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1、汤液调脉针法,潘晓川,加拿大,经典中医定义,特指以中国古天文学为背景,以易经为哲学基础,以象数思维为特点,治疗上以调“气”为核心,以脉诊为重要诊断手段,汉唐时代发展到顶峰的独特医疗体系,经典中医是以自然界恒定现象为公理,根据象数规律进行推演运算所形成自洽的系统医学。,针灸的法则Principles of Acupuncture,针刺之类,在于调气 Acupuncture is all about regulating Qi.凡刺之道,气调而止 The way to do acupuncture is to stop needling when Qi is regulated.粗守形,上守神“粗

2、守形”者,守刺法也。“上守神”者,守人之气血有余不足,可补泻也。Low level needling focuses on manipulation while high level needling focuses on Qi and Xue,that is tonification and discharge.,摸脉Taking Pulse,凡将用针,必先诊脉,视气之剧易,乃可以治也。Feeling the pulse.“Before needling,doctors have to feel the pulse first,then do the treatment according

3、to the Qis condition”.,气至Arrival of Qi,刺之要,气至而有效,效之信,若风之吹云。所谓气至而有效者,泻则益虚,虚者脉大如其故而不坚也。坚如其故者,适虽言故,病未去也。补则益实,实者脉大如其故而益坚也。大如其故而不坚者,适虽言快病未去也。故补则实,泻则虚,痛虽不随针,病必衰去。,The importance of needling is to gain Qi feelings to get the result.The result comes as quick as wind blows clouds.Talking about the effectiven

4、ess with Qis arrival means that deficiency follows reducing that the pulse becomes softer with the same size;if it is as hard as it was,even patient feels better,but the illness remains.To make the pulse more powerful by tonification that pulse feels harder with the same size,if it does not turn har

5、der,even though patient feels better,the illness has not finished.It should be more forceful by tonification,weaker by reducing,even though there is still pain,but the illness is going away.,此图乃汤液经法尽要之妙,学者能谙于此,医道毕矣,汤液经法图,辛酸化甘,辛苦除痞苦咸化酸,咸辛除滞辛甘化苦,甘咸除燥咸酸化辛,酸甘除痉苦甘化咸,苦酸除烦,25味药精对应阴经五输穴,木:大敦、足窍阴,火:少府、前谷,火:少府、前谷,


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