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1、Uncountable Nouns(不可数名 词),不可数名词通常是:物质名词和抽象名词,一般 无法用数目计算,是可数名词,1)不可数名词没有复数形式,只有单数形式。不可数名词前不能直接加数词或a(an)。如:some water;a lot of bread,New lesson,不可数名词特点:,切忌犯以下错误:a meat,two tea,应说a piece of meat,two cups of tea。,2)不可数名词充当主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。如:,There is some milk in the glass.杯里有一些牛奶。Some food on the table

2、goes bad.桌子上的食物变质了。,He ate three pieces of bread.他吃了三块面包。,Would you like a cup of coffee?你想喝杯咖啡吗?,翻译下列短语:a piece of news two pieces of meat ten bags of rice three baskets of eggs two bowls of water eight sets of furniture four glasses of orange juice five pieces of paper,New lesson,3.表示具体的数量时应用单位词加o

3、f结构。数量的变化在量词的名词上。如:,I bought two kilos of meat.我买了两公斤肉。,一则新闻,两片肉,十袋大米,三篮鸡蛋,两碗水,八套家具,四杯橙汁,五张纸,New lesson,4.能修饰不可数名词的词有:much,a little,little,a bit,some,any,a lot of,plenty of等,以此来表示不确定的数量。如:,much bread 许多面包 a little milk 一点牛奶 a lot of work 许多工作),5.英语中的专有名词、物质名词和抽象名词一般为不可数名词,但有时它们却可用作复数形式。此时它们往往又有了新的含义

4、。,专有名词的复数形式的含义 1)表示一家人或夫妻。例如:Are the Smiths coming to our party tomorrow night?史密斯一家明晚会来参加我们的聚会吗?,New lesson,2)表示同名或同姓的若干人。例如:There are two Marys and three Roberts in his class 他班上有两个玛丽和三个罗伯特。Did the Mr.Blakes come this morning?那几位布莱克先生今天上午来了吗?,7、物质名词的复数形式的含义 1)表示不同的种类,(资料中的)如food,wine,metal,wheat,r

5、ice等。例如:The wines of France are among the best in the world 法国的葡萄酒是世界上最好的,New lesson,2)表示量很大,远远超过该词原来表示的程度或次数。(资料中的)这一类词有:sand(沙子)-sands(沙滩,沙漠),water(水)-waters(水域),rain(雨水)-rains(大阵雨、雨季),wind(风)-winds(大风),time(时间)-times(时代),wood(木头)-woods(森林),stone(石头)-stones石块,paper(纸张)-papers(论文),The rising waters

6、 did a lot of harm to the crops 上涨的河水给庄稼造成了很大的损害。These caves collapse easily in heavy rains 下大雨时这些洞穴容易倒塌。,New lesson,8、抽象名词的复效形式的含义1)congratulations,regards,respects,thanks,wishes,apologies等复数形式用来表示祝愿、礼貌和客气。例如:,Its your birthday todayCongratulations!今天是你的生日,恭喜你!Youve given me so much helpThanks a lo

7、t你给了我很多帮助,非常感谢。,2)有些抽象名词物质名词具体化:可以用单数或复数形式表示具体的事物或人,如cares(烦人的事),worries(使人发愁的事),difficulties(难题),joys(使人高兴的事),a pleasure 一件快乐的事 a success一个成功者,failures(失败的事,失败的人),,New lesson,名词作定语一般用单数,但也有以下例外。1)用复数作定语。如:sports meeting 运动会 students reading-room 学生阅览室 2)man,woman,gentleman 等作定语时,其单复数由其所修饰的名词的单复数而定。

8、如:men workers,women teachers,gentlemen officials。3)数词+名词(有连字符连接)作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式。如:a ten-mile walk 一段十英里的路程 ten two-hundred-year trees 十棵两百年的树 three five-year plans一个五年计划,名词的特殊用法:,New lesson,4、对可数名词的数量提问要用 how many;对不可数名词的数量提问要用how much;但对不可数名词前表示数量名词中的修饰语提问时要用how many。如:I can see two pictures on t

9、he wall.How many pictures can you see on the wall?There is a lot of pork in the basket.How much pork is there in the basket?I want three glasses of water.How many glasses of water do you want?5、一些不可数名词用在短语中可以带上a/an或用复数:have a good time,have a try,catch a cold,come to an end,do sb a favour,give a fin

10、e welcome go for a walk,have a bath,have a break,have a breath,名词的特殊用法:,New lesson,1.This is my book.2.That is her sister.3.These are our books.,Study the following sentences:,把句子中所有物主代词my,her,our去掉,换成Jack句子就变成:,1.This is Jacks book.2.That is Jacks sister.3.These are Jacks books.,Jacks 就叫做名词所有格,它的用法

11、如下:,1不是以s 结尾的名词之后加“s”,如:Toms bike 汤姆的自行车a womens hospital 妇女医院a childrens palace 少年宫oxens temper 牛脾气 Teachers Day,名词所有格有两种形式:名词s of名词形式,名词s形式常用于有生命的东西 of名词形式常用于没有生命的东西,New lesson,所有格名词后的营业场所如商店,旅馆,事务所,戏院,学校,医院,教堂等的名词常被省略,这种独立所有格常在介词at或to之后。(若在场所,建筑之前加上“the”,其后的“s”多半可以省略),如:1.I have to go to the dent

12、ists.我得去看牙医。可以写成:I have to go to the dentist.2.I met an old friend at the barbers.我在理发店遇见一位老朋友。可以写成:I met an old friend at the barber.3.My mother was at the hairdressers.我妈妈在美容院做头发。可以写成:My mother was at the hairdresser.,New lesson,谈到主人和客人的关系时,代表主人的所有格名词后的house通常省略,如:I had a lovely evening at Peter a

13、nd Helens(house).我在彼得和海伦家过了一个愉快的夜晚。注意,以下的house不能省略,因为句子中没有表示主人和客人的关系:My uncles house is at the foot of the hill.我叔叔的家在山脚下。,of名词形式常用于没有生命的东西:他的结构是:名词 of中心名词,the roof of the house 房子的顶部the wall of the room 房间的墙 the legs of the chair椅子的脚the cover of the book书的封面,New lesson,1双重所有格表示部分关系a friend of Jenny

14、s珍妮的一位朋友a favorite of my fathers我父亲最爱之一,双重所有格:of+名词s,2双重所有格避免和限定词冲突下列单词是限定词,其前后都不可有名词的所有格,所以必须采用双重所有格。a,an,the,this,that,these,those,each,every,any,some,either,neither,no,another,several,enough,much,many,more,most,such,如:that friend of my fathers 我父亲的那位朋友 my fathers that friendany friends of my sons 我儿子的任何朋友 this watch of my uncles 我叔叔的这块手表my uncles this watch,


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