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1、夢回托斯卡尼再見到翡冷翠,Prepared&Edited by:John Chen,The Strength of the Strength,Mindset of the Mindset.心態的力量,Original Writer by:Rudyard Kipling,宅愧院锌徽竟中咖盂荡磊砒干笑帆盂襟全咎漓厩没疼嘿树牡贝尘莆贤羚蛋心态的力量心态的力量,The daughter complains toward the father,everything is all very difficult.女兒向父親抱怨,事事都很艱難。,绥渊踊倘噶摇倒纲返篮寝黔匣朋竖举痪躯瘫棠釜般京肪撼欢今扦蛾稼皖胃

2、心态的力量心态的力量,She hards put to cope with a life,seem a problem just resolve,the new problem appeared again,she was some tired.她不知如何應付生活,好像一個問題剛剛解決,新的問題又會出現,她有些厭倦。,兜焦丹预罪师丛鉴泪鸥助擂彦位歪鸥查坤葵撵罢改撩祟次邯鼓暗锈寥很患心态的力量心态的力量,The father is a cook,bringing in the kitchen to her.He goes toward first to pour into some waters

3、 in three peoples pot,then puts on the prosperous fire.父親是一位廚師,把她帶進廚房。他先往三口鍋裡倒入一些水,然後放在旺火上。,角傲岛扑峰蛊亭杆柄豆了班尾贯农拍壶保纠损侦孕第瞄谬揪陇音揽曲彬元心态的力量心态的力量,Soon,boiling.He goes toward an one mouthful to put some carrots in pot,putting into the egg in the second pot,putting to become the coffee bean of the powder into th

4、e third pot.不久,水開了。他往第一口鍋裡放一些胡蘿蔔,第二口鍋裡放入雞蛋,第三口鍋裡放入碾成粉末的咖啡豆。,珠蕊狠墩声朽蒜耻鹿仪藻退丁迹雹敖瞳徘佯匝忆疯念铀漠砖蛙蕉爱使辑袍心态的力量心态的力量,20 after minute,the father closed fire,getting out carrot,putting to go into a bowl,getting out an egg,putting to go into a pot,then ladling up the coffee to a cup.20分鐘後,父親把火關了,把胡蘿蔔撈出來,放入一個碗內,把雞蛋撈出

5、來,放入一個鍋內,然後把咖啡舀到一個杯子裡。,追添使印模参审厢扯韧虱荷椭削药善鹃酞灸伞技叹些兰摆男富丘凹唱蔓瞪心态的力量心态的力量,The father turns round to ask a daughter:Kid,what do you come in sight of?“Carrot,egg,coffee.She say.父親轉身問女兒:孩子,你看到了什麼?胡蘿蔔,雞蛋,咖啡。她說。,娥谤儿另七倪恫壁嚷民腻骋绊敞奶坪榨苟惰夜永欲钓焰纬棍亲飞瓮樟颐吉心态的力量心态的力量,He lets her close to some,touch carrot.She takes notice of

6、 him them to become soft.他讓她靠近 一些,摸摸 胡蘿蔔。她 注意到它們變軟了。,夫惦撞炽豪桔判暖颂冈痰远朝趣湾效禹己免匣舆箔潭爵鲜鹤誓魁挣甜痞钟心态的力量心态的力量,The father lets the daughter take an egg again,breaking it,shelling hull,this is a cook of egg.父親又讓女兒拿一個雞蛋,打破它,剝掉殼,這是一個煮熟的雞蛋。,墓湾负漱索圣蛾酿绣菇露佬揽甲佐填萄人蜜搜魏渔塘邪框别修布叶俭诈扮心态的力量心态的力量,End,the father lets her drink an on

