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1、Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator applic

2、ation began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this

3、 robot to get peoples attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (programmable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set

4、 for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation control win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standa

5、rds. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of ind

6、ustrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of autom

7、ation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designers on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didnt opp

8、ortunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm r

9、esearch began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic ar

10、m spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like wel

11、ding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of sense, when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand 强夯法处

12、理湿陷性黄土地基施工工法Dynamic Consolidation Method for Intensify of Self Weight Collapsing Loess 目 次1 前言12 工法特点23 适用范围24 工艺原理25 工艺流程及操作要点36 材料与设备57 质量控制68 安全措施69 环保措施710 效益分析711 工程实例8fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified furt

13、her heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen

14、 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the cond

15、enser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 2030min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to

16、 drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard r

17、eference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve .manipulator control mode and programmable co

18、ntrollers introduction 2.1 Select discussion with manipulator control 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial equipment, but also more common. Mainly these two relatively cheap and you can meet the old-fashioned, simple (or simple) industrial

19、 equipment. So he can see them now, however these two control modes (relay and discrete electronic circuits) are these fatal flaws: (1) cannot adapt to the complex logic control, (2) only for the current project, the lack of compatibility and (3) not reforming the system with equipment improvements.

20、 Spring for the development of Chinas modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation, completed the perfect relay of the computer too much. In terms of controlling the computer showed his two great advantages: (1) each of the hardware can be in

21、stalled on one or more microprocessors; (2) the official designer of the software writing content control is all about. Now in several ways in the context of industrial automation can often be seen in three ways: (1) Programmable Logical Controller (referred to as IPC); (2) Distributed Control Syste

22、m (DCS for short), and (3) the Programmable Logical Controller (PLC for short). 2.1.2 PLC and the IPC and DCS contrast contrast 1, each of the three technologies of origins and development requirements for fast data processing makes it invented the computer. The men brought in terms of hardware ther

23、e, using a high level of standardization, can use more compatibility tools, is a rich software resources, especially the need for immediacy in operational systems. So the computer can effectively control is used to control and meet its speed, on the virtual model, real-time and in computational requ

24、irements. Distributed system started with a control system for industrial automatic instrument used to control, whereas now it is successfully developed into industrial control computer used as a central collection and distribution system and transition of distributed control system in analogue hand

25、ling, loop control, has begun to reflect the use of a huge advantage. Though distributed system has great advantages in loop regulation, but only as a means of continuous process control. Optimization of PLC is the corresponding relay needs was born, its main use in the work order control, early pri

26、mary is replaced relay this hulking system, focused on the switch controlling the running order of functions. Marked by the microprocessor in the early 1970 of the 20th century emerged, micro-electronics technology has developed rapidly, people soon microelectronics processing technology will be use

27、d in the Programmable Logical Controller (that is 1 前言1.0.1黄土【loess】指的是在干燥气候条件下形成的多孔性、具有柱状节理的黄色粉性土,湿陷性黄土受水浸湿后会产生较大的沉陷。1.0.2 黄土成因与分布 第四纪形成的陆相黄色粉砂质土状堆积物黄土的粒径范围:0.005mm0.05mm,其粒度、成分百分比在不同地区和不同时代有所不同。它广泛分布于北半球中纬度干旱和半干旱地区。黄土的矿物成分有碎屑矿物、粘土矿物及自生矿物3类。碎屑矿物主要包括石英、长石和云母,占碎屑矿物的80,其次有辉石、角闪石、绿帘石、绿泥石、磁铁矿等;此外,黄土中碳酸盐

28、矿物含量较多,主要是方解石。粘土矿物主要是伊利石、蒙脱石、高岭石、针铁矿、含水赤铁矿等。黄土的化学成分以SiO2占优势,其次为Al2O3 、CaO,再次为Fe2O3、MgO、K2O 、Na2O、FeO、iO2和MnO等。黄土的物理性质表现为疏松、多孔隙,垂直节理发育,极易渗水,且有许多可溶性物质,很容易被流水侵蚀形成沟谷,也易造成沉陷和崩塌。黄土颗粒之间结合不紧,孔隙度一般在4050。黄土是指原生黄土,即主要由风力作用形成的均一土体;黄土状沉积是指经过流水改造的次生黄土。中国北方新生代晚期土状堆积物中常见有古土壤分布,尤以黄土高原地区黄土中最为普遍。在黄土古土壤层下部的白色钙质沉积层常以结核形

