1、,智慧渠道产品屋,离行渠道解决方案,智慧网点解决方案,银企合作解决方案,方案,产品,远程银行VTM智能柜台ICS现金出纳机大额存款类产品清分类产品,自助终端填单机圈存机发卡机SCM产品领取机制卡发卡机,票据处理机CTM回单打印机支票售卖机,咨询服务,建章立制,实现“统一标准”,严格控制,例),。,基。,部分 总部,部分,强化,需求分析:重点行业信息化需求分析,办公:企业提高工作效率,需要实现随时随地办公。需要进行移动签到,需要移动收发邮件,需要随时随地电话会议,需要移动审批等。,沟通:企业提高企业工作效率,需要随时随地无障碍沟通。需要企业员工间电话查询、通话、群发短信等。,宣传:企业提高销量,
4、问题小区进行处理并记录处理的相关数据,利于后续的经验借鉴和问题的追溯。,责任人提交问题小区验证后,系统自动按预设规则进行判断验证。,管理员可以对问题小区处理的责任人进行评估打分,并以周为单位自动统计优化分析人员的分值情况。,原有模式:,原有模式:,原有模式:据库中判断。,原有模式:,原有模式:,原有方式:,原有方式,Click to edit title style,4 Part Concept,Title 1,Title 2,Title 3,Title 4,Click to add titleClick to add textClick to add textClick to add tex
5、tClick to add text,Click to add titleClick to add textClick to add textClick to add textClick to add text,Click to add titleClick to add textClick to add textClick to add textClick to add text,Click to add titleClick to add textClick to add textClick to add textClick to add text,ThemeGallery is a De
6、sign Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Product 1You company product description,Product 2You company product description,Product 3You company product description,Product 4You company product description,Product 5You company product description,ThemeGallery is a Design Digi
7、tal Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Diagram,Text,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Text,Text,Text,Diagram,Text,Text,Text,companys products companys b
8、usiness companys technology companys contents,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,文本一,Text in here,Title in here,Text in here,Text in here,Title in here,Text,Text,T
9、ext,Text,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Description of the contents Description of the contents,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by
10、 Guild Design Inc.,Diagram,Diagram,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Description of the companys productsDescription of the companys businessDescription of the companys technologyDescription of the companys contents,Descriptio
11、n of the companys productsDescription of the companys businessDescription of the companys technologyDescription of the companys contents,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Click to edit title style,Title in here,Description of the contents,Text in h
12、ere,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,1.Title,2.Title,3.Title,4.Title,*Description of the contents,*Description of the contents,Diagram,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or st
13、rategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Publish,Interact,Transact,Integrate,Cust
14、omer Information AccessHSE Communication,Customer and Technical SupportSupplier Relationship Management,Electronic Order to CashElectronic ProcurementSupplier Bidding&Selection,Integrated Planning and ForecastingIntegrated Plant Management,:,e-Business _Fulfill Demand,Proposal,-Web Site System,Value
15、,2003,2004,2005,2006,/,e-Branding B2B/B2E Web(EIP)personalization(e-CRM/DM),E-Biz,1,2,3,Branding&Identity(Web CI)Business/(Site Concept)System&Solutions,04,0506,0607,07,(),3,-,(Workaholic),Manager(),Supervisor(),QA,In/Outbound 5(4),In/Outbound 4(2)/,QA 2(2),Staff,T/F,Customer satisfaction,Diagram,A
16、Group,B Group,C Group,Add your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here,Add your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here,Add your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in h
17、ere,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,D Group,Add your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here,OA的发展历史,第三代,第一代,个体工作自动化,工作流程自动化,以知识管理为核心的自动化,3,Product 1 ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents m
18、all developed by Guild Design Inc.,Product 3Description of the product,Product 2 ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Product 3 ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Product 1Description of the product,P
19、roduct 2Description of the product,Product 4Description of the product,Product 4 ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Diagram,New business opportunity,Human resource management,Intangible building(knowledge,network,brand),Operational&financial efficie
20、ncy enhancement,To improve quality of life,Corporate value maximization through selection and concentration,Sound cashflow,operation management business network,good reputation&culture,*FootnoteSource:Source,第一PPT模板网,一、投标单位基本情况,浪潮通信介绍,浪潮通信信息 系统有限公司综合资管综合分析综合监控综合网优,云计算战略通信行业云云软件提供商,浪潮集团通信事业部OSSBSSMSS
21、,九七项目,1997年,2000年,2007年,2011年,2012年,“创新、成长、专业化领先!”,浪潮新一代 OSS系统发布全面提升运营商系统价值,面向端到端 面向全业务 面向客户感知数据服务综合代维掌上运维集中故障 管理,浪潮通信信息系统有限公司是中国移动、中国联通、中国电信等电信运营商的核心软件、服务供应商,专注于通信运维支撑系统的开发,可在数据服务、系统集成、运营支撑,网络管理、规划设计等领域为客户提供全方位技术支撑。,Diagram,2000,2000.10 Add Your Text2000.10 Add Your Text2000.10 Add Your Text,2001,2
22、000.10 Add Your Text2000.10 Add Your Text2000.10 Add Your Text,2002,2000.10 Add Your Text2000.10 Add Your Text2000.10 Add Your Text,2003,2000.10 Add Your Text2000.10 Add Your Text2000.10 Add Your Text,04,0506,0607,07,(),21,1,2,3,4,5,3,-,(Workaholic),2000 G5,3,21-2000 2000,2000-,E-,(),三、技术方案的关键点、难点和创
23、新点(3/3),创新点,呼叫策略同步更新,告警,呼叫判重功能,针对,智能语音告警管理,根据,系统自我监测能力,智能,Channel Enhancement,Value Chain Integration,Convergence,Industry Transformation,Win-Win,(:),:PwC,eBusiness,Publish,Interact,Transact,Integrate,Customer Information AccessHSE Communication,Customer and Technical SupportSupplier Relationship Ma
24、nagement,Electronic Order to CashElectronic ProcurementSupplier Bidding&Selection,Integrated Planning and ForecastingIntegrated Plant Management,:,e-Business _Fulfill Demand,在船未到达城市前,即展开充分的舆论攻势,形成民众期盼的氛围。,首开先河、气势磅礴、政企合作、群众参与、舟山特色等。,烘托和渲染氛围,增加参与性和娱乐性。,制造诉求,先期宣传,持续报道,宣传策略,业务背景,1,2,自然灾害,节假日,突发事件,3,重大活动
25、,4,Diagram,Title,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Contents,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Diagram,Add Your Title,Add Your Title,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall de
26、veloped by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Diagram,Level 1,Level 2,Level 3,Level 4,Level 5,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Step 1,Step 2,Step 3,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Diagram,Contents,YourSloganhere,故障,掌握,如,数据利用,运维。,运,数据利用,建设,建立,演示-场景生命周期,功能概要,场景化能力建设,监控对象1、,监控信息1、,监控模式,