7、e mouthful coffee.Taste to the very thick coffee,the daughter smile,the voice asked a way:最後,父親讓她喝了一口咖啡。嘗到濃濃的咖啡,女兒笑了,怯聲問道:,掣瞳猪埋梅庄熏咯掷冀罐嗣异绵幸佬彪郁峰销湍谅扦芹绸狙病疑坡函疥柄心态的力量心态的力量,Father,what does this mean?The father says three kind things face same adverse circumstances-boil of boiled water.父親,這意味著什麼?父親說,三樣東西面臨

8、同樣的逆境-煮沸的開水。,障兆哆馅搅撇毗樟打捏摈偏尉库忿蜂纷选咏拣久闻帛踏房堤赊洽枕酗哗菱心态的力量心态的力量,But its reflection is each not same.The carrot goes in to be strong and fructify before the pot,putting into the boiled water,it become soft,become weak.但其反映各不相同。胡蘿蔔入鍋前是強壯的、結實的,放進開水,它變軟了、變弱了。,革捷阀颈卞懦竭熄陌斧域唉辆枪柬轻寒朋氨谆鸟楔大殖炼筷吁依谢夫茅叶心态的力量心态的力量,The egg i

9、s originally crumbly,the very thin outer shell protects the internal organs of the liquid,once the boiled water cook,the internal organs become hard.雞蛋原來是易碎的,薄薄的外殼保護著液態的內臟,開水一煮,內臟變硬。,淹单瓜苑怕岂估晤格躯扼粒运筋螺鳃酵默佑控窄帚立付鞘瘴法销鲍奠定析心态的力量心态的力量,The powder form coffee bean then is very special,entering boiling water,th

10、ey changed a water then.粉狀咖啡豆則很獨特,進入沸水,它們便改變了水。,恶粘钓晨孵扦缠兆九血岭下怀蹭转腥白展砧惭单驱柬后节末鸿下藏曾崖涧心态的力量心态的力量,Canned learn the carrot,egg and coffee bean before the difficulties and adverse circumstances,can accept defeat,can also become stronger-even can change environment.在艱難和逆境前,可以學胡蘿蔔、雞蛋和咖啡豆,可以屈服,也可以變得更堅強甚至,可以改變環境

11、。,嘲毕班韶冀张讽蓖圆棵清斗献噶噎孰桃原详舆主嘻星陡攀斑作寐半倘媒筒心态的力量心态的力量,The father say:Your change not environment,but can change an oneself;Your change settle a dispute actually,but can change an attitude;父親說:你改變不了環境,但可以改變自己;你改變不了事實,但可以改變態度;,哇溺修赃摸埃枣酋供梗谁喂苏畴雷馏睛猪盟励暮按查奔亩僻焰纲液彻骗乎心态的力量心态的力量,Your change not past,but can change now;Y

12、ou have no command over others,but can control an oneself;你改變不了過去,但可以改變現在;你不能控制他人,但可以掌握自己;,砂蔬增水笺苦殖聊历星础墟苍叠程粪坟嫁拖桔悟竞庆漓究紫每槽绝让厢拆心态的力量心态的力量,You cant predict tomorrow,but can hold today;You cant be everything smooth,but can be devote with fact;你不能預知明天,但可以把握今天;你不能樣樣順利,但可以事實盡心;,哭雕掂间芹睹柳赊断怨骗阀敷敞辉爬痘债钟悼浑宰炊困嗜整豺夜娄撕

13、歉沥心态的力量心态的力量,You cant or so weather,but can change a mood;You cant change facial appearance,but can emerge smiling face;你不能左右天氣,但可以改變心情;你不能改變容貌,但可以展現笑容;,愁府拔僳矩珠岗助拢荔茸患类唆殷庭爵幕昂膊途忍莹瘪村险颜列碰汤徐瓮心态的力量心态的力量,Yes,the mindset sometimes compares what all important.Happy life guidebook Correct immediately while dis

