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《The current economy has made job.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The current economy has made job.doc(20页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、The current economy has made job-hunting a vital skill set for increasing numbers of people. But even in the best of economic times, it pays to understand what you can do to make yourself more appealing in the marketplace. 现在的经济形势使得求职成为越来越多的就业者需要具备的一项重要技巧。但即使是在经济形势最好的时候,要懂得如何使自己在人才市场上变得更有吸引力也需要付出代价。

2、 Current career trends suggest that an individual will change careers at least 7 times during a lifetime. This reality presents the opportunity to fulfill several of our aspirations. No longer do we have to choose only one road. Instead, we can visualize a broader map, and believe that we will likel

3、y come across those other roads somewhere down the line. Increasing marketability is a sure way of being more prepared for a career change. The following are ten strategies for sharpening skills and increasing marketability: 1. Visualize. 想象 Set aside some time to think about where you are in life,

4、and where you want to be. Are you happy? What parts of your career excite you, and what frustrates you? Where do you want to be in five years? In ten? Give yourself permission to dream. 2. Take Inventory. 制作清单 What activities are you currently doing, both on the job and in your leisure time? What sk

5、ills do they require? How would you rate your skills? Which ones need improving? How could you sharpen them? Which skills do you enjoy using, and which skills do you wish you used more often? 3. Update your resume. 更新你的简历 Regularly update your resume. Visiting a local career center or scanning curre

6、nt resume books can keep your resume looking polished. You also may want to have resumes that highlight different skills. For example, you might have one specifically for management positions, and another for advertising positions. Also, keep hard copies of your resume close at hand and give it out

7、freely. 4. Attend Workshops. 参加培训 Take advantage of workshops offered by your employer. Dare to go to a training session that doesnt exactly fit your job. For example, if your job requires computer skills, in addition to computer-related workshops, consider attending a workshop on leadership. If you

8、r organization doesnt offer workshops, consider taking a course at a local community college. 5. Cross-train. 交叉性训练 Make your current job more interesting and enhance your skills at the same time by varying your job responsibilities. Continuously hone your skills that are transferable to other posit

9、ions, corporations, and even career fields. Always be quick to volunteer for opportunities to learn different skills. 6. Join committees. 参加协会 Committees are a great way to network and to improve skills. Vary the committees on which you serve. Chair (成为领导者) a committee. Choose to be on a committee t

10、hat will challenge you intellectually, emotionally, skill-wise, etc. In other words, make a decision to grow. 7. Do something different. 做些不同寻常的事情 Been doing the same thing for years? Maybe now is the time for change. Try something youve always wanted to do, but for whatever reason, havent yet. Youl

11、l learn more about yourself, enhance skills, make contacts, and feel alive again. 8. Make new contacts, strengthen the old. 结识新朋友,不忘老朋友 Networking is the primary way people get interviews. View every opportunity as a networking one. The goal isnt to determine, What can this person do for me, but fin

12、ding out what you and the other person have to offer each other. Form and maintain relationships at work, through your family, in social organizations, and in your community. Remember, you will need to nurture relationships through staying in touch with your contacts, sending cards, be alert to inte

13、resting articles, and other thinking of you activities. 9. Volunteer. 志愿者工作 Volunteering can expand your network and enhance skills. Its also an easy way to try out some of your career aspirations. Considering a career change that will take you out of the corporate world and into the lives of kids?

14、Try volunteering at your local school. Theres no career risk, just a chance to grow, learn about yourself and give back to your community. 10. Create a Marketability Plan. 制作一份推销计划 Perhaps the most important suggestion is to create a marketability plan. Take a good, hard look at yourself. Ask yourse

15、lf the tough questions. If I were an employer, would I hire me? Make a plan to increase your marketability. Which of these activities could you commit to trying in the next month? Set a goal and a time-line, and get started! 六级改错备考公式 -常见七大错: 动词 连词 平行结构 代词 语义矛盾 词性 固定搭配 以下列出常见错误公式,请细心体味: 动词: 谓语动词:时态,语

16、态,主谓一致 时态: do-did did-do 语态: 被动语态:be + v-ed + by(of/with.) eg.the countries which threatened by.(05年) 主谓一致:n. + (prep. + n.) + v 非谓语动词: doing-done 连词: 三大从句: 定语从句:.,that + 从句-which/who .prep + that/who + 从句-which/whom 名词性从句:that - what 状语从句:S + even/just + S 平行结构: do, do, and doing prep + do and doin

