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1、Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social development. The main task of the meeting was, on rural wo
2、rk and conscientiously implement the Central, provincial and municipal five water treatment, three to split series of important conferences, learn from the past, study deployment priority tasks this year. Just now, the XXX Deputy head and Deputy County magistrate, respectively, on the work of the XX
3、 was fully deployed, and put forward specific measures and requirements about is in place. County Environmental Protection Bureau, the XX town, town of XX 3 units for a position statement, resounding, demonstrated determination and confidence. Conference also recognition has advanced representative,
4、 this, I also representative County, and County Government, to by recognition of advanced said warm of congratulated! to rural, and water and three modified a split front General cadres workers extend sincere of greeting! following, I again told five points views: a, and deepening awareness, further
5、 enhanced work of sense and urgency since party of 18 session v plenary proposed has innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared five big development concept Hou, rural and environment governance work can said was upgrade to has more high of strategy level, is Thirteen-Five build w
6、ell-off a top priority task. XX, County besides lingxi, Longgang, jinxiang, the Treasury, the hills, several industrial town outside the city centre, is basically belong to other rural areas, area, the vast rural population. Same time, the current and coming period, is the County into a crucial peri
7、od of the South Gate of XX beautiful, environmental regulation directly affects the effectiveness of the strategic objectives can not be achieved. Therefore, the focus on rural work and five water treatment, three to split, the XX economic and social development has an important role. Last year, thr
8、ough the joint efforts of the County, reform of the agricultural and rural development has made great progress in our County, environmental remediation and achieved initial results. Three agriculture agricultural modernization level continues to increase, new 4-level modern agriculture Park, release
9、d 20 agricultural leading enterprises above the county level, the County area of 200 acres of land more than eco-leisure, investments of more than 5 million Yuan reached more than more than 100 agricultural projects. Rural development has improved continuously, boutique line 1 completed the beautifu
10、l countryside, fine village 17, beautiful rural development conference was held in lingxi peach Lake in the city. Promote comprehensive rural reform, included in the provinces building three in one system of farmers cooperative economic organization first promoting the County. Improvement of farmers
