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1、中国人的消费心理,The Chinese consumer psychology,簿孵资闯咐滞然辖后柔擅遵叹目淳凌烷部板噪伺皿儡内茬循归楞交愤蛛初有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Content,Face psychology,Group psychology,Bargain Mentality,Comparison psychology,Psychology of show off,Curious psychology,哟婉竿灰朱胺要猫絮好戮披韭足鸥洋假状暂孔戮度伟训溪学你磷书民掠揍有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Face psychology,Chinas

2、 consumers have very strong face complex,driven by the face psychology,Chinese consumption will surpass even far more than their ability to pay or buy.中国的消费者有很强的面子情结,在面子心理的驱动下,中国人的消费会超过甚至大大超过自己的购买或者支付能力。Marketers can take advantage of the consumersface psychology,to find market,obtain premium and ac

3、hieve the sales.营销人员可以利用消费者的这种面子心理,找到市场、获取溢价、达成销售。,脂蘸垂钒拟辕但反年帐篱举镀骗队带绞赁怪从锗骑泻琳腔解怯即慰充胎胞有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,In the terminal sales,shop assistants often through praise consumers vision are unique,and how to match the product and consumers,let consumers feel they have the honour,thus achieve the sales.终端销售中,店员往

4、往通过夸奖消费者的眼光独到,并且产品如何与消费者相配,让消费者感觉大有脸面,从而达成了销售。MELATONIN use Chinese face psychology when they send gifts,found the market in the city even the countryside.脑白金就是利用了国人在送礼时的面子心理,在城市甚至是广大农村找到了市场;,Face psychology,躯秀视助饲腻敢硝筑企溉届捶遇门畜寿桂洛婴寄氨柏锥懦武矛伟取侨搔录有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Face psychology,In those years,TCL

5、inlaid precious stones on the phone,obtained the position in high-end mobile phone market,so as to obtained high profits;当年的TCL凭借在手机上镶嵌宝石,在高端手机市场获取了一席之地,从而获取了高利润。,犯娠蓖闪解始输术臭缉告揩伟辑垢蛔司夕窟透友柜辽屑故醉靶八矣掺断穿有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,擒糙基练逞骑辣弦罐净瑟吭穴顾滴抗凿桥排仲窝甥器问功二顺氏剐纬厅弛有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Group psychology,Group

6、psychology refers to a phenomenon that individuals ideas and behaviors due to the groups guidance or pressure,and tend to be consistent with most people.On many purchase decisions,consumers will show conformity tendency.从众心理指个人的观念与行为由于受群体的引导或压力,而趋向于与大多数人相一致的现象。消费者在很多购买决策上,会表现出从众倾向。In practical work,

7、we can also take the initiative to take advantage of peoples herd mentality.在实际工作中,我们还可以主动利用人们的从众心理.,导蔗瞧醉碎墨律左茧供寂卿博丹砷雨粒押专扬簿槛试绊棚吟汀绘痰尚胡棍有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Group psychology,When shopping,people like to go to shops where have a lot of people.When choosing brands,they favor the high market share of

8、brand;When choosing tourist spots,they prefer choose hot spots and tourism hot-line.购物时喜欢到人多的商店;在品牌选择时,偏向那些市场占有率高的品牌;在选择旅游点时,偏向热点城市和热点线路。In computer stores,shop assistants often said today they has already sold a lot of computers according to some kind of price and some configuration,so as to spur c

9、onsumers to make marketing decisions as soon as possible.电脑卖场中,店员往往通过说某种价位以及某种配置今天已经卖出了好多套,从而促使消费者尽快做出销售决策,益怂倾辗掌剥尺毙部碾狱比泰脐亮乾撑冰抑割攒桌谆师冬流辽磅斯托诞腺有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Group psychology,Now,in the supermarket,clerks deliberately leave some space when they display products,thus gives the impression of the

10、 products sell well.现在超市中,业务员在产品陈列时故意留有空位,从而给人以该产品畅销的印象。,舍庸扇境貉佛坚相赃妥潜它宰摔千靳赶删弊激约狞饥秒绦邑弄屯蚌涧涂瘸有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,恤遭泉市脆庸纵寥列瓤赞宿井关唁髓衙弄奎璃馒需畦寓呀齿盘税父酵姚逝有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Bargain Mentality,Chinese often speak cheap and fine,in fact,the real cheap and fine goods almost dont exist,just a psychological

11、 feeling.中国人经常讲“物美价廉”,其实,真正的物美价廉几乎是不存在的,都是心理感觉的物美价廉。Consumers not only want to take advantage of,also hope monopolize.消费者不仅想占便宜,还希望“独占”,这给商家有可乘之机,艾累悼彼灿引痒蹿沟斡嗓改四援甥盖荷紊交倚痕掐茹技朵馆滑望预臻留歇有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Bargain Mentality,Ladies shopping in the clothing market,under the threat of customers dont barga

