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1、securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When tr

2、ansporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate

3、 in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams . Eight, provided by the General

4、 machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptanc

5、e and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, develop saf

6、e use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety prot

7、ection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, s

8、pecial operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by hanging ten rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is strictly proh

9、ibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not allowed to

10、 divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the ten does not burn provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General fire

11、network, broadcasting, television, newspapers, books, lectures, forums, reports, seminars, etc. False debate central policies, the destruction of the partys centralized and unified depending on the circumstances be punished. Also is to say, in the specific channel and field of arbitrary: Contrary to

12、 the spirit of the central governments remarks, is false debate central, which belongs to the discipline behavior regulations, provisions of this article and the partys democratic centralism is not contrary. Because the Party Central Committee in the development of major principles and policies, thr

13、ough different channels and ways, fully listen to the party organizations and party opinions and suggestions, which in itself is to carry forward the democracy within the party Performance. This article in the important documents of the party and the leadership of the speech is a source. Such as Com

14、rade Mao Zedong in in an article, he had cited the various manifestations of liberalism, which clearly pointed out that the the person does not say, gossip behind peoples backs meeting, after the blather is behind the irresponsible criticism ,It should be opposed. The original of the relevant provis

15、ions of this is also involved, but did not clearly put forward, this is to make it clear.thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living signif

16、icantly improve, and social the career made new progress, no necessary always hard has, no awareness to China also has many poverty area, and also has many poverty population of exists, more living improve has, more need keep hard of style. Three is not strictly honest. Total thought units is a wate

17、r sector, clean self-discipline away from himself too far, no real processing good living of improve and hard, and thrift excellent traditional of relationship, no effective do comply with Constitution and party of regulations must from I do up, no right mercy good bitter Le, and wealth of relations

18、hip, no right awareness to in comply with Constitution and party of regulations aspects everyone has accountability. Four, future direction and improvement measures 1, belief and faith, strengthen party spirit. One is to firmly establish the noble ideals of struggle for the ideals of communism, comm

19、unist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people. Second is to continuously improve the quality and standard of political, conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping theory and three represents important thought and the scientific Outlook on development, implement the par

20、tys basic program for the primary stage of socialism, adhere to the correct political orientation, maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee, is good at theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics to analyze and solve problems. Third, strengthening the party spirit and the wor

21、ld transformation, perseverance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows to establish correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and the world, practically embodies ideals and beliefs into action, combine lofty ideals and practical activities, transforming the objective world, actively participate i

22、n the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 2, keep the purpose in concept, changing the style of work. First, keep in mind that the purpose of serving, adhere to assuming power for the people, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows of th

23、e masses, .According to city discipline, and municipal organization Department requirements, today we held implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines effective strengthening led cadres style construction topic democratic life, main task is close contact thought, an

24、d work actual, control check district Standing Committee team and the personal in implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines Shang exists of problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced clea

25、n politics of consciousness and initiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the meeting, the way we take surveys solicited a views, combed, related to team building石家庄铁道大学毕业设计某站上行咽喉6502电气集中执行组电路设计IA Station Upstream Throat Enforcement Section 6502 Electric Circuit Design I 2013 届 电气工程 系专 业 自动化

26、 学号 学生姓名 指导老师 完成日期 2013年5月 27日毕业设计成绩单学生姓名学号班级专业 自动化毕业设计题目某站上行咽喉6502电气集中执行组电路设计I指导教师姓名指导教师职称工程师评 定 成 绩指导教师得分评阅人得分答辩小组组长得分成绩:院长(主任) 签字:年 月 日毕业设计任务书题目某站上行咽喉6502电气集中执行组电路设计学生姓名学号班级专业自动化承担指导任务单位电气工程系导师姓名导师职称工程师一、设计内容: 1. 按照技规要求自设站场模型。 2. 依据自设模型对6502电气集中的执行组电路(8线-11线)进行设计。二、设计条件: 1. 铁路等级:II级,线下I级。 2. 正线数目

27、:单线。 3. 列车速度:120km/h 4. 站场:到发线有效长度650m,预留880m。 5. 闭塞方式:半自动闭塞。三、基本要求: 1. 绘出站场信号平面布置图、执行组电路网络图。 2. 设计执行组各个继电器的电路。 3. 要求对各执行组电路进行详尽分析。 4. 应用autoCAD至少完成二张A4的图纸。 5. 设计说明书一万字以上。 6. 完成3000字的专业英文翻译。四、主要参考文献1 王永信.车站信号M.北京:中国铁道出版社,20102 中国铁路通信信号总公司研究设计院.铁路工程设计技术手册S.北京:中国铁 道出版社,1993 3 林瑜筠.6502电气集中电路图册S.北京:中国铁道