29、式表现出来。钙结核的形状有长柱状、不规则树枝状及圆球状等,一般长1525cm,宽510cm。黄土在北半球各大陆均有分布,以中国北方的黄土最为典型,在黄河中游构成了著名的黄土高原。中国黄土的分布区介于北纬3445之间,呈东西向带状分布,位于北半球中纬度沙漠-黄土带东南部。黄土分布还与东西向山脉的走向大体一致,昆仑山、秦岭、泰山一线以北黄土分布广泛。中国黄土的总面积为 380840km2,黄土状沉积的总面积为254440km2。其中黄河流域黄土面积为317600km2。黄土的厚度各地不一,陕西泾河与洛河流域的中下游地区,最大厚度可达180200m。中国黄土物质主要来自里海以东北纬3545的内陆沙漠

30、盆地地区。沙漠盆地中的上升气流将粉尘颗粒输送至高空,进入西风环流系统,随着西风带的高空气流自西向东 、东南飘移,至东经100以东的地区发生大规模沉降。堆积起来的粉尘颗粒,由于生物化学风化作用,发生次生碳酸盐化形成黄土。 1.0.3 在上覆土层自重应力作用下,或者在自重应力和附加应力共同作用下,因浸水后土的结构破坏而发生显著附加变形的土称为湿陷性土,属于特殊土。有些杂填土也具有湿陷性。广泛分布于我国东北、西北、华中和华东部分地区的黄土多具湿陷性。湿陷性黄土又分为自重湿陷性和非自重湿陷性黄土。 1.0.4 黄土的分类见下表:表1.0.4-1 黄土的工程分类黄土地层名称特征湿陷性生成年代新黄土新近堆

31、积黄土人类文化期内沉积物,多为坡积、洪积层,不均匀,常含有砂砾、石块及杂物,高压缩性。一般有Q4近期一般新黄土大孔隙发育,壁立性好,部分含有砂姜石。 有Q4早期及Q3老黄土经成岩作用,较密实,壁立性强,有一定大孔隙,常夹有砂姜石层和古土层一般无Q2及Q11.0.5 在湿陷性黄土地基上进行工程建设时,必须考虑因地基湿陷引起附加沉降对工程可能造成的危害,选择适宜的地基处理方法,避免或消除地基的湿陷或因少量湿陷所造成的危害。经综合比较强夯法、CFG桩法、粉喷桩法、堆载预压法及换填法等,最终选定经济、环保、节省工期的施工方法强夯法。2 工法特点2.0.1 本工法是以动力固结理论为基础,采用起重机械,反

32、复“吊起-下落”夯锤,使地基土“液化-触变”,从而达到密实、消除黄土湿陷性的地基处理方法之一。2.0.2 本工法采用中型机械,耗费材料极少。2.0.3 本工法操作简单,使用人力很少,而质量容易保证。2.0.4 本工法产生的振动及噪音大,这是其缺点。2.0.5 本工法不适宜50m内有建筑物,或周围有潜在滑坡体的情况等。3 适用范围强夯法适用于处理一般粘性土、饱和砂土、碎石土、粉土、人工填土、湿陷性黄土、淤泥质土等地基,从而提高地基强度,降低压缩性,提高土层均匀性,减小地基不均匀沉降。本工法适用于处理湿陷性黄土地基。4 工艺原理4.0.1 土力学有效应力原理 饱和土体内任意平面上受到的总应力可分为

33、有效应力和空隙水压力两部分,即总应力有效应力+空隙水压力并且,土的变形(压缩)或强度的变化都只取决于有效应力的变化。4.0.2 动力固结理论 土木工程地基土常常为第四纪土,其中含有有机物,以微气泡形式存在(含气量约占1%-4%),在强夯该土过程中,气相体积被压缩,加上孔隙水被挤出,两者体积均减小。在重复夯击作用下,气体被压缩接近于零时,土体变得不可压缩,相应地孔隙水压力上升到与覆盖压力相等的能量级时,土即产生液化吸附水变成了自由水,土的强度达到了最小值。与此同时,夯点四周形成规则的垂直裂缝,出现涌水现象。停止夯击后,当孔隙水压力消散到小于土粒间的侧向压力时,裂隙即自行闭合,土中水的运动又恢复常

