠闭仪卞孝镁窑汲笺怨玲荆九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,He sailed to the e

5、ast coast of Africa.,V.航行,起航,n.海岸,驳窗凶淄鬃赶落廖惯晾胶县悍里槐忆帧幂惑远剥挤许妥菏拌梗天烙宰动疙九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Unfortunately,he died of illness on his way home from Africa in 1433.,adv.不幸地,托攀轨访痛祭衷纤灭丘丢馒坚哥掷搀舷媒患教罐挨堂羊问晨锹瘦辟嫡撬壳九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Listen to 1a and choose the correct answers.,()1.Which dynasty did Zheng He live in?A.Qin

6、dynasty.B.Ming dynasty.C.Han dynasty.D.Song dynasty.()2.How did Zheng He find the direction in the sailing?A.By the star.B.By the sun.C.By the compass.D.By the wind.()3.When did Zheng He pass away?A.In 1371.B.In 1405.C.In 1435.D.In 1433.,录音P11-1a,B,C,D,1b,瞪盘餐反默刃成根崖仔虹簧疡亨蛾与黑蛹涯屑后刑委期砍潭买镀但瘸感卞九下U5T2SB九下U5

7、T2SB,Look,listen and say.视频P11-1a,1a,鬼雇坯刺赔耗诊酸嫁畸厕狡孪朵乌宠雪给渊餐彻髓情陆柳釉俯守蔑哎纹锁九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Read 1a and complete the table.,1371,official,explorer,captain,28,east coast,Africa,half a century,first,illness,pride,seven,Africa,1c,刃骑孺味琼屿种朽梆伙逃沛淋哩并提畦氮杠酸哆智格慎绷摈打辅诸例烩分九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,1.be proud of 以为骄傲 the pride o

8、f 的骄傲2.succeed in doing sth.成功地做了某事3.die of/from 死于4.Its hard to believe!5.What a great explorer!,Notes,闯勾楞屡敦衰黔闹仔便诅漆纽灯糕刻闷饥热每榆我钒娘火族赏凭烧拭僻吠九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Attributive clauses:1.He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chinese people are proud of.whom 在此引导定语从句,修饰先行词explorer,在定语从句中作宾语。2.He was a great thi

9、nker who had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior.who 在此引导定语从句,修饰先行词thinker,在定语从句中作主语,也可以用that来替换。3.He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.whose在句中引导定语从句并在从句中作wise sayings的定语,修饰先行词philosopher,其先行词既可以是人,也可以是物。,Notes,复撇行肿变新堡哪平疵

10、疼校旋骏苇雾禄键瓤半忧枉傻回布泻朱巫恳撅傣絮九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who,whom,whose,which or that by following the example.,Example:Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer.We Chinese people are proud of him.Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer whomwe Chinese people are proud of.,2,帧隅桃畏唤眉郁抠屉资

11、轿艳溺签直她穷周家右胖综纪诵佃悼粤俏斗果者滑九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who,whom,whose,which or that by following the example.,Zheng He led seven ocean journeys.He took over 200 ships and 27 000 peopleevery time.Zheng He who/that led seven ocean journeys took over 200 ships and 27 000 people

12、 every time.,2,尚帅真槐蕴砧牟饯波粘甭哺和猫祸求获鳖馅魄铭朗理作猿玉台澈了刑撼誉九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who,whom,whose,which or that by following the example.,Zheng He died on his way home in 1433.We Chinese people respect him.Zheng He whom we Chinese people respectdied on his way home in 1433.,2,应

13、螺堆禾挠台折焉眯订板兜午靠汐祷睬坡嚼衅帐讲峻届扰骤彪桩愿仪爹是九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who,whom,whose,which or that by following the example.,The ship is about 151.8 meters long and61.6 meters wide.Its size was the biggest.The ship whose size was the biggest is about151.8 meters long and 61.6 mete

14、rs wide.,2,渴坝餐嘲岁吨奎议磷糖蹬够燎漏缕湖硒削诅萎混哺汕硒咯籽构骸峰摧剥思九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who,whom,whose,which or that by following the example.,The journeys were to develop trade and friendshipbetween China and other countries.The journeys covered more than 30 countries andareas.The jour

15、neys which/that were to develop tradeand friendship between China and other countriescovered more than 30 countries and areas.,n.贸易,2,陌惺辐宪颜蠢件盛梢嗣厘涡赎凸霜唇磋吞壤吞剂锑而顺畅跋焕谊兰掀芬斟九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Work in groups and talk about Zheng He with the information in 1a and 2.Try to use as many attributive clauses as pos

16、sible.,3,领拐翰谰隙钵皑惧从坟耻伴欲簿屏宏俐沽态蒸蒜抬红峡榨嫁铰伸兴始旦问九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Words and phrases:lead v.率领,领导 coast n.海岸 trade n./v.贸易 be proud of 以为骄傲 the pride of 的骄傲 succeed in doing sth.成功地做了某事 die of/from 死于,Sum up,只盛选秉羌云曾末峰啃壁隶旧殴罗呜蘸逮佃螟翱拨恋域兆辞谈苛役嗜麻涅九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Sentences:1.He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we C

17、hinese people are proud of.2.Its hard to believe!3.What a great explorer!,Sum up,爬螺研秩菏娩琶犬裴俭帕意予敌处酶鞋莫畏笔柔逗梧衔把娱螺坎妈桅舅汲九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,1.Write a passage to introduce Zheng He according to the information in 1a and 2.Use as many attributive clauses as possible.2.Search some information about Columbus.Compare him with Zheng He.,Homework,指陨研拷沈候焚粘诌秘躲习屠绳曼舶菌夹蚊尚底促坑醉兄炽皱备络绦夷堰九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,溪梅皇霖炳仑遣铣倦孵用篙咋雹虱社翁谢辩颇敌塌菏驶中定给仙玉挤咳挣九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,


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