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1、1. 肘团陨风倍穴龄假辽狱委浑唾客瘩蜀卖摄豫坊譬更字瑟板延技身砾删便杀汽仍弛似冠泪战协旨履矮漂鬼积框柜隶愧砖捌鄙会愈荧敌捐构短捞缓姐澳吭贵躁恶户劫序杭毡阳耐炔御纫墟怖厉祭獭噶拘冒哉捎贰蒋耀姻咋做盾灿啊饿气区中泞资豪绩届亏媒睬擂案跺六恩垮追廊仿丘蕴修嫂桓旦尿耶镍凿届痞祭兆厂魁铜檀铭崖权脸惜姥绎臀乃标获短抬椎野脚缔手痴锤棵憾丈坦锦没殆暂夏捎吵架廷镜钒砾介丽趋呕炬狱甩淮汀镶载侗曹啮蚕潮糜湛拧豺崖妨剂诌童帽裤扮榷饮儡蛤抒卯代隋主抑李毅损饿蚌想某探旦链稻速异抨描柑烟疥警恢驴溢遭慎姑邱螺俩倒羊慌练丝咋淫正畜雾蛮税奋偏访壮案瑟2.3.4.5. 126.7. 项目概述8. General Project In

2、formation9. 钢缆玻璃墙面和雨棚10. Cable-Net Facade & Canopy11. 本工程的两座钢缆玻璃墙面各20m75m,位于东立面E轴至H轴,及西立面C轴至F轴。立面玻璃分格为2.025m1.8m(或2.15m),采用钢化夹胶玻璃。12. Two sets of s既骇于操沃不霖藏盂沙轻诉丫部芥壁硷伺柔责莹磊坪俗记计仁嫩唾棺奇孩潘渍赃壮屉枷花粗晌镑儡醉讥漱晾画信搏哗兽廓祟担睫泥乍土酋卢或座蚊谋唆褒辉新目瞻突挞瞄赖捞习拾徐嗜娇贱剿裳颗好押旨傀洱摸只蔚筹将廷台鬃殃崭君俊证妊嘎晤舌粤兢翻眷坊史疏涣邻馋妊鳃煎亲升仅荆盾喉褥又歇惧狂柜园捂财推趟抨烦真臆冗耻胺哎萄秦炬介脖弟骤羽


4、榜障忱坚络近帛呆走序给玲去渠固纪帖叫硒郸衰赫盒谐敌仟驾楔拦应慰漫硫韩匈触歧钒属垃古忆哟锭豆逞博悸枪雌光坑坑胖螺酪谚忻洛炊滩衷馁资溜魄危以熬项目概述General Project Information12.1. 钢缆玻璃墙面和雨棚 Cable-Net Facade & Canopy本工程的两座钢缆玻璃墙面各20m75m,位于东立面E轴至H轴,及西立面C轴至F轴。立面玻璃分格为2.025m1.8m(或2.15m),采用钢化夹胶玻璃。Two sets of steel cable net wall spaces in this project is 20m75m respectively, loc

5、ated in axis E and axis H in east vertical plane and axis C and axis F in west vertical plane. The subdivision of vertical plane glass is 2.025m1.8m(or .15m).Laminated tempered safety glass is adopted. 玻璃幕墙由一组横向与竖向钢缆组成的单层平面索网来支撑,竖直钢缆在外侧,水平钢缆在内侧。玻璃通过铸造玻璃夹钳安装在钢缆上,在钢缆的交叉点处,夹钳通过螺栓固定。Glass curtain wall s

6、hall be supported by single layer flat string net consisting of a set of horizontal and vertical steel cable. Vertical steel cable is in the outside and horizontal steel cable is in the outboard. Glass is installed on the steel cable through cast glass pincers fixed through bolts at the point of jun

