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1、经济话题,张艳新浪网微博张艳英语,经济话题考点,经济学理论专业名词,定义案例结论将来研究其他结构听力法的重点,TPO 6 SECTION 1,lecture 1,what is the main purpose of the talkto show what happens after an economy has experienced a boom-and-bust cycleto illustrate the conditions needed to produce a boom-and-bust cycleto demonstrate how boom-and-bust cycles

2、have changed over timeto explain why the boom-and-bust cycle is not a frequent historical occurrence,what is the professors opinion about the dot-com crashshe thinks that people should have realized it would happenshe does not believe that anything like it will happen againshe is surprised that it d

3、id not have more serious consequencesshe is confident that people learned a valuable lesson from it,according to the professor,where did tulips originatethe mountains of central Asiathe region around Istanbul in Turkeythe sandy soils of the Netherlandsthe forests of northern Europe,why does the prof

4、essor mention a merchant who ate tulip bulbsto explain how the Turks introduce the flower to European visitorsto explain what happened to tulip bulbs that did not produce desirable colorsto give an example of one way that the rich in the Netherlands showed off their wealthto illustrate her point tha

5、t Europeans were unfamiliar with the flower,what were some of the factors that contributed to the tulip craze in the Netherlands in the seventeenth centuryClick on three answerswealthy gardeners liked to complete for rare plantsthe number of people with disposable income was growingtulip bulbs were

6、initially cheap and easy to obtaintulips in the wild bloomed in unusual color combinationthe tulip market was not regulated by the government,the professor mentions the practice of trading promissory note in the Netherlands in the 1630s,what does this practice explainClick on three answerswhy tulips

7、 replaced gold as a form of currencywhy buyers were no longer interested in owning actual tulipswhy borrowing in the Netherlands increased on a significant scalewhy the middle class in the Netherlands expanded in size,笔记要点Boom,bust1990,InternetBust,2001Rapid,hystericalAlways bustCreate,intensifyMone

8、y,fastLearned from past,TulipNot nativeChinese,AsiaRemoteTurkey nomadWestward16c,EU,diplomatTurk,giftsEU,unheard(novelty)RoastedOnion,Netherland 1 soil2 Wealthy nationMoney,new exotic3 GardenCompete,rareColors,breed,Price$PurpleDark,price,!(happen)Craze,t.maniaCond:1.Eco2.Disposable3.Investing Commo

9、dity Variation4.Unregulated market,Exploded1630Not demandOnce!multicolor24th Ship(Worthy in)=gold,Promissory noteResellChange hands(delivery)SpeculationOwner,paperBorrow,mortgage,obtain paperEasyBust1637No biddersNo buyCollapsed,重放录音题,提醒:考功能性用语,不考难词,专业词正确的:抓关键词,找同义改写(debate,uncertainty)听不懂时可能是例子,回原文

10、定位,找支持段落主题或全文主题的选项。出现对话时,答案找支持或反对。如果没有明确否定信息,选择支持。如果录音是问问题,答案找引出下文的信息,例如:introduce a point,give a hint,etc.录音中有专有名词,答案找下定义。Clarify,term,terminology 错误:1.反向对应,没有依据,例如:recall,understand2 原词不动(主题词除外)的选项,通常都含有错误信息。含有强烈语义的词汇(原文无对应)Error,mistake,wrong,amazed,surprised,misunderstand,incorrect,indifferent,u

11、nfair,doubt,flaw,etc.,托福听力中错误选项的特征,1.位置,如果题目的选项里,出现与笔记位置不相对应的,例如,在第一题的选项里,出现了结尾的笔记,肯定是错的。2.原文相反,主要考察大家听否定信息的能力。3.原文未提及:这个比较容易分辨。4.符合常识的语句,但是选项里不含有主题词,与主题不相关5.绝对词汇,too,every,all,但是不是每次都要排除,要听原文是否说过。经常是正确选项,6.比较级和最高级,或者其他表示比较的词汇:asas,similar,differentcompare and contrast,notsoas,identical,resemble,etc

12、.(只有原文没有提过比较,那么出现在选项中一般是错的。我们要求记笔记就记比较,因此能辨别出来)7.主题题,选项中有细节的,上节的,一般是错的。或者出现改变,变化字眼,对比,而原文没有提到的。(各种的,新的)8.重放录音题:与录音原文最相近的(主题词除外)一般是错的。9 有强烈语义的词汇的选项,例如:Contradict,Disagree,Unfair,indifferent,surprised,error,wrong,mistaken,misunderstand,confused,fault,flaw,doubt除非原文有相对应的表达,否则都是错的。10 例子题中,如果出现过于详细的例子的细节,有可能是错误的。,听出托福好英文新浪微博张艳英语微信公众平台张艳英语,


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