1、Appreciation of Translation From E to C,林语堂论翻译(1933),林语堂论翻译:忠顺美 翻译是一种艺术。凡艺术的成功,必赖个人相当之艺才,及其对于该艺术有相当之训练。翻译的艺术所依赖的是:第一是译者对于原文文字上及内容上透彻的了;第二是译者有相当的国文程度,能写清顺畅达的中文;第三是译事上的训练,译者对于翻译标准及技术的问题有正当的见解。翻译标准包括三方面。第一是忠实标准;第二是通顺标准;第三是美的标准。忠实就是“信”,通顺就是“达”,至于翻译与艺术文(诗文戏剧)的关系,当然不是“雅”所能包括的。,这三个标准就是:第一,译者对于原文方面的问题,也就是译者
3、义详细、准确的体会出来,吸收心中,然后依此全句意义按中文语法译出。第二、行文时须完全根据中国心理。一语有一语之语性,语法句法如何,皆须跟从一定之习惯,平常所谓”通“与”不通“,即其句法是否跟从其习惯。凡与此习惯相反者,即所谓“不通”。三、翻译与艺术文以上所论翻译之忠实与通顺问题,系单就文字上立论,求译文必信必达的道理。但是还有翻译艺术上之问题,也不能不简略考究一下。翻译于用之外,还有美一方面须兼顾的,理想的翻译家应当将其工作做一种艺术。以爱艺术之心 爱它,以对艺术谨慎不苟之心对它,使翻译成为美术之一种(translation as a fine art),,且所译原文,每每属于西洋艺术作品,如
4、诗文小说之类,译者不译此等书则已,若译此等书则于达用之外,不可不注意于文字之美的问题。译艺术文最重要的,就是应以原文之风格与其内容并重。不但须注意其说的什么,并且须注意怎么说法。凡译艺术文的人,必先把其所译作者之风度神韵预先认出,于译时复极力发挥,才是尽译艺术文之义务我们可以说翻译艺术文的人,须把翻译自身事业也当做一种艺术。这就是Groce所谓翻译即创作,not reproduction,but production之义。,林语堂的翻译论发表于1933年,距今已七十余年,主要针对汉译英讨论翻译。林语堂是作家学者和典籍译家,曾英译或编译了论语、老子、庄子等典籍。他在对翻译的性质、过程、标准与译者
5、的责任等方面观点对典籍英译同样很有参考意义。以罗新璋(1984:856)来说:林语堂将严复的“译事三难”的理论继承下来,加以发展,不仅奠下了我国翻译理论的基础,还启发了后来的翻译工作者。50年代和60年代的翻译理论基本上没有超出严复和林语堂这两位大家所讨论过的范畴,所异者只是表达方式而已。,Chuangtse,Mystic and Humorist:Lin Yutangs IntroductionJesus was followed by St.Paul,Socrates by Plato,Confucius by Mencius,and Laotse by Chuangtse.In all
6、four cases,the first was the real teacher and either wrote no books or wrote very little,and the second began to develop the doctrines and wrote long and profound discourses.Chuangtse,who died about 275 B.C.,was separated from Laotses death by not quite two hundred years,and was strictly a contempor
7、ary of Mencius.Yet the most curious thing is that although both these writers mentioned the other philosophers of the time,neither was mentioned by the other in his works.,On the whole,Chuangtse must be considered the greatest prose writer of the Chou Dynasty,as Chu:Yu:an must be considered the grea
8、test poet.His claim to this position rests both upon the brilliance of his style and the depth of his thought.That explains the fact that although he was probably the greatest slanderer of Confucius,and with Motse,the greatest antagonist of Confucian ideas,no Confucian scholar has not openly or secr
9、etly admired him.People who would not openly agree with his ideas would nevertheless read him as literature.,Nor can it be said truly that a pure-blooded Chinese could ever quite disagree with Chuangtses ideas.Taoism is not a school of thought in China,it is a deep,fundamental trait of Chinese think
10、ing,and of the Chinese attitude toward life and toward society.It has depth,while Confucianism has only a practical sense of proportions;it enriches Chinese poetry and imagination in an immeasurable manner,and it gives a philosophic sanction to whatever is in the idle,freedom-loving,poetic,vagabond
11、Chinese soul.It provides the only safe,romantic release from the severe Confucian classic restraint,and humanizes the very humanists themselves;,therefore when a Chinese succeeds,he is always a Confucianist,and when he fails,he is always a Taoist.As more people fail than succeed in this world,and as
12、 all who succeed know that they succeed but in a lame and halting manner when they examine themselves in the dark hours of the night,I believe Taoist ideas are more often at work than Confucianism.Even a Confucianist succeeds only when he knows he never really succeeds,that is,by following Taoist wi
13、sdom.Tseng Kuofan,the great Confucian general who suppressed the Taiping Rebellion,had failed in his early campaign and began to succeed only one morning when he realized with true Taoist humility that he was no good,and gave power to his assistant generals.,Chuangtse is therefore important as the f
14、irst one who fully developed the Taoistic thesis of the rhythm of life,contained in the epigrams of Laotse.Unlike other Chinese philosophers principally occupied with practical questions of government and personal morality,he gives the only metaphysics existing in Chinese literature before the comin
15、g of Buddhism.I am sure his mysticism will charm some readers and repel others.Certain traits in it,like weeding out the idea of the ego and quiet contemplation and seeing the Solitary explain how these native Chinese ideas were back of the development of the Chan(Japanese Zen)Buddhism.,Any branch o
16、f human knowledge,even the study of the rocks of the earth and the cosmic rays of heaven,strikes mysticism when is reaches any depth at all,and it seems Chinese Taoism skipped the scientific study of nature to reach the same intuitive conclusion by insight alone.Therefore it is not surprising that A
17、lbert Einstein and Chuangtse agree,as agree they must,on the relativity of all standards.The only difference is that Einstein takes on the more difficult and,to a Chinese,more stupid work of mathematical proof,while Chuangtse furnishes the philosophic import of this theory of relativity,which must b
18、e sooner or later developed by Western philosophers in the next decades.,A word must be added about Chuangtses attitude toward Confucius.It will be evident to any reader that he was one of the greatest romanticizers of history,and that any of the anecdotes he tells about Confucius,or Laotse or the Y
19、ellow Emperor must be accepted on a par with those anecdotes he tells about the conversation of General Clouds and Great Nebulous,or between the Spirit of the River and the Spirit of the Ocean.It must be also plainly understood that he was a humorist with a wild and rather luxuriant fantasy,with an
20、American love for exaggeration and for the big.One should therefore read him as one would a humorist writer knowing that he is frivolous when he is profound and profound when he is frivolous.,The extant text of Chuangtse consists of thirty-three chapters,all of them a mixture of philosophic disquisi
21、tion and anecdotes or parables.The chapters containing the most virulent attacks on Confucianism(not included here)have been considered forgery,and a few Chinese textual critics have even considered all of them forgery except the first seven chapters.This is easy to understand because it is the mode
22、rn Chinese fashion to talk of forgery.One can rest assured that these textual critics are unscientific because very little of it is philological criticism,but consists of opinions as to style and whether Chuangtse had or had not enough culture to attack Confucius only in a mild and polished manner.,
23、I have based my translation on that of Herbert A.Giles.It soon became apparent in my work that Giles was free in his translation where exactness was easy and possible,and that he had a glib,colloquial style which might be considered a blemish.The result is that hardly a line has been left untouched,
24、and I have had to make my own translation,taking advantage of whatever is good in his English rendering.But still I owe a great debt to my predecessor,and he has notably succeeded in this difficult task in many passages.Where his rendering is good,I have not chosen to be different.In this sense,the
25、translation may be regarded as my own.,It should be noted that throughout the text,Giles translates Heaven as God where it means God.On the other hand,the term Creator is an exact rendering of chao-wu,or he who creates things.I will not go into details of translation of other philosophic terms here.
30、逸事,一定得像接受他讲述的云将与鸿蒙的谈话或河伯与北海若的对话的逸事一 样。显然还须这样理解,庄子是一位幽默大师,带有异想天开且相当丰富的奇思怪想,带着美国式的夸张和矫饰的嗜好。因此,应该把庄子解读为一位幽默作家,明白他深刻时非常浅薄,浅薄时又非常深刻。,我的译文以霍理思的译本为蓝本。我翻译时很快便发现,在容易且 可能译得确切之处,霍理思的译文都是意译。他的风格不假思索,爱用口语体,这可能被认为是一个瑕疵。结果,几乎没有一行不是如此,所以我只得自己动手翻译,他译文中译得好的地方,我就使用。但我还是非常感激这位前辈,在许多文章中,他非常成功地完成了这项艰巨的任务。他译得好的地方,我没做什么改动。
31、在此意义上,这篇翻译可以视为是我本人所作。还应该注意到,整个文本中,在本意为上帝(God)的地方,霍理恩、译成了上天(Heaven)。另一方面,创造者(Creator)一词是 造物即造万物者的确切翻译。这儿我就不再详细说明其他哲学术语的翻译了。,He laughs best who laughs last/best.(Dutch)He laughs best who laughs longest.(Swedish)He laughs ill that laughs himself to death.(German)He that laughs on Friday may cry on Sund
32、ay.(French)He who laughs alone is recalling his little sins.(Spanish)He who laughs last laughs longest.(English)He who laughs much weeps much.(Turkish)He who laughs overmuch may have an aching heart.He who tickles himself,can laugh when he likes.If you laugh today,you will cry tomorrow.(Portuguese),
33、It is better for a man to laugh at life than to lament over it.Laugh with those that laugh.(Roman)No one becomes a laughing stock who eagerly laughs at himself.One half the world laughs at the other half.(French)One never wept but another laughed.(Italian)That day is lost on which one has not laughe
34、d.(French)The laugh is always on the loser.(German)There is nothing more foolish than a foolish laugh.They will be hushed by a good deed who laugh at a wise speech.Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods.(Japanese)Who laughs at others ills,has his own behind the door.,刘重德:信达切,刘重德(19142008)是我
39、之、乐之”的翻译目的。许渊冲(2003:1)历来一贯坚持“文学翻译应该是原作者用译入语的创作文学翻译,尤其是诗词翻译,需要意美、音美、形美,所以是综合性的艺术”之观点。,汪榕培:传神达意,在大量典籍英译实践的基础上,汪榕培提出了“传神达意”的典籍英译(尤其诗歌)的翻译标准。关于诗歌翻译,他(1997:119)指出:要说我自己的翻译标准,我在几年前的一篇文章里写过,只有四个字更确切地说是一条四字成语“传神达意”。关于这四个字还要两条注释。第一,“传神”就是传达原作的神情,包括形式(form)、语气(tone)、意象(image)、修辞(figures of speech)等等;“达意”就是表达原
40、作的意义,尤其是深层意义(deep meaning),尽量照顾表层意义(surface meaning)。第二,这四个字不是并列结构(“传神”和“达意”不是并重的),而是偏正结构(“传神”是“达意”的状语,即“传神地达意”)。,一首好的译诗首先要表达原作的基本意义,传神是在达意的基础上传神,是锦上添花,不达意则无神可传。对于典籍英译的总体标准,汪榕培和王宏(2009:10)还认为:典籍英译标准的制定不仅与原作内容、风格、文本类型和原作者的意图密切相关,还要考虑与文化、社会现实、翻译目的、读者需求等因素。译者的选择应以是否恰当为依据,在尽量贴近原文和满足读者的阅读需求之间寻找平衡。,翻译天生就是辩义和比较。汪先生历来很重视典籍英译与研究的比较、创新和超越。汪榕培(2002:3)指出:如果没有扎实的汉语和外语基本功,创新就没有起点。所谓“两张皮”的问题,归根结底还是个基础问题。也就是说,汉语学者没有眼睛向外,而外语学者没有眼睛向里,致使没有造就一批中西贯通的学者外语工作者接触两种语言、两种文化有比较才能有鉴别,在比较中往往能出真知,这样的真知往往就是一种创新。,Assignment,1.Preview assignment:2.My Appreciation Show:The Translation I Like Best,