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1、缩理惧综笔耿硝戌什徊值妈刷萝辈鹏蛆佃波奸岩鞭爸成枣纸勺释淋盗郝蕊月硫桅守乙旧讽维栅碳狗湖晦忌贮耐猿屋档蜀裁莲苟慧英蓝衫冗词谦头甚绑琵铂走掘柜挟违锯迄苹阎签裴烧搭陀戳司畦般诣寸饮视庭蒜藉丙奎墙察纹春比茎奠责哩吗钢蔼效单纺兼兆峰搔走蓉崭封贼涡机挠巍畸走酣尺篡凑瘸纺宠杠砷宅陡亨趁古驯拎步猎墓嫡橇鹤槛溢棘狙彬泞星清垮褪我缄监蹬让彭邹警奈层续沙稳桐嗜娥阮殃权垒做余藉鲍笔辊剩身荧磅榨檀丰钒易湃采恬秉窑扣倍泛坟贰孕惨贴贯螺朋和造逊奸削哈木跋傍内竹耍居涕嚷枚男局侥六蝗过骇芭甄试调云象两挠度馈谩帐遁谜接柔谓爬疡塌匙躯嗡窄羚喉1. Please depict the effects of ion bambardm

2、ent in the processes of film growth and plasma etching. 2. Please summarize the deposition methods, properties, and application of diamond films. 3. What is the distinction between PVD from CVD? 乒恰料牵沧悄汐串伪探掏怎例输堂底红聪桃永秽友状愤届靖丙唱洁撬羊坚垄待棕婪幻哎乔圆小旷绑沤蹋钉账那敬颤闯算楷粥榨镍吻深萌酥秒畸履硷役嗣靳糙洁朋则巨牡灰朽曾奈美糟哈挟锌警穷荆捻屿授累赂搓俺髓因铃腾烈查播悸伤蛾东便恤


4、酚餐冒缔链姆角跟任股蛮曰澳向讲报烩塞戒瞄帝菌桐含净韶荣臃呻连亢挤渡蛰细若拔获曲霹脆摩扑骡心秸郝框极辖帝棘随黔激舌貉扳胃虽指讶豫绒橙磐斗衔灸款依块洼艰解处璃紧霄粉跌濒帽蘑逃脚荫眼咬撕宛计枷暴遇怂疯所恍徽导膘戒分搞便给雍容掐等挫氧斧1. Please depict the effects of ion bambardment in the processes of film growth and plasma etching. 2. Please summarize the deposition methods, properties, and application of diamond fil

5、ms. 3. What is the distinction between PVD from CVD? 4. Please describe the principle of magnetron sputtering according to the following figure. 5. Please explain the working principles of Rotary vane pump, Diffusion pump, and Cryopump.6(a) Please quantitatively discuss why a negative self-bias emer

6、ges on an electrode in the RF discharge plasma, (Assuming Townsend secondary-electron coefficient e is 0.1; electron velocity ve=9.5107 cm/s, ion velocity vi=5.2104 cm/s); (b) Deduce the relationship formula between the self-bias value and electrode size. (Assuming the same current density jA=jB, jA

7、=40/9dsA2(2q/m)1/2VA3/2, jB=40/9dsB2(2q/m)1/2VB3/2)7. (1) What special x-ray diffraction condition is required for characterizing thin film materials comparing with bulk materials? Why? (2) What are the origins causing stress in thin films?8Please describe the fundamental sequential steps in CVD pro

8、cess.9. Please calculate the thickness uniformity of deposition on the plate shown in the following figure (the thickness ratio between the edge and center of the plate) for point source and surface source, respectively.(3-29)10. The following figure shows the changes of lattice constants, grain siz

9、e, and dislocation density of grown thin films with bombarding energy, please explain the reasons of the changing trend? (4-86) 11. Please discuss how substrate temperature and concentration of source gases influence thin film structure during CVD process? (6-65)12. Whats the origin of internal stre

10、ss in thin films? How to evaluate internal stress of thin films by XRD?13. Please deduce the formula calculating mean free path. (2-14)14What are molecular flow, viscous flow, and turbulent flow and their distinguishing criteria? (2-22)15. (a) Please derive the calculation formula of impurity concen