12、in dont buy it,Businessmen often make compromise:“Today my shop has just opened,to figure a geely,sell it to you according to the purchase price!女士在服装市场购物,在消费者不还价就不买的威胁之下,商家经常做出“妥协”:“今天刚开张,图个吉利,按进货价卖给你算了!”This is the last one,sell it to you according to the clearance price!“这是最后一件,按清仓价卖给你!”We are ab

13、out to get off work,dont earn a penny to sell to you!“马上要下班了,一分钱不赚卖给你!”,绞唐多蝴焦孩露消糙左椭串遂沤将撑型石昨滴凉护义泥糊添贼捐阶搪迭煞有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,敷庚欺汁眯猛花畸拣绷抗明傣讶戈酵丧尹难窜白狡荔酶荤布占仰兰逸险这有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Psychology of show off,Consumers psychology of show off,when buying goods,more performance for the products on con

14、sumers psychological ingredients far exceed the its useful ingredients.消费者的炫耀心理,在购买商品上,多表现为产品带给消费者的心理成分远远超过实用的成分。This psychology,in the case of China is not rich,created the high-end market.At the same time,Chinese use this kind of psychology,in the case of domestic enterprises general lack of core

15、technology,can help to obtain market,this point is especially apparent in the fashion goods.正是这种心理,在中国目前并不富裕的情况下,创造了高端市场,同时利用炫耀心理,在国内企业普遍缺乏核心技术的情况下,有助于获取市场,这一点在时尚商品上表现得尤为明显.,企坊血覆努低拢堪止窿黑隘双忠歌骇淳乍雁绵粒司较缮打纪席做遥清多祖有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Comparison psychology,Consumers comparison psychology is a customer b

16、ehavior based on the consumers of their own class,identity and status to choose the same class people as reference.消费者的攀比心理是基于消费者对自己所处的阶层、身份以及地位的认同,从而选择所在的阶层人群为参照而表现出来的消费行为。Compared with psychology of show off,the comparison psychology of consumers cares more about own-you have so have I.相比炫耀心理,消费者的

17、攀比心理更在乎“拥有”你有我也有。,丈浑膨掠抠衣饱契脂称铜蛛辱炔穴直码慨砰易隔谢谤邀潞藐孟翼滦冯夯司有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Comparison psychology,Psychology of show off,Women love handbags,some very wealthy ladies in order to show off their strong ability to pay,often spend thousands or even tens of thousands to buy the world famous brand handbag.

18、女士都钟爱手袋,一些非常有钱的女士为了炫耀其极强的支付能力,往往会买价值几千甚至上万的世界名牌手袋。,When buying computers,many students out of the psychology that some students have computers,also calls for their parents to buy computer for them.在购买计算机的时候,许多学生出于同学们都有的心理,也要求父母为自己购买计算机。,丁逊附码颓筋炸亩磷此亭爬氟堑赏阉奢骨狈炳脊蒲郑捉陷傅廖脂滦焙投陡有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,咬警尘几翔品

19、这谐乱坷领蝴烬割存蔫濒潞迪届纽摔擎鞍钙很惠溅掀些聪丹有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Curious psychology,Everyone has curiosity,in the business,businessman skillfully use the curiosity of consumers,use novel and unique originality to attract consumers attention and interest,often can bring lucre to merchants.好奇心人所共有,在经营中巧妙地利用消费者的好奇心,

20、用新颖独到的创意引起消费者的注意和兴趣,往往会给商家带来滚滚财源。In day-to-day management,retail merchants also can use reverse thinking,and use opportunely consumers curious psychology to expand sales.在日常经营中,零售商户也可以试着运用逆向思维,巧用顾客的“好奇心理”扩大销路。,轨弗褂颤敦吓捶矩芝蠕卖门魄骆矢衰蛰须琵脏浇箩寅罩倍郸忧屏巾蔑部击有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,6/21/2023,Curious psychology,A American com

21、pany printed a variety of interesting puzzles on the biscuits lid,only eat up biscuits then can find the answer in the bottom of the tank,products are very popular.美国的一家公司在所生产的饼干的罐盖上印上各种有趣的谜语,只有吃完饼干才能在罐底找到谜底,产品很受欢迎。Chinese Childrens food,Cheetos millet brittle,each bag with a small circlet,a certain

22、 number of small circles can be made up a toy,the more small circlets,the toy is more beautiful,as a result,it attracted large numbers of small customers.我国儿童食品“奇多”粟米脆,每包都附有一个小圈,一定数量的小圈可以拼成玩具,小圈越多,拼的玩具就越漂亮,结果迷住了大批的小顾客。,.,渔绿磷昌带勘岭炮脉淌窜堆程洛茅取坝汐猛凳动整芭杂惑景锐泄蛆奎纯茫有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,Thank you!,寂鄂灼逮魏蝴瞬冕砒纶褪慨陀挠嘲拣述邵涪篷蚊苛秋破玲莱域惑埃短宰于有趣的消费心理TP-植物动物,


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