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1、Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social development. The main task of the meeting was, on rural wo

2、rk and conscientiously implement the Central, provincial and municipal five water treatment, three to split series of important conferences, learn from the past, study deployment priority tasks this year. Just now, the XXX Deputy head and Deputy County magistrate, respectively, on the work of the XX

3、 was fully deployed, and put forward specific measures and requirements about is in place. County Environmental Protection Bureau, the XX town, town of XX 3 units for a position statement, resounding, demonstrated determination and confidence. Conference also recognition has advanced representative,

4、 this, I also representative County, and County Government, to by recognition of advanced said warm of congratulated! to rural, and water and three modified a split front General cadres workers extend sincere of greeting! following, I again told five points views: a, and deepening awareness, further

5、 enhanced work of sense and urgency since party of 18 session v plenary proposed has innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared five big development concept Hou, rural and environment governance work can said was upgrade to has more high of strategy level, is Thirteen-Five build w

6、ell-off a top priority task. XX, County besides lingxi, Longgang, jinxiang, the Treasury, the hills, several industrial town outside the city centre, is basically belong to other rural areas, area, the vast rural population. Same time, the current and coming period, is the County into a crucial peri

7、od of the South Gate of XX beautiful, environmental regulation directly affects the effectiveness of the strategic objectives can not be achieved. Therefore, the focus on rural work and five water treatment, three to split, the XX economic and social development has an important role. Last year, thr

8、ough the joint efforts of the County, reform of the agricultural and rural development has made great progress in our County, environmental remediation and achieved initial results. Three agriculture agricultural modernization level continues to increase, new 4-level modern agriculture Park, release

9、d 20 agricultural leading enterprises above the county level, the County area of 200 acres of land more than eco-leisure, investments of more than 5 million Yuan reached more than more than 100 agricultural projects. Rural development has improved continuously, boutique line 1 completed the beautifu

10、l countryside, fine village 17, beautiful rural development conference was held in lingxi peach Lake in the city. Promote comprehensive rural reform, included in the provinces building three in one system of farmers cooperative economic organization first promoting the County. Improvement of farmers

11、 钢筋机械连接和焊接专项施工方案钢筋机械连接和焊接专项施工方案1、工程概况本工程钢筋的连接将有机械连接和焊接,机械连接主要是直螺纹连接;焊接包括电渣压力焊、闪光对焊、电弧焊。机械连接在地下室底板、地下室墙板、竖向钢筋大于或等于22将采用机械连接直螺纹连接。焊接电渣压力焊、电弧焊、闪光对焊。地下室外墙、柱、剪力墙等竖向连接中1420为电渣压力焊。闪光对焊用于钢筋竖向和水平连接中。电弧焊用于部分钢筋的连接。2、编制依据:建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB 5032001); 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范(GB 502042002);钢筋焊接验收规程(JGJ1896)钢筋焊接接头试验方法(JGJ2

12、786)钢筋机械连接通用技术规程(JGJ10796)3、钢筋的机械连接3.1、直螺纹连接:滚轧直螺纹连接是目前推广使用的一种新型连接方式,它可适用于大直径钢筋的连接钢筋切头滚轧螺纹加保护套工地连接套筒加工以上大直径钢筋,连接方便、可靠,可提高施工进度,已被建筑业广泛采用。 (1)加工工艺:(2)滚轧直螺纹钢筋接头技术是用专用滚轧螺纹设备在施工现场将钢筋端头部位一次性直接快速滚轧出直螺纹。(3)滚轧直螺纹工艺流程:A、钢筋下料:钢筋端头必须平直,不得有马蹄形或弯曲现象,如有必须切掉。B、钢筋丝头加工:在专用滚轧直螺纹设备上按设计的螺距、进刀长度等参数滚轧出钢筋与直螺纹套筒拧紧。C、钢筋连接:用机

13、械扳手将钢筋与直螺纹套筒拧紧。(4)滚轧直螺纹试件:A、工艺检验(检验现场钢筋与套筒型号规格是否匹配):设备进场后,对每一种规格的钢筋接头分别做一组试件,做单向拉伸试验,要求达到标准规定的技术指标。B、现场检验(见证取样):同一施工条件下采用同一批材料的同等级同形式同规格的接头,以500 个为一个验收批进行检查和验收,不足500 个也作为一个检验批。C、对每一验收批接头,必须在工程结构中随机截取3 个试件进行试验,作单向拉伸强度的检验指标评定。D、当每个试件单向拉伸试验均符合强度的要求时,该验收批判定为合格。E、如有一个试件的强度不合格,应再取6 个试件进行复检,复检中有一个试件不合格,则该验