34、态。随着孔隙水压力的消散,土的抗剪强度和变形模量有了大幅度增长,这是由于土粒间紧密接触,以及新吸附水层逐渐固定所致,这乃是土的触变性。4.0.3 梅纳公式 Z = a (mh)0.5 = a(E/g)0.5其中 Z强夯有效处理深度(m); a修正系数,a = 0.300.60; m夯锤质量(kg); g重力加速度(m/s2); h夯锤落距(m); E夯击能(KN.m)。4.0.4 强夯工艺参数夯锤和落距现有机具的夯锤重量为10t,主夯和副夯的夯锤落距取10m,即单击夯击能为1000kN.m。满夯的夯锤落距取7m,即单击夯击能为700 KN. m。夯击点布置及间距 强夯处理范围覆盖该路段整个路基

35、处理区域,采用的夯锤锤头直径为4m,静压约8.0Kpa,主、副夯击点布置采用等腰三角形布点。各夯区外侧边缘以夯锤外侧边缘和夯区外缘平齐为准,夯区外侧夯点间距可作小范围调整。 夯击击数与遍数单点夯击次数应按现场试夯得到的夯击次数和夯沉量关系曲线确定,且应同时满足以下条件: 最后两击的平均夯沉量不大于50; 夯坑周围地面不应发生过大的隆起; 不因夯坑过深而发生起锤困难。符合以上要求时的夯击次数即为该点的最佳夯击次数,以后各点击数也可按此确定。夯击遍数主要是根据地基土的性质和平均夯击能确定,夯击遍数为一次主夯、一次副夯和一次满夯。第一遍为主夯,夯击点间距取5米,按正方形布置;第二遍为副夯,夯击点位于

36、第一遍主夯的四个夯击点中间,使两个主夯点和一个副夯点构成等腰三角形;第三遍为满夯,单击夯击能为700 KN.m。 夯击能根据施工设备、地基土类别、结构类型、荷载大小和要求处理深度确定强夯的主夯、副夯单击夯击能取1000kN. m2,满夯单击夯击能取700kN.m。4.0.5 对于填方路基地基,强夯处理宽度为路基两侧排水沟外缘以外5m之间的范围。4.0.6 对于挖方路基地基,强夯处理宽度为路基两侧边沟外缘之间的范围(设置碎石落台的路段包括碎石落台宽度)。4.0.7 地基处理宽度范围内(除深沟壑路段),清除大地表面植被或土壤层后直接进行强夯处理。4.0.8 布设挡土墙的路段,挡土墙位置处必须保证墙

37、底地面高程等于墙底的设计高程。因强夯引起地面高程小于墙底设计高程的路段,应回填夯实至墙底设计高程。4.0.9 涵洞位置处的地基必须先强夯处理后,再进行涵洞施工。 5 工艺流程及操作要点5.1 工艺流程5.0.1强夯法施工工艺流程见图5.1.1,其中第一遍点夯为主夯,第二遍点夯为副夯。5.0.1-1强夯法施工工艺流程 5.2强夯施工步骤及注意要点 5.2.1 清理并平整场地,测量强夯前场地高程。按照设计要求清理表层的草皮和腐殖土层(一般路段清表厚度不得小于15cm,腐殖土层较厚及附着有非适用材料的路段应将其清除彻底),并挖除局部的淤泥、翻浆土层,积水路段应排除积水并将土翻松晾干。预先估计强夯后可

38、能产生的平均地面变形,并以此确定夯前地面高程,然后用推土机平整。强夯施工前应认真查明强夯场地范围内的地下建筑物和各种地下管线的位置及标高等,并采取措施,以免因强夯施工而造成破坏。同时对路基范围内的坑洞、水井及平整土地中填埋的浅沟壑进行调查,采取切实可行的措施消除可能产生的路基质量隐患。5.2.2 试夯 选择有代表性的路基回填位置一到两处,长度可定为20m作为试验段。每一夯点可先连续夯击5次,然后按验收规范检测压实度,并测量高程。如能满足设计要求,可据此进行正常施工;如不能满足设计要求,应继续增加夯击次数,直至满足设计要求密实度为止,并记录其夯击次数。5.2.3 铺垫层或降低地下水位 对地下水位