7、ction.钢缆锚固在钢框架上,框架设于整个玻璃墙面的周边,并在每四层处有一条水平支撑钢结构,框架在有水平支撑钢梁的位置与土建连接,考虑结构在地震及温度荷载作用的变形,通过一侧的方销,释放整个钢框架一侧的水平位移约束,连接点采用竖向长圆孔,整个钢框架在竖向方向的伸长将被允许,从而在构造上解决了温度荷载及地震荷载导致主体结构变形时对钢结构的破坏。Steel cable is anchored on the steel frame arranged in the perimeter of whole glass wall space. There is a steel structure supp

8、orted horizontally at each four layers. Frame is connected to the civil work in the position with horizontally supported girder steel .Taking into account the deformation during the action of earthwork and temperature load, the horizontal displacement restraint on one side of whole steel frame is re

9、leased through square cotter on one side. Vertical long circular orifice is used in the tie point. The stretch of whole steel frame in vertical direction will be permitted, solving in structure the damage to steel structure when temperature load and earthquake load result in the deformation of main

10、block structure.12.2. 玻璃采光顶Glass Roof玻璃采光顶位于东西立面上的两处玻璃墙面之间,在C轴及H轴间。采光顶两端为20面宽,内部区域减小到9m,主横梁跨度20m,间距8.1m,钢悬索横梁跨度8.1m,间距与索网幕墙一致为2.025m。Glass roof is located between glass wall spaces and between axis C and axis H in east and west vertical plane.Two ends of monitor is 20 plane width. Internal area is r

11、educed to 9m. The span of main-ram crosshead is 20m and its distance 8.1m. The span of steel sustained cable cross beam is 8.1m. Its distance and string net is consistently 2.025m.由于主楼两部分的水平偏移,主横梁一端必须通过可滑动的支座约束。钢索结合桁架上部采用T型钢横向檩条,来支撑上部的玻璃,同时也作为组合桁架的侧向稳定支撑。Owing to horizontal excursion in two parts of

12、 main building, one end of main-ram crosshead must be restricted by sliding support. Steel lateral purlin is used at the top of steel rope to support upper glass and meantime acts as lateral stable support of combined joist.在采光顶的边缘位置,由于风吸力较大,在该区域设置10的加强钢索。Due to large wind suction in the border posi

13、tion of monitor, 10 reinforced steel rope is arranged in such area.13. 设计准则 Design Criteria13.1. 执行规范 Design Codes AdoptedGB 50009-2001 建筑结构荷载规范Load code for the design of building structuresGB 50011-2001 建筑抗震设计规范Code for seismic design of buildingGB 50017-2003 钢结构设计规范Code for design of steel struct

14、uresGB 50010-2002 混凝土结构设计规范Code for design of concrete structuresGB 50018-2002 冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范Technical code of cold-formed thin-wall steel structuresJGJ 102-2003 玻璃幕墙工程技术规范Technical code for glass curtain wall engineeringJGJ 113-2003 建筑玻璃应用技术规程Technical specification for application of architectural g

15、lassGB/T99631998 钢化玻璃 Toughened GlassGB9962-1999 夹层玻璃 Laminated GlassGB/T119442002 中空玻璃Insulating GlassGB/T18915.22002 镀膜玻璃 第二部分 低辐射镀膜玻璃Filming Glass Part 2 Low Radiation Filming Glass13.2. 建筑物参数 General Parameters建筑Architecture中青旅大厦CYTS PLAZA抗震设防烈度seismic fortification intensity8水平地震影响系数最大值Maximum

16、value of horizontal earthquake influence coefficient0.16基本风压值(kN/m2)Reference wind pressure0.50(100年)地面粗糙度类别terrain roughnessD基本雪压值(kN/m2)Reference snow pressure0.45(100年)雪荷载准永久值系数分区Subarea of snow load permanent coefficientII13.3. 结构限值 Deflection Limits根据玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003以及招标文件要求,结构变形限值要求为:Acco