14、收批判为不合格。F、在现场连续检验10 个验收批,当其全部单向拉伸试件均二次抽样合格时,每验收批接头数量可扩大为1000 个。(5)滚轧丝头质量控制A、外观及外形质量钢筋丝头螺纹应饱满,在规定的螺纹有效长度内,螺纹大径低于螺纹中径的不完整扣。累计长度不得超过两个螺纹周长,钢筋丝头长度误差应符合国家规范,当有争议时可辅以测量。B、加工的钢筋丝头应逐个自检,出现不合格丝头时应切去重新加工。C、自检合格的接头,应由质检员随机抽样进行检验,以一个工作班加工的丝头为一个验收批,随机抽验10%,当合格率小于95%时,应加倍抽检,复检中合格率仍小于95%时,应对全部丝头进行逐个检查。(6)正确连接钢筋A、密


16、剂填装盒等。A、焊接电源竖向钢筋电渣压力焊的电源采用JSD-600 专用电源。可供数个焊接机头交替用电。引弧电弧电渣顶压B、焊接机头焊接机头是实现竖向钢筋电渣压力焊接并取得优质接的关健部件。C、焊剂盒与焊剂焊剂宜采用431 型,该焊剂含有高锰、高硅与低氟成分,其作用除起隔绝,保温及稳定电弧作用外,在焊接过程中还起补充熔渣,脱氧及添加合金元素作用,使焊缝金属合金化。(2)焊接工艺竖向钢筋电渣压力焊的工艺过程A、引弧过程:通电后迅速将上钢筋提起,使两端头之间的距离为2-4mm引弧。可多次把上钢筋移下与下钢筋短接后再提起,达到引弧目的。B、电弧过程:靠电弧的变温作用,将钢筋端头的凸出部分不断烧化,同

17、时将接口周围的焊剂充分熔化,形成一定深度的渣池。C、电渣过程:渣池形成一定深度化,将上钢筋缓缓插入渣池中,此时电弧熄灭,进入电渣过程,使渣池温度升到近2000,将钢筋端头迅速而均匀地熔化,经熔化后的上钢筋端面呈微凸形,并在钢筋的端面上形成一个由液态向固态转化的过渡藻层。D、挤压过程:在停止供电的瞬间,对钢筋施加挤压力,把焊口部分熔化的金属,熔渣及其氧化物等杂质全部挤出结合面。(3)质量检验A、取样数量钢筋电渣压力焊接头的外观检查应逐个进行。强度检验时,以每批成品中切取三个试样进行拉伸试验。每300 个同类型接头(同钢筋级别、同钢筋直径)作为一批。足300 个时仍作为一批。B、外观检查a、接头焊

18、包应饱满和比较均匀,钢筋表面无明显烧伤等缺陷。b、接头处钢筋轴线的偏移不得超过钢筋直径的0.1 倍,同时不得大于2mm。C、接头处弯折不得大于4度。外观检查不合格的接头,应切除重焊或采取补强措施。D、拉伸试验钢筋电渣压力焊接头拉伸试验结果,三个试样均不得低于该级别钢筋的抗拉强度标准值。如有一个试样的抗拉强度低于规定数值,应取双倍数量的试样进行复验,复验结果,如仍有一个试样的强度达不到上述要求,则该批接头即为不合格品。1.3闪光对焊(1)材料及主要机具:A、主要机具:对焊机及配套的对焊平台、防护深色眼镜、电焊手套、绝缘鞋、钢筋切断机、空压机、水源、除锈机或钢丝刷、冷拉调直作业线。(2)作业条件:

19、A、焊工必须持有有效的考试合格证。B、对焊机及配套装置、冷却水、压缩空气等应符合要求。C、电源应符合要求,当电源电压下降大于5%,小于8%时,应采取适当提高焊接变压器级数的措施;大于8%时,不得进行焊接。D、作业场地应有安全防护设施,防火和必要的通风措施,防止发生烧伤、触电及火灾等事故。E、熟悉料单,弄清接头位置,做好技术交底。(3)工艺流程:检查设备选择焊接工艺及参数试焊、作模拟试件送试确定焊接参数焊接质量检验A、连续闪光对焊工艺过程:闭合电路闪光(两钢筋端面轻微接触)连续闪光加热到将近熔点(两钢筋端面徐徐移动接触)带电顶锻无电顶锻B、预热闪光对焊工艺过程:闭合电路断续闪光预热 (两钢筋端面

20、交替接触和分开)连续闪光加热到将近熔点 (两钢筋端面徐徐移动接触)带电顶锻无电顶锻C、闪光一预热闪光对焊工艺过程:闭合电路一次闪光闪平端面 (两钢筋端面轻微徐徐接触)连续闪光预热 (两钢筋端面交替接触和分开)二次连续闪光加热到将近熔点 (两钢筋端面徐徐移动接触)带电顶锻无电顶锻D、焊接工艺方法选择:当钢筋直径较小,钢筋级别较低,可采用连续闪光焊。采用连续闪光焊所能焊接的最大钢筋直径应符合规定。当钢筋直径较大,端面较平整,宜采用预热闪光焊;当端面不够平整,则应采用闪光一预热闪光焊。E、焊接参数选择:闪光对焊时,应合理选择调伸长度、烧化留量、顶锻留量以及变压器级数等焊接参数。F、检查电源、对焊机及