17、g N, like N-s, N-s. 代词: it-they/them its-their 语义矛盾: acceptance-rejection 词性:adj-adv,adv-adj 注意: 1:找一个安静的地方,抽一端完整的时间,把历年真题完全按照考试的要求做一遍!(有的人说,我已经作过N遍了,那这一步省略) 2:做完的按照后面的参考答案给自己每一个错误的地方标记!一定要动手标记!特别对于自己看到答案恍然大悟的题目,一定要着重标记!(有的人虽然做过,但是做完真题就是对完答案,自我安慰的算了下分数,就把题目扔了,万万不可取!) 3:重点是阅读!把自己分析的过程和自己在完全模拟的时候排除的答案

18、,和答案仔细对照,分析自己在做题目的时候为什么选的答案?为什么我经常排除了两个答案后,在余下的两个答案中选的是标准的/错误答案?把你选的答案和标准答案对照一下,分析两者之间的区别(一定要在原文中找到根据!)一切要以原文为根据!经过这一步,如果你有收获的话,恭喜,你至少已经拿了24分了!(以过级为目的话大大希望啊!) 4:为什么说你只拿了24分呢?还有最后的画龙点睛的一步:角色换位假设你就是命题组的人,你会怎么出题?你认为考生最有可能选什么答案?我出什么样的迷惑选项,考生最容易上当?仔细的分析,认真的揣摩,尤其是考六级的!(六级的弯子饶的让人呕血!)给你2周!够了!经过这一段的“炼狱”估计又可以

19、再多拿10分左右哦!这样的话,你的阅读基本上就是3436分了!(最低不少于30分!好的话就38分了,满分?咱们还是谦虚点),如果你经过这四个阶段,认真完成话,30分真的是十分十分的悲观估计了。 5:我们算总分:听力,这个?两周的时间即使你天天听VOA。水平也不见得突飞猛进,所以要讲究方法!方法就是:紧抓语气转折处!这是关键,听到什么but.although,and ,therefor之类的,大脑要高度紧张,因为下面就非常非常可能是考试的考点!没有必要天天听听力,我的态度是,得阅读者得天下!听力最好精听真题,阅读就死抓真题!即使你的水平再差,经过一段痛苦的精听,精练生活,两个大题最少也可以得到5

20、0分了 6:其余的题目应该怎么做?是计算加减法的问题了 7:后面的我也就不讲了,大家都是受过高等教育的人了不认真,什么都做不了即便我的考试技巧再多,再实用也是根基不稳的“空中楼阁”! 再讲一下作文,总的原则是:开头的2-3句话一定要没有明显的语法错误!结构建议采用三段式行列!为什么?你想一下:阅卷老师平均阅读每一张试卷的时间有限(我以前看的资料是30-45秒之间!)这就说明了他根本不可能逐字逐句的看完您的大作,所以中间的部分你就不用担心,只要把开头开好,结尾结好,最底你可以拿个及格分吧?(当然。字迹最好要工整,拼写没有什么明显的错误),中间的构词遣句没有必要用太难的短语或单词,真正出彩的在于用

21、简单的词语表达完整的意思! 补充:上述方法仅仅针对于应付万恶的四六级考试制度与真正的英语水平的提高无任何联系!英语要看积累就跟语文一样! 上述方法仅供参考,偶为之,有奇效!(定义域=20天) 真正要学东西,一定要努力,要认真啊! 为了坚定你对偶的信心现把我的四六级成绩告诉你:2004年6月:四级:64;2004年12月:六级:62!我就是为了过级而过级! 最后:期待你考场马到成功!别忘了把你的经验和大家一起分享啊:) 英文歌词:Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle Therere two things I know for sure. She was sent he

22、re from heaven, and she is daddys little girl. As I drop to my knees by her bed at night, she talks to Jesus And I close my eyes and I thank God for all of the joy in my life. Oh but most of all. For butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair. Walk beside

23、the pony daddy, its my first ride I know the cake looks funny daddy, but I sure tried. Oh, with all that Ive done wrong, I must have done something right To deserve a hug every morning and butterfly kisses at night. Sweet sixteen today. Shes looking like her mama, a little more every day. One part w

24、oman, the other part girl. To perfume and makeup from ribbons and curls. Trying her wings out in great big world But I remember Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair. You know how much I love you daddy, but if you dont mind Im only gonna kiss you on t

