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1、第十二章 翻译的归化与异化,Domestication and foreignization,一、归化与异化的概念及其历史沿革,The concept and history of domestication and foreignization,Domestication&Foreignization,These two concepts,which stand for two different translation strategies,were first raised by the American translation theorist Lawrence Venuti(劳伦斯韦

2、努蒂)in the Translators Invisibility:A History of Translation.Domestication(归化):The translator brings the least strangeness of the source language to the readers in a transparent and fluent way.Foreignization(异化):The translator preserves the foreignness of the source language on purpose to violate the

3、 rules of the target language.,Alienating&Naturalizing,Friedrich Schleiermacher(施莱尔马赫,Germany translator):Alienating(异化)-Reader-orientedNaturalizing(顺化)-Author-oriented,They are the predecessors of domestication and foreignization,the Translators Invisibility,The Translators Invisibilityuses texts a

4、nd translations from Britain,America and Europe,with which Venuti elaborates theoretical and critical means by which translation can be studied and practiced as a locus of difference,recovering and revising forgotten translations,in order to establish an alternative tradition.,Agreeing with Sir Hohn

5、 Denham,Jjohn Dryden and Tytler,Venuti supported foreignization more than domestication.,The advantage of fluent translation:No too much translation trace was left in the text,which is always regarded as the translation standard,Norman Z.Shapiro(诺曼夏皮罗,born 1932)is anAmericanmathematician,who is the

6、co-author of theRiceShapiro theorem.,As Norman Shapiro said:I think a good translation is supposed to be as transparent as a piece of glass,only small flaw allowed.The perfect one should have no translation trace at all.,Goethe divided translation into three parts,or three stages.The first stagewe g

7、et to know foreign countries by using our own language.The second stagetranslators try to pretend that they are in that foreign country,but as a matter of fact,they are practically borrowing the foreign ideas and values.The third stagethe target language conforms to the source text totally.,Antoine

8、Berman(19421991)was a French translator,historian and theorist of translation.He once said in his worksThe Experience of the Foreign and Translation and the Trials of the Foreign that“the ethical purpose of the performance of translation is to 100%accept the heterogeneity(of the ST).This had great i

9、mpact on Lawrence Venuti.,Lu Xun once said,“In the premise of understanding,we should preserve the original charm as much as we can.”He could tolerate the unsmoothness part of the work to some degree.(He did this himself!)Because according to him,this would help input new ideas and values into China

10、 as well as some novel ways when conveying.,二、如何正确认识翻译中的归化与异化问题,How to understand domestication and foreignization correctly,Venutis advocation of foreignization,Foreignization is resistant translation.Translations should be non-fluent so as to show the foreign identity of the source text and protec

11、t it from being influenced by the cultural ideology(文化意识形态)of the target language.The foreign texts and translating methods we choose should be the ones that are excluded from main stream cultural values of source texts.He believes that he can challenge the cultural hegemony(文化霸权)of English-speaking

12、 countries his selection of the source text and usage of foreignization in translation,thus the equality of cultural exchange will be achieved.,Flaws in His Theory,1.He didnt take the purpose of literary translation or the requirements of readers into account.The well-known western translator Edith

13、Grossman,who has been translating the works of Garcia Marquez(author of One Hundred Years of Solitude),said in a letter that her expectation of her translation was to write as Garcia Marquez would have done had he been writing in English.,Flaws in His Theory,Translator Tyldesley Esther(graduated fro

14、m department of Chinese in Cambridge and department of translation in Leeds)always tells her students to ignore the so-called foreignization theories and that“good translations should be native,idiomatic,and acceptable to readers.,如在翻译贾平凹的闲人时,其中有一段谈到闲人同他的女朋友“就会同骑一辆车子招摇过市,姑娘分腿骑在后座上,腿长而圆象两个大白萝卜”。她说一般英

15、语读者读到这里就会感到困惑,因为把腿比做“turnip”在英语里不是说腿好看,而是说特别难看(英国的turnip粗短,颜色为紫红色)。还有在把一个人的眼珠比作是“水仙花缸底的黑石子,上面汪着水,下面冷冷的没有表情”也使她觉得难以理解,因为在英国,水仙花是养在盆里种在土里的,而不是养在水里、有黑石子做衬的缸里的。她对学生说,直译的a daffodil vat/vase会使英语读者困惑不解。,Flaws in His Theory,From the examples above,we can see that both translators and translation teachers do

16、nt approve Venutis“resistant translation”.The fact is,western translators today still tend to regard“accuracy”and“fluency”as the standard of translation just like old times,and are in favor of target languages that read well.,Flaws in His Theory,2.Domestication is not only the main stream translatin

17、g method of culturally-strong countries,but a widespread one around the world.Anthony Pym points out that while Venuti advocates that the translation of works in English-speaking countries should use foreignization instead of domestication as translating method,the latter is also common in countries

18、 with less-spoken languages,like Brazil,Spain and France.,Conclusion,Such theory may bring about negative influence.If a translation fails to fulfill the demand of readers,few may bother to read through it.Unqualified translators will have excuse for their non-fluent translations.,翻译界直译(literal tran