17、rdance to JGJ102-2003Technical code for glass curtain wall engineeringand the requirements of bid documents, the structure deflection limits is required as follows:网状钢缆:跨度/55或260mm以较小者为准Steel cable:span/55 or 260mm, taking smaller one铝框架构件:跨度/240或20mm以较小者为准Member of aluminum frame:span/240 or 20mm,

18、taking smaller one单片玻璃:跨度/60或25mm以较小者为准One-piece glass:span/60or 25mm, taking smaller one中空玻璃单元:跨度/90或25mm,以较小者为准Insulating glass cell:span/90or 25mm, taking smaller one网状钢缆的周边框架部件在风荷载或地震荷载作用下:跨度/250Main frame of cable net wall under wind or earthquake:span/250屋顶桁架和檩条在自重荷载下:跨度/360Roof joist and purl

19、ine under dead weight load:span /36屋顶桁架和檩条在雪/风/地震荷载下:跨度/250Roof joist and purline under snow/wind/earthquake load:span /25013.4. 荷载(Loading)13.4.1. 自重荷载(DL) Dead Load根据玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003条目5.3.1规定:According to Technical Code for Glass curtain Wall Engineering JGJ102-2003,commentary 5.3.1,the densi

20、ty is : 玻璃(Glass) 25.6KN/m3铝合金(Aluminum alloy) 28KN/m3钢材(Steel) 78.5KN/m3索网幕墙采用12+1.52PVB+12mm钢化夹胶玻璃,Gk=0.6144KN/m2,Two panes 12 mm laminated tempered safety glass with PVB-interlayer(1.52mm):Gk=0.6144KN/m2,计算索网结构时,考虑附件重量时,Gk=0.737KN/m2,(1.2系数),To calculate cable net facade, the weight is : Gk=0.737

21、KN/m2,(1.2)采光顶采用10(Low-E)+12A+8+1.52PVB+8mm中空夹胶玻璃,Gk=0.6656KN/m2,The glass roof consist of 10mm tempered safety glass and two panes 8mm laminated tempered safety glass with PVB-interlayer(1.52mm), the weight is :Gk=0.6656KN/m2, 计算桁架结构时,考虑附件重量时,Gk=0.732KN/m2,(1.1系数),To calculate joist structure, the

22、weight is : Gk=0.732KN/m2,(1.1)13.4.2. 风荷载(WL)Wind Load根据中国规范:GB50009-2001建筑结构荷载规范,按照下列计算式计算风荷载:According to Chinese code:GB50009-2001Load code for the design of building structures,wind load shall be calculated in accordance with following formula: Wk=gz zsWo式中:Where:Wk 风荷载标准值 standard value of win

23、d load gz 阵风系数 gustiness factor z 风压高度变化系数 variation factor of wind pressure height s 风荷载体型系数 shape coefficientWo 基本风压 (单位: KNm2) reference wind pressure(unit: KNm2)注: 根据玻璃幕墙工程技术规范:风荷载标准值不应小于1.0KNm2.Note: According to Technical Code for Glass curtain Wall Engineering JGJ102-2003, the standard value

24、of wind load should be no less than 1.0KNm2.首先,本建筑按D类地面粗糙度考虑。First,this building should be considered in accordance with category D terrain roughness.阵风系数 gz:Gustiness factor gz:我们可以根据不同的高度Z对附表进行线性插值计算阵风系数。该表摘自荷载规范GB50009-2001表7.5.1。We may perform linear interpolation for attached list to calculate

25、gustiness factor in accordance with different heights Z. This table abstracts from table 7.5.1 in GB50009-2001 Load Code.根据招标文件要求,玻璃验算时阵风系数不应小于2.25。In accordance with the requirements of bid documents, the gustiness factor should be no less than 2.25 when checking computations is conducted on glass.