25、he cheek this time. Oh, with all that Ive done wrong, I must have done something right To deserve her love every morning and butterfly kisses at night. (Choir: All the precious time) Oh, like the wind the years go by (Choir: Precious butterfly, spread your wings and fly) Shell change her name today

26、Shell make a promise and Ill give her away Standing in the bride room, just staring at her. She asks me what Im thinking And I said Im not sure I just feel like Im losing my baby girl She leaned over. Gave me butterfly kisses with her mama there, Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair. Wal

27、k me down the aisle daddy, its about time Does my wedding gown look pretty daddy? Daddy dont cry Oh, with all that Ive done wrong, I must have done something right To deserve her love every morning and butterfly kisses. I couldnt ask God for more, man this is what love is I know I got to let her go.

28、but Ill always remember. Every hug in the morning and butterfly kisses. 中文歌词:世界上只有两样东西我可以确定 她是上天赐于的恩物,是父亲的小宝贝 夜晚,我曲膝在她的床前 闭着双眼,听着她与耶稣交谈 感谢主,赐予我生命这么多快乐 而这绝大部分的快乐来自于 睡前祷告后的蝴蝶之吻 朵朵小白花点缀在她的发间 跟在我的小马后面,爸爸,这可是我第一次骑马 蛋糕烤出来的样子很可笑,但我已经尽力了 哦,尽管我做了不少错事,但我肯定也做对了一些。 这样才配得上每天早上的拥抱 每天晚上的蝴蝶之吻 今天是我宝贝的十六岁生日 她看上去越来越象她

29、妈妈了 一半是女人,一半还是个女孩子 将要在一个大世界里展翅高飞 但我仍想起 睡前祷告后的蝴蝶之吻 朵朵小白花点缀在她的发间 你知道我有多么的爱你吗,爸爸。要是你不介意的话 这个时候我只想亲亲你的脸 哦,尽管我做了不少错事,但也肯定做对了一些 才配得上每天早上她的拥抱 和每天晚上的蝴蝶之吻 所有这宝贵的时光 就如清风一样吹散 我所珍爱的蝴蝶 即将展翅飞翔 今天她将要换上另外一个姓 站在新娘的房子里,我只是呆呆地望着她 她问我在想什么,我告诉她:“我也不知道, 我只是觉得我要失去我的宝贝女儿了” 接着她走近我,然后 给了我一个蝴蝶之吻,她的妈妈就在旁边 在她的头上插了一朵小花 时间到了,爸爸,

30、陪我踏上红地毯吧 爸爸,我的婚纱漂亮吗?爸爸,别哭 哦,尽管我做错了不少事情,但也肯定做对了一些 才配得上每天早上她的拥抱 还有那蝴蝶之吻 我不能再向主要求更多了,这就是爱 早上的每个拥抱,还有那蝴蝶之吻 (一) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a Letter of Apology. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 表达自己对晚交论文一事的歉意。 2. 说明未能按

31、时交论文的原因。 3. 表示自己将尽快把论文补交上并表示以后将按时交作业。 审题概述这是一封道歉信,写的时候要遵循道歉信的一般模式:开篇直奔主题,然后说明原因,最后提出可能的补救措施。第一段,对晚交论文及对此造成的后果表示歉意;第二段,说明理由(可信的理由,而不是随便应付老师的借口);第三段,表示尽快完成论文。 【范文】 A Letter of Apology Dear Mr. Wang, I am writing to apologize for my late homework. The paper which you have assigned to us last Monday was

32、 due this Friday, but to my regret, I havent even started it yet. I feel really sorry for not handing in the paper on time and for the inconvenience it would bring to you. I have caught a serious cold last week and the doctor asked me to stay in bed for a week since I was very weak and the weather w

33、as very cold these days. Therefore, I couldnt go to the library to get the necessary referential information which was needed for my paper. As a result of this, I have not started writing the paper yet and could not hand it in on time. Fortunately I have finally fully recovered. I will finish the pa

34、per as soon as I can and try my best to hand in homework on time in the future. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 第一段思路点评: 表明歉意 语言点提示: I am writing to apologize (say sorry) for :道歉信的常用开头句式 assign: 分配,指定,布置 due;到期的,预期的 Im sorry for the inconvenience it would bring to you: 另一句常用句式 第二段思路点评: 解释原因,虽然不是真的给人道歉,但是理由