19、slation)与意译(liberal translation)之争,可谓由来已久。而归化(domesticating translation)与异化(foreignizing translation)之争,则是直译与意译之争的延伸。随着文化日益成为翻译的重心,归化异化孰优孰劣的争论声也越来越大。,In field of translation,there has long been a hot debate over the proper translation strategy chosen for the transmission of cultural contents.The two

20、 major approaches are domestication and foreignization,which have been the focus of debate since their appearance.The debate on foreignization or domestication can be viewed as the extension of the debate on“literal translation”and“free translation”.,But most scholars hold that literal and free tran

21、slation are limited on the level of content and form,when two languages are very similar in their structures,the issue of literal versus free translating may not seen to be so acute.,With the development of the translation studies,plenty of translators and theorists have realized that translation is

22、 a far more complicated activity with various cultural,poetic,political as well as economic factors related to it.Therefore,foreignization and domestication are a pair of new translation strategies which are more complex and extensive than literal translation and free translation method.,归 化根据文努蒂的理论

23、,翻译研究词典将归化定义为:在翻译中采用透明、流畅(transparent,fluent style)的风格,最大限度淡化原文陌生感(strangeness)的翻译策略。,奈达将翻译中的文化因素分为五类,一:生态文化;二:语言文化;三:宗教文化;四:物质文化;五:社会文化。,奈达是归化论的代表人物。Dynamic equivalence and formal equivalence are two terms for methods of translation coined by him.,white as snow(白如雪)假如译入语没有snow(雪)这个概念,就可以用类似的表达法代替,如

24、white as egret feathers(白如鹭毛),white as fungus(白如蘑菇)等,或者用非比喻形式直接说很白或非常白(very,very white)。,Wet Paint直译为“湿油漆”。但是汉语中一般不这么讲,所以采用奈达的理论就应该采用“油漆未干”的译法。,Dynamic equivalence and formal equivalence are terms for methods of translation coined by Eugene Nida.The two terms have often been understood as fundamenta

25、lly the same as sense-for-sense translation(translating the meanings of whole sentences)and word-for-word translation(translating the meanings of individual words in their more or less exact syntactic sequence),and Nida did often seem to use them this way;but his original definition of dynamic equiv

26、alence was rhetorical:the idea was that the translator should translate so that the effect of the translation on the target reader is roughly the same as the effect of the source text once was on the source reader.,The term functional equivalence suggests not just that the equivalence is between the

27、 function of the source text in the source culture and the function of the target text(translation)in the target culture,but that function can be thought of as a property of the text.It is,however,possible to think of functional equivalence too in the larger(dynamic/intercultural)context as about mo

28、re than the structure of texts-as about how people interact in cultures.,宗教文化谋事在人,成事在天。Man proposes,Heaven disposes,(Yang Xianyi)Man proposes,God disposes,(Hawkes),心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。(曹:)She looked more sensitive than Pikan,more delicate than His Shih.两个注解.紧随其后:1.A prince noted for his great intelligen

29、ce at the end of the Shang Dynasty.2.A famous beauty of the ancient kingdom of Yueh.(Yang),再看下一种:She had more chambers in heart than the martyred Bi Gan;And suffered a tithe more pain in it than the beautiful Xi Shi.(Hawkes),异 化毫无疑问,异化决不是简单的直译。因为异化的概念已经远远超出了语言的层面,而上升到了文化、诗学、以及政治的层次。韦努蒂对异化的定义是:偏离本土主流

30、价值观,保留原文的语言和文化差异。(Venuti)根据他的定义,翻译研究词典把异化定义为:在一定程度上保留原文的异域性,故意打破目标语言常规的翻译。,Generally speaking,domestication adopts words and phrases from the target language,so the expressions tend to be in accordance with the target language norm,and be more acceptable and readable.,However,the disadvantage is tha

31、t translators may confuse one thing with another,or over-domesticate the translation.,Example 1:,With shifting change,as is false womens fashion.-Shakespeare Sonnet 20,时髦女人的水性杨花和朝秦暮楚。,Shakespeare(1564-1616)couldnt have known the history of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States(770 B.C.

32、-221 B.C.)of China.So if characters like“qin”or“chu”appear in the translation of Shakespeares works,readers may misunderstand and get puzzled.,Example 2:,吴姬压酒劝客尝。(李白金陵酒肆留别),While Phyllis with bumpers would fain cheer us up.(by H.A.Giles),吴姬:girls live in regions south of the Yangtze River.In Li Bais

33、 poem,the word refers to the waitress in the tavern in Nanjing(the ancient name is Jinling).Phyllis:the name of shepherdess or sweetheart in the pastoral poems and idyll in Ancient Greece and the Renaissance in Europe.Both Western and Chinese readers will consider that translation odd.,Another situa