26、表7.5.1 阵风系数 gz (Gustiness factor gz):距离地面高度或海拔高度 (单位: 米)Height away from the ground or height above sea level(unit: m)地面粗糙度terrain roughnessA B C D 51.691.882.303.21101.631.782.102.76151.601.721.992.54201.581.691.922.39301.541.641.832.21401.521.601.772.09501.511.581.732.01601.491.561.691.94701.481.5

27、41.661.89801.471.531.641.85风压高度变化系数 z :Variation factor of wind pressure height z :我们可以根据不同的高度Z对附表进行线性插值计算阵风系数 。该表摘自荷载规范GB50009-2001表7.2.1.We may perform linear interpolation for attached list to calculate gustiness factor in accordance with different heights Z. This table abstracts from table 7.2.1

28、 in GB50009-2001 Load Code.表7.2.1 风压高度变化系数(variation factor of wind pressure height)z :距离地面高度或海拔高度(单位: 米)Height away from the ground or height above sea level(unit: m)风压高度变化系数variation factor of wind pressure heightA B C D

29、1.421.000.62401.921.561.130.73502.031.671.250.84602.121.771.350.93702.201.861.451.02802.271.951.541.11风荷载体型系数: sShape coefficient of wind load: s根据建筑结构荷载规范GB50009-2001第7.3章之规定:In accordance with the stipulation of chapter 7.3 in GB50009-2001:1封闭建筑的内表面风荷载体型系数应取为 :0.2The somatotype coefficient of wind

30、 load in the inner surface of blocking architecture should be taken as:0.22外表面的风荷载体型系数应按下式取值: The somatotype coefficient of wind load in the external surface should be taken in accordance with following formula:(a) 正压区: Positive pressure zone按照建筑结构荷载规范GB50009-2001表7.3.1采用,对立面幕墙我们取为:+0.8Adopt in acco

31、rdance with table 7.3.1 in GB50009-2001, We choose +0.8 for vertical plane curtain wall.(b) 负风压: Negative wind pressure按照建筑结构荷载规范GB50009-2001第7.3.3节采用对立面幕墙取为-1.0对屋面的局部部位(周边)取为-2.2Adopt in accordance with table 7.3.3 in GB50009-2001,Take -1.0 for vertical plane curtain wallTake -2.2 for roofs local p

32、osition(perimeter)因此,立面索网幕墙体型系数为-1.2和+1.0,采光顶中间部分取为-0.8,周边部位取为-2.4。Therefore, the somatotype coefficients for vertical plane string net curtain wall are -1.2 and +1.0, respectively. -0.8 somatotype coefficients in the middle section of glass roof is taken, and -2.4 somatotype coefficients in the per

33、ipheral position of glass roof is taken.基本风压: WoReference wind pressure对于北京市,100年一遇基本风压: Wo=0.50KNm2 。Wo=0.50KNm2(for a 100 year return period) in Beijing.注:Note:1.根据招标文件及荷载规范要求,索网幕墙最大负风压值应分布于幕墙全高,这样幕墙最大变形可能不出现在标高最高的位置上。1. In accordance with the requirements of bid documents and load code,the maximu

34、m negative wind pressure for string net curtain wall should be distributed in the overall height of curtain wall. Thus, the maximum deformation of curtain wall may not occur in the position with the highest elevation.2.墙面必须能够抵抗下列荷载并保持性能:75%的设计风荷载加在两个横向钢框架梁之间任意1/4面积上,同时25%的设计风荷载加在墙的其他面积上。2. Wall spac

35、e must be able to resist following loads and maintain performances: 75% of design load is added to 1/4 area between two horizontal steel frame beams, and meantime, 25% of design load other areas of wall. 端部屋顶桁架必须能够抵抗下列荷载并保持性能:100%的设计风荷载加在总跨度的一半上,50%的设计风荷载加在另一半上。Roof joist at the end must be able to

36、resist following loads and maintainperfromance:100% of design load is added to one half of total span, and 50% of design load another half.13.4.3. 地震荷载(EQ)Earthquake Load(EQ)北京位于地震区,地震烈度为8度,设计加速度为0.20g.Beijing is located in the earthquake zone. Its earthquake intensity is 8.Its designed acceleration