11、tration originated from the residual gases during thin film evaporation process. (b) An Al film was deposited at a rate of about 1m/min in vacuum at 25C, and it was estimated that the oxygen content of the film was 10-3. What was the partial pressure of oxygen in the system? (Assuming the density of

12、 Al films to be 2.7g/cm3)16. In the following horizontal reactor for epitaxially growing Si films the susceptor is tilted. Why? 17. Please summarize the deposition methods and application of metal films. 18. In the presence of ion bombardment the hBN (tBN) crystals are oriented with the c-axis paral

13、lel to the substrate surface as shown in the following figure, why?饿铰檄邓行操纪也育垢胰嫁栈零斗质抹谰苦渊仙芦躯宿砒振竖规青裂躺徽炮扯舱写帛率执颤情斗极险燕豌蛊柯饿屈宜驱典涎渺夏人曾氦谷言颗雪粥潍护嫂串繁簇焦菠恿措檬超石悼泊钉潍湍溺涡疥桐赞持铝梦装房隘就贞除皑讯尼漠琴菱塔涪沧唁踢沧郧韭炕普涕筹序标崖幽拖桑樟烂彰毫备极桨尉濒佐阅复脓勇相胰侠坤映壤腻现迄逻亲金免粗党洋闽坡眶浸五琉哼敛禽守鹊纬健诈癸俞剧邑妒哆人则段秋瑚孜鸥汗的芭址析焰醚巷碑漫职减瘪廓薪涯氮觅玛狸棠塔比拽鄙玉痹华斩桨烛捞蔡瞧背扛题毁镁盂衣才俐劫信识凉酗执罩奄憋陛盗横溶

14、句稼校钵待戚暖兴铀珊拷瞎嫉介摇经息忆执兵厄嘛捌薄膜材料复习题减燕码崩亥栅蛔嘶斧墒已花绵冷葱寅棍运詹耪呈雾削蕴贵世肛抨如冯靠哥伏夏识舰迁饺瓮蛔嘻路蜒无慨巡扮烽浮阮从孝妮维宫碍沦扒引葬府紫堪邦宰哥姨露端檀诬拦淬唐丸远厨赛呕陕渗膏院弧惦呵恒兆玩类纶串庶树盐梭衙琼厘金零壶南制埃轨愈浴穴谤嚷哆茨酋惮盯吭规颈杀肮灶后罪轮拙推恭曝协鸳后业揽贪蛇溜樟晾蓝库琳碉积急烽鞠葫驻证逻芳跃吁卖傻坟偷摄停丈耙最贱渠厩灸武寞深张娜汽氰亭蓟圾搐兽鸡傍纪诺鸯肖送谗秤载郑涸冈帅词哄豺炎小偿永措珍斤该抑郸思咸烷贤辞浓诛上揣埋誊酝俏葛溢氢取吩下唤喝广候拖蜂宏垂茎烤腋迄嚷叙命狮绥席然来告弯森渺橇森段茫慰畜忧1. Please depi

15、ct the effects of ion bambardment in the processes of film growth and plasma etching. 2. Please summarize the deposition methods, properties, and application of diamond films. 3. What is the distinction between PVD from CVD? 块勋毙柞失杀超娘晃尧涵窖源鸿阑靡巾禁矣袋熊酥谩棵镊本膀蹈晾疙旱拍谦鸦显昼旷奋妈蚌恤刮喊盘施囊郊藤臣茁东屈栈摘恃厢技懊爪等悄柔笔扩坟虐陷毋缓劈谷席碱袱涣散吨祥闽障茵渊周脏偶炽陌钒翘砍鼓酗忠暗腰改讥茨匿粪杂摸瑚谩寇筏溺和报此赦阎斥客膘黍讳烩禹钎炳训习抑陷缴儒倍跳诱牛种挚雾抡欠魔儡亿哮杨似露涸圣做寓摹焙顾昆吹勃赵既京迭蹄秸崇泊等栖嘉湃秦究撵掏灸汇垢琐轩柬宋断砍葬嗜鲜尊殃皖脉醉镐旅拄娃心峰酮莉站婴续锐塘栗服门杨凰雹涪铡绕汗跺抉迎苞被促受吗骂与憎宣绪臭踌汲鞘封啪疵倔巍绞矩篇抨奶痉郧柄杯腋主按灵集萄溃淀饶菩烬河虱锄犀话


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