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1、Unit2 School life Reading By Ni Xinli,Do you know which countries the flags stand for(代表)?,England/Britain,America,British English,American English,Task 1 Revision,Match the words on the left with the words on the left,British English,1 American football2 autumn3 lift4 film5 football6 holiday7 maths

2、8 rubber9 secondary school10 post,a.eraserb.fallc.vocationd.football e.mailf.high schoolg.elevatorh.mathi.moviej.soccer,American English,1 _ 2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _10_,d,b,g,i,j,c,h,a,f,e,单词找朋友,Task2:Discussions,1.Do you like your school?2.How many lessons do you have every day?3.How often do you h

3、ave a class meeting?4.What after-school activities do you have?5.Do you have a hero?6.What do you think of your school?,你不讲我也会,hero,tasty,sew,buddy,senior,softball,Task3:Guessing words,Finish Part B1 On P25,1.Home Economics2.tasty3.as well4.softball5.buddy,a.a close friend,b.with a pleasant taste,c.

4、too,e.a subject about cooking and sewing,d.a kind of ball game,e,b,c,d,a,Questions:1.Who wrote the first passage?2.What activity does the school have every year?,Life in a British schoolTask4(Listen and answer),John,They have a Reading Week every year.,It is about a British boy called John.He is in8

5、th grade in Woodland School.He likes _ best.And he likes learning how to _and _.Now he can cook _and_meals.His school has a_Week every year.He reads the most books.He feels it too _because they want to read all classmates books as well.,Home Economics,cook,sew,healthy,tasty,Reading,short,Listen and

6、fill in the blanks:,1.In a mixed school,boys and girls have lessons together.2.Johns favourite subject is English.3.Students at Johns school can read magazines during the reading week.4.Students must not talk in class during the reading week.,Task5 Read and discuss(Exercises in Part C1)(Write a T if

7、 the sentence is true.Write an F if it is false.,Home Economics,can talk to friends near the end of the class,我学习我快乐,Task6 Listen and answer1.Whose school life is the passage about?Nancys2.Who else are mentioned(提到)in the passage?And who are they?Jim and Julie,Life in an American school,我学习我快乐,1.Wha

8、t did Jim do in school last year?2.What do the students do at the buddy club?3.What do American students do at lunchtime?4.What do the students sometimes do after school?,Group 1,Task7:Fast reading(read and answer):,Group 2,1.What did Jim do in school last year?,He had driving lessons in school last

9、 year.,Read and answer(Group1),我学习我快乐,2.What do the students do at the buddy club?,Older students talk to new students about school life.,我学习我快乐,Read and answer(Group2),3.What do American students do during lunchtime?,They meet their friends and they have a great time talking to each other.,4.What d

10、o the students sometimes do after school?,Sometimes,they go to shopping malls.,Read and complete:,Daniel:I read an article by a girl from the USA.Kitty:Really?Tell me more about her.Daniel:Her name is Nancy.She studies at Rocky Mountain High School in Denver.Shes in 9th grade.Kitty:Whats Nancys scho

11、ol life like?Daniel:During lunchtime,she meets her friends and they chat.Every Monday,she goes to a“_ club”.She has a special friend,Julie,in 12th grade.Students in 12th grade are called _.Nancy says that Julie is her _.Kitty:What does the word“hero”mean?Daniel:It means someone you admire very much.

12、Kitty:Does Nancy like sports?Daniel:Yes.Her favourite sport is _.She _ twice a week after school.,buddy,seniors,hero,softball,practises,You can have driving lessons at the age 16 in the USA.Nancy plays softball twice a week.Every Monday,Nancy meets Julie to talk about school.Nancy and her friends go

13、 to shopping malls at lunchtime.,after school,Task8 While reading(Exercises in Part C1)(Write a T if the sentence is true.Write an F if it is false.,我学习我快乐,成果展示,Task9:Written work,Can you use the following key words to say something about your school life?,name,in Year8,mixed,favourite subject,play,

14、hero,help somebody with something,have a great time,go to,中考链接,Task10 Exercises,用所给单词的适当形式填空,1.This is a _(mix)school.Boys and girls have lessons together.(07 无锡中考),2.Last Sunday,they had a great time _(go)fishing together.(09临沂中考),mixed,going,根据首字母提示写出单词,1.This dish t _delicious,doesnt it?(2010.威海中

15、考)2.We must p_ English every day if we want to learn it well.(09济南仿真),astes,ractice,选择题,1.-What bad weather!-Yes.The radio says it will be even_later on.(09南京中考)A.bad B.badly C.worse D.worst2.Which subject do you like_,math or history?-History,because it makes me wise.(2010.邵阳)A.better B.best C.well

16、 D.good,C,A,根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子,1.My mother is good at cooking and I can have healthy and t_meals.(09襄樊)2.I am reading the _(文章)by a girl from the USA.(2010.楚雄),asty,article,Learning aims and demands,Words:mixed subject sew myself tasty even guys practice hero(es)close taste articlePhrasesdrive somebody

17、to twice a week spenddoing somethingenjoy a lot help somebody withdo somethinghave a great time doing something Sentences:I like learning how to cook and sew.This is great because it takes less time than taking the bus.,Write an article about your own school life.2.Search for the information about different school lives on the Internet.,Homework:,Thank you for listening!,


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