39、较高的饱和湿陷性黄土,需在表层铺0.5m左右厚的松散性材料或人工降低地下水位。目的是在地表形成硬层,用以支撑起重设备,确保机械通行和施工,也可加大地下水和地表面的距离,防止夯击时夯坑积水,土体发生流动或夯击效率降低。铺设的垫层材料中不能含有黏性土。5.2.4 强夯施工步骤:在整平的场地上标出第一遍夯击点的位置,并测量场地高程;起重机就位,使夯锤对准夯击点的位置;测量夯前锤顶高程;将夯锤起吊到预定高度,待夯锤脱钩自由下落后,放下吊钩,测量锤顶高程,若发现因坑底倾斜而造成夯锤倾斜时,应及时整平坑底;重复上述步骤,按设计规定的夯击次数及控制标准,完成一个夯点的夯击;换夯点,重复上述步骤至,直到完成第

40、一遍全部夯点的夯击;用推土机将夯坑填平,并测量场地高程;按上述步骤逐次完成全部夯击遍数。最后按上述步骤用低能量满夯,将场地表层夯实,满夯锤印搭接不小于1/4夯锤的直径,将场地表层松土夯实,并测量夯后场地高程。5.2.5 强夯加固土层的顺序应该是:先加固深层土,再加固中层土,最后加固表层土。5.2.6 除了测量夯击后地基土的密实度以外,还应注意,夯击次数的控制是以最后两击的夯沉降量之差不大于5cm为准的;夯坑周围地面不应发生较大隆起,一般控制为小于等于10cm。5.2.7 深沟壑路段地基的特殊处理 若深沟壑路段的路基填料采用就地取土时,即路基填料同样为湿陷性黄土时,原地面清表完成后,直接进行强夯

41、处理,然后按照设计和施工规范的要求进行正常的路基填筑,每填高2m,进行1次强夯处理,同样要求最后两次夯沉量之差不大于5cm,直至此路段回填至设计要求的路床高度(设计要求:路床顶层掺加8%的熟石灰进行稳定),再进行最后一次强夯处理。5.2.8 土的天然含水量在低于塑限含水量的1%3%或液限含水量的0.6倍,且接近最佳含水量时,强夯效果最好。天然含水量接近最佳含水量且不大于塑限含水量,含水量分布均匀时,最后2击夯沉量之和、之差越小,消除湿陷深度越深。在拟夯实的土层中,当土的含水量低于10%时,应对其增湿至接近最佳含水量;当土的天然含水量大于塑限含水量3%以上时,应晾干降低其含水量。5.2.9 在地

42、表水和地下水的影响下,土体天然含水量无规律。地基的土质和含水量直接影响到强夯效果,当天然含水量大于塑限含水量时,同一夯击能的影响深度大大减少,还会出现土体反弹现象。当湿陷性黄土处于或略低于最佳含水量时,孔隙内一般不会出现自由水。每夯完1遍不必等孔隙水压力消散,可采取连续夯击,减少吊车移位,提高强夯施工效率,降低工程造价。5.2.10 最后2击夯沉量之差的限值控制是强夯质量控制的关键,夯沉量之差要求不大于5cm。在夯沉量满足设计要求的情况下,湿陷性消除深度亦可以满足要求。6 材料与设备6.1 材料6.1.1 本工法除耗用燃油外,基本不用其他材料,这是本工法的优点之一。 6.2 设备6.2.1 本

43、工法涉及的主要机具及检测设备见表6.2.1-1。表6.2.1-1 主要机具与检测设备序号机具或设备名称型号用途1履带式起重机W1-100起吊、移动夯锤2夯锤重10t,有排气孔撞击3推土机山工1600推土、整平、压实4水准仪DS3高程测量5标尺5m辅助高程测量6钢卷尺50m长整体测量7钢卷尺5m配套测量6.2.2 一般采用起重能力15t以上的履带式起重机,具有行走方便、稳定性好等优点。起重机要有一定的起重高度,大多在1014m。6.2.3 夯锤采用钢材与混凝土制作,夯锤底面为圆形。锤底面积宜根据土质确定,锤径一般2m左右,底面积34m2;锤重可视需要而定,多在1020t之间,锤底静压力值2540