11、D64-D65段公路路基挡土墙工程公路路基挡墙施工方案编 制: 审 核: 审 批: 河南黄金建筑安装公司二零一四年十二月五日methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its
12、 alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mecha
13、nical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009
14、 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG . Pressur
15、e gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures hav
16、e been taken,living standards, poor farmers in less than complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. Five waters rule: the County invested 2.169 billion yuan, similar counties line the citys first complete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in the city, w
17、on the provincial rural sewage treatment work better; key pollution sources such as electroplating, papermaking, chemical industry management through verification and acceptance of the municipal government, the County removed Black and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river ecological restor
18、ation effects. Three modified a split aspects: County total demolition illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 153%, split against area ranking city second; completed three modified area 4.846 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 403%,
19、 ranking city third, which village in the a target completed total city ranking first; County Government was named city level three modified a split work advanced. These achievements are hard won and should be appreciated. However, we are fully aware, the new period, and work in the countryside and
20、the environment facing higher standards and requirements, provincial party Committee offered to high level build a comprehensive well-off society goal requires no filth, dirty environment illegal buildings, into a well-off; municipal party Committee also proposes to build into the well-off benchmark
21、 goals of the city. Compared with the superior claim, South Gate of XX beautiful goal, my County San Nong and environment there are a number of weaknesses and gaps, highlighted in the following five aspects: first, agriculture remained low pattern. Low is reflected in the quality and low; short, val
22、ue added of the industry chain is low; 123 fusion yield low employee age, low quality. Small is reflected in smaller, specialized cooperatives throughout the County there were 3,396, but on the scale of too little. San is reflected in production, management, services, decentralized, centralized, sta
23、ndardized, brand, information and organizational level is not high. Second, the countryside is still in dirty phase. Dirty is dirty of rural sanitation situation has not changed. Chaos is a village in rural housing construction planning, construction of disorder, no drawings, no construction, no vet
