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1、专 业 英 语,Subject-based English(SBE),【Curriculum introduction】,本课程是化学、化工、材料、制药等专业的必选课程。1999年颁布的大学英语教学大纲(修订本)明确提出:学生在完成基础阶段的学习,达到英语四级或六级后,都必须修读应用提高阶段的专业英语(SBE)。,目的任务:掌握一定的药学专业词汇和扩大认知量 培养学生运用专业英语的能力 专业信息交流的重要工具,Well begun is half done!好的开始是成功的一半!,Well begun is half done!,Opening,importance,The importanc

2、e of this course!,How?,Why?Useful?,major,graduate,job,The importance of this course,在外企工作医院、药房药剂师:英文药品 说明书药检所、药厂质检:英美药典新药研发:国外专利、专业期刊升职称:毕业论文、发表论文要写英文摘 对外交流、出国,教学大纲(teaching outlines)教学进度计划(teaching plans),1唐冬雁,刘本才主编.应用化学专业英语,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2005。2魏高原编.化学专业基础英语,北京大学出版社,2004。3胡宏纹编.有机化学,高等教育出版社,1990。4马永祥,吴

3、隆民,梁永民等编.化学专业英语,兰州大学出版社,2003,参考书目(reference books),平时30期末70,Exam,授课方式:词汇以教师讲解为主;专业文章阅读以学生翻译为主;补充材料以教师讲解为主;考试要求:笔试(词汇、阅读理解、翻译能力),科技英语的特点,(Scientific English)VS(GeneralEnglish),It appears that youve got the offer of a very good job.A wonderful job.Are you going to take it?I dont think so.Why not?”I do

4、nt want to.,这是小说中的一段对说,属于口语文体。其特点是:用词自由,句法结构简单,短句与省略句多,自然朴素,生活气息浓厚。,听说有个很好的工作要你去干。挺好的工作。打算干吗?不。为什么不干?不想干。摘自刀锋(the Razors Edge),Gone with wind:Home!Ill go home,and Ill think of some way to get him back.After all,tomorrow is another day.Titanic:Jack:Listen,Rose.Youre going to get out of here.Youre goi

5、ng to go on.Youre going to make lots of babies,and youre going to watch them grow.You re going to die and old,an old lady in her warm bed,not here,not this night,not like this.Do you understand me?Forrest Gump:Life is like a box of chocolate,you never know what youre gonna get.,once I let a true lov

6、e slip away before my eyes,only to find myself regretting when it was too late,nothing in the world can be as painful as this.If the God wound give a chance,I wound tell the girl I love the girl;if our love have to be settled a time limit,I wish it wound be ten hounds of years!,In China hes known as

7、the Flying Fish”;in America they call him the Baltimore(巴尔的摩)Bullet.Whatever you call him,American swimmer Michael Phelps looks destined to become a household name across the world after breaking the Olympic record for most gold medals in a single Games.Michael Phelps dominated the field in seven of

8、 his races and set an amazing seven world records in the process.,Michael Phelps,The widespread use of halogenoalkanes leads to pollution problems:Aromatic halogen compounds and alkanes in which three or four halogen atoms are joined to the same carbon atom are not hydrolysedthey are not biodegradab

9、lebut are soluble in body fats.This means that they get concentrated in organisms,which are then eaten by predators.This results in an ever increasing concentration of these compounds in the body tissues of animals further up the food chain.,Pollution problems,Several therapeutically significant nat

10、ural products which were originally obtained from natural sources are today more effectively i.e.more economically prepared by total synthesis.Such examples include L-amino acids,Chloramphenicol,caffeine,Dopamine,Epinephrine,Levodopa,peptide hormones,Prostaglandins,D-Penicillamine,Vincamine,and prac

11、tically all vitamins.They can serve as valuable lead structures,and they are frequently needed as starting materials or as intermediates for important synthetic products.,Chloramphenicol:kl:rmfenikln.氯霉素Epinephrine:epinefrinn.肾上腺素Prostaglandin:prstlndin前列腺素Vincamine:vikmi:nn.长春胺,专业英语的特点,一、文体特点二、词汇特点