44、kPa。一般采用脱钩夯锤。 图6.2.1-1 履带式起重机及夯锤7 质量控制7.1 质量标准7.1.1 公路路基施工技术规范(JTG F10-2006)7.1.2 建筑地基处理技术规范(JGJ79-2002)7.1.3公路工程质量检验评定标准(JTG F80/1-2004)7.2 质量控制措施7.2.1 强夯施工宜在干旱季节进行。在雨期施工时应采取措施,防止场地积水,否则,将导致土质变软、出现土体挤出现象,降低强夯效果。7.2.2 强夯施工前应对夯点放线进行严格的复核,其偏差应小于5cm。夯完后检查夯坑位置,发现偏差或漏夯时应及时纠正。7.2.3 应严格按照施工设计图的次序进行强夯,不得漏夯;

45、吊机就位应按次序,并有利于多台吊机同时施工。7.2.4 开夯前应检查夯锤重和落距,以确保单击夯击能量符合设计要求。若夯锤使用过久往往因底面磨损而使重量减轻。落距未达设计要求的情况,在施工中也常发生。这些都将影响单击夯击能的大小。7.2.5 施工过程中应按设计要求检查每个夯点的夯击次数和末夯的夯沉量。并详细记录强夯的各项参数(如夯击能、夯击次数、每次夯击的沉降量等)和施工等情况,以备施工结束后进行检测。7.2.6 强夯施工结束24周后应对地基加固质量进行检验。检测点位置可分别布置在夯坑内、夯坑外和夯击区边缘。每1000m2范围内抽检不宜少于3处,检验深度应不小于设计处理的深度。7.2.7 强夯处

46、理后的地基竣工验收时,承载力检验应采用原位测试或室内土工试验。8 安全措施8.0.1 强夯施工应有固定的作业班组,施工现场应由专人统一指挥,并建立健全安全生产责任制度和安全保证体系,对全体施工人员进行安全教育,组织学习安全技术规范及施工设备的安全操作规程。8.0.2 定期和不定期地组织安全检查,发现隐患应及时整改。8.0.3 进入现场必须戴安全帽,特殊工种应持证上岗。8.0.4 施工前应在强夯区采取隔离措施,严禁非操作人员进入施工现场。吊机起重臂活动范围内严禁站人。8.0.5 夯机驾驶室前应安装安全防护网,测量仪器应架设在距夯机30m以外的地方,夯锤下落位置与施工人员的安全距离为20m。8.0

47、.6 确保夯实设备使用中的安全可靠,防止起重机吊臂在强夯时突然释重而产生后倾。当起吊过重时,应在起重机上附加门架或支撑架,以免前倾。8.0.7 强夯机械笨重,自行能力较差,需用大量拖车方能转场,因此应尽量减少强夯施工中的转场频率,提高强夯机械的利用率。拖车拖动强夯机械行走时应铺放4m2m0.02m 钢板。8.0.8 强夯一段时间后(一般在1000次左右),起重机应进行保养。检查机械设备、动力线路,钢丝绳磨损等情况,重点检查调整回转台平衡钩轮与导轨的间距,避免加大对平衡钩轮的冲击。8.0.9 施工应按计划有序进行,保持现场安全及文明施工。8.0.10强夯前,应对起重机、滑轮组及脱钩器等进行全面检查,并进行试吊及试夯,待一切正常后,方可强夯。8.0.11 在距离周围建筑物50m范围内之地基土不宜采用强夯。若必须采用强夯时,则应采取相应的预防措施。因强夯施工是利用夯锤的巨大冲击能和冲击波反复夯击地基土表面,由此产生的噪音和振动对周围的建筑物(或滑坡体)和居民将造成一定的不利影响,这些扰民问题必须在施工中考虑到。当遇距离小于40m的建筑物时,要挖减振沟(宽1m、深度超过被影响建筑物基础深度),并设置监测点,以避免冲击波对该建


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