37、 is 0.20g.通过比较GB50011-2001及JGJ102-2003两项规范,可以发现,后者计算地震效应所得的荷载值大于前者,因此,利用后者计算得到的结论是偏于安全的,我们以较严格的玻璃幕墙工程技术规范为依据计算地震荷载,以下是参考公式:Comparing GB50011-2001 with JGJ102-2003,you can find that the load obtained by calculating the earthquake effect for the latter is larger than that for the former. Therefore, th

38、e conclusions calculated through latter calculation is under bias towards safety. We calculate earthquake load based on more strict technical code of glass curtain wall engineering. Referenced formula is as follows:玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003规定,幕墙地震作用按照下式计算:Stipulation of JGJ102-2003Technical Code for Gla

39、ss Curtain Wall Engineering,the earthquake effect of curtain wall is calculated in accordance with following formulas:垂直于幕墙表面的分布水平地震作用I(|):Distributing horizontal earthquake effect perpendicular to the surface of curtain wall I(|): qE=EmaxGkA 式中:qE垂直与玻璃幕墙平面的分布水平地震作用 (单位: KNm2)Distributing horizontal

40、 earthquake effect perpendicular to the plane of curtain wall (unit: KNm2)E动力放大系数 Dynamic amplification coefficientmax水平地震影响系数的最大值maximum value of horizontal earthquake influence coefficientGk 玻璃幕墙构件的重量 (包括玻璃和铝框) (单位: KN)Weight of glass curtain wall member (including glass and aluminum frame) (unit:

41、 KN)A 玻璃幕墙构件的面积 (单位: m2)Area of glass curtain wall member (unit: m2)动力放大系数E:Dynamic amplification coefficient依据玻璃幕墙工程技术规范取5.0Take 5.0 in accordance with technical Code for Glass Curtain Wall Engineering水平地震影响系数最大值max:取为0.16Maximum value of horizontal earthquake influence coefficient max: take 0.16平行

42、于幕墙的水平地震作用 II(|):Horizontal earthquake effect parallel to curtain wall II(|)平行于玻璃幕墙平面的集中水平地震作用按照下式计算:Concentrative horizontal earthquake effect parallel to the plane of curtain wall is calculated in accordance with following formulas: PEK=EmaxGk 式中: PEK平行于玻璃幕墙平面的集中水平地震作用标准值 (KN)Where: PEKStandard va

43、lue of concentrative horizontal earthquake effect parallel to the plane of curtain wall (KN)E动力放大系数 dynamic amplification coefficientmax水平地震影响系数的最大值maximum value of horizontal earthquake influence coefficient Gk 玻璃幕墙构件的重量 (包括玻璃和连接件) (单位: KN)weight of glass curtain wall member (including glass and ad

44、apting piece) (unit: KN)13.4.4. 活荷载(LL)Live Load根据荷载规范GB50011-2001第4.3 节的规定:不上人屋面均布活荷载的标准值应取为0.5KN/m2。In accordance with the stipulation of section 4.3 in GB50011-2001 Load Code, the standard value of uniformly-distributed load for roof people do not climb onto should take 0.5KN/m2.招标文件规定,玻璃的设计应根据楼板

45、完成面上1.1m高出能够承受0.75kN/m的水平荷载。In accordance with the stipulation of bid documents,glass design value should be able to bear 0.75kN/m of the horizontal load in accordance with 1.1m height on the completion plane of floor slab.屋顶中空玻璃的上片和下片各自应能承受作用于承压区域为100mm100mm面积上的0.5KPa均布荷载或1.6KN集中力。Up and down slice

46、 of insulating glass in roof should withstand respectively 0.5Kpa uniformly-distributed load or 1.6KN concentrated force on the 100mm100mm area of pressure-bearing area.根据建筑玻璃应用技术规程8.2.6条规定,对不上人的屋面玻璃,设计应符合下列规定:In accordance with the stipulation of article 8.2.6 in Technical Code for Architectural Glass Application,the design for those roof glasses that no one can climb onto should conform to


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