12、三、句法特点,科技英语(English for Science and Technology)泛指一切论及或谈及科学或技术的英文书面语和口头语,具体包括:(1)科技著述、科技论文、科技报告、实验报告等;(2)各类科技情报及其它文字资料;(3)科技使用手册(仪器、仪表、机械和工具等的结构描述和 操作规程;(4)科技会议、会谈及交谈用语;(5)科技影片或录象等有声资料的解说词等。,(一)科技英语的文体特点,特点:严谨周密,概念准确,逻辑性强,行文简练,重点突出,句式严整,常用前置性陈述句。清晰、准确、精练、严密。,(二)专业英语的词汇特点,1、医药科技英语词汇主要来自于英语、希腊语、拉 丁语及现代

13、英语等。来自英语:code of conduct;board of directors 直接从希腊语和拉丁语中吸收:thesis(希腊语)formula(拉丁语)利用希腊语和拉丁语的词素(前缀或后缀)构成。,2、科技英语词汇的词义单一,具有准确性和严密性 的特点。,(1)广泛使用表示动作或状态的抽象名词,以及有 名词功用的动名词(2)广泛采用名词连用形式(3)复合词(4)缩略词,3.专业英语词汇具体特点:,the standardization of the productabsorption rate constantlimit date of using a drug after its

14、productiontherapeutic drug monitoringrandom screening in drug discovery(in-plane)bending vibration,(1)广泛使用表示动作或状态的抽象名词,动名词,stretching vibrationrecycling elutionmethod of groupingsampling surveysampling error systematic sampling,(1)广泛使用表示动作或状态的抽象名词,动名词,safety range target cell surface tension surface

15、 activitytitration curve molecular pharmacologymolecular biology side effect drug tolerance tricarboxylic acid cyclereceptor stimulant receptor antagonist,(2)广泛采用名词连用形式,pharmaceutical analysispharmaceutical chemistrydrug excretiondrug absorptiondrug interaction,(2)广泛采用名词连用形式,bond-covalent bond-ionic

16、alkali-poisoning double-blindhabit-forming joint-venture,(3)复合词,mother-to-be ion-selective electrode ion-exchange blood-brain barrierinhale drug-parasite-host relationship drawback,TDM(therapeutic drug monitoring):治疗药物监测GMP(good manufacturing practice):药品生产管理规范GSP(Good Supply Practice):良好药品经营管理规范GCP

17、(Good Clinical Practice):良好药品临床试验规范GLP(Good Laboratory Practice):良好药品实验研究规范OTC(over the counter):非处方药 FDA:Food and drug Administration:食品和药物管理局QSAR(quantitative structure-activity relationship),(4)缩略词,APC(Aspirin compound)DMSO(dimethyl sulfoxide)DMF(dimethyl formamide)AIDS(acquired immune deficiency

18、 syndrome)HPLC(high performance liquid chromatography)DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid),一、大量使用名词化结构(Nominalization)二、广泛使用被动语句 三、非限定动词四、后置定语五、长句六、常用句型,(三)专业英语的句法特点,(1a)If you expose the item for long,it will rapidly deteriorate.(1b)Prolonged exposure will result in rapid deterioration of item.,一、大量使用名词化结构,O

19、riginally meat was cured in brine containing potassium nitrate as one of the ingredients.However,the actual curing agent was found to be the nitrite produced by the bacterial reduction of the nitrate salt.When it was shown that nitrite could be substituted for nitrate in the cure solution with the p

20、roduction of more uniform and completely satisfactory product in a shorter period of time,a legal limit of no more than 200 milligrams of residual nitrite(calculated as NaNO2)per kilogram of meat was established.,一、大量使用名词化结构,The action of nitrite in the cure process is threefold:(1)formation of char

21、acteristic color.(2)production of cured flavor.(3)anti-bacterial activity.,the actual curing agent(the agent has cured)the bacterial reduction of the nitrate salt(the nitrate salt was reduced by bacterial)3.the production of more uniform and completely satisfactory product(a more uniform and complet

22、ely satisfactory product was produced)4.a legal limit of no more than 200 milligrams of residual nitrite(the law limits the residual nitrite to no more than 200 milligrams),一、大量使用名词化结构,The disadvantage of looking to natural sources for lead compound is that it can be a slow process:collecting the na

23、tural material,extracting it,then separating and purifying the active compounds.Furthermore,the active compounds are often highly complex in structure making them difficult to synthesize.,一、大量使用名词化结构,Attention must be paid to the temperature of the reaction.You must pay attention to the temperature

24、of the reaction.,二、广泛使用被动语句,Drugs(for use in rare diseases,or in life-threatening and yet untreatable states,)may be evaluated in patient groups at an earlier stage than those with readily measurable effects on common diseases.,二、广泛使用被动语句,The duration of treatment should be consistent with the likel