24、ting four no phenomenon, heap lying there. Bad is the weak rural base, village governance is poor. Thirdly, farmers continued to be persistent look. Old is aging, rural labor force accounted for 70% over the age of 50. Big is that the reform measures ground resistance, such as the transactions of pr
25、operty rights, land replacement; public service supply gap, rural education, health care, pensions and other services can not meet the demand still difficult for poverty alleviation, with emphasis on poverty alleviation and 191. Hard is a peasants, peasants. Four water effects still lacksD64-D65公路路基
26、挡墙施工方案目 录1.编制原则、依据及规范- 3 -1.1编制原则- 3 -1.2编制依据- 3 -1.3技术标准及规范- 3 -2.工程概况- 3 -2.1概况- 3 -2.2挡土墙工程各构件说明:- 4 -2.3各分项工程说明- 4 -2.4施工机械及人员配备- 5 -2.5施工特点、难点及重点分析- 5 -2.6施工工期计划- 6 -3.分项工程主要施工方法- 6 -3.1总施工工序:- 6 -3.2测量放线- 6 -3.3基础开挖及边坡清基- 6 -3.4防滑桩施工方法及要求- 6 -3.5锚杆安装施工方法及要求- 7 -3.6钢筋混凝土挡土墙施工- 9 -3.6.1施工工艺流程- 9
27、 -3.6.2钢筋工程- 9 -3.6.3模板工程- 11 -3.6.5支架搭设- 12 -3.6.6混凝土工程- 12 -4.施工质量控制- 15 -4.1施工测量- 15 -4.2施工工艺方法控制- 15 -4.3施工质量现场监控- 15 -4.4施工质量检测- 15 -5.冬期施工措施- 15 -5.1冬季施工人员要求:- 15 -5.2冬季施工保证措施- 16 -5.3冬期施工方案- 17 -6.安全施工保证措施- 18 -6.1钢筋工程施工安全保证措施- 18 -6.2模板工程施工安全保证措施- 19 -6.3 混凝土工程施工安全保证措施- 19 -6.4 锚杆工程施工安全保证措施-
28、 20 -7.施工现场管理措施- 20 -8.环境保护与文明施工- 20 -8.1环境保护- 20 -8.2文明施工- 20 -D64-D65段公路路基挡土墙工程施工方案1.编制原则、依据及规范1.1编制原则本施工方案编制遵循符合性原则,先进性原则,合理性原则1.2编制依据1.2.1挡墙施工图纸及总说明1.2.2土方实际开挖情况,现场踏勘的实际情况1.2.3现行技术规范、规程及标准;1.2.4本公司承担类似工程的建设经验1.2.5国家及地方有关安全文明施工及环境保护实施细则1.2.6其它与本工程相关的施工及验收规范1.3技术标准及规范建筑结构工程施工工艺标准 QCJJT-JS02-2004混凝
29、土模板用胶合板 GB/T 17656-1999混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范 GB50204-2002;建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范GB 50202-2002)建筑施工钢管脚手架安全技术规程;建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范(JGJ80-91)建设工程项目管理规范(GB/T50326-2001)施工现场临时用电安全技术规范 (JGJ46-88)建筑边坡工程技术规范(GB50330-2002)工程建设标准强制性条文(房屋建筑部分);2.工程概况2.1概况本工程为钢筋混凝土锚杆挡土墙工程,位于副井联络道路D64-D65处,挡墙规模47m(长)*14m(宽)*0.5(厚),实际标高根据基础开挖至设计
31、水平、竖向间距2.5m,入岩层4m,入风化岩层不小于6m,锚杆与水平面夹角为15度,最上一排锚杆距道路标高为1.5m,锚孔内采用M30水泥砂浆灌浆,预留锚杆头,锚入现浇肋柱中;底部平台:现浇400mm厚C30混凝土面板,截面尺寸为3500mm*400mm,配筋采用双层双向布置,钢筋采用HRB400级,水平纵筋直径16mm间距250mm,横向钢筋直径12mm间距280mm;嵌入基础以下300mm,同时面板预埋 1002000*2000mm的PVC泄水孔,泄水孔外倾5%,孔深0.5m,呈梅花形布置;肋柱:在坡面设置肋柱,截面尺寸:500mm*500mm,肋柱底部陷入基础400mm;连梁:横向连梁采
33、为6.5mm,HRB400级直径为12mm、14mm、16mm、18mm、20mm、28mm,施工中要求严格按图施工,重点内外两侧受拉受压钢筋不得放反。混凝土工程:挡土墙、面板、肋柱、肋柱基础、连梁、扶壁式挡墙混凝土均采用C30商品混凝土浇筑。底部平台要求设置泄水孔,孔眼尺寸为100,孔眼间距2.5m,孔深0.5m。砂浆:锚杆及防滑桩注浆采均用M30水泥砂浆,其中水泥采用普通硅酸盐水泥,砂宜采用细砂,拌合水宜采用饮用水,且符合。2.4施工机械及人员配备(1)主要施工设备使用计划113m开山牌螺杆式空气压缩机1台 履带钻车1台 2潜孔钻1部15型灌浆机1台3砼搅拌机1台电焊机2台4高压水泵2台对
34、焊机1台5振动棒2台砂浆搅拌机1台6钢筋调直机1台钢筋弯曲机1台7灰斗车4台50装载机1台8CAT320D挖掘机1台电圆锯2台(2)劳动力使用计划机械操作人员: 4人 架子工: 4人钢筋工: 6人 模板工: 6人砼 工: 5人 电 工: 1人杂 工: 3人 电焊工: 2人 2.5施工特点、难点及重点分析(1) 本工程施工现场条件复杂,施工难度大,而且工期较紧,主要抓好施工质量、安全、进度的协调,工作重点是挡墙混凝土施工,锚杆及防滑桩的稳定及安全,各工序需交叉作业同时控制好工期。(2) 混凝土挡土墙基础地质条件复杂(挡墙基础处于较陡峭斜坡下),施工场地高差大,同时混凝土挡土墙墙体较高,施工难度较