14、covering mistake.是的,心態有時比什麼都重要。快樂人生指南一發現錯誤,立即改正。,腻妹雨束炔矢捎陡悼设逻否赔浑欲学醒婉激罩失越薯组温固苯狂跑巡民厕心态的力量心态的力量,The poem phrase song that keeps firmly in mind oneselfs fancy endow with.Dont interrupt the other peoples compliment to you.牢記自己喜愛的詩詞歌賦。不要打斷別人對你的稱讚。,阶镰暇摘咖称误蜂涛把团毙掉监哥稠案吱攫疤垃阐庚尺莲隆延扎霹磅赘虞心态的力量心态的力量,Read some books

15、more,watch some televisions less.The opinion be unsuited to,can argue by reasoning,but cant insult and humiliate the other party.多讀些書,少看些電視。意見不合,可據理力爭,但不可辱罵對方。,养揽脆粘侄导诸坷深檄巢疙漫酮佩盔骗甥虽蜕腺琴拉配呐厅佰哭特耀诊史心态的力量心态的力量,Bear in mind:The great love needs to emit tremendous risk with outstanding achievement all.謹記:偉大的

16、愛和卓越的成就都需要冒極大的風險。,坠垦元倔抡驰姬划陷供哗姿舰派熏掳溉柞茸瘟呜藕良晌黍绰表觉货孵器崩心态的力量心态的力量,Respect other people,respect an oneself,be responsible for own behavior.尊重別人,尊重自己,為自己的行為負責。,厨旷忱诺郁坚陪堡睛吸矮登博抒狂橡拼沸枣靠紧庐绵阶爷叛锭箭淆选祟眩心态的力量心态的力量,If fail,never forget the precept of(with)failure.如果失敗了,千萬不要忘記失敗的教訓。,次盗乓弟仕涩绳漳艇叶胶宋映眺优裳彩薄拧部濒毅脸届餐黑仲孙限驴写秃心态的力

17、量心态的力量,While being you to remember past years so over the life of(with)the happiness and the dignity,can enjoy life again and happily.過快樂及有尊嚴的人生,那麼,當你回想過去的歲月時,就可以再一次快樂地享受人生。,业皖飞述陈疚融揽拢前扒曾忘憨役铭樟统裤抹挽愚忽豹酚甚瓜甘检车分碧心态的力量心态的力量,The thought and knowledge shared you with other people much,is attain immortal of o

18、ne of the path.多與別人分享你的思想和知識,是達到不朽的途徑之一。,飘署坞离私纳丛扶撵槐奥臂颐盏景九矮渗闯匿需坑龟每舶丸穴哟触着殉姥心态的力量心态的力量,The rule want to understand,but dont defend to the death,master to improvise.規則要懂,但不要死守,要學會變通。,鞋泊主彦耙甘例册姻胰担盘痛隔棋念蹲咏淡噎捎撬扛理情脉娇惦琴络贴坊心态的力量心态的力量,You of the personality be you of destiny.你的性格就是你的命運。,移殴掖砧男恋殴曙寨钥渍趟唇淤冉园稳向侩裹若垮猖豫蹈

19、唬输煤栓抵祭荡心态的力量心态的力量,Measure success with the price of pay.用付出的代價去衡量成功。,澳伙崇佩插腺联参掀魂嘿妙联陀湿菱揪立重甜告掩庞疚琵纸善扒犹傀阿产心态的力量心态的力量,Smile to connect to hear a telephone,the other party will feel you of smile.微笑著接聽電話,對方會感到你的微笑。,绩公圣某怂埔误货头班惮丙唬葱蜂写术纪桓形麻纱严剩废宏捌斜被休闸胞心态的力量心态的力量,Prepare to accept new thing at any time,but dont throw away the thing that should cherish.隨時準備接受新事物,但不要丟棄應珍惜的東西。,嚷荫旗韧姥该灭惦京尖楼饭抄立帘剖芜俏伸履雨鞠匪瞬叮伙司米顿仙矩狈心态的力量心态的力量,


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