35、还是要充分的好。 语言点提示: referential: 用作参考的 第三段思路点评: 表明尽快完成论文,并表示以后会按时交论文 语言点提示: try my best to. in the future: 道歉信常用结尾 相关阅读:恩波名师巨献:08年6月英语六级作文考前预测(二) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Income Gap. You should write at least 120 words following the out

36、line given below in Chinese: 1. 有些人认为收入差距的存在是合理的; 2. 有些人认为收入差距的存在是不合理的 3. 收入差距对社会的影响 审题概述议论文,根据题目要求文章可分为三点:收入差距的合理性;收入差距的不合理性;对社会的影响。在叙述第一、二点时,可适当地的展开一两个小点。注意各点之间的衔接,以及论证的逻辑。 范文Income Gap 1There has been a heated discussion over the growing income gap now. Some people hold that the gap is natural be

37、cause it 2reflects different contributions that different people make in their work. 3In their view, those people with high income work hard and long. Besides, these people bring high 4efficiency, and create more wealth. Accordingly, they deserve high pay. 1On the other hand, there are always some p

38、eople who view this gap negatively. They believe that a lot of crimes happen as a result of this income gap. Some people make so little from their work that they 2risk taking criminal acts to get rich. In fact, experts have long found out that most cases of crime are directly related to low income.

39、There is 3another point to 4back up a negative view against income gap. For most people, income gap may destroy the satisfaction that they obtain from work. 1As anything has two sides, so has the problem of income gap. Personally, I believe that this gap may 2motivate people to compete better in job

40、 market. When this gap is growing too wide, however, our government should make some policies to 3get rid of its negative consequences. 第一段思路点评:收入差距的合理性 语言点提示: 1 There has been a heated discussion over the growing income gap: 直接点题 2 reflect 意为“反映” 3 in ones view 意为“在某人看来”(分析观点时常用词组) 4 efficiency 意为“

41、效率” 第二段思路点评: 收入差距的不合理性 语言点提示 1On the other hand:意为“另一点、另一方面”(提出相反观点,与上文衔接) 2risk doing something 意为“冒险做某事” 3another point: 提出另一小点 4back up 意为“支持” 第三段思路点评: 收入差距的影响 语言点提示 1As anything has two sides, so. 议论文常用句式 2motivate:意为“激励,刺激” 3get rid of:意为“摆脱,除去” (一) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30

42、 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Immoral Behavior in Public. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1.我们经常在公共场合见到各种不道德的行为,叙述你的一次相关经历。 2.这些不文明行为会有哪些影响。 3.我们应该怎样改善这种现象。 审题概述r 这是一篇议论文,可以根据作文要求列出提纲:第一部分,列举不文明行为并叙述一次相关经历;第二部分,不文明行为的影响,一两个即可;第三部分,提出建议。 【范文】 I

43、mmoral Behavior in Public To witness 1immoral behavior in public, one need only visit the Beijing subway. I still remember the first time I took the Beijing subway. It was an early morning. I was in a hurry to go to school. When I was trying to get a ticket, I found a lot of people waiting in front

44、of me, but nobody was in the line. 1Immoral behaviors in public 2initiate a series of problems. One of the most serious ones is that it may exert a negative impact on our 3sense of social responsibility. We will keep ignoring other peoples rights and feelings, and in turn, we too will be disrespecte

45、d some day. The reform of1 this phenomenon is certainly not easy. With an eye on practical 2implementation and 3cost effectiveness , I propose that society make it clear in every way that people who fail to respect the common good will be seriously punished. Stricter policies for this should be made

46、 to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible. We all expect “A World without Thieves. Everyone 1shares the huge responsibility of 2demonstrating his or her justice at the proper time. Personal responsibility is vital to build a harmonious socialist society. 第一段思路点评: 作文要求第一点,相关经历 语言点提示: 1 immoral

47、behavior in public:直接点题 第二段思路点评: 不文明行为的影响 语言点提示: 1 immoral behavior in public:重复名词词组,与第一段衔接 2 initiate:意思是“产生,发动” 3sense of social responsibility:意思是“社会责任感” 第三段思路点评: 如何改善这些现象 语言点提示: 1 this phenomenon:指代前文“immoral behavior in public”,与上文衔接,且避免重复 2implementation:意为“执行,实施” 3cost effectiveness:意为“成本效率” common good:意为“公益” 第四段思路点评: 总结 语言点提示: 1share a huge responsibility: 意为“承担重大责任” 2demonstra


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