35、大,支模及砼浇灌均应考虑操作平台的搭设和施工通道的安排。(3) 地基开挖施工中有部分孤石需要进行爆破,堆土外运困难,开挖时需进行土方转运。(4) 基础防滑桩工程,由于现场岩石情况多为中等风化岩及强风化岩,因此钻孔难度大。(5) 锚杆工程,由于施工现场边坡岩体稳定性较差,施工要求相对较高,遇到雨雪天气,容易出现浮石滚落及泥土塌方现象,因此,注意质量的同时也要加强安全防护。2.6施工工期计划 2.6.1人工清基:10月25日10月26日 (2天) 2.6.2防滑桩施工:10月28日12月8日 (42天) 2.6.3垫层及底部平台施工:12月9日12月15日 (7天) 2.6.4标高1233.6m以
36、下挡墙施工:12月16日元月4日(20天) 2.6.5墙壁回填土:元月5日元月6日(2天) 2.6.6标高1233.6m以上挡墙施工及墙背回填:元月6日元月17日(12天) 注:锚杆工程与挡墙工程平行施工,合计工期85天。3.分项工程主要施工方法3.1总施工工序:原始地貌数据采集-测量放线-基础开挖、土方外运-基础防滑桩施工-底部平台施工-锚杆施工-搭设脚手架-肋柱、面板、连梁钢筋绑扎-锚杆对接至挡墙-模板支设、搭设脚手架-混凝土浇筑至标高1233.6m-墙背回填-上部7m挡墙施工-墙背土方回填3.2测量放线用全站仪对本工程设计的开挖面进行定位放线,放出边坡平台位置,根据设计要求和围岩情况,定
37、出钻孔孔位,做出标记。放样资料坚持“一人计算,一人校核”的原则,放养后进行复测校核细部标高,几何尺寸及平面位置准确无误,并对操作人员进行详细交底后,报监理工程师检验,认可后在进行下道工序作业。3.3基础开挖及边坡清基混凝土挡土墙基础开挖时采用挖掘机进行大面积分层开挖,开挖过程中边开挖边外运,二者应时间错开,开挖中遇到孤石位于挡墙位置范围内的应先进行爆破,路基边坡以下浮石应先进行清理。3.4防滑桩施工方法及要求3.4.1防滑桩施工工艺流程修整场地测量整理安排放点设备安装就位钻孔清孔安锚杆钢筋灌浆循环施工。3.4.2施工方法及要求(1) 工程开工前,根据桩位布置情况,在场地内监理测量控制网,然后依
38、据控制网测放各桩位点,放线完成报监理工程师复验符合要求后进行下道工序施工(2) 本工程选用自身履带爬行式钻机,根据现场情况对机身水平和垂直放行进行调整定位,钻机就位时必须稳固、竖直、水平,定位准确,钻头中心与桩位中心误差不大于10mm。(3) 钻孔方法上采用冲击成孔法,施工时附近土层因受到震动而影响邻孔的稳固。所以钻好的孔应及时清孔。钻孔的顺序也应实事先规划好,既要保证下一个桩孔的施工不影响上一个桩孔,又要使钻机的移动距离不要过远和相互干扰。(4) 孔内注浆:防滑桩钢筋均应先放入孔内,注浆时将注浆管插入孔内,管口距管底200mm,利用注浆管内压力将空气排出,浆液填充空隙和裂隙,待砂浆压出孔口后
39、随将管子逐渐拔出,拔管速度均匀及时填塞孔口,在注浆过程中必须满足孔内砂浆饱满,插入孔内的钢筋要求顺直,不得敲击。(5) 桩应嵌入中等风化岩石内不小于1000mm,如岩层过深,防滑桩入原土层8000mm。桩身竖向钢筋预留40cm,锚入挡墙基础底部平台。(6) 桩基施工应严格按建筑桩基技术规范JGJ94-94执行。3.5锚杆安装施工方法及要求3.5.1锚杆施工工艺流程修整边坡搭设双排脚手架设备安装就位钻孔清孔成孔检查、压水试验设备移位安锚杆钢筋灌浆抗拔试验进行下道工序3.5.2施工方法及要求(1)场地条件场地起伏较大,边坡由杂填土、素填土、强风化砂岩及中风化砂岩组成.边坡岩体破碎,岩体稳定性较差。
40、根据该地地层条件,本次锚杆施工选用普通潜孔钻机进行成孔。锚杆采用2.5m*2.5m网格布设。(2) 支架搭设 主要为满足钻机及灌浆施工操作用,立杆纵横间距1m;尖子宽度为4m,纵向及横向每隔2m架设剪刀撑,横向位置还要满足孔位高度、钻机就位的要求。(3)钻孔A、根据设计图纸坐标,采用经纬仪、水准仪、钢卷尺等进行土钉放线,在岩面上确定每个孔的位置并做好标记。B、成孔过程中,要随时观察孔内吹出的灰尘,并根据钻进情况判断孔内土层(岩层)情况。随时做好钻孔记录,作为判定钻孔质量的依据D、钻进:开孔时,采取开孔钻具低速钻进,不致钻头发生晃动,待施工正常后,改用长钻具中速钻进,直至达到设计孔深。在钻进中遇
41、岩石层破碎,孔壁垮塌时,应立即提钻,改用大一级钻具进行扩孔后,下套管,以保证工程顺利进行。(4)清孔当钻机达到设计深度后,取出钻具,并用高压风将孔穴内的残留废渣和水清除干净,增强锚杆的锚固力。(4) 成孔检查及压水试验 清空完成后进行简易压力试验,以测定孔位部分岩石的渗透性,达到控制和调整灌浆压力的目的。压水试验孔数不少于总孔数的5%。锚孔孔径、孔深和孔的倾角必须满足设计和规范要求,并经监理签认后方能进行下道工序施工。(5)锚杆的安放A、当孔深达到设计锚固深度,并经监理工程师签字认可后,再进行锚杆的安放。锚杆的规格、长度均应满足设计要求。B、锚杆类型规格及性能应与设计相符合,应按施工图尺寸下料
43、底200mm,利用注浆管内压力将空气排出,浆液填充空隙和裂隙,待砂浆压出孔口后随将管子逐渐拔出,拔管速度均匀及时填塞孔口,在注浆过程中必须满足孔内砂浆饱满,插入孔内的钢筋要求顺直,不得敲击。压浆时将采用高压泵,由孔底开始往外灌注,直至灌注到孔口,并留出稳定浆体,中途不得中断。C、浆完后,不得敲击和碰撞锚杆。(8) 抗拔试验锚杆质量的检查:锚杆成孔,灌浆完毕,并对其抽样进行抗拔试验并保证其抗拔强度不低于设计值。根据设计及建筑边坡工程技术规范(GB50330-2002)要求对锚杆进行抗拔试验。3.6钢筋混凝土挡土墙施工3.6.1施工工艺流程测量放线基础钢筋绑扎、立模现场浇筑基础混凝土墙身及墙肋钢筋
46、减少钢筋在翻垛时翘曲变形。钢筋在搬迁、堆放时,应轻抬轻放,放置地点应平整。钢筋焊接A、焊工必须有焊工考试合格证,并在规定的范围内进行焊接工作;B、钢筋焊接前,必须根据施工条件进行试焊合格后方可施焊;C、焊条:E40用于I级钢筋焊接;E50用于II级钢筋焊接。D、钢筋焊接的接头形式,接头位置,焊接工艺和质量验收,应符合国家现行标准钢筋焊接及验收规程的有关规定。钢筋焊接接头的试验方法应符合国家现行标准钢筋焊接接头试验方法的有关规定;钢筋绑扎A、绑扎前,应认真核对图纸、规范、规程,搞清楚对钢筋绑扎,安装的具体要求,对班组人员进行技术交底,不错扎,不漏扎;B、钢筋焊接与绑扎接头位置按设计要求选用,原则上优先选用焊接接头。a、接头位置应设置在受力较小处,且同一根钢筋上,应不超过三个接头。详见下表。接头区内受力钢筋接头面积的容许百分率() 接头型式绑扎焊接受拉区2550受压区50不限制b、内外层双层钢筋网的外包尺寸及内部钢筋架立筋尺寸要根据钢筋的尺寸仔细