23、行自检,若发现偏心、弯折、烧伤、裂缝等缺陷,应切除接头重焊,并查找原因,及时消除。(4)主控项目:A、钢筋的品种和质量必须符合设计要求和有关标准的规定。 注:进口钢筋需先经过化学成分检验和焊接试验,符合有关规定后方可焊接。检验方法:检查出厂证明书和试验报告单。B、钢筋的规格、焊接接头的位置、同一截面内接头的百分比,必须符合设计要求和施工规范的规定。 检验方法:观察或尺量检查。C、对焊接头的力学性能检验必须合格。 力学性能检验时,应从每批接头中随机切取6个试件,其中3个做拉伸试验,3个做弯曲试验。 在同一台班内,由同一焊工完成的300个同级别、同直径钢筋焊接接头作为一批。若同一台班内焊接的接头数

24、量较少,可在一周之内累计计算。若累计仍不足300个接头,则应按一批计算。 检验方法:检查焊接试件试验报告单。 (5)一般项目: 钢筋闪光对焊接头外观检查结果,应符合下列要求: A、接头部位不得有横向裂纹。 B、与电极接触处的钢筋表面不得有明显烧伤,级钢筋焊接时不得有烧伤。 检验方法:观察检查。 C、允许偏差项目: a、接头处的弯折角不大于4。b、接头处的轴线偏移,木大于0.l倍钢筋直径,同时不大于2mm。 检验方法:目测或量测。(6)在钢筋对焊生产中,应重视焊接全过程中的任何一个环节,以确保焊接质量,若出现异常现象,应及时消除。A、烧化过分剧烈,并产生强烈的爆炸声 1. 降低变压器级数 2.

25、减慢烧化速度 B、闪光不稳定 1. 清除电级底部和表面的氧化物 2. 提高变压器级数 3. 加快烧化速度C、接头中有氧化膜、未焊透或夹渣 1. 增加预热程度 2. 加快临近顶锻时的烧化速度 3. 确保带电顶锻过程 4. 加快顶锻速度 5. 增大顶锻压力C、接头中有缩孔 1. 降低变压器级数 2. 避免烧化过程过分强烈 3. 适当增大顶锻留量及顶锻压力 D、焊缝金属过烧或热影响区过热 1. 减小预热程度 2. 加快烧速度,缩短焊接时间 3. 避免过多带电顶锻(6)对焊应具备以下质量记录: A、钢筋出厂质量证明书或试验报告单。B、钢筋机械性能复试报告。C、进口钢筋应有化学成分检验报告和可焊性试验报


27、件进行拉伸试验,三个试件均不得低于该级别钢筋的抗拉强度标准值。the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fat

28、alities directly punished 12 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment

29、 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is

30、directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of l

31、eadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1

32、 GB3323-2005living standards, poor farmers in less than complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. Five waters rule: the County invested 2.169 billion yuan, similar counties line the citys first complete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in the city, wo

33、n the provincial rural sewage treatment work better; key pollution sources such as electroplating, papermaking, chemical industry management through verification and acceptance of the municipal government, the County removed Black and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river ecological restora

34、tion effects. Three modified a split aspects: County total demolition illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 153%, split against area ranking city second; completed three modified area 4.846 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 403%,

35、ranking city third, which village in the a target completed total city ranking first; County Government was named city level three modified a split work advanced. These achievements are hard won and should be appreciated. However, we are fully aware, the new period, and work in the countryside and t

36、he environment facing higher standards and requirements, provincial party Committee offered to high level build a comprehensive well-off society goal requires no filth, dirty environment illegal buildings, into a well-off; municipal party Committee also proposes to build into the well-off benchmark

37、goals of the city. Compared with the superior claim, South Gate of XX beautiful goal, my County San Nong and environment there are a number of weaknesses and gaps, highlighted in the following five aspects: first, agriculture remained low pattern. Low is reflected in the quality and low; short, valu

38、e added of the industry chain is low; 123 fusion yield low employee age, low quality. Small is reflected in smaller, specialized cooperatives throughout the County there were 3,396, but on the scale of too little. San is reflected in production, management, services, decentralized, centralized, stan

39、dardized, brand, information and organizational level is not high. Second, the countryside is still in dirty phase. Dirty is dirty of rural sanitation situation has not changed. Chaos is a village in rural housing construction planning, construction of disorder, no drawings, no construction, no vett

40、ing four no phenomenon, heap lying there. Bad is the weak rural base, village governance is poor. Thirdly, farmers continued to be persistent look. Old is aging, rural labor force accounted for 70% over the age of 50. Big is that the reform measures ground resistance, such as the transactions of property rights, land replacement; public service supply gap, rural education, health care, pensions and other services can not meet the demand still difficult for poverty alleviation, with emphasis on poverty alleviation and 191. Hard is a peasants, peasants. Four water effects still lacks 第 11 页


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