34、tion of over-domestication is to abuse idioms,proverbs and formulaic languages of the target language and make the translation nondescript,neither natural nor exotic.,Example:When Mary came down dressed for the dance,her father remarked,“Fine feathers make fine birds.”玛丽打扮好了下楼来,准备去参加舞会,父亲一见就说:“佛要金装,

35、人要衣装。”We were just talking about Bill when he came in the door-Speak of the devil and he appears.我们正谈到比尔,他就进了门说曹操,曹操到。,More examples:The moon is down.月落乌啼霜满天。She died.魂归离恨天。With fair skin and black eyes.肤若凝脂,目若点漆。,Compared with domestication,foreignization strategy in translation shows the differenc

36、es in language and culture of ST much better.Meanwhile,foreignization can maintain the cultural features of ST and the authors unique expressions as much as possible so that readers are able to comprehend the original style of ST.,e.g.:原:抽刀断水水更流,举杯浇愁愁更愁。译:Drawing sword,cut into water,water again flo

37、ws.Raise up,quench sorrow,sorrow again sorrow.Although Pounds translated poetry has been a source of controversy,to some extent it indicates the parataxis characteristic of Chinese syntax and the expression techniques of superposition of images in classical Chinese poems.By reproducing the form and

38、syntactic structure of the classical Chinese poetry,Pounds translation brings the original appearance of ST to foreign readers who almost know nothing about Chinese.,Ezra Pound,Ezra Weston Loomis Pound(30 October 1885 1 November 1972)was an American expatriate poet,critic and a major figure of the e

39、arly modernist movement.His contribution to poetry began with his promotion of Imagism,a movement that derived its technique from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry,stressing clarity,precision and economy of language.His best-known works include Ripostes 回击(1912),Hugh Selwyn Mauberley休赛尔温毛伯利(1920

40、),and his unfinished 120-section epic,The Cantos 诗章(19171969).,Introduction to Pounds Translation,In Pounds Fenollosa translations,unlike previous American translators of Chinese poetry,who tended to work with strict metrical and stanzaic patterns,Pound created free verse translations.Neither Pound

41、nor Fenollosa spoke or read Chinese proficiently,and Pound has been criticized for omitting or adding sections to his poems which have no basis in the original texts,though critics argue that the fidelity of Cathay to the original Chinese is beside the point.Michael Alexander writes that,as a transl

42、ator,Pound was a pioneer with a great gift of language and an incisive intelligence.He helped popularize major poets such as Guido Cavalcanti and Du Fu and brought Provenal and Chinese poetry to English-speaking audiences.He revived interest in the Confucian classics and introduced the west to class

43、ical Japanese poetry and drama.He translated and championed Greek,Latin and Anglo-Saxon classics,and helped keep them alive at a time when classical education was in decline,and poets no longer considered translations central to their craft.,By literal translation and abandonment of idiomatic expres

44、sions of SL,foreignization strategy keep the“original taste and flavor”of TT.,e.g.:(方鸿渐)自信这一席话委婉得体,最后那一段尤其接得天衣无缝,曲尽文书科王主任所谓“顺水推舟”之妙,王主任起的信稿子怕也不过如此。-钱钟书围城He was confident his little speech was tactful and proper,especially the last part,which had been sewn together as flawlessly as“a divine suit of c

45、lothes”;it would achieve his objective in every way,what Chief-secretary Wang called as naturally and effortlessly as“pushing a boat downstream”.-Trans,Jeanne Kelly&Nathan K.Mao,From the translation above,we can say that the translators has made great efforts to maintain the cultural character of ST

46、.It is all right to translate the two idioms“天衣无缝”“顺水推舟”literally as“flawlessly”and“naturally and effortlessly”,but the translators still adopt the foreignization strategy in order to preserve the original vehicle and vivid description,which brings readers a totally diverse reading experience.,Moreo

47、ver,the method of foreignization has enriched and developed the language of one country,and has injected fresh blood to the target-language culture.For example,many fresh and vivid expressions in modern Chinese originate from foreignization.吻别 farewell kiss象牙塔 an ivory tower处女地 virgin land酸葡萄 sour g

48、rapes替罪羊 scapegoat摊牌 to show ones card伸出橄榄枝 to hold out an olive branch以眼还眼,以牙还牙 an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth条条道路通罗马 All roads lead to Rome见树不见林 not to see the wood for the trees,任何一个国家的语言和文字,无论多么丰富,不向别的国家语言和文字的长处学习,如被堤困的江河湖海,再浩瀚也将止为死水。梁晓声 Any language and character of a country,however

49、 abundant it is,if it does not learn from the strong points of language and character of other countries,it is just like lakes and rivers blocked by embankment,however vast it is,it will end in stagnant water.Liang Xiaosheng,Certainly,foreignization also has shortcomings:1.Obvious trace of translati

50、on2.Readers need to overcome more obstacles in language and culture when reading translation.3.Bad influence on communicative effect4.If some information in source-language culture is not handled properly,cultural misunderstandings even cultural conflicts will be caused.e.g.He is a lazy dog.他是条懒狗。他这


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