28、出版社,2010 4 马桂贞.铁路站场及枢纽M.成都:西南交通大学出版社,2003 5 阮振铎铁.道信号设计与施S.北京:中国铁道出版社,2008五、进度计划 1. 第1-2周 调研、收集材料 2. 第2-4周 分析、确定方案 3. 第5-7周 按照设计要求进行设计4. 第8周 中期答辩5. 第9-15周 写毕业设计论文 6. 第15-16周 毕业答辩教研室主任签字时间题目某站上行咽喉6502电气集中执行组电路设计学生姓名学号班级专业自动化一、课题的研究背景6502电气集中联锁设备作为实现控制车站范围内的道岔、进路和信号机,并实现它们之间的联锁,具有电路定型化程度高、逻辑性强,操作方法简便灵活



31、进行设计,绘出站场信号平面布置图、执行组电路网络图;并对所设计的电路进行详尽分析。首先学习并掌握AutoCAD绘图软件并能熟练使用,然后根据站场线路图绘制车站信号设备平面图、8-11线网络图。三、预期达到的结果1. 做出相应CAD图,理解课本上的相关知识。 2. 可以掌握AutoCAD软件的使用方法,能够用到今后的具体工作当中,活学活用。 3. 实现对8线-11线网络图的设计,掌握8线-11线网络图的原理及相关电路。指导教师签字时 间 毕业设计开题报告摘 要 随着铁路运输的发展需要和科学技术的进步,车站信号设备发展很快,采用了许多新技术和新设备,我国主要采用6502电气集中自动控制系统进行车站

32、信号的控制。6502电气集中具有电路定型化程度高、逻辑性强,操作方法简便灵活、不易出错,维修、施工比较方便,符合故障安全原则,易于区间闭塞设备及其他信号设备集合等优点,又是调度集中和调度监督的基本设备,因此在我国铁路得到了广泛的应用。本次设计为6502电气集中的两大主要组成部分之一的执行组。此次设计主要是对执行组的8线网路-11线网路进行设计。本文通过查阅文献资料,自建模型,绘制出站场平面图、执行组网络图,设计执行组继电器电路,对执行组8-11线网络电路进行详细分析。关键词:6502电器集中 执行组 8-11线网络AbstractWith the development of railway

33、transportation and the progress of science and technology, the station signal equipment development quickly, adopted many new technology and new equipment, our country mainly adopts 6502 electric centralized control station signal automatic control system.6502 Electric has a circuit stereotypes degr

34、ee high, logical, easy and flexible method of operation, less error-prone, more convenient maintenance, construction, in line with fail-safety principles, subject to section block collection of equipment and other signaling equipment, etc, and Centralized Traffic Control supervision of basic equipme

35、nt and scheduling. So,it has been widely used in Chinas railway.This design is about of che execution group which is one of two main components . The design is mainly the implementation of the 8-line network -11 line network design. Access to literature, self-built model, this article through the co

36、nsult literature material, map out the station plan, execution groups, network diagram, design the execution group relay circuit, the execution group 8-11 line network circuit for detailed analysis.Keywords: 6502 Electric executive group 8-11 line network目录 第1章绪论11.1研究背景11.2国内外的研究状况2 1.2.1国外研究状况2 1.

37、2.2国内研究状况2 1.3课题设计目的3第2章电气集中4 2.1电气集中概述42.26502电气集中电路结构42.3站场图介绍4第3章继电器组合的设置63.1继电器组合类型63.2 继电器组合的选用及组合连接图63.3继电器组合架7第4章执行组电路设计84.1执行组的任务和动作程序84.2执行组电路各网络线概述84.3信号检查继电器电路94.3.1XJJ的设置和作用94.3.28线网络检查的联锁条件104.3.3信号继电器电路分析104.4区段检查及股道检查继电器电路134.4.1QJJ与GJJ的设置及作用144.4.29线10线电路分析144.5信号继电器电路184.5.1信号继电器的基本

38、连锁条件184.5.2信号继电器电路分析18第5章结论与展望21参考文献22致谢23附录24 附录A外文翻译24 附录BCAD图32securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from

39、fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations

40、. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature ti

41、me Japan form in duplicate, teams . Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance

42、with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both

43、relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor fo

44、r scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measur

45、es can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by hanging ten rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know

46、nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the ten does not burn provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open fla


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