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1、听说模拟考试答题分析及备考建议,Part B“角色扮演”部分吴君毅(2014-2-27),“Role-play”答题质量分析,“三问”部分语言结构的准确性;信息的完整性;“五答”部分信息的有效传递;,“Role-play”答题质量分析,语言结构的准确性;疑问句误用陈述句语序:What we should prepare for?/What we need for?What kinds of jobs students can do?疑问句句式混杂:Does each student can only take part in?,“Role-play”答题质量分析,信息的完整性;信息表达缺乏灵活

2、性:“是否有优惠”除了用Is there any discount外,还可以用Can it be cheaper?等。用词不当(混淆)把information讲成message;把students讲成classmates;把October说成December,November,September等。Whats the weather like in Australia on October?,“Role-play”答题质量分析,信息的有效传递(“五答”)信息不完整:B卷第一题,只提及stores,hotels,restaurants等,对概括性的“part-time jobs”没有提及;B卷第

3、五题,只抓住录音最后一句话finding a place to live can be challenging.答非所问(未能抓住信息点):没听清楚问句,用in private homes来回答what job。,一周突破“角色扮演”问句结构,根据各档学生能力,归纳“N个必考问句”,加强句型操练,实现汉英“无缝对接”。变换时态“有没有”Is there any?/Was there any?/Will there be any?Do you have?/Have you had?/Will you have?替换词汇能否谈谈/介绍/谈论 Can you say something about?

4、,一周突破“角色扮演”问句结构,你认为怎么样?你怎么看待?What do you think of?/How do you feel about?你喜欢还是?/和,你更喜欢哪个?Do you prefer to door do?/Which do you prefer,doingor doing?你觉得/认为(如何、哪个、什么)?(How/Which/What)do you think+SV语序?,一周突破“角色扮演”信息的表达,不懂直接译出的信息,用转译的方式。原则:复杂的问题简单化;方法1:句型替换法如:在将来的教室里互联网有什么用?(13A)What is the use of the

5、Internet in the future classroom?What role will the Internet play in the future classroom?What is the Internet for in the future classroom?(用句型替换)How will the Internet be used in the?同类:这些规则有什么用处?(12B),一周突破“角色扮演”信息的表达,报纸怎么评论这本书?(12C)How do the newspapers comment on this book?What are the newspapers

6、comments on this book?What do the newspapers say about this book?您能再多说点儿吗?(11B)Can you say more about it?你能说说英国人吗?(11C)Can you say something about English people?,一周突破“角色扮演”信息的表达,方法2:替换表达法你认为什么时候召集开会最好呢?(13B)What do you think is the best time to call everyone for meeting?When do you think is the bes

7、t time to have the meeting?(近义替换)你们晚上有哪些活动?(13D)What activities do you have in the evenings?What are your evening activities?What do you do in the evenings?(模糊替换),一周突破“角色扮演”信息的表达,方法2:替换表达法你如何看待在英国排队的事情?What do you think of queuing in England?What do you think of standing/waiting in a line in England

8、?,一周突破“角色扮演”信息的表达,方法3:代词替换(仅为减少失分)为什么你认为情节难以相信?(12C)Why do you think the plot is unbelievable?Why do you think the story is hard to believe?(近义替换)Why do you think it is hard to believe?,一周突破“角色扮演”捕捉信息点,听是信息获取的重要途径。对话信息的传递方式:话轮(对话双方角色互换),M:Good morning.Er,Im looking for information about overseas tri

9、ps.Can you tell me a little about some of the tours your agency offers?W:Sure.Now its autumn,the season for adventures.We have a trip to Africa coming up,where travelers can watch the wild animals crossing the grasslands.M:Thats very exciting but Im bringing my five-year-old son.Africa might be too

10、much for a little boy.,回答部分:M:There are quite a few things.Applying for a passport,getting to know more about local customs,for example.If you have any problems,you can always go on the Internet for help.M:Well,weather differs.Take Sydney for example.Its usually nice and comfortable.As a direct flig

11、ht only takes about ten hours,its the most popular destination for our customers.M:Yes,of course.You can get 5%discount if you pay in advance.And you can have an extra 10%off if you pay by credit card.By the way,一周突破“角色扮演”考前提点,1.速看“情景介绍”,预测对话内容!(30s)特别注意:不要看录像画面,全神贯注听对话并take notes。2.对话中,问句后的回答往往是信息点。转折词后的是重点信息(数字、地点、时间及罗列的信息)。记录有条理、清晰。3.提问时:问句的类型、信息是否到位 4.回答问题,问什么,答什么,不少答,也不多答。(不漏介词,不少数字后的单位)5.提示音响后一秒开始答题,不抢答。6.心态平和:平时如高考,高考如平时。,谢谢您的聆听!,


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