25、y duration of use in man and the relative life expectancy of the animal species.,When drugs with specific actions on enzymes of receptors are being studied,relatively simple cell free systems of isolated tissue preparations can be used.The guidelines were drafted on the basis of the World Health Org

26、anization(WHO)GCP guidelines with reference to European Union,Nordic,and Australian guidelines.,二、广泛使用被动语句,Many basic principles of biochemistry and enzymology and the physical and chemical principles(that govern the active and passive transfer and the distribution of substances across biological me

27、mbranes)are readily applied to the understanding of this important aspect of pharmacology.,二、广泛使用被动语句,Later the drug was developed into a solution that can be used to fight germs through the blood stream.Since AIDs was first reported by the Centers for Disease Control of American in June,1981,its di

28、scovery was successively announced by many countries and regions.,二、广泛使用被动语句,Hard physical exercise is usually looked upon as a specific weight reducer.The patient with chronic bronchitis(慢性支气管炎)must be urged to stop smoking.,二、广泛使用被动语句,Antioxidants,found in some vitamins and minerals,can snuff out

29、oxygen free radicals,substances that are thought to make cells more susceptible to cancer.,三、非限定动词,These studies often begin with a dose-ranging study,using 1/50 to 1/100 the effective dose in animals and increasing until the desired effect,or adverse effects,are seen.,To encourage clinical research

30、 in supporting the drug development program and to improve on the quality of clinical trials,the government has established five national GCP clinical research centers which are affiliated with the top medical universities in the country.,三、非限定动词,If the bodys frontline defense is overcome,allowing g

31、erms to establish a beachhead in body tissues,infection sets in.,三、非限定动词,She often worked for twenty-four hours on end,dressing wounds,helping surgeons in their operations,easing the pain of the sick,comforting the dying.,The existence of the blood-brain barrier makes it possible to design drugs tha

32、t will act at various parts of the body,but have no activity in the brain,thus reducing any central nervous system side effects.,三、非限定动词,When poorly characterized subjective actions are sought,particularly involving behavioural effects,it may be necessary to perform tests in conscious intact animals

33、.,No uniform scheme for Phase 4 supervision has yet been established,but few doubt the necessity of collecting this information on low-frequency adverse effects.,四、后置定语,The rationale for the development of new drugs should be to provide better drugs;better in the sense of being either more effective

34、,safer or cheaper.,The air outside pressed the side in.One of the most studied antioxidants in vegetables and fruits thought to protect against cancer is beta-carotene,concentrated in deep green,yellow and orange vegetables such as carrots,sweet potatoes and spinach.,四、后置定语,In this factory the only

35、fuel available is coal.Drug development aims to produce a novel therapeutic agent which is superior in efficacy to existing remedies and which causes less frequent or less severe adverse effects.,四、后置定语,Paradoxically,thalidomide,which was the cause of the tragedy that led to stricter drug regulation

36、 and toxicology tests,is no teratogenic in mice or rats but has a teratogenic effect in humans,causing gross limb deformities.,四、后置定语,Although stereochemistry does play a major role in drugs biologic action,factors such as the lipid:water distribution function,the PK value,or perhaps the rate of hyd

37、rolysis or metabolism may differ between isomeric pairs and account for the observed differences in pharmacologic activity.,五、长句,The formation of a poorly water-soluble complex between the chlorpheniramine(氯苯那敏)and the anionic surfactant slows the release to a minimum at low concentrations of surfac

38、tant;however,at higher concentrations of surfactant the release is faster due to solubilization in the micellar phase of the ion-pair.,五、长句,1)强调句 It is when the body temperature is rising rapidly that affected person may feel chilly.,六、常用句型,It was the first time people recognized that a definite sic

39、kness could result when something was missing from the diet.,2)被动句 The disease is caused by a virus.The blood flow may be increased by more rapid and vigorous heart action.It has been suggested that early treatment of streptococcal infections with penicillin may prevent nephritis.,3)It 作形式主语 It is e

40、stimated that more than 90 antigenically different strains of known types of respiratory virusescause the common cold syndrome.It is usually possible to carry out reactions on the lead compound itself in order to make a series of analogs.,It may be necessary to protect such groups to prevent them reacting as well.It is impossible to produce penicillins with a branched side chain using carboxylic acids of general formula ArCH(